Show Me

Friday October. 16 15:37

1 month post traumatic episode...

You think you slick

Wym lol what did I do this time?

You just gonna go to work and not say anything?

Who said I was at work? 😌

I can see you tryna be all discreet nd shit.

Better get off your phone cus your manager on the next aisle

I snickered when she gasped and looked up from her phone trying to stuff it back in her work apron. She damn near knocked over the cans on the shelf she was stocking. It was amusing watching her look around like a highschool student trying to duck their teacher until we locked eyes from across the store.

Squinting her eyes, gave me a heated glare causing me to laugh more till she rolled her eyes and resumed her task. Taking that as my cue to make my way over to her, I adjusted my grip on the cart handle and  pushed the raggedy ass cart down the aisle.

"Did you have to pick the shittest cart?" Emily asked, keeping her focus on the cans, trying to look busy. "Loud as hell."

"Maybe." I answered shortly. Looking at her side profile. "I wanted everyone in the store to know I was here buying bananas."

"I see."

Shoving my hands in my pockets, I continued to watch her work, smirking at her failing attempt hide her smile. "So I'm not here, huh?"

"No," she snapped playfully. "I'm working."

"Alright. Bet." Using the cart, I moved her body away from the shelf, using it as a barrier so that I could have her undivided attention. "See. Better."

"You're gonna get me in trouble." She laughed.

"It's ok. I'm the one in the way, not you. Now c'mere."

Gently wrapping my fingers around her wrist, I pulled her closer to me, bringing her into a hug that was more than familiar these days. Our hug lasted no longer than a few moments. She pulled away but still stayed close, and I could tell that she was hoping for a deeper level of affection than just a friendly hug. Quickly rationalizing that I didn't want to get her in any more trouble than I already could have, I took a short step back, putting a few more inches between us.

She held a warming smile, trying to hide the short lived disappointment that flashed in her eyes. "Where are you coming from, stalker?"

"I had a photo shoot for some lady's poodle" I shrugged, returning the same smile.  "Now I'm here looking at your cute ass face."

She laughed shortly, then tucked in her bottom lip trying to hide her obvious blush. "I thought you needed to buy bananas."

"I did. So now I'm here, talking to yo' cute ass and buying some bananas. Win win."

Her smile grew wider as she repeated.

"Win win."

Just before our conversation can continue, an electronic chirp followed by a staticky voice echoed from Emily's back pocket. "Emily, you're supposed to be stocking canned sweet peas, not cupcaking with mr. long, tan and handsome." As if her eyes were about to shoot out the sockets, she quickly reached for the device to reply to the teasing voice.

"I'm taking a 10, Kelly."

"It's looking more like a 15 to me."

"Can you not!"

Emily lowered the device from her face with a bashful expression. "Sorry 'bout that."

"No worries," I chuckled, "what time you off?"

"Oh!" Bringing her wrist up to glance at her small pink wrist watch, which I assumed was a Fitbit. "I'm actually supposed to be off in the next hour. Why did you wanna Han—"

"No quickies by the canned veggies."

Her device chirped twice more and this time the first was accompanied by another voice that was a little more serious than the first. "Kelly i don't know if you've forgotten, but you're on the main channel! Instead of worrying about Emily and her visitor, how about you finish stocking the canned Sweet peas."

"Ten four!"

"Emily, Doll, you can go ahead and clock out for the day after you've finished ringing up your friend. Don't worry about your register, We've got it from here.

"Ten four." Emily confirmed. "Thanks joey."

You could see the feeling of relief on Emily's face as she clipped the device back to the back pocket of her fitted blue jeans and gave me her undivided attention once again. Taking a deep breath, she paused before speaking once again. "I'm so sorry. What were we talking about?"

"I asked what time you were off, but I have my answer now."

"Oh yeah! Sorry. I was gonna ask if you wanted to hang out?"

"Something like that."  My eyes traveled down her body with obvious intent making sure she was smelling what I was cooking. She tucked in her bottom lip again trying not to show her smile that I found so perfect, and looked around making sure nobody was around.

Taking a step towards me, she closed the gap between us, gently brushing her torso against mine as she rose on her tippy toes to reach my ear. Craning my neck slightly to meet her, I placed a hand on her hip to hold her steady.

"Meet me at my place later" she whispered, her breath caressing my ear. "I have something for you."

"Shiiid, fuck these bananas and this raggedy ass basket. I'm on my way now."

Taking the bananas out the cart, I eagerly misplaced them on the shelf next to the canned food and pushed that cart down the aisle looking for the nearest spot to put it. Off to the side, Emily stood laughing as I moved with haste, letting the cart squeak and bumb along.

"I didn't even clock out yet." She laughed, projecting her voice as I moved farther away with the loud rickety cart.

"Hurry up." I shouted from across the store. "I'll be waiting for that ass."


* ~ ⏰ ~ *

"Mmm..." I exhaled, followed by a long inhale between my clenched teeth. "Ah... ah, fuck."

"You like that?" She smirked.

"Fuck..." was all I could say for a while. "A little lower... a little— fuck yes, right there..."

"I told you it would feel good."


My eyes practically rolled into the back of my head as her cushion soft hand glided down my back followed by the powerful yet sensational massage gun pulsating against my skin. I was in my own personal heaven.

I felt her body jolt from laughing as she straddled the back of my waist. I was positioned on my stomach, giving her full access to my back so that she could work her magic.

"Jungkook?" She said softly.

"Yes magic massage wizard?"

She giggled timidly. "Can I ask you something?"

With my face still buried in my arms, I exhaled a muffled "Of course."

There was a small pause in time before she continued. Based on her small hesitation, I knew for sure there was something on her mind.

"You good?" I asked, perking up at the sudden energy shift.

"Do you really enjoy.. just hanging out?"

As if her demeanor wasn't enough, the emphasis was enough to grab my attention.

"Wait," I huffed out, flipping over to my lie on my back while still underneath her so that we were now face to face. "What do you mean, by 'just'? I enjoy hanging out with you, if that's what you mean?"

"Well," she sighed, looking for the right words that best fit. "I asked because it seems like you have no interest in anything more than just hanging out."

Her sweet smile changed to a stoic expression and she looked down on me with those deep honey brown eyes. Their focus on me gave me a chance to look deeper in them. It was almost like you could see the premeditated disappointment behind them if I didn't give her an answer deemed satisfactory.

"Tell me why you feel that way."

"What?" She asked, cocking her neck back.

"Honestly. Not trying to be condescending. I genuinely wanna know."

"I don't know." She looked away for a brief second to gather her thoughts, then shook her head, letting her curly hair fall down her shoulders with the motion  "I can't explain it that well."

"Try anyway."

"I guess it's just.." she paused. " You and I are close. Closer than typical friends but that's it. We just ...close."

"I like that we're close though."

"Just close though?"

The disappointment I predicted came to life. She exhaled a small sigh, and her lips slightly twisted to one side. I didn't like being the cause of that look, so I placed my hand on her thigh, shaking her lightly until her honey brown eyes met mine again.

"Look, Em. We were running at 100 miles per hour when we first met. I'm not even gonna sit here and front, I loved every single second of it. But I don't want you to feel like sex is all I want or expect from you. I hold you in too high of a regard to do you like that."

"And so do I. But it's also kind of odd to think all you expect from me is sex, considering we haven't had sex in a while. There's been numerous opportunities but you've turned them down."

And she was right.  Since our first time together, every opportunity that presented itself to us was shot down or wasn't taken advantage of. The closest we've gotten to opening up that side was when we went to Ikea together and things got very heated in the car.

She kept her eyes trained on me as my hands caressed her thighs, appreciating the feeling of her smooth caramel skin as I laid beneath her. Here we were in another position where the opportunity presented itself to us, options were limited and I had a choice to make.

"I don't know, I'm Not trying to be too forward or pushy, I'm just.." As she continued to ramble, I decided to use this moment to my advantage and tackle this opportunity.

Sitting up slowly, my hands followed through, traveling from her thighs up to her waist and pushing past the fabric of her shirt. We were now face to face, the tips of our noses nearly touching and for the first time in this conversation her eyes weren't on me. Her mind was still distracted, allowing the word vomit to spew from her mouth. Leaving one hand on her lower back, My finger tips grazed her smooth skin as my other hand traveled up her back, passing the hooks of her bra till my fingers combed through the hair at her nape.

I pulled her body closer to me, cutting her words short with a lingering kiss on her soft plump lips. She hummed in approval against my lips, settling into my embrace. It was as if her body had been waiting for me to finally make a move.

I pulled my lips away slowly keeping the same distance between us and Emily's once disappointed eyes were low and trained on me. I watched them shift between my lips and my chest and a smirk spread on my face as I pictured every thought she had in mind. Her hands that had found their way to my neck pulled me back in for another kiss that was hungrier than the first and before I knew it she was already working off her shirt.

We only separated long enough for her to pull it over her head and carelessly drop it to the floor. With her skin exposed, my hands traveled a path up her back, stopping to unhook her bra and help her slide the straps down her arms. Her nipples brushed against my chest and the slight touch made her inhale sharply, reminding me that my theory that she could cum from nipple play alone had yet to be tested.

No time like the present.

Hands starting on her waist, my palms crept up her sides slowly, and her kisses shifted from passionate to preoccupied as she focused on the way it felt. The higher I went, the more irregular her breathing became, her shallow breaths telling me that her anticipation was peaking. Shifting towards the front of her body, I cupped her breasts in my hands and her kiss nearly came to a stop. Lips resting against mine, she inhaled tiny gasps of air as my thumbs glided over her skin, but as soon as they grazed the edge of her nipples, she grabbed my wrists and pulled my hands down.

She was panting, her body slightly trembling from being deprived of something it desperately wanted. I blinked at her in confusion but waited as the lust-filled haze in her eyes cleared.

"Wait," she said.

Obeying her wish, I moved my hands to her lower back, keeping her close. "What's wrong?"

"You don't have to do this."

"I want to though." I said, giving her skin a squeeze.

"You sure? I don't want you to feel obligated in any way."

"I don't." I chuckled. "Look, 'Em. Imma be real with you. I'm new to all of this."

She tilted her head in confusion and exhaled an amused laugh. "What? It definitely doesn't seem like it."

"No, not this. I'm actually well seasoned when it comes to this."

"Well what do you mean?"

"Relationships are like foreign to me. If it's anything other than sex, im unfamiliar with it. Don't get me wrong, I understand the basics but other than that this is all new territory."

"So you don't 'do' relationships ?" She asked.

"Nah, I'm not saying I don't. I'm saying I haven't." I shrugged.

She didn't respond right away. An unreadable expression was displayed on her face "So.. have you ever considered it?"

"I Have."

"but it didn't work out?"

"I don't know yet."


I glanced down at her now folded arms as She awaited my response and removed them from across her chest, guiding her hands to rest around my neck. I inhaled softly, bringing my attention back up to her face and stared into her possessing brown eyes that resembled deep pools of fresh rich honey.

"Ya know, there's so much I like about you, em."

"you like about me?." A ghost of a smile spread across her face, "and what's that?"

"Well for starters, your face can be expressionless but your eyes speak louder than words.

"Don't you mean my actions?"

"No. Those golden brown eyes."

She looked away for a second, hiding her soft blush then playfully rolled her eyes. "I didn't know you paid that much attention to my eyes."

I couldn't help but smile as she tried not to gaze back at me.  "I do. They hold a lot of emotion in them, it's hard not to. So fiery you could melt some ice with one look."

She seemed hesitant but it was short lived. "What else do you like about me?"

My hands began to caress her skin again, slowly drawing patterns with my fingertips up and down her back. "I like how your voice changes when you talk to me. It's soothing but sexy. Gentle yet sultry. every time you say any of my given names, it's like music to my ears.

"Is that right?" She said, her voice sounding just as sensual as I described it as she played with the hairs at the nape  of my neck.


"What else?"

Following the curve of her body, My hands traveled up her back, pulling her body closer to mine so that we were chest to chest, then slid then down to rest on her bottom, gripping the skin that peaked from underneath her small pajama shorts.

"The way your hips sway when you walk and how you fill out every pair of jeans you wear."

"Yeah?" She asked, tilting my head to meet her hooded gaze before she placed a slow kiss on my lips, sucking on my bottom lip and tugging at it as he pulled away.


She was stirring up the excitement in my core with how she reacted to my truthful words. Wrapping an arm around her lower back, I ushered her body down to the bed, following until her back met the mattress and I was hovering over her.  She laid below me, back arched and chest propped up, and ready for me to express more of my admiration.

I settled between her legs, letting my body relax against her own. Her hands massaged my neck as I let one of my hands travel down her body, sliding over the crest of her hip till it reached her thick thigh.

"Is there anything else?" Her voice thick with passion.

"The shape of your legs. When I saw you in that dress at the party—those shorts in your living room" Leaning down, I pressed my body against hers, returning the same kiss once, twice, and three times more till I was just speaking in between kisses. "I wanted to see them wrapped around my waist."

Following suit, she wrapped her Shapely legs around my waist, slowly grinding against my now hardened member. The friction from her motion and both our shorts caused to groan softly against her lips.

"Is there more?" She asked hushedly, her breath caressing my moistened lips as she kept hands on both sides of my face.


"Show me."

Hey y'all !!
I hope you all are well.

few things :
*Another reminder that's this is a slow updating Book.
*I apologize for any typos!

I hope you enjoyed this Chapter

Till next Time

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