Chapter 9

In Mumbai, malthora mansion.

Manik descends down the stairs while talking on the phone. He ends the call as he spotted Bebe in puja room. He smiles and shoving his phone back in his pocket moves to puja room.

In mid way he kept his briefcase on the couch.

Manik took his shoes out moves inside the puja room. He crouch down next to Bebe who acknowledged his presence. She turns side way and smiles seeing Manik.

Bebe continued praying and Manik folding his hands joined her. Bebe finishing the puja puts tikka on Manik's forehead. She gave him the parshad.

Manik smiles and gets up helping bebe with parshad plate.

Manik : good morning bebe..

He kissed her cheek as they step out of the puja room.

Bebe : good morning my bacha..

Bebe : give me the plate.. I'll give parshad out to your parents.

Manik nodding his head gave the plate to bebe who took it and went away..

Manik putting his shoes back on moves back to hall to see raj and neyonika taking blessing of bebe.

He wished his parents good morning.

Manik : good morning and dad.

Neyonika/ raj: good morning manu/ Manik..

Manik sat beside Bebe.

Raj and Manik starts about the business meanwhile bebe and neyonika went to see breakfast.

Manik smiles as he saw navya and her parents coming down. He greets them. Navya and her mother moves to kitchen and her dad sat next to raj.

All the men's were talking about business when Manik's phone rang. He took his phone out and saw caller Id.

He smiles seeing the caller Id and looks at his father who staring him curiously.

Raj : who is calling you Manik?

Manik : cabir dad!

Raj : I didn't knew his calls name you smile..

Manik rolling his eyes glances at his father who turning into detective mode.

Manik : I will be back.

Manik ignoring his father gaze gets up and moves to the corner.

Manik picks the call up.

Manik : good morning love.

Nandini : good morning mani.. what took you so long to answer the call?

Manik : I was with dad.. sorry!

Nandini : are we meeting today?

Manik : I wish we could but it's not possible.. I have back to back meeting foreign clients.

Nandini : it's been week since I have come to Mumbai but still I didn't get chance to meet you mani. You should after coming to Mumbai there won't be more distance between us.

Manik : I know love, but I can't help it. Did you settle well in Mumbai?

Nandini : yes I did mani but I miss miss amma and appa.. I wish they were here with me..

Manik : they will be with you soon love..

Manik turning his eyes at his side saw raj getting up and moving to him..

Manik : hey love, dad is heading to my way. I have to cut the call.. love you, bye!

Manik quickly ended the call not even listening to Nandini. He sighs as he shoved his phone back in his pocket and gave a small smile to raj as raj stood in front of Manik crossing his arms against his chest.

Raj : is it cabir?

Manik : dad who else could call this early?

Raj : could be someone special. I don't think it was cabir.

Manik : dad are you doubting me?

Raj : yes! It feels like you are hiding something from me. Manik I am also your friend like Neil, Right!

Manik : dad seriously I'm big hiding anything from you. Promise..

Raj didn't wanted to let go of the topic but had to for while as neyonika called them for breakfast.

Raj : this is not end of the discussion Manik.. I will keep my eyes on you from now.

Manik didn't say a word but walks to dining table where everyone was seated.

Manik sat on his chair. Neyonika and navya starts serving everyone.

In Delhi.

Avni rushed out of the apartment cursing her alarms for not ringing on the time.. she also cursed her best friend who didn't tried waking avni up.

Avni was angry, frustrated, hungry and what else not. She was having bad day today..

Avni ran to the bus stop and composed herself. As the bus came avni jumped on the bus and found empty seat to sit.

Avni settling herself down in the bus checked all the papers that was needed today.

Avni's stomach grumbled making her realise she skipped her breakfast...

She gets down the bed and walks straight into hospital canteen to grab some foods. As she walks in the canteen she found sonal sitting alone.

Avni made her way to sonal's table and with thump kept her things on the table making sonal look at avni..

Avni : why didn't you wake me up sonal?

Sonal : I'm sorry avni... I was in hurry. I forget you.. I'm sorry.

Avni looks at sonal and found her eyes red. She pulling chair sat opposite sonal and lifts her chin up.

Avni : what happened to you? Did you cry last night?

Sonal: nothing happened to me avni.. I didn't cry..

Avni: why are you lying sonal? What happened?

Sonal: I have to go avni.. I will see you at home..

Sonal taking her bag rushed out of the canteen leaving avni confuse.

Avni's stomach grumbled again but ignoring the fact she was hungry picks her bag and left the canteen.

Neil sat himself in a restaurant waiting for the client who seemed to be late which wasn't liked by Neil.. Neil ordered coffee as he wasn't much hungry..

He sips his coffee while waiting for the client.. an hour passed but there is sign of the client.. Neil turns his left wrist to see the time.

Neil calls the waiter and pays the bill.

Neil picking his phone from the table stands up and starts moving out of the restaurant.

Neil opens his side way and was going to get in when someone called his name out. He turns his head around and saw the person who made Neil malthora wait for hours but still didn't turned up.

Person: I'm very sorry Mr malthora.. I was stuck in the traffic..

Neil looks at the person and steps closer.

Neil : that's an lame excuse.. I don't give you shits about you getting stuck in the traffic. You have already wasted my precious times and don't wish stay any longer.. the deal is cancelled.

Neil not giving any chance to the person to speak Neil got inside the car and gestures the driver to drive.

Neil took his phone out and called the manager who was handing the project with Neil.

Neil : hello Neil malthora speaking.. the deal is cancelled. Further details will be forwarded to you by my pa.

Neil didn't let the manager speak as he ended the call and dialled his pa number.

Neil : hello the project we were working on is now cancelled. Forwarded the details to the manager.

Pa : okay sir! Anything else?

Neil: how is everything back there?

Pa : everything is great sir.. we getting there.

Neil: good! I might be back to London after a month.

Pa : okay sir.

Neil ends the call and leans his head back and closed his eyes to catch some sleep as he woke up too early for the meeting.

In Mumbai, Murthy mansion.

Nandini sat on couch with snacks around her. She turns tv on and opening crips packet starts munching. She sat crossing her legs.

She sniffs as she found the heroine breaking up with her boyfriend.. Nandini's heart ache seeing the scene..

Nandini wipes her tears off and changed the channel as she couldn't take their separation...

Nandini pulls the tissue and wipes her tears off as she watched another break up scene.. she closed the tv and cried silently feeling so bad for their break up.

A door bell rang making Nandini startled.. she got so scared thinking who could be at the door.. she hasn't ordered food nor anyone knows the address of where she lives.. her parents can't be here because they will be coming to Mumbai next month after wrapping their work..

Nandini thought to ignore it but it rang again making her scared more..

Nandini: should I check it? What if someone comes and murders me then? No.. I should ignore it..

She was in dilemma to open the door or not.. the door bell rang.. Nandini took a deep breath and praying to her ayiappa jumps down the couch and starts moving to the door slowly.

Nandini holding the knob twisted and peeps her head out as she opened the door little bit.. her eyes met with his who was assumed seeing her like that..

Nandini snapping eyes away moves her head back and with loud bang closed the door.. she leans to the door and starts muttering.

Nandini : mani... he can't be here.. he had back to back meeting.. this can't be him.. he never told he had lookalike of him.. omg.. what should I do.. his look like will kill me..

Her nonstop muttering was stopped the bang on the door..

Manik was so confused why did she closed the door and starts banging the door.

Manik: love open the door please...

Nandini heard his voice.. Nandini took a minute to register her mani was actually standing at the door steps. Nandini opens the door and stares Manik who steps closer to hug her but was stopped Nandini who moves back.

Manik : love what are you doing? Why aren't you letting me hug you?

Nandini: are you mani lookalike?

Manik : what are you saying love? I quickly finished my meeting to meet you but look at you.. you are behaving so weird today..

Nandini raised her hand up to touch Manik's face.

Nandini: you're my mani.. the real mani..

Nandini embrace Manik into hug making Manik wrap his arms around her waist.

Nandini : I missed you so much mani..

Manik broke the hug and kissed her forehead.

Manik : I missed you too love..

They both got inside and Manik eyed at the mess that was made by his love.. Nandini passed him sheepish smile to Manik who shook his head.

Manik : this is so unhygienic love..

Nandini: I was getting bored mani..

Manik : and let me guess.. you thought to chill, have snacks, watch tv shows then cry out seeing their break up or divorce scene.. am I right love?

Nandini stares Manik in shock..

Nandini: how do you know that mani?

Manik rolls his sleeves up and starts cleaning the mess.

Cleaning the mess Manik sat down with Nandini on his lap.. they both stayed in silence until Nandini decided to break the silence between them..

Nandini : you were not supposed to come today? You had meeting.

Manik : I did but I requested dad to attend the meeting instead of me.. he was so suspicious when I refused to attend the meeting...

Nandini: that's not good for us..

Manik : you don't worry, he won't know till we don't tell them.

Nandini nods.

Nandini: what should we do then?

Manik : I just wanna stay like this..

Nandini slaps his shoulder.

Manik : I have small plan for night.. but before that let's stay like this.

Nandini agreed to Manik.

In Delhi.

Avni's rest of the day went okay. It wasn't great but okay. Avni searched for sonal but didn't find her..

One of the inter told avni sonal went home. Avni was confused why sonal avoiding avni all day.

Avni taking her things walks out of the hospital... she starts walking to the bus stop...

She waited there like 30 minutes for the bus to arrive but there was no bus coming her way.. she felt cold as it got darker of the night..

Avni hugging herself starts walking to another stop hoping she would a bus..

A car stopped by avni... avni got startled and shocked as the car stopped by her..

Avni looks at the driver who didn't look at her but in front.. she frowned and took a step to walk but stopped being called out.. she turns around and saw someone peeing out of the window..

Avni : why are you following me?

Neil who was going back to hotel from work found the same girl walking alone at night time.. he didn't know what made him approach to her..

Neil : it's getting colder ... get inside..

Avni : why would I get inside? Who are you? What if you kidnapped me? Who knows what you will do with me? I can walk home by myself.

Neil : don't argue.. get inside. It's getting darker.. I won't harm you.

Avni gets closer to Neil and felt she has seen somewhere but couldn't where exact she was has seen him..

Avni : how can you be so sure?

Neil : what can I do to make you believe I won't harm you?

Avni : if you harm me then pray to god for life..

Avni spoke walking to other side and getting inside car.. Neil chuckles but smiles as she got convinced to get inside the car..

Avni closing the door looks at Neil's appearance.. she took her phone out and pulled one of his picture on internet and tried matching them...

Avni gasps loudly making Neil snap his head at her.

Neil : why are did you scream?

Avni : are... you... Neil malthora?... Manik malthora's brother?

Neil smiles and nodded his head.

Neil : yes I am...

Avni bows her head down and mutters some cursing for herself which was clear audible for Neil to listen.. he suppressed his laugh.

Neil : miss.. it's okay. You don't need to feel bad.

Avni lifts her head up and looks at Neil..

Avni : what are you doing in India? I mean you supposed to be London...

Neil smirks..

Neil : you did so much research on me miss..

Avni : no I didn't... I mean..

Neil : chill! Don't stress.!

Neil smiles while turning his head around.


Hope you have enjoyed the chapter?

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