Chapter 25

Leaning backwards on his chair and closing his eyes Neil thought how this whole week has been hectic for him. He hadn't got a chance to talk to Avni nor make a plan to meet up.

This week he had been busy a lot with his work. His workload wouldn't stopped, he also had managed his depending work in London too. He had spoken to David who keeps Neil updated with all the business and how it's going back in London but his presence not being in London is really hitting the business.

He thought of speaking to his family about returning back to London before MaNan wedding preparations starts after two months later. He opens his eyes and glancing at the time he thought to take small break.

He stood up and grabbing his phone looks at the screen if he received any messages from Avni but there was none. He sighs and thought how would he break the news to her. He didn't want to upset her.

He walks out of his cabin and headed towards Manik's cabin. He didn't bother knocking and barged inside only to found Manik engrossed on his laptop. He clears his throat gaining Manik's attention.

Manik looks away from his laptop and smiles looking at Neil.

Manik : when did you come Neil? You didn't even knock.

Neil comes inside and took his seat and looks at Manik.

Neil : why do I need to knock Bhai? I just came a second ago. I need to speak to you urgently.

Manik : what's wrong Neil? You look very tensed. Is everything okay? What's the matter?

Neil : Bhai, I was wondering to return back to London. There is so many work depending and I can't complete it remotely. My presence is needed there. My work is getting very hectic over here therefore I'm not able to focus over there.

Manik : Neil, I understand work is too busy and hectic but going to London out of sudden isn't correct. What about mom? What will she think? You returned back from London few months ago Neil. She won't really be happy with this decision of yours.

Neil: I know Bhai. She won't be happy but my employees need me there. I wasn't even planning to stay back in India for too long. I haven't signed up for any new projects because I want to shift back to India once all my other is project. I got David to handle everything back in London but I feel I'm being hard on him too. He's very busy handling everything in my absence. I won't be staying back in London for too long. I thinking to travel back and forth in between two continues to which I will start new projects here and complete my old projects over London. David can handle new projects. I don't want to exhaust him with too many projects.

Manik carefully listened to Neil and understood where he was coming. He wasn't going to stop Neil from what he wants to do. He very wells knows no one knows between their business. He was worried about his mother reaction. How will she feel if she finds out Neil going back to London.

Manik's phone rang at the same time breaking his thoughts. He glanced at his phone and looks at the caller id. A realisation hits him when found Nandini calling him. He looks at Neil who smiles and gestures him to answer the phone. Manik took the phone and answered the call.

Manik : hello love.

Nandini : hello mani. I finished my work. Shall I wait for you or headed straight to your penthouse?

Manik : no love. I am also leaving. I'll pick you up then go together there. I have called everyone else too. We will pick Avni up too. Please call her and tell her to be ready. It slipped out of my head to inform her. Can you please wait inside till I get there?

Nandini : okay mani. It's alright. I will call Avni and tell her. I'll wait for you. And yes drive safely.

Manik hummed and ending the call looks at Neil who looked very curious when he heard about Avni's name. He wasn't aware about this plan.

Neil : am I missing something? Are you supposed to pick Bhabhi up? You should go, I'll talk to you later.

Manik : wait Neil. I forget to tell you something. Do you remember what I mentioned about going to trip together after my engagement?

Neil : yes i do remember but how is this related?

Manik : Nandini and I thought of planning for a trip together. I didn't tell you earlier because I thought you won't say no and will come along. I had no idea you were thinking of going to London. I have noticed how busy you were becoming last few days and thought it's the time to get a break. I was going to tell you later. In fact I was going to you to tell you. I have called everyone to meet up at my penthouse.

Neil : I'm sorry Bhai. I don't know what to say but please don't cancel the trip because of me.

Manik : we will discuss over there. Come on now let's go. I need to pick Avni up first then Nandini.

Neil nodded his head and excusing himself went to his cabin. Manik sighed and closed his laptop and taking his phone and blazer walks out of the cabin.

He met Neil outside who stood leaning to the car and looking lost in his own thoughts. He sighs and made his way towards him and calls his name out. Neil comes out of trance and looks at Manik.

Manik : stop stressing yourself Neil. We will figure something out. I don't want to you get worried. I'm sure there is something we can work it out.

Neil nodded his head and opening the door settled inside and Manik putting his belongs in boot settled on the driver seat and drove to Murthy's mansion.

Avni rushed out when she heard car horn and waves her hand at them as she starts running towards the car. Her smile faded all Neil's worried and lightly smiled when she opens back the door and settled down greeting both of them.

Avni : hello Neil, jiju. I'm sorry, I got little late.

Manik : hello Avni. It's alright. There is no rush.

Neil turns his head lightly and glanced at Avni whose eyes met his. He looked straight into her eyes thought how she managed to look so beautiful at this time too. He looked away when he heard a cough.

Neil : hello Avni. Did you get hurt? You okay?

Avni : no. Did I fell down or what? How could I get hurt Neil? Why are you saying like that?

Neil chuckles and shook his head whereas Manik had a brightly smile seeing Neil finally smiling.

Neil turned the music on and leans back on his seat while looking outside whereas Avni starts humming the song along with Manik. why wouldn't they sing because Avni was listening to Manik's song.

Manik stopped the arriving at the hospital where Nandini works and called her up telling her to come out. Nandini comes out and found Manik standing outside of the car. She smiles and walks to him.

He opens his arm making her crash into his arms. He smiles embracing her tightly and pecks her head. He broke the hug and cupping her face placed a kiss on her forehead.

Manik : I missed you so much love. It feels so good having you in my arms after a long day.

Nandini smiles and looks behind Manik where she noticed Neil waving at her with smirk. She waves back to him and pushing Manik side went other side opening the back door and settled inside beside Avni.

Manik chuckles and shaking his head went to driver seat and settled down glaring Nandini who didn't paid attention on him but starts talking to Neil and Avni.

He started driving and glanced at the trio who wouldn't stop chatting away especially Neil. He was thankful to them because Neil wasn't looking worried. He was glad to see Neil being happy.

They reached to Manik's penthouse and Avni was amazed seeing the penthouse. It looked so amazing. Neil who stood beside her smiles seeing her reaction.

They starts going inside and got comfortable. Nandini went to kitchen and got some drinks and snacks for everyone. She sits beside Manik who pulls her in a side hug.

Avni : is anyone else coming or just us?

Manik: fab 4 and navya should be arriving soon. Look you can see them coming.

Manik said when he heard noises and turning his head found fab 4 and navya coming.

Cabir : wow! What a surprise? I wasn't expecting to see Avni and Nandini.

Manik rolls his eyes at cabir's drama and greets everyone. Everyone settled and down starts talking.

Nandini nudged Manik who looks at her and whispered to her.

Manik : what happened love?

Nandini: do you think you should order something to eat? I mean I would love to cook but I'm so tired Mani. Please order something.

Manik nodded his head and took his phone out looking at his friends who was engaging in talking. He clears his throat gaining their attention.

Manik: what do you guys want to eat? I'm going to place an order.

Chair : so thought of you Manik. I knew it you love me so much. It doesn't matter what you order long as I get food.

Nandini chuckles at cabir and looks at Manik who was glaring cabir for his silly jokes.

Manik: I wish I could kilo you cabir. Anyways I'm placing the order.

Manik placed at the order and looks at Nandini who smiled at him.

Mukti : Manik is there any reason why we have gathered up? You didn't tell us anything.

Manik : yes I want to tell you all something. Do remember I mentioned about a trip after my engagement?

Everyone nodded their head and looks at Manik to explain.

Manik: so Nandini and I was thinking why not we plan a trip now. I mean everyone is available and Nandini also took leave from hospital.

Mukti : it's really good idea. Have you thought of where to though?

Alya : how about we go to Paris or Italy?

Cabir : what about Goa guys? It will be so much fun.

Navya : I think it would be best if we go to Dubai.

Everyone starts to suggest places but only Neil stayed quiet which was noticed by Nandini and Avni's who found it very old. Normally Neil would be very cheerful and wondered what about happened to him.

Nandini: Neil why are you not saying anything? Why don't you suggest the place?

Neil : I don't know Bhabhi. Have you decided where you want to go?

Nandini : I have looked at few places but we will go where majority of us want to go. You will tell me.

Neil didn't knew what to say because he wanted anyone to be upset by his revelation. He looks fa Manik who blinked his eyes.

Manik: love, it's alright don't force him. Guys have you decided where we should go then?

Avni : what about Bali? I heard so much about Bali. We should go there. It will be so much fun.

Everyone really liked the idea of going to Bali expect Neil who was engrossed in his own thoughts. His thoughts were broken by Manik.

Manik : so it's final. Bali then, I'll arrange the tickets. When are you guys available to go? This weekend or next Sunday?

Alya : this weekend. I really can't wait now. It will be so much fun.

Mukti : I know right. We will have so much fun.

Everyone couldn't hold their excitement about their trip. Neil's phone rang and everyone looks at him. Neil took his phone out and calls at the caller id.

He excused himself and stood up moving away from there to answer the call. He answered the call.

Neil : hello David. How are you okay? Did you book the ticket?

David : hello Neil. I'm alright, how are you? Yes, I did book the ticket. I got the ticket for tomorrow night. I'll pick you up Neil.

Neil : okay. Send me the details. I can't even say no to you. How's is work? Is it under control?

David : yes! I have managed to get some clients to hold when they heard about you coming back to London. They even sent meeting dates and timing. It will be very tight and hectic schedule for next few days Neil. Are you sure you want to do this? It will be very difficult to manage for you. Think about it. Talk to Manik too.

Neil : I'll manage David. You just get ready for the meetings. I know what I am doing. Say hi to Ava.

David : okay. Take care Neil. I'll see you soon.

Neil : yes! Take care too. See you soon.

Neil ended the call and turns around to get shocked seeing Avni there. He looks at her.

Avni: Di is calling you for dinner. Come quick.

She didn't wait for his answer and rushed back. He frustratedly ruffled his hair and walks back inside. He knew there is no way he will step back from returning back to London.

He had to hurt most important women's in his life. He knows his mother won't like the idea of him going back, he head to convince her and about Avni he didn't knew how to tell her. He didn't fail to notice her watery eyes. He knew she heard his conversation.

Neil walks back inside and sits beside Mukti. He looks around to find her but she wasn't there. He sighs and looks at the rest who was eating.

Neil : guys, I have to say something.

Everyone stops eating and looks at Neil to continue.

Neil : I'm sorry but I won't be able to make it with you all to Bali. I'm going back to London tomorrow.

Everyone looked so shocked including Manik who wasn't aware of him going to tomorrow.

Neil : I'm sorry Bhai. I didn't tell you about that. I already told David to book my tickets. Guys please try to understand. My presence is needed there. My work is too hectic. I have to be there. I can't compromise with my work. I'm sorry. I can't come to Bali with you all.

Mukti : what Neil? You can't say that. How can we go without you? It will be better if we just the cancel the trip. We can go on another time.

Everyone agreed to Mukti and looks at Neil.

Neil : no! Don't cancel it because of me. I feel so guilty. Please don't do this. You guys should go and enjoy to Bali. Please. Bhai make them understand.

Manik sighs and looks at his friends who wasn't very happy by Neil's decision.

Manik : Neil is right. I can't stop Neil even though how much I want but we need to understand his situation too. It's too much for him. I have seen him working till so late. I think it would be better if he goes to London. He won't like if we cancel our trip.

Manik tried his best to convince them. Everyone half heartedly agreed to Manik to which Neil smiled and feeling strong gaze on him turns around and looks at Avni who was staring him blankly. When she noticed him staring her she looked away and comes there sitting next to Nandini unbothered about the whole situation.

His heart broke seeing her hurt like this. He couldn't do anything to make her happy. He sighs and look at Manik who blinks his eyes conveying everything will be okay.

Neil( mind) I'm sorry Avni. I'm feeling so helpless right now. I wish I could come with you all but I can't.

Nandini ( mind) this isn't what I planned. Oh god what just happened. I thought they might get more time to be with each other together during the trip but this is so unexpected. I wish Neil could join us. I can't see my sister like this now nor Neil feeling guilty.

Manik ( mind) I'm sorry love. I know you didn't expected this. I feel so bad letting Neil to go. I wish I could stop him from going to London.

Avni( mind) why does it hurt so much? Why can't I stop thinking about you Neil? Why do I not you to go? Please don't go. Come with us.

They glanced at each other in between and thought how to change this situation.


Hope you liked the chapter.

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