Twenty Seven

3rd Person's POV

Ysabelle shivered under the cold winter sky as she stared at the brick-walled mansion a few steps away from her. Clad in her red quilted parka, she hailed a cab from the door to the house.

She has been waiting for this moment. She wants to confirm her guts. All she wants is peace of mind and calmness of heart.

With the desire to finally acknowledge her true identity, she took a step to the truth. Another step. A couple more steps. And then, she rang on the doorbell.

"Kon'nichiwa! Dare ga iru no? (Hello! Who's there?)" A helper asked when she get to see her face.

"Kon'nichiwa! Izaberudesu. Matsumoto-san to ohanashi o onegaishimasu. (Hello! I am Ysabelle. May I please talk to Mrs. Matsumoto?)" Ysabelle said politely and in a couple of minutes, the door was opened.

She took a step inside and couldn't help admiring the simple intricate details the Matsumoto household has. She assumed that they have the minimalist style which complemented their lifestyle well.

"Ā! Koko ni dare ga iru no ka mitekudasai! (Oh! Look who do we have here!)" A young lady came from upstairs and saw her when she entered their living room. "The famous long-lost daughter of my parents!"

Ysabelle couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at her. She doesn't even know who she was.

"Mōshiwakearimasen? Demo, Hikari-san to Atsushi-san o sagashiteimasu. Watashi wa anata o motomete iru to wa omowanai. (I'm sorry? but I am looking for Miss Hikari and Mr. Atsushi. I don't think I am asking for you.)" Ysabelle answered in a courteous manner. The young lady didn't  even asked her to sit. Obviously, she's unwelcomed in the household.

The young woman was about to flinch and threw another rage when Hikari emerged from the kitchen. The person she's looking for seemed to be oblivious to what has transpired as she was surprised to see her in their humble abode.

"Watashi no yo-sa! Izaberu! Daijōbu! Nanite kotoda! (My goodness! Ysabelle! How are you! Oh my God!)" Hikari exclaimed and hurried to her side. "Suwatte kudasai! Sā, koko ni suwatte. (Have a seat! Come, sit here.)" She said and led her to the their small comfy couch completely ignoring the young lady who was standing at the stairs landing and looking at the both of them, frustration was written all over her face. "Dare ka ocha o moraemasu ka? Arigatō! (Can anybody get us some tea? Thank you!)

Moments later, a helper served them some tea and Ysabelle mumbled her thanks. The young lady also disappeared from their sight.

"Dīenuē o yaritaidesu. Kekka ga dō naru ka o ukeireru junbi ga dekite imasu. (I want to do the DNA. I am ready to accept whatever the result will be.)" Ysabelle said meeting Hikari's whose eyes widened with what she said.

"Hontōni? (Really?)" Hikari asked in disbelief and she nodded. "Honkidesu ka? Watashitachi wa anata ni atsuryoku o kakete imasen. Anata ga kore ni shokku o uketa ka dō ka wa wakarimasuga, watashinohaha-sei hon'nō ga watashi o anata ni michibikimashita soshite — (Are you sure? We are not pressuring you. I understand if you were shocked with this but my maternal instincts led me to you and —)"

"Watashi wa konshū-sue ni riyō kanōdesu. Nanji ni denwa shite kudasai. Anshin shitai dakedesu. (I am available this weekend. You can just call me what time will we have it done. I just want a peace of mind.)" Ysabelle said giving her a small smile before sipping some tea. She brought it down and she met her gaze. Unshed tears started to form in her biological mother's eyes. And at that moment, she knew she really has their blood. She can feel that weird familiar homey feeling creeping into her veins. It was a comfortable realization she has to accept.

Fumika still couldn't believe her ears and they engaged in a few more talks before she finally let go of Ysabelle who became comfortable with her. They even shared a few laughs together.

"Ā! Kyō wa hotondo jikan o kaketakunai! Anata wa mada gakkō ni oitsuku hitsuyō ga aru to kakushin shite imasu. Watashitachi no untenshu ni anata o anata no ryō ni tsureteitte moraimasu. (Oh! I don't want to take most of your time today! I'm sure you still have to catch up on school. I'll have our driver drive you to your dorm.)" Hikari exclaimed and gently touched her hand. Together, they walked to the gate and she asked their helper to call the driver to drive Ysabelle home which she gladly accepted. It is indeed getting late.

"Hikari-san, arigatōgozaimashita. Ima shūmatsu o ai shimashou. Yoi yoru o. (Thank you, Mrs. Hikari. I'll see you this weekend. Have a goodnight.)" Ysabelle said smiling genuinely at her. Hikari couldn't be more eager to see her again.

"Oyasuminasai, izaberu. Dīenuē o go kentō itadaki, makotoni arigatōgozaimasu! Shūmatsu ga machi kiremasen! (Goodnight, Ysabelle. Thank you so much for considering the DNA with us! Can't wait for the weekend!)" Hikari exclaimed and opened the back door of the car for her. Ysabelle got inside and she closed the door. "Anzen unten, Ōtsuki. (Drive safely, Otsuki.)"

"Hai, madamu. (Yes, madame!)" Otsuki said and started the engine. The garage door opened automatically and Hikari waved at the departing sight of her daughter.

At the window of her room stood a frustrated Ayame as she watched with sneering eyes how Hikari was so happy with the girl who just got in.

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