Chapt 11: Talking To Myself

Marina Pov.

I'm in the kitchen making myself some cold breakfast. I got a called from Agent 4 that she found where the White Death go with Agent 8. She told me that she's coming here in Pygmy Mission early in the morning. I was waiting for her, while Pearl is still sleeping in her room. While I wait, I was thinking about the White Death. For some reason, I can't keep my mind off of him. Something about him, just... wants me to know him more. Like why is he alone? Why does he have a scar over his eye? But the one thing that doesn't make sense is Eight loves him... Why him? 

My thoughts were gone after the doorbell rang. I went to the front door and open it and sees Agent 4 looking a little embarrassed.

"Hey, Four," I greeted her. 

"Hey..." She responded. I looked at her worried. 

"You ok?" I asked her.

"... yeah... I'm fine..." She said while her face gets redder. I mentally thought that she's sick since it did rain last night.  

"Are you sick?" She then shakes her head no and looks even more embarrassed.

"N-no... just take this!" She gave me the location and left in a hurry. 

"Okay?" I closed the door and walked to the couch and sat down. I open my laptop and put the destination on Squid maps. 



Aria Pov. 

I felt the sunlight shine through my window landing on my eyes, waking me up. I sit up on the bed and rubbed my eyes. I then remember what happened last night, that was the best night I ever had. I look back and see Eight sleeping still but I didn't see (Y/n). I questioned myself, I stand up and put my clothes back on. I walked out of the guest room and smell something delicious. I followed the smell, that leads to the kitchen. I saw many types of breakfast food on the table. To pancakes to cereal to toast. I then saw a note on the table. I picked it up and read it. 

'Dear, Aria and Eight.

I left early because I know the agents are looking for me. I'm going to try to make them look somewhere else than near Aria's home. Also, I made your girls breakfast.

From, your love, (Y/n)' 

I giggled at the letter since this is the first he did something really nice. 


Marina Pov. 

I was walking through inkopolis heading to the location that Agent 4 gave me. It was still early in the morning, and not many inklings and octolings are not out. I was in my disguise, by myself because I don't want to wake Pearl up.  Anyways, the location led me to inkopolis plaza. It was pretty empty ever since the Final Splatt Fest here with the Squid Sisters. 

"Well, well, who's this?" I heard someone said to me. I turned to the person and see a green male inkling with a face of seduction. 

"Um... h-hello..." I greeted him nervously. Usually, Pearl helped me in this situation, but I'm on my own. I then felt his hand touch my cheek and slowly moving this thumb feeling my skin. 

"What a beautiful Octoling doing here?~" He flirted with me. I felt really unconfinable and as I blush in embarrassment. I try to look away, but he forced my face to look at him. 

"Aw... are you embarrass... how cute~" He was getting in my personal bubble right now. I try to push him away from me, but he garbed my arms. I try to struggle out of his grasp but I can't. 

"Let's have some fun cutie~" I felt his hand landed on my hips and started to slide along my curves. I felt week like I couldn't do anything about this. 

"Please stop," I pleaded him. But he just ignores my plead and moved his hand onto my butt. He looked at me with a perverted smirk while I looked in fear with tears forming in my eyes. Before he can go even further he was stopped by white ink hitting him hard making him fall back. I fell on the ground as he was shot. I turned to the person who shot at him and sees him, 'White Death'. 

He started to walk up to me, as I crawled back in fear. I pleaded him to not hurt me but he just kept walking. I felt my back hit a wall, and I knew that this was the end. He was going to kill me. As he made it up to me. I curled up to a ball and closed my eyes. 

"Make it quick," I told him. I waited, but nothing happens. I looked back up at him and see him giving his hand to me. I hesitated for a moment, but I accepted his help and I grabbed his hand. He pulled me up to my feet. 

"Are you ok?" He asked me. I was surprised he was worried about me. After all, we try to kill him. 

"I-I'm f-fine," I stuttered. He just nods and looks back at the man who tried to rape me. I saw a group of inklings ran to him and helped him up. 'White Death' looked back at me. 

"We've gotta go," He said to me. I was about to say something but he picked me up bridal style which made me blush red and made my heart go faster. He ran fast to the direction that I came from. I hold on to him by warping my arms around his neck as he ran. I looked backed and see the same groups of inklings chasing after us. I looked back in front of us and see more inklings blocking the way. 'White death' quickly change directions and ran into an alleyway. We ran into a dead-end, and he started to look around. 

"Get on my back," He ordered me. 

"What?" I questioned surprised. 

"Just get on my back if you don't want to die,"  I just nod and nervously went on his back, warping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I was really embarrassed by this. He then told me to hold on tight and quickly jumped up on one of the fire escapes balcony. I pouted in fear and squeezed my eyes tight as he started to climb his way up on the building. 

"You can open your eyes now," He told me. I slowly open my eyes and see where on top of the building. 

"You can let go now," He said irritated. I quickly get off of him and blushed a little.

"Hehe... sorry... I got nervous," I told him. He didn't respond just walked away from me. He stopped at the edge of the building. 

"Why are you following me?" He questioned me. He looked back at me, which made me looked into his eyes. Although I don't know him that well. I can see the pain he has. I don't know what pain, but its pain. 

"I-I... don't know..." I don't why I went alone to look for him. Not because he kidnap Eight or almost killed us. It's something else. He just looked at me, trying to figure out why did I go alone to find him. He then looks down and turns around to look away from me. 

"You should go back with Pearl," He told me. I thought for a moment. This is my chance to get to know him better. Why he is like this. But how? 

"Um... c-can you bring m-me home?" I smacked my self mentally after saying that. That's the dumbest thing to ask for someone who most likely wants to kill you. 

"Sure," I looked at him surprised. 

"Y-you w-will?!" I asked him. He just nods and walked to me. 

"I know where you live Marina," He said putting one of his hand on my shoulder. I felt my heart rate beat fast. My face felt like it's going to explode. 

"U-uh... thank y-you" I stuttered. He then picks me back up bridal style and walked to the edge of the building once again. I looked down and see where at least 9 floors from the ground. I looked at him worried. 

"Don't worry, we won't die," He said to me. Before I can respond he jumped off with me in his arms. 


Pearl Pov. 

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring* *Beep* 

I turned off my morning alarm and sit upon my bed. I then stretch my arms and back. I looked at the time and sees its 9:30 a.m. I quickly gotta out of bed and change into my clothes. We still of our day off today, and I was wondering what Marina is doing today. I walked out of my room and went to the kitchen to find her. She usually was eating her cold breakfast by now. As I went into the kitchen, I didn't see her at all. I thought for a moment, but shrugged it off and make my hot breakfast. I made four stack pancakes with maple syrup and butter on the top. 

As I was eating, I heard someone knocking at the front door. I finished my food and walked towards the door. 

"Who is it?" I asked through the door. 

"It's me... Marina," Marina? Why did she go out so early today? I unlocked my door and open the front door. 

"Marina, why are you-..." I was in shock as I see Marina being held the bridal style with him, 'White Death'. 

"Um... I-I can e-explain!" 


A/n: Chapter done yay, sorry I took long. 

Anyways I hope you have a great day. 

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