Chapter 2

In Mumbai, malthora industrial.

Manik ending his two hours meeting comes back to his cabin with loose tie and top two buttons open. Manik walks to his chair and sat down keeping his blazer around the chair..

He then picks intercom and calls his pa.

Manik : hello in my cabin right now.

Manik kept the phone down and picks his personal phone to see the time. He saw it half 1. He took deep breath and messaged someone.

He kept his phone back on desk and was going to turn the laptop on when he heard knock.

Manik : come in.

He answered in his bossy voice. He looks up and saw his pa coming.

Pa : sir you called me.

Manik : yes I did. I want to check on progress on tomorrow's meeting. What's the progress?

Pa : sir it will be done by tonight. There is some things left to complete.

Manik : okay I believe you. And yes please could bring coffee for me.

Pa : okay sir.

The pa left while Manik took his phone to see any message for not but seeing none he thought to call the person.

He dialled the number and leaned back to his chair.

Manik : hello why didn't you reply to my message?

Caller : I'm sorry Bhai I was in washroom. I just saw your message right now. I was going to reply you but before that you called me. How did you call me today?

Manik : Neil how are you? How is bebe?

Neil : Bhai me and Bebe are good. What about you guys? Mom and dad? Are they okay?

Manik : everyone is good here but mom miss you a lot.

Neil : even I miss her Bhai. Bhai how come you called me this early. I mean as usually you don't call this early.

Manik : I had to call you Neil. I have no option rather calling you.

Neil : Bhai what happened? You're sounding worried..

Manik : do have 30 minutes with you?

Neil : Bhai I have entire day for you.. what's the matter?

Manik : listen I said before mom misses you a lot and she wants you to shift back to India. Neil I know you're working on project. I also know it's your dream project. Even I want your achievements but you know mom how much she loves you. Neil I'm not going to say much because I know you will make right choices. We all miss you and Bebe. Even you miss us. Neil you don't need to coke any sooner. I have spoke to mom and told her once your project is over then I'll convince you. I hoping you're understanding me. Think about this.

Neil : Bhai. I know what you are tying say. I can understand mom worry too. She is worried about my bad habits. I know Bebe have told mom about my habits.. but Bhai you know how important this project is for me and our company. Bhai I'm not going take decision too early. As you said about my project. Bhai I need same time to think shifting back to India. I can't say anything right now as I'm busy with the project. Once project is over then I'll think about shifting back to India.

Manik : that's like my brother. I won't tell mom about this yet as it will be surprise for her. She would love it. I can't wait to see her reaction seeing you. How is your project going so far?

Neil : Bhai it's going good. in few months project will be over. But Bhai I'm nervous too.. what if I don't get this deal. I don't know what will happen in meeting. I'm nervous... what if I felt you and dad down. Because of me our company will be loss.. I don't want that Bhai. All my staffs hard work will go in vain if we don't get this deal..

Manik while other side carefully listened to Neil and understood Neil's problem.

Manik : Neil calm down. Take a deep breath and relax yourself down. Now listen to me carefully. You will not us down or yourself because you know why.. Neil I and dad have faith on you. You will get this deal and trust me I really meant it. You will not yours and staff hardworking to be waste. I have full faith on Neil. As always you will make us proud Neil. I don't want you to worry about this project because you still have few months in your hand. Don't lose your hope yet. And Neil it doesn't matter to us if you lose this deal or not. In fact I'll be proud of you because of your dedication to your work. Neil nothing will happen to your project. Your hard work will be paid once you get the deal. Now relax yourself and focus on the project. Don't think about here as I'm here to handle everything in India. You keep your focus on your project. Okay.

Neil : I needed this Bhai.. thank you so much calling me today.. I really needed it. I'll make you and dad proud on me Bhai. I won't lose my hope.

Manik : that's like my brother Neil malthora. I'm proud of you. I know you must be getting late for office. I'll call you in night.

Neil : okay Bhai. Love you Bhai. Thank you.

Manik : I love you too Neil. Take care and give my regards to Bebe.

Neil : okay Bhai. Bye!

Manik : bye!

Manik ended call and kept his phone down. He then switched his laptop and starts working. As he was working his pa brought coffee for Manik and left.

Manik while sipping coffee was working when his phone rang disturbing his work. He took glare of his phone then back to laptop.. he ignored first few time ring but seeing continuous ring he picks the phone up.

He didn't see the caller Id and said hello in stern voice.

Manik : hello..

Soon as he heard other side voice he cursed himself and brought phone front of his eyes.. he bits his lip and licked his lips. He puts phone behind his ear and took a deep breath before he started the conversation.

Manik : hello..

Manik started with hello again but this time with his soft voice but he was immediately cut off by other side person.

Caller : what hello mr malthora? How could you use stern tone with me? How could you? I was calling you past 30 minutes but your phone was busy.. who were talking to this long..answer me mr malthora.

Manik : will you let me speak Miss. and why should I tell you who i was talking? Are you going to stalk me or something?

While other side person gritted teeth anger and angrily spoke over the phone.

Caller : go to hell Manik Malhotra..

The phone immediately cut off while Manik giggled and tried calling the same number again but the number was currently switched off.. he sighed and tried once again calling the same person but it looks like other side person was very angry with Manik Malhotra.

Manik calmed himself down and messaged the same person. He kept his phone down and starts working but his mind wasn't letting him work as his mind was occupied with few minutes incident just happened.

He helpless ran his finger into his hair. He leaned back to his hair and closed his eyes.

In mangalore.

Nandini was helping ishita is kitchen.

Ishita : Nandini did you get call from avni?

Nandini stops working and slapped her head lightly while ishita stares at her confusingly.

Nandini: amma.. actually Avni did call me but i forget about that.. Amma hold up few minutes. I'll quickly wrap kitchen work then we both will call avni.

Ishita immediately agreed and helped Nandini completing kitchen work.

Half an hour both mother and daughter was sitting in hall with Nandini's laptop on her lap. Ishita being impatient mother kept asking Nandini to hurry up..

Nandini: amma relax.. I'm calling your naughty daughter.

Ishita : don't call her naughty. Only I know who is naughty among you both.

Ishita laughed and saw Nandini calling avni.

In few minutes the call was picked by the dearest Murthy's daughter. Ishita gleamed in happinesses sewing avni on the screen. While Nandini was smiling seeing her baby sister looking messy with loose her and sleepy face.

Avni : ammaaaaa diiiiii..

She screamed over the video call seeing her favourites..

Nandini wipes her tears off and smiled seeing the screen while ishita tried looking other side and wiping her tears off.

Nandini: how is my baby sister?

Avni : di I'm not baby.. for god sake stop addressing me as baby..

Nandini giggles hearing her and looks at ishita who was smiling seeing both of them.

Avni : amma won't you talk to me?

Ishita: how are you?

Avni : amma stop being formal. I'm perfectly fit and fine.. I miss you both..

Ishita : even I miss you bacha. When are you coming this time?

Avni hearing this immediately looked away which was noticed by mother and daughter.

Nandini avoided the conversation.

Nandini: avni aren't you missing appa?

Avni : how can I not miss him? Where is he?

Nandini: work..

Avni: uff appa business.. I can't understand business at all.

Nandini: exactly avni.. don't know why appa loves business..

Ishita : you both stop badmouthing about your appa and his business.

Nandini: hawww amma you can't support him. You supposed to be our team. Right dear sister.

Avni : obviously amma.. you made sad amma.

Ishita chuckles at their drama. Mother and daughters continued talking for hours that they didn't realised how many hours passed.

Avni other side feeling hungry went to kitchen to make something. She was still on call with them. She carefully position her phone and opens cupboard to find something to make.. while Nandini and ishita was noticing everything and guessed she was hungry.

Nandini: avni..

Avni : yes di.

Nandini: did you skip your meals?

Avni nervously comes to her phone camera and passed her smile but in return she got angry glare thrown by ishita and Nandini..

Avni : amma Di don't give this glare.. I was sleepy.. I was tried from last night.. sorry I wily repeat this mistake again.

Nandini: I'm not going to hear your excuses miss Murthy.. this is not excuse to have your meals on time.. and where your is best friend who supposed to remind you for your meals.. you're adult now. You don't need reminder for meals when you should eat or not. This is very careless of you miss Murthy.. i didn't expect this from you..

She angrily shouted at avni who was trying to make cute faces front of the camera but that didn't melt Nandini nor ishita..

Avni : amma didu is scolding me. Tell her not to.. please..

Ishita: I'm out of this.. it's between you both. Short your matter out.

Ishita directly refused to support avni as she knew Nandini was right. Avni's habits of not eating on correct time was getting worser and worser..

Avni pouted and looks at Nandini who was glaring her..

Avni : my lovely Nandini didu please don't scold me.. promise I'll eat from today on time.. please last chance.. please.. pretty please diiii.. sorry..

Avni held her ears and apologised to Nandini which made Nandini smile but she can't let this matter go so easily.. she looks at the screen..

Nandini: I'm joy forgiving you till you don't take your meals.. I'm very well of your olds tricks. You better make something and eat front of us..

Avni nodded her head and starts making something while talking to ishita and Nandini.. while Nandini and ishita smiling at avni.

Nandini ending the call once avni was done eating her food. She looks at ishita who was staring at the black screen.

Nandini kept the laptop side and side hugged ishita.

Nandini: amma don't be upset. Our baby girl will be with us very soon.. she got few months for her inter.

Ishita : I know bacha but I'm still worried for her..

Nandini: amma don't worry about Avni. she knows how to handle herself plus her stupid best friend is with our baby girl.

Ishita nodded her head.

Ishita: when are you joining hospital back?

Nandini: amma can we not talk about my profession. Please..

Ishita: how long you will stay like this.. even amms is out of town.. she is not here to teach your music. Bacha why don't you try joining ?

Nandini: amma please.. I'm going to my room.

Nandini got up and taking her laptop ran up the stairs leaving ishita in deep thoughts..

In Delhi.

Avni after ending call was watching tv and eating popcorn when door bell rang.. she kept the bowl side and got up. She moves yo door and opens the door to see her best friend.. she fake smiled and moved side giving her space.

Avni closed the door and went behind her who took seat on sofa and grabbed Avni's popcorn bowl and starts munching. Popcorn making Avni angry..

Avni march to her best friend and took bowl of her hand and looks at her..

Best friend: avni why did you take popcorn? Give it back to me..

Avni picks popcorn and threw one on her face.

Avni : wanna eat this..

Best friend: avni what's wrong with you? Today I didn't even disturbed your beauty sleep then why are you pissed at me?

Avni : shouldn't I passed at you? Why didn't you woke me up? You because of you I got scolded by Nandini Di.. I hate you..

Best friend: what Nandini called you and scolded you.. wow I missed that chance..

Avni passed her angry glare.

Avni : next time I'll film it for you.. is that okay?

Best friend: more than okay babes.. but why did Nandini scold you..

Avni : what else meals?

Avni's best friend chuckles and pulls avni beside her.

Best friend: are you upset that Nandini scold you?

Avni : how I can be upset with my Di? She scolds me because she is worried about my health.. she knows how I am.. but I'm upset because I made Di worry.. whenever she calls me I make her upset .. I don't know why I can't I remember to take meals on time. Even on when I'm off. I don't know how to make it up to di..

Best friend: that's the matter.. you don't worry about Nandini. You intentionally didn't make Nandini worry. Somewhere it's my fault too. I didn't wake you up. I'm sorry.

Avni : no it's not you fault.. in fact I should be thanking you for being with me always.. because of you I'm able to live away from my family.. thank you bestie..

Best friend: move.. I don't like thanks from you..

Avni : really miss bestie.. sonal..

Sonal : yes babes..

Avni : Chuck all this but tell me where did you go?

Sonal : why should i tell you?

Avni : haww that hurt me my heart.

Sonal slapped her head.

Sonal : I wonder why Nandini still calls you baby?

Avni : don't call me that.. it's my Di right..

Sonal : acha..

Avni nodded her head.

Sonal : okay fine baba.. but at least tell me what's the plan for today.. i can't let you sleep whole day.

Avni made face hearing.

Avni : why do you think I always sleep?

Sonal : there is many reasons which made me think like that.. but honestly what will we do today?

Avni thinks for sometime and holding sonal hands took her upstair.

While in London at malthora Industrial.

Neil was sitting in his cabin and working when his intercom phone rang. He picks the call.

Neil : hello Neil malthora speaking.

Caller : hello sir. sir someone is here to meet you?

Neil : meet me? Who is it?

Caller : sir someone is claiming to your relative?

Neil : what the person name?

Caller : sir navya naveil!

Neil : send her in.

Neil ended the call and got back to work. Few minutes later he heard knock.

Neil : come in..

He looks up and saw navya.

Neil : navya what pleasant visit? What made you come here?

Navya : Neil.. I need to talk to you..

Neil : yes have seat.

Neil kept his laptop side and looks at her navya.

Neil : what's the matter?

Navya : Neil my parents has fixed my marriage with someone.

Neil : what? But how can you agree?

Navya : what should I do Neil? He is not responding my proposal. I can wait for him whole life but what about my parent.. they can't wait whole life Neil.. I have come here to tell you that I'm not going to wait for him anymore.. I don't think he loves me..

Neil : this is not true navya.. you know that.. he loves you but hasn't realised yet.. don't take any decision too quick.. I don't want you both to regret later on.. talk to him.

Navya : there is nothing to talk Neil..

Neil : do you trust me?

Navya : I do Neil but...

Neil : no but... leave it all on me... I will handle it from here.. but please tell your parents not fix your marriage with anyone... trust me I'll make him realise his love for you..

Navya : i trust you Neil.. I will talk to my parents tonight.. I should leave now.

Neil : okay.. don't worry about him..

Navya nodded and left while Neil thought of something.

Target was not complete but still I'm updating this book.

And please note next chapter will be after once you complete the target.

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