Chapter 5 The Morning After

(F/C) = Favorite Color
(F/A) = Favorite Animal
(L/F/F) = Least Favorite Food

Owen was a simple man, who lived for the simple pleasures. Sometimes that happens to be just a nice drink on a hot day, sometimes that's getting shit faced in a bar with his friends.

Last night had been the latter, he can't remember why he wanted to get drunk but some how it happened. A groan left his lips as he shifted in bed listening to the springs of the mattress from underneath that moved with him.

His head was killing him, he felt like his brain was pounding against his skull about to break out. Maybe last night was a bad idea. Owen sat up a bit trying to remember just what had happened last night.

Mm let's see.

Owen thought to himself as he rubbed his eyes running through last night. Well he went to the bar with you and Barry trying to get to know you better. Barry left after a while leaving just you and him. You both started really talking and...he can't remember anything past you laughing at a joke he made.

"Great." Owen grumbled to himself shaking his head before wincing. Probably better not to shake his head. Looking at his nightstand Owen reached for his phone only to stop as a sudden thought made its home in his head.

How did I get home last night.

Frantically Owen looked down to see if he still had his clothes on finding that he indeed did. Well except for his vest but that wasn't a big deal. Nothing else was missing. Besides shoes anyway.

Okay so I didn't sleep with (Y/N)...

Owen sighed a bit in relief.

Not that I wouldn't want to.

His eyes narrowed at himself at that thought. He was your boss not to mention that you two just became friends. Like he's gonna fuck it up by throwing the moves on you so fast.

Not that I'd mind teasing (Y/N)-

Oh, he needs to stop thinking it's killing his head. Regardless he was still clueless as to how he got home last night. He guessed maybe you called Barry? As Owen continued reaching for his phone he stopped seeing a glass of water with some medicine next to it.

What the-

His mind was cut off from the cuss as a soft knock echoed against the door and soon you walked in. You seemed to stop seeing him awake and immediately looked away clearing your throat.

"Oh, didn't know you were awake." You seemed, embarrassed. So you brought him home but did you something?

"Uh, yeah." Owen grumbled a bit reaching for the water and pills while you took a moment to recollect yourself.

"I've ordered you some breakfast and called in to let Barry know that you'll be late. I've also arranged on getting your motorcycle back here..." you trailed off looking back at him seeing his expression.

"I would of been fine, you didn't have to do that." Owen rubbed his eyes a bit unaware that his voice was deeper from the fact he had just woken up.

"I know," you cleared your throat seeming like you were trying desperately to relax, "but you were kind of a mess last night so I decided you needed some extra help."

"Oh god what did I do?" Owen groaned,  seeming to cringe at the thoughts of all the embarrassing things he did that flashed in his mind as possibilities.

"Nothing bad don't worry sleeping beauty." You joked a bit taking the now empty glass of water from the night stand.

"You were just laughing and being a little suggestive at worst. You got sick though last night, I cleaned up the vomit in the living room but you spent the rest of the evening throwing up in the toilet....Actually I found you passed out when I came back in to check on you. So I cleaned you up and got you into bed. I was gonna leave but you asked me to stay." As you spoke Owen felt himself wanting to sink down to the floor in embarrassment but just found himself looking at you slightly amused.

But you stayed because I asked.

The thought flew across his mind in an instant it was gone all while he stared at you.

"You didn't have to do that." Owen sighed his teeth grinding against one another with pain still from his pounding headache.

"I know, like I said, but I don't mind helping a friend." You stood there patiently looking calm but Owen could see the worry in your eyes. You must be wondering if that was the right thing to say, or even mention.

"Thanks again." Owen decided to brush it off accepting you as a friend now while he stood up trying his best to work out the knots in his shoulders by stretching. He had his eyes closed trying desperately to relax only to peek his eyes open to see you were staring momentarily.

"Like what you see?" He smirked lop sidedly at you enjoying the flustered look that crossed your face as you huffed making him chuckle a bit.

"You're never gonna stop being a flirt are you?" you raised a brow smiling a little now, seeming amused.

"Nope." Owen popped the P. He stood still now his eyes gleaming with a flicker of mischief.

"Gets me all the ladies." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively watching as you scoffed.

"Oh dear god help the poor women," you started a bit sarcastically before laughing, "but you can't get every woman like that. Come on have some class."

You were joking and Owen knew it making him smile a bit before he walked over to you.

"You saying I can't woo every woman with my charming looks and personality?" Owen was doing this on purpose walking closer to you just to see what you'd do. Your eyes were firm looking into his and your expression was desperately trying to stay stern, but you were shifting on your feet a little and Owen knew this had some sort of an effect on you. (Then again how could it not he's getting closer nearly backing you up against the wall.)

"That's exactly what I'm saying." You huffed a bit as Owen grew closer, and closer almost pinning you to the wall. A faint knock was heard from outside the bedroom forcing Owen to stop upon hearing it. Owen pouted a bit that the game was over and you let out a sigh of relief as he began to walk towards the living room only to be stopped by you.

"You should get dressed and brush your teeth and such before work, I'll get the door it's probably your food." Your eyes lingered on his and Owen couldn't tell what he saw. But he could make out you were beginning to really care for him. You left the room shortly after that to answer the door and Owen stood there thinking to himself.


His eyes narrowed at himself as he looked to the side letting out a deep breath he had been holding in. He felt like groaning into his hands and never coming out of his room for the rest of the day. Sure he acts like things like this don't bother him but in reality he's still human too. He was embarrassed, embarrassed you had to put up with him last night.

If it was Barry that would be different, Barry's seen him like that before, they've been friends since they both started just clicked naturally. But for some reason it's different when it's a girl. Not that he minds he knows that it didn't bother you, but maybe it's getting to him because you're Claire's assistant and her best friend.

Maybe he still cares for her, and if you retold this story, Claire would only turn her nose up with a look of disgust and disinterest. That had to be it, he still likes Claire because she's a difficult catch and he's embarrassed because her best friend saw him in a state she wouldn't stand for.

With that Owen went about half his routine before walking out into the living room to hear you chatting with some one at the door.

"Thanks again! Really, it means a lot to me you went out of your way to bring food here." Your voice called at the door and Owen stood in the living room freezing up.

"A-ah wel-well you know I can't say no to you (Y/N) yo-you're the only woman who doesn't ignore me." A nervous man spoke at the door and you seemed to let out a sad sigh as of that thought saddened you.

"I don't think it's right you go ignored, I'll make sure to pay you back though. Thanks again you're a life saver!" You sounded relieved and the man you were chatting with sounded flustered as he left. The door closed and Owen narrowed his eyes a bit at the floor.

"Oh-you're done." You stopped walking fully in a plastic bag full of food from one of the restaurants on the avenue being carried in your arms.

"Seemed like you were having a good talk, who was that?" Owen walked towards the couch plopping down with his legs spreading comfortably acting as if he could care less about who's as at the door. But for some reason he disliked the idea some guy was catering to your ever wish so easily. (No way he's jealous.)

"Oh, friend from work. He works in IT and surveillance, he brought you your break-...brunch." You corrected your self upon seeing the time and gently placed the bag full of food down on the coffee table with a small hum to yourself.

"You should eat though, you're 4 hours late for work and I think your poor girls miss you." You smiled at Owen and he couldn't help his lingering eyes. He looked away quickly talking himself out of what ever that was to nod a bit with a long sigh.

"I'm gonna go back home to get ready for the day, call if you need anything." You began to make your way towards the door about to leave the couch only to stop when Owen called your name. You turned around, your confused eyes looking at him as he gazed at you deeply for a moment. He was studying you, and by your curious gaze he could tell you had no idea what he was doing.

His eyes searched yours, like he was looking for something but even he didn't know what. He quickly dismissed this strange behavior as him just being hungover from last night. Must be making him act a little strange.

"Anyone ever told you, you're a damn good assistant?" Owen gave you a smirk as he draped an arm across the back of the couch sitting even more comfortably than before watching as you seemed happy with the compliment.

"From time to time." You teased a bit.

"See you at work, don't take too much longer I don't wanna write this down in my evaluation reports of you." You joked a little and then waved a goodbye before leaving walking out the door as Owen waved back at you watching your retreating form leave his bungalow completely. He leaned forward sitting up straighter to eye the food that you had ordered for him before he heaved out a heavy breath.

He needed to  apologize subtly for last night. But how? Flowers? No. Chocolate? What was he your secret admirer? The more he thought about it the more he realized how he really doesn't know too much of your likes other then (F/C) was your favorite color, your favorite animal was (a/an) (F/A), and that you really really disliked the food (L/F/F). Other than that he wasn't really sure what you liked. What sort of woman you were.

Actually no he can sum that one up, there's a strength to you and you don't like dealing with bullshit. One of the things he liked when the two of you first met three weeks ago. But still he needs to get to know you more. You knew him better than he knew you, and he had a feeling it was the same principle with Claire.

Eating his brunch quickly Owen kept thinking to himself about how he would get to know you better, and then it hit him. A night on the town. Not a date or anything just two friends goofing off around the park. That was a good idea. Wasn't it?

Deciding he'd ask during work, Owen was quick to finish up his food and finish everything else he needed before he left for the day stepping out into the early afternoon air.

Damn it's hot.

Owen groaned in his head at the heat that already met him after leaving his cold bungalow. On the bright side December wasn't that far away and even if it would still be hot at least it would be more manageable.

Hopping on his motorcycle Owen revved the engine thinking deeply for a moment before driving off. Now all he had to do was figure out how he was gonna ask you to hang out, without it coming across as a date.

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