Capt 7: The Search

Eight Pov. 

I woke up from my sleep, I slowly open my eyes as the sunlight hit my eyes. I stretched and sit up on my bed. I looked where (Y/n) sleep but he's was not there but a note. I picked up the note and read it. 

'Dear Eight, 

I'm sorry that I left early. I have too, just for you. I don't want anyone to go against you when they see me with you. But I'll come back later today at night. And I love you. 

From Yours Truly, (Y/n) A.k.a White Death

P.s I put your closed back in your closet' 

I smiled at his letter and get out of my bed, ready for the day. 

Marina Pov. 

 Pearl and I have a weak off of our job. We hanging out with Agent Four because Marie was going to check on Three, about her outburst last night. While Callie was shopping for new clothes from the shopping mall. 

"So then the Octoling threw me onto the ground, and I was like 'oh no, I'm dead'," Four was telling a story to Pearl about her adventure of saving Callie from Octavio. I was on my laptop looking at random videos. I then look up and see Agent Eight walking up to us. 

"Hey, Eight, where were you yesterday?" I asked her. 

"I went home," she told me. She then sat down beside me. 

"Oh, so why didn't you call?" I asked her. 

"You know, agent Three was worried about you?" I added. 

"Sorry, my phone ran out of batteries," she said smiling while scratching her head. 

"It's alright, next time come back to us, ok?" I asked her. She then nods and pulls out her phone. I notice that their's some sort of mark on her neck. I then just notice she has a hickey. Wait, what? She has a hickey! Wait does that mean... no, it cant be. 

"Um Eight where did you get that mark on your neck?" I asked her trying to not make it awkward. 

"Oh, this?" she pointed. 

"I got this from my lover," she said happily. I was in shock. When did she get a boyfriend and then mark her? 

"Oh... um," I stuttered not expecting this. 

"How come you never told me?" I asked. 

"He is a shy guy," She said sadly. 

"Oh, ok," I said. Hopefully, she didn't do the thing that I think they did. Hopefully not. 

Marie Pov. 

I was walking through the halls of Threes apartment. She hasn't answered my calls. I really worried about her. Her outburst from yesterday about Eight. 'She was kissing what we hate' she told me. I still don't get it. As I made it to Threes dorm, I heard crying. She must be having a bad time, I should leave her alone but I want to check on her. I then knock on her door. 

"WHAT!?!" She shouted at me. 

"It's Marie, I just wanted to check on you" 

"LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!!" She then cries even more. I then pulled out an extra key form my pocket and unlock her door. 

"Three, please..." As I open the door, I found her on the couch drunk with many beer bottles on the floor. SHe was crying against the couch. 

"P-please le-leave me" she sobbed in the couch. It wasn't the first time she got this drunk, I hope it's not about her ex-boyfriend. I walked over to Three and sat beside her and put my hand on her shoulder. 

"It's ok, I'm here," I told her to make her calmer. 

"Just let it out" 

Aria Pov. 

I was in Inkopolis Square searching for the White Death. I went to his home but he's not there, I went to every spot that he'll be. But nowhere to be seen. As I was searching for him, I heard many inklings and octolings talking to each other about them not seeing the White Death all day. 

'This is strange, he's always wandering around in Inkopolis Square doing his usual thing.' I asked myself. Then I bump into someone with us both falling to the ground. 

"Owie," I said as I hit the ground. I sit up and look ahead who I bump into. It was a female inkling with strange clothing I have ever seen. 

(Or This)

(Yes, I try to create the character... It's the closest I can get.)

"Owie, motherfucker," she said, sounding piss off. She sat up and look at me. 

"Hey! Watch where you going!" She shouted at me. I stand back up and gave her a hand. 

"Um... sorry, Miss..." 

"Loser, Ms. Loser." She told me as she grabs my hand. I then lift her up back on feat. 

"Miss Loser?" I asked her. She gave me a questionable look. 

"Yea, my name is Miss Loser, you have a problem?" she said. 

"No, no, I don't, it's just that's a weird name, you know?" I told her, trying to not to piss her off. 

"Yea, I know, It's what people called me" 

"Why?" I asked. 

"Because I like to use useless weapons..." she said awkwardly. 

"Oh... ok? Like what?" I asked. 

"Like the Undercover Brella," She said sadly.  

"Oh... yea that a useless weapon" I agreed with her. 

"Yea... anyways what's your name?" she asked me. 

"My name is Aria," I told her. 

"Oh, your that girl that likes to make and fix everyone's gear," 

"Yep, that's me," I said proudly. She giggled a little. 

"Cool, my friends have told me about you, but you usually hanging out in Inkopolis Plaza?" SHe asked. 

"Well, I'm just looking for someone," I told her trying to not to talk about the White Death. 

"Who? Maybe I can help?" She asked. 

"I'm looking for a friend," I told her to try not to ask about the White Death. 

"What's his name?" She then asked. Before I can say anything someone else interrupted me 

"She's looking for White Death" We both turned to the person who said it and sees him. 

White Death Old Friend... that bastard. 

Marie Pov. 

When Three calm down, she sits back up on the couch. I see the tears on her face, looked like she has been crying for hours.  I hope it's nothing bad.

"Are you alright now?" I asked her. She shakes her head no. I sighed. 

"Why did you drink last night, is it your boyfriend?" I asked her. 

"No... I just want to forget what Eight did last night," She told me. Eight did something last night? This is the first, did Eight do something to Three? 

"What did Eight do, to do this?" Her sad expression, turn into a hateful expression when I asked her. 

"Where's Eight?" she asked me but in a mad tone. 

"Um... she at Octo Canyon with the other agents," I told her. She then sits up and ran towards the door. 

"Three wait!" I shouted as I stand up. But she already out of her dorm. 

"She probably going to the Canyon, I got to go after her," I told myself and chase after her. 

Aria Pov. 

"She's looking for White Death" White Death said to Ms. Loser.  

"Hello, asshole," I told him irritated. 

"Oh, come on Aria, you don't have to an ass about it," He told me and wink at me. I just roll my eyes and cross my arms. 

"Oh, hi what's your name?" Aria asked him ignoring the 'I'm looking for White Death' comment. 

"Hello my lady, my name is Jake, Jake Green," He told her with a wink. She gave him a really look. 

"Um, Mr. Green, I'm not into you ok?" She told him. 

"Oh come on sweetie, you look like you can use a boy like me," he flirted with her. She then turns to him and then punches his face. He fell onto to the ground with his hands on your face. 

"Fuck You," she said to him. 

"Nice one," I told her. 

"Thanks," she smiled at me. Then a group of inklings came behind him and help him up. 

"Mother fucker, you fucked up now," She told us pissed off. He looks at his goons and nod. Then they start to run at us. 

I quickly grab Ms. Losser and ran from the goons as they chase us. Where's White Death when you need him.  

Marie Pov. 

As I ran throw Inkopolis trying to get to Octo Canyon before Three. The two girl inklings ran into me. 

"Oof," I said bumping to them. 

"Sorry," the orange inkling said and then ran past me. That was weird. Then a group of inklings ran around the corner and pursuit the two inklings. 

"That was weird," I told myself. Then I remember what was I doing and ran fast as I can to Inkopolis Square. 

Aria Pov. 

After that incident with that random inkling. We ran into an alleyway hoping that the group will past us. As Losser and I were hiding behind a dumpster, we heard footstep at the entrance of the alleyway. 

"Where are they?" one of them asked. 

"Maybe they went into the alleyway," the other said. 

'Shit' I cursed myself mentally. 

"What the!" I heard one of them shouted. We then heard shots and grunting from the other side of the dumpster. 

"What's happening?" Miss Loser asked me. I just shrugged. Then we just heard silence. We peak over the dumpster and see a bunch of White Ink everywhere. 

"Holy shit," she said. As we look at the carnage, an inkling was sneaking behind us.  I turned to see him in time before we got knocked out. 


A/n: yay a rushed chapter because exams are coming tomorrow, fuck me. 

But anyways I hope you enjoy. 

Also, my Oc, Ms. Losser, is going to be in the Harem... Woomy. 

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