11/22/21 Special Episode: Astro Spider

I wanted to do something for someone special to me. This is Astro Spider, aka Jeffrey, aka my uncle. Couldn't think of anything to do for him today so I made him a Spidersona since he loooved superheroes. For the show's mid-season hiatus, here is a special episode dedicated to one of Marvel's biggest fans.

Golden webs litter the walls of everyone's buildings that are higher than eight stories. They glitter in the sunlight, dissolving after two hours, the one who left them far away. He sits by the docks, eating a box of pizza and staring out into the Atlantic.

Astro Spider is always drawn here for some reason, which he always reasons is because it is the only place in the city where he can be alone. Sometimes he can see fish jump out of the water a ways away, but they never come close to shore because of the pollution. It makes him sad, and he wonders what would happen if he just left. Teleported across the Atlantic so he can go on an adventure. At times like this, he feels stuck - trapped in this city. Villains pursue him at every turn, so why doesn't he deserve a break? His hands dip down into the water and he is about to strain his lungs in order to try and teleport, but two voices break his thoughts away.

"I got you out of prison for one reason, and one reason only. We need to work together if we want to take down Astro Spider." It's Norman Osborn, he knows that voice anywhere. Astro is best friends with Harry Osborn and Maggie Melane, two people who always hang out at the Osborn penthouse with him. That means he spends a lot of time with Norman. It wasn't until he found out that man is secretly the Green Goblin did he start making up excuses whenever Harry invited him over for dinner. He can't have Norman finding out he is secretly Astro Spider.

Astro peeks his head around a crate and finds the orange haired man in a business suit, talking to two people who he also recognizes. Maxwell Dillon, also known as Electro, and Adrian Tombs, the Vulture. The former speaks first, his arms crossed over his vest. "We've tried the whole team-up thing before, smartass. Why do you think it's going to be different this time?"

"Because this time," Norman says with a glare, not liking the term he was called, "you have me. These crates hold a certain poison from the stars that I want to use against the spider. I need you to transport them to my lab."

"You think the two of us can just lift these enormous things? Why didn't you get the Rhino for this job?" Vulture asks.

"Because Rhino can only lift one thing at a time. I want Max to get these to my underwater lab right over there by the docks, while you stay on the lookout to make sure Astro Spider doesn't surprise us and ruin everything. The substance in the crates is immune to electricity, so don't worry about using your power." That last part was directed at Max.

"Okay, geez. We'll get right to it," Electro says, flying off his feet slightly.

"Perfect. I'll see to its completion, but for now I must attend a meeting at my public lab," Norman says. He doesn't give the others a chance to respond before walking away, getting into the back of a black car, and leaving.

Vulture ignites his wings and says, "I like how we are the ones who have to do the heavy lifting."

"Always have, and always will be. Like how it was before we got our powers, right Adrian?" Electro electrifies all of the crates and lifts them slightly into the air.

"You got that r-" he cuts himself off when he sees Astro Spider standing there, now without a hiding spot.

"H-h-hi, guys!" Astro says with an awkward wave. "I didn't hear any of that, I swear."

"How do you always know where we are? We just got out of prison!" Vulture yells, swooping down and picking up the spider by his talons. "Honestly, it's as if you stalk us hourly!"

"Woah, calm down, Feathers! Just so you know, I was here first, eating pizza, and minding my own business!" he retorts, spraying some webbing at Vulture's wing and yanking it so he spirals out of control. Astro yanks himself from his hold and falls, landing gracefully on the concrete. "Sweet, now I can- AH!"

"Don't forget about me, kid!" Electro shouts. He slams a crate onto the floor, trying to squash the spider, but he jumps out of the way just in time. Two crastes float by his sides and suddenly slam closed, and Astro quickly teleports himself above them. He has no choice but to land on them, electrocuting himself which adds to the pain from the teleportation.

"Ugh..." he groans, his body plopping to the ground. Vulture swoops down again with his talons at the ready, but he teleports, unable to get up and move his limbs in time. His chest hurts as if his lungs are collapsing in on themselves, despite the short distance he traveled to get behind Max. What's wrong with me today?

Electro turns and raises a hand to zap him, and Astro shoots a web at a nearby crate to pull his body toward it. His spider sense goes off, so he quickly stands up and does a backflip before Vulture could stab him in the back with his sharp wings. "Ack! You little pest!" he shouts.

"G-guys, I'm not feeling it right now. I think I... you can just give Norman whatever that is. I don't care..." Astro says with a few gasps between his sentences. He can barely think anymore, and he desperately tries to think of why his powers are hurting him this much. Usually he is able to teleport short distances with only a pinch, longer ones being more painful. He tries to come up with a time that he traveled a long distance and did not let himself to properly recuperate.

Shoot. The Atlantic. He activated his power right before he could actually use it, and it prepared him for that long teleportation. That must have exhausted him enough to actually make an impact on his body. He wonders what would have happened if he tried to teleport that far to its full extent. Would it have killed him?

He turns around to face Max and is about to say something, but a huge wave of electricity is shot at him. Instead of dodging, he instinctively teleports toward the docks, and falls to his hands and knees.

"I thought he had a super healing ability or whatever," he can hear Vulture's voice distantly say above him.

"That's why I always go all out," Electro says. "I know he can take it. What happened?"

"S-sorry..." Astro coughs out, his voice faint. "My lungs..."

"Readings indicate that teleporting actually harms him physically," Vulture says, holding up a scanner of some kind. "Are we just going to leave him here?"

"I never wanted to kill him," Electro whispers. His mind flashes back to when he first met Astro Spider. Sure, they have their differences and whatnot, but at the end of the fight the guy actually took the time to talk to him. "It's just when he gets in the way, I get frustrated and let myself go," he admits. He remembers when he teamed up with the Sinister Six and forced him to teleport all the way to Brooklyn, and he wonders how much pain Astro was in after that. "If I knew this happened every time, I wouldn't have..."

"Yeah, I know," Adrian says. "But, we can't help him. If Norman found out-"

"There's no way he will," he says quickly. Max bends down and loops Astro's arm around his shoulder before straightening up. "Let's just get him out of the fray."

Vulture seems like he's debating with himself, but after a few moments he sighs with a nod. The two make sure the spider is safe in the corner before finishing up their crate carrying, and then fly all the way to the top of Avengers Tower. Usually it's the last place they would want to be, but they deemed it the safest spot for them to bring the wounded spider. He's been out for a while, but after a few seconds of feeling the fresh, evening air atop the tower, his eyes flutter open. "What the f- how did I get up here?!" he yells, quickly standing up.

"That was us, you're welcome," Electro says, making him turn around.


"You've helped us when we were injured before, and now we are repaying the favor," Vulture says. "You should really get that teleportation thing checked out."

Astro stares down at his hands and watches as they produce a black form of electricity, the residue that is always left behind whenever he uses his special power. "You think so? I don't know, I think it's fine," he says sarcastically.

"Seriously, kid, take care of yourself," Max says more sternly, walking toward him. He puts a finger on his chest and continues, "I don't understand you sometimes. One moment you're dying and the next you wave it off as no big deal. You talk to the people who try to kill you, including me. What have we done to deserve this kindness?"

The spider pauses and turns to the sky. He sees the sunset and thinks about how beautiful it is. Now or never, these two need to know. He swoops a hand below his chin and takes the cloth off his face, shocking the two villains to the point where they can't find words. They see that he's not anything like how they thought he looked, but instead possesses flowing, light brown hair and brown-blue eyes that could brighten any night. His pale face is covered in light scrapes from the teleportations, mainly the one he activated when thinking about going across the Atlantic.

"I like you guys, and you're not bad people," he says, sitting on the edge of the building. "You're just hotheaded." He chuckles, even when Max punches him lightly in the shoulder.

"I didn't come up here to be made fun of, kid."

"Alright, alright! I'm kidding. But, sometimes, you just need a friend and not someone to be your punching bag," he finishes. "I just think that if you can get to a level of understanding, then you won't need violence at all."

There is a moment of silence and then Adrian says, "That's quite the philosophy, but not everyone works that way."

"Speaking of which, Norman has a plan that I think you should know about," Max admits.

"What is it?"

"I'm sure you overheard it, but he wants to use a space substance some astronauts found on their last expedition and use it to poison you."

"What's the poison?" Astro asks nervously.

"All I know is that he's calling it Venom."

Although he is worried and scared for his life, for this new Venom thing, he knows that he has two allies that will ultimately help him if he ever gets to a breaking point. Because Astro's main super power isn't teleportation, but the ability to find the light inside of someone and use it to make them shine.

Astro Spider makes sure no one is watching as he puts his mask back on, jumping down the side of the building and finding a nice spot to sit in a nearby alleyway. In another world, Aqua Spider sits with her back against the wall, feeling a warmth in her chest for some reason. The two stay there longer than usual, not knowing what is making that spot so comfortable and loving.

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