Chapter 8 Jealousy

A few weeks had passed by since you and Owen had that hang out, and needless to say that hadn't been the end. The two of you hung out a lot since, getting to know one another more and more. The more you learned the more you found yourself really liking him.

But that didn't mean you hadn't caught the attention of your best friend. She figured something was up upon the last few phone calls the two of you shared from time to time. She could hear it in your voice, you sounded relaxed happy and almost...giggly. (To her suspiciously so.)

"So who's the lucky guy?" Claire had pressed on the subject one night as you two were talking while you fixed yourself dinner.

"What?" You looked at your phone in shock from where it was sitting on the counter while you made some microwaveable food. (What it's hard to cook and find time to even cook!)

"Oh don't be coy with me (Y/N), I know that tone, someone's got your attention." Claire sounded like she was smirking on the other end of the phone as you stood there in shock. Your heart rate increased feeling it pounding against your ribs and you could feel your face flushing.


Your eyes widened.

No, no, no! I'm not...theres no way.

You gasped out inside your head in dread.

"Come on (Y/N) I would like to know." Claire seemed like she was in good spirits, but now fear had your heart. What would she do if you told her you're starting to fall for Owen?

"I'm not interested in anyone." You decided to play dumb pulling your food out of the microwave as it beeped at you telling you it was done. Claire tsked.

"Yes you are, the signs are all there. You do deserve someone who will treat you right, especially after what you've told me about your last relationship." Claire on the other line, though she sounded relaxed, she was paranoid. Afraid you were going to say just who she thought you'd say. (After all she had been having a sudden fear the past 2 months you've been away that you and Owen would click more than she and him ever had.)

"No really I'm not interested in anyone." you argued back taking your phone and plate of hot food to the couch to watch tv while working. A normal you've always done at night.

"You certainly sound interested." Claire hummed on the other end.

"Well I'm not." You corrected with a sigh.

Believe me Claire you don't want to know.

You looked away from the phone guiltily like you've ruined the trust of your best friend.

"I understand you don't want to tell me." Claire laughed but you could tell she must be hurt you won't share. You stared at your phone hesitantly, maybe you should be subtle.

"Um, I've been doing a lot of hanging out with Owen. That's been fun." You grinned only to feel it drop as Claire gasped out a bit. Like she had been expecting it, it was a sharp breath and you knew that she must of been upset.

"With Mr. Grady?" Claire was breathing sharply and her tone had become passive aggressive.

"Yeah...just as friends though! Its been fun." You smiled like a kid who was about to get in trouble with their parents.

"(Y/N), I've told you not to get too close! He's-he's bad news! He could be playing you." Claire huffed and you figured she must be jealous.

"He's not, if he wanted to, he'd of done it a while ago." You argued back suddenly heated about the subject.

"You don't know that! That's how they get you!" Claire's voice was steadily rising.

"Well I can say that's not true, he's not like that at all, he's funny and sweet and nice to be around." You looked away from the phone pressing a hand against your chest to stop your heavily beating heart.

"So he's the one." Claire sounded bitter suddenly and you looked at the phone surprised.

"I know you still like him I'd never-" you argued gripping the cushions of the couch to try and anchor your self.

"I can't believe you! Two months and this is what happens! I told you he was bad news! But do you listen to me? No! Instead you ignore me and go off and follow him!" Claire was steadily beginning to shout and you clenched you're eyes shut wincing.

"Claire." You spoke steadily trying to reach her in this state.

"I can't believe this! I just can't! My best friend! Going off after I tell you not to!" Claire was still talking.

"Claire." You rose your voice a bit breathing deeply in an attempt not to get upset.

"I told you no! I told you stay away I told you-"

"CLAIRE!" You shouted suddenly your voice booming with a hidden irritation really shining through. You inhaled sharply yourself now swallowing thickly at what just happened.

"I've told you that I know how you feel still and I'm not going to do anything. Maybe I'm admiring him, but I'm not going to get in the way." You sighed out much calmer.

"Oh you say that but I can't trust you." Claire scoffed and you stared at the phone in disbelief. Did she really just say that? Your eyes slowly narrowed a glare beginning to form on your face as you stared at the phone.

"And why not." You were trying to be calm, your food, was getting cold.

"Because I told you not to get close to begin with and now here you are all buddy buddy." Claire defended her reasoning and you scoffed yourself.

"Do you even know me?!" You shot back quickly.

"Of course I do." Claire defended herself again.

"Clearly you don't because you'd know I'd never do that." You growled a bit, was she always this bad of a friend?

"Oh please (Y/N), it starts out innocent enough but by the end you'll kiss him or worse. Don't play coy with me." Claire clicked her tongue.

"I wouldn't even dare!" You gasped out, your anger is rising.

"You know what? I don't need this, I've got work to do. And so do you. If you really feel that strongly about me betraying you then maybe we shouldn't even be friends because a real friend would have faith in me not doubt me." You growled again.

"(Y/N)-" Claire's voice got softer the jealousy and bitterness that had made its home in her tone leaving.

"Goodbye and goodnight." You hung up the phone quickly staring at your phone in your hand only to toss it to the other side of the couch resting your head in your hands.

Did you really just do that? End a friendship you've had since getting here? You felt your shoulders slump at the realization, your eyes looking down at your now cold food.

I'm not hungry.

You pushed it away from you on the coffee table and looked toward the tv listening to the show you left on playing. But you weren't really retaining what was being said as you sat there in silence.

You knew Claire wasn't a bad person. The way she had been treating you wasn't exactly her. Jealousy can do things to people, good people, without them even realizing it. You knew she cared about you but it hurt to think she thought you'd steal Owen away. You curled up a bit against the corner of the couch turning your attention to a wall to stare in thought.

You'd never steal him away from her, you'll admit you've gotten closer to the raptor trainer and you deeply enjoy his company. He's funny and finds a way to put things into a good perspective when you need it. Normally you're used to guiding people in what they need to do or should do being an assistant, but some how he's the one guiding you.

He's more than just a friend now and you knew it. You knew you needed to distant yourself a bit from him so you don't fall further than you've already begun to. But still even if you were having feelings for him, you'd never in a million years steal him away from Claire. Even if it's tempting you had strong moral principles.

You stared sadly at the wall crossing your arms only to look back at your phone. Maybe it was harsh of you to end it like that, but she hadn't called back.

What am I going to do?

You frowned deeply at the thought and stood up taking the cold uneaten food to throw away in the trash before sitting back on the couch now eyeing your paper work. You don't want to admit it, but you had grown feelings for him. He just some how wormed his way into your heart. Somehow he got your defenses down, and maybe Claire's right that's how he gets you.

But you don't, you know he's not a bad guy. He's made it clear he'd never take advantage of you in any situation, he's defended you recently towards some of the sleezy comments some of the other men had been making about you. (Though Barry does too, you're good friends with him but you knew you were going to be the moment the two of you got to talking. He was a good guy too. But there's something about Owen.)

You held your head in your hands again taking slow breaths looking down at the floor trying to analyze the situation.

I want to call him.

You stared longingly at your phone temptation eating at you to call Owen and tell him what happened. But part of you knew if you did he'd be mad at Claire for being so dramatic, and the other part feared maybe he'd go talk to her and the two would end up together again.

You gasped a bit and looked away fighting back tears, you cared a lot about Claire still. You want her to be happy too and you want Owen to be happy. But that didn't mean the idea wasn't beginning to hurt. Your eyes trailed towards the entrance, eyeing the door with a want of escape.

You just wanted to run away somewhere and sit, just sit.

The enclosure.

Your eyes widened at the thought and you got up grabbing your phone and sticking it in your pocket before hastily grabbing your keys making your way to the door only to hesitate.

What if you fell asleep while watching the girls run around and play? They're quite active at these hours in the night and don't simmer down till maybe midnight. You've got time but still how would you explain yourself if some one saw you?

I'll just say I was doing work.

You nodded at the thought and marched out to your car. Listening intently to the crickets chirping you got into the drivers side, closing the door and speeding off down the makeshift road towards the enclosure.

You parked and got out making your way towards the bars just to stand at a safe distance to watch. You let out a breath and found your self sitting down closer to the first set of bars than maybe you should of been. But there was still another set so you didn't have to worry too much.

Your eyes watched the movement in the distance while you listened to the chirping the girls were doing to one another as communication. Then your eyes met a pair that seemed to glow in the darkness. You just stared unblinking too tired to be afraid. There was another chirping noise and you realized it was just one of the girls, she must of noticed you.

You watched still not looking away maintaining the eye contact until at last she looked away and you blinked in relief only to look a little puzzled when you watched her lay down on the other side. It was then you realized it was blue, she didn't like you too much in the beginning but the more you got to see her the more she seemed to be at ease with you and soon the other girls had followed in her footsteps in getting comfortable with you. Blue made a noise while laying down and you suppose she must of picked up on the fact you were distressed.

Clever girl.

You smiled a bit before sighing grasping the bar.

"You have no idea what's bothering me and you can still pick up on the emotion." You hummed in a soft whisper towards her and she seemed to make more clicking noises and you guessed she was trying to talk to you. Not that you could understand her. You sat in silence and then saw her sisters joining her side seeming to be talking to her in their various clicking and chirping before they sat down all looking at you with their heads down.

You guessed they all know you're upset now.

How interesting they've never acted like this with me before.

You tilted your head to the side curiously, but then decided to rest it against the bars closing your eyes.

"You four have no idea how much I want him to love me the way he loves you." You laughed bitterly.

Damn, I just admitted it didn't i?

You frowned deeply.

"Sometimes I wish all I had to do was fight for dominance, I know in a battle against Claire I'd win. There'd be no hard feelings and we'd just move forward, but it's more complicated than that." You sighed opening your eyes to see all four girls laying down fully their eyes looking at you intently. It almost reminded you how they stare up at Owen on the cat walk when he's about to give an order.

"You can't understand a word I'm saying and yet you're all still listening." You laughed a little shaking your head only to stand up all four girls rising with you.


You made a face at that action but brushed past it looking towards Owen's office before looking towards your car.

Go home try and sleep or work?

You debated for a moment only to look back hearing various clicking and chirps making you smile warmly. What is it about animals that can lift a person back up again?

"Alright Alright I'll go home." You knew you didn't understand what they said nor what they were trying to communicate but the thought was still there. Sighing you turned your back walking towards your car before getting in careful to make sure the doors were locked. You stared at the steering wheel for a while and then at last you pulled out of the dirt parking place to travel back home.

Tomorrow's another day...

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