Untold Nightmares/10/
Chapter ten💃💃💃
Thank you all❤🌹
"He..hello" Mrs Bugaje stammered as she spoke.
"Hi. Who am I speaking with?" Imran replied.
"It's your mother. How are you dear? I miss you so much. Where have you been all these years?" She broke down making Imran clench his eyes tightly to stop the tears. After fifteen years, he finally got to speak with his mother.
"I'm fine ma. I hope you're doing well too" he spoke as though he wasn't touched. He wants to hide his feelings from her.
"Imran please come home. We all miss you" she cried.
"No. Speak for yourself Ma. If Mr Bugaje and his son really cared about me, they would have tried to find me but they didn't. I realized that I'm not wanted in that house so I can't call it home. It's not my home" he responded coldly. She can't break the iron wall he took years building around himself. He isn't going back no matter what.
"Okay I understand. Where can we meet? I rally want to see you"
"That won't be ever possible Ma. You'll never meet me, you had the opportunity to speak with me and this will be the last time. I wonder where you even got my contact from" he snapped at her and disconnected.
She tried calling several times but seems like he had blocked her.
"No worries son. We'll meet very soon and I won't let you go away this time" she soliloquises and wipes her tears furiously.
"I told you that he murdered my son. Give me his number so I'll trace him" Alhaji thundered
"You're in no position to order me around otherwise you're going to regret it. Please let me live in peace. Wallahi I don't want to start fighting because it wouldn't be good for both me and you" she responded heatedly. She just got to speak with her son and he's here telling her bullshit.
"Keep it to yourself but just know one thing, if I lay my hands on that boy I'm not going to be lenient with him"
"Don't you dare touch my son. Besides you're not even sure if he is the one that killed Hanif" she eyes him and sat back on her bed.
"Lock the door on your way out please" Alhaji was disgusted and annoyed as he stomped out of the room, without locking it.
"If you like don't close it, I still have my hands and legs" Mrs Bugaje yelled closing it with a humorous laugh.
"Hey. Do you think I did the right thing by giving her his number? Maybe she called him and he got angry. His phone has been switched off since morning" Modupe said to Saadiya as they were eating lunch.
"You didn't have any option, neither do you have now. Just be patient, he'll call you. Relax" Saadiya cooed.
"Well, I have a doubt" Modupe whispered. Saadiya raised a brow indicating she doesn't understand.
"Maybe his mother told him that I gave the number to her, that's why he's upset and probably blocked me. Saadi let me use your phone and try please. I'll make it private and he won't know who called. Please"
"I'm sure she didn't. Let's just do this to clear the doubt"
They called him and the number was still switched off.
"See! He didn't block you, just relax" Saadiya chuckled.
"Yeah. How's Hamidah? Anyways it's been long since I heard from her" Modupe talked with food in her mouth.
"Eww gross!" Saadiya squeezed her face.
"Sorry" Modupe smiled after swallowing it.
"We'll talk after eating"
As they were all lost in their thoughts, Modupe's phone rang. It was an unknown number.
She looked at Saadiya whom motioned at her to pick it and she did. She put it on speaker and placed it between Saadiya and her.
"Hello?" The person at the other end said with a muffled voice.
"Hello." Modupe replied not recognising the voice.
"It's Imran" the person chuckled. Modupe smiled at Saadiya.
"Hey what happened? I kept calling you."
"I changed my number. I won't be using that one anymore, contact me using this"
"But why? Don't you use it for formal activities?"
"Actually no. In fact only five to seven person know about that one. I don't know who leaked it"
"Le...leaked it? How? What do you mean?" Modupe stammered feeling her heart beating against her ribcage.
"Someone gave my number to some unwanted people. Modupe did you by any chance give it to them?"
Modupe didn't even know what to say. 'God help me' she said in her mind.
"Which people? Who will I give your number without your permission? Do you think I can do that?" She stammered in between words again. Imran already got suspicious but he hid it. He wants to confirm before taking an action.
"Okay okay. I'll call you back" he ended the call without hearing her reply.
"Saadiya I'm going to die if he finds out that I'm the one." Modupe spoke with fear evident in her voice.
"Relax. Everything is going to be fine. Let's just hope for the best"
Unknown's POV
Now they've gotten to me. I just hope that they don't know it's me otherwise he will not spare me.
What should I do to divert their attention?
Modupe. Yes she can help me, I'll speak with her and I am sure she will have no problem.
"Hello" I say immediately she picked up.
"Good afternoon"
"Good afternoon dear. I need your help. Can we meet later?" She hesitated a bit then said I should come to where she's staying.
"Saadiya's father has given a strict order that we shouldn't go out for now".
Oh so she lives there. Now she has made it hard for me.
"Okay. See you there" I disconnected and sigh. I'll have to go to that house. Another problem.
"Madam guess what?" Modupe squealed.
"What?" Saadiya rolls her eyes at her childish behavior.
"Imran has agreed to come here. OMG I'm so happy"
We did a high-five and danced around my room in happiness. We're finally getting to the end of this drama.
Probably just the climax😌😈.
"Let's go and inform Mommy. She'll be very happy" Saadiya dragged Modupe to Mommy's room. They told her and she was equally as excited as them.
"I just hope everything goes well" Mommy placed her hands on theirs.
Imran's POV
"That's all we have for today. We will continue tomorrow. I have to go to somewhere important" I say and walk out of the conference room after shaking hands with the people present.
I check the address Modupe sent to me immediately I got into the car. Well, the place is well known in Kaduna. Unguwan Rimi.
I tap on the steering gently waiting for the traffic lights to turn green, just then, an unknown number called. Well a private number to be specific.
I contemplated on picking, it may be my mother or him. I hiss and look away from from the phone, I'm not going to entertain their nonsense.
"Finally" I sigh, and drove into a corner by the left.
"Boring" I kept changing the channels but there are all meaningless and foolish according to me. I finally decide to drive in silence. It's better than all these rubbish.
The same number called again making me make a swift halt at the T-junction I just arrived at.
"Who's this?" I say in anger. If not for God's intervention I would have jammed into the car that came from the opposite direction.
The driver kept firing insults at me, he even reduced his speed. I don't blame him, his furiousness is justified.
"You finally picked" an unfamiliar female voice spoke.
"Excuse me?"
"Oh I'm sorry" I heard some shuffling in the background then Modupe's voice came "hey. That was my friend"
I mutter an "oh" in understanding. "Will you be able to make it?"
Very funny question!
"Of course. I'm on my way"
"You just make it fast. There's a huge problem" she hangs up leaving me in utter confusion.
"Problem? What exactly is she talking about? Her friend...calling me? Besides she's supposed to be in school, what's she doing here in Kaduna? And most importantly, why did she call me with her private number not hers?" All these questions have no answers right now. Only Modupe can answer them.
I crease my forehead and increase my pace to a reasonable speed, so I'll be able to reach there in time.
shake my head when I noticed little children, sitting on the footpath begging. What type of life is this?
Before I could realize it, a man violently pushes a little girl that came to beg. What the hell? I quickly get out of the car and approached the car the person is in. Without waiting for a statement from him, I sent him a blow across the window.
I open the door and drag him out of the car, pushing him unto the hard floor. I punch him roughly ignoring the people stopping me.
When he hit the girl no one stopped me and no one will stop me now.
"How dare you?" I said making him stand. "How dare you?!"
"Look" I picked the girl up and pointed at the grave injury on her forehead "can you see what you have caused? What can you say about this?" I slap him harder making him slam on his car.
I notice the place was getting crowded then I released the man. All the people there made no attempt to help the girl, only stood there watching. I smile, heartbreaking smile. Nigerians for you.
The man didn't waste time in entering his car. He rolled the glass up and yelled some cusswords. Out of anger, I slide my wristwatch to my knuckles and hit it hardly on the glass giving it a huge crack.
Satisfied with what I've done, I look back at the girl.
"Ah my daughter! Uban waye ya taba mun ke?(who dared to touch you?). Kashh. Look at how you're bleeding" an average aged man cried caressing the little girl's face.
"Who are you?" I ask trying to calm down and get rid of the striking headache disturbing me.
"I'm her father" he sobs "she's my only daughter. I love her more than anybody in this world" he adds.
"What?! You're her father and you let her roam on the streets all in the name of begging yet you claim to love her. Look at what your negligence has caused. Just see. If you had been a little more careful, you wouldn't have witnessed this day. Where were you when this happened?"
"I'm sorry. I never let her beg, it's just today. I went to buy some stuff for us in the shop nearby and told her to stay here. I just came back" he narrated. And guess what the "stuff" are? Cigarettes. This man is definitely a lunatic.
"No matter what, you still should have been careful" I pass a few five hundred naira notes to him and told him to take her to the hospital. I just hope he uses the money wisely.
I sit in the car, with my eyes shut, reminiscing what I just notice. This world is full of cruel people.
Allah ya kiyaye (idk the translation😂 please help out)
"Focus, I have to reach there as soon as possible" I zoom off with an emotionless face as I recall my brother, I really miss him. I miss all of them.
Identifying the house wasn't hard for me at all because it is the house of a very popular person. It stood out against all houses there. While the other's have white gates, it has a maroon gate.
The security personnel's did some checking and told me to call someone from the house. "No one goes in without their permission"
"Wow" I chuckle and call Modupe. She picked on the second ring.
"I'm here but the securities aren't allowing me to go inside"
"Okay. Just wait a second. They'll let you in"
A few seconds later, a lady of an average height, wearing a gown colored blue and white, it seems like a uniform, told them to open the gate for me.
I drove in with a guard in front of me, directing me to where I'm going to park. The house looks very exquisite and what I love about it most is that it's painted in white all through. It also has two medium sized water fountains in front of the main building.
I dismount the car and called Modupe again. She said she's going to come and take me in.
Well, strange and unique.
Modupe finally came. We exchanged pleasantries as normal but I couldn't miss the discomfort on her face. I really think she's hiding something from me.
"Let's go" she snaps her fingers at me. Oh! I zoned out. I followed her patiently and resisted the urge to ask her the questions I have for her.
I have a lot of questions to ask her but I'll wait for a while.
"Hello. Good afternoon" a short, slightly fair lady waved at me. Saadiya, as Modupe introduced her to me. So she's the Saadiya she has been telling me about. Nice to meet her.
"The main reason I actually invited you over is not about me, it's for her. This is her father's house and I'm going to leave in a few days, as soon as this issue gets cleared". Modupe said to me after the three of us sat down in a well air-conditioning sitting room.
"I'm confused. Why am I here? I thought you had a problem? What brought her into it?"
"That you'll soon get to know dear" I pause a bit upon hearing that voice. It's my mother.
She walks over to me, I'm now standing unable to believe my eyes. She pulls me into a hug sobbing lightly.
"My Imran. How are you son? I missed you so much. Now that you're here j won't let you go" she pecked my hands my forehead and touched my face gently.
"I missed you more Ma. I wish I could stay with you forever" I hug her again.
"Of course you can. What's stopping you?"
"I don't want to come in between the relationship between Imran and Baba. I'm sure they bond well now" Ma looks shocked.
"Aren't you Imran? Don't confuse yourself" she scolded playfully dragging my ears.
"No Ma. For real I am Hanif not Imran, I am just using his name because that night I left the house not Imran. Imran and I made an agreement to exchange our personalities" I bite my tongue realising what I just said.
"Do you mean the both of you fooled us?" This time it was Baba, sounding as harsh as he could.
"Yes Baba. We had no option....."
I hope you're all good.
What about the new twist? It was Hanif who left the house not Imran meaning Imran is the one that is dead, not Hanif!!!
Then who killed Imran?👀
The first three guessers will have the next chapter dedicated to them.
While the first person to right, will get two chapters dedicated to him/her.
I need your answers. I noticed that all my chapters are short. Would you like them longer or they should be the way they are?
And also feel free to correct me any time I make a mistake. To err is human and I will really appreciate it.
Love you all.
Hassan Amiina❤
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