Chapter 16 Just Out Of The Water
A few minutes earlier..
You gasped as you finally bobbed your head above the water your lungs greedily sucking in air as the boys coughed at your sides. You jumped you can't believe you jumped! Softly you guided Zach and Gray towards the shore lagging behind as you swam through the clear water coughing your self as they staggered to land.
Zach turned around and helped you out of the water as gray fidgeted watching as you pushed your hair from your face now straightened and sticking to your skin. You let out a long breath shaking your head.
"You jumped." You laughed a little relieved.
"What else were we supposed to do?" Zach huffed but there was a new respect in his eyes.
"W-What do we do now? What do you think we should do now?" Gray asked nervously and you looked at him before looking up towards the dense jungle ahead.
"We need to get back to the park, that thing is out here away from guests, we head back and I'll make sure the evacuation process happens." You marched forward and both boys trailed by your side.
"What if they don't listen? What if we can't get back?" Gray looked uneasy and you knew this really had to be hard on him. Both of them, but gray's still a kid.
"It'll be okay, we'll find away." You sighed walking through brushing tree branches out of the way as the boys walked with you.
"You think that thing is still looking for us?" Zach turned to look behind him paranoid.
"No it lost interest pretty quick, which is weird if it was hunting...I'm no expert though, but I think we're safe for right now. But we need to keep moving." You weren't really sure where you were going but as long as you kept walking you figured you'd encounter something decently familiar.
"What if there's more dinosaurs loose?" Gray swallowed thickly.
"It'll be okay we'll find a way to survive, we just need to relax..just," you paused looking for the right words, "act like this is just a nice walk though the jungle. 65 million years ago."
Zach and gray nodded and followed after you through the forest, you weren't sure what to do to make them relax. Gray was panting and sounding like he was close to hyperventilating and think he's trying to keep a brave face. You stopped seeing an old workers helmet on the ground, cracked with stains on it and Gray gasped a bit. He sounded close to crying.
You knelt down to look at it motioning for the boys to stay where they were standing for a second as you picked it up, just as a faint growl from far away was heard.
"It's dried blood, and this is an old logo from the early beginnings of the park, this old." You muttered standing up to see a jeep not to far away.
"You boys stay there." You walked forward to inspect it seeing there was nothing here as you inched closer.
You made a face, well it's not like you really know how to fix a car either. Not that you couldn't learn but it just never had been something you needed to know.
Does Owen know about the crazy monster loose?
You wondered to your self turning your head as you watched Zach and gray slowly approach you.
"I thought I told you two to stay there." You made a face.
"Yeah like we're gonna let you die out here too." Zach rolled his eyes as if that was obvious gripping the jeep. Gray gripping his arm. You smiled a bit at that then saw he had caught something in his eyes looking to where he was looking you saw just what he was staring at. It looked like some boarded up gate or something. It almost reminded you of Indiana Jones where he'd walk through the forest and find a secret passage.
You walked forward the ground beneath your feet moist as you inched cautiously towards the wooden boards. They looked old. But the closer you got the more you realized it wasn't a board but two large doors. You weren't in the old section of the former park were you? Hesitantly you pushed open the doors Zach helping you as if opened to revealed what looked like an old enclosure. A dome over the top and you wondered if this was for the prehistoric birds.
Zach walked ahead of you and gray was now clinging to you as the three of you progressed inside. You pressed your lips together looking around.
"Wow." Zach whispered a bit up ahead as he got a full look at everything then he bent down picking something up off the ground. You couldn't see what it was as he twirled it in his hand but you saw where he picked it up from. There was a torn banner on the floor and you used your foot to brush the dirt off. Your eyes read over the word Jurassic.
"This must be from the old park." You muttered aloud bending down to pick it up eyeing it and it was then you saw what Zach was holding. Must of been some kind of broken off three branch. It was shaped funny for sure.
"Hey," zach looked to gray, "you still have those matches?"
Gray unzipped his fanny pack opening it to reveal the matches he had tucked away safely inside and you smiled as you wrapped the old banner around the wood.
"Look at you boys, more prepared than me." You joked.
"All I have is this pocket knife my boyfriend lent me for today."
Both boys looked at you.
"Why?" They seemed confused.
"He's just over protective, he wants me to stay safe." You laughed a little as you finished up wrapping the banner and handed it back to Zach as he took the matches and used one to light just the banner on fire.
"You should..uh lead the way." Zach offered you the make shift torch and you took it finding it was probably better that way as you walked forward. Well if you're all in the old park there's a main road some where close by that leads back towards the avenue where all the shopping is done. (Well you guessed it's really a Main Street but Avenue always sounded better.)
The question was: how to find it? Walking forward the area grew dark the torch coming in handy for sure as you walked feeling both boys nearly clinging to your sides. You guessed this was a run down part of the former park, it was strange this almost looked like a main building the more you walked toward seeing drawings of dinosaurs lining the wall. You hesitated as you illuminated one of a raptor.
You brushed the thought aside walking forward more. You'd get through this and see him again, he's probably just waiting for you back. If he was doing anything right now he probably just finished work and is probably tinkering with his bike. You smiled at the thought. He's probably complaining in his head about how you're not there.
You shook off the thought and walked into a room pausing as you saw two jeeps sitting there amongst the growing weeds and moss. Zach and Gray walked forward leaving your sides to investigate the room and you followed after them. It looked like...
"Uh!-" Gray gasped in surprise as he put down the head gear he had picked up that you assumed was for night vision making you snicker.
"It's okay gray." You ushered him over as Zach looked closely a the jeeps.
"1992 Jeep Wrangler Sahara, Sand Beige." Gray muttered as Zach eyed the car on the right standing close to the head lights as he examined it.
"I was just gonna say it's a jeep." You shrugged and just smiled at gray.
"Didn't know we had an expert, good going." You praised him watching as he looked up at you smiling. Zach looked lost in thought, concentrated on the car in front of him.
"Gray, You remember when we fixed up
Grandpa's old Malibu, right?" Zach looked towards gray as he nodded slowly.
"Yeah?" Gray muttered then it clicked.
"Are we going to try and fix this one?" Gray looked towards Zach.
"We can try." Zach rolled up the sleeves to his jacket.
"I'd help but I'm not sure what you boys need. This isn't my area, but if we get it working I can get us back to the main road and to the park." You stood a bit away to give them some light. You watched as Zach opened the garage door that happened to be in front of the jeeps to give a better light and then the boys began to work. You watched curiosity as they began to work.
"You think it's out there?" Zach asked fear in his voice for a moment as he looked at gray then he cleared his throat realizing that wasn't the right thing to say.
"Maybe, but not close to us." You spoke carefully eyeing gray cautiously.
"Yeah, yeah we're totally safe." Zach sighed out and then handed Gray the battery he had picked up.
"Here, take this, you're stronger than me." Zach smiled at gray as he took it from him and gray smiled widely. You couldn't help but smile at the sight.
Soon you had to put out the make shift torch to sit in the car grabbing the wheel waiting for zack's say on when to turn the car on your eyes staring at the open hood.
"Alright," Zach called, "turn it over!"
You turned on the engine listening to it roar to life and cheered with gray who was sitting behind you.
"It works!" Zach hollered gleefully and put the good back down to rest where it should on the car hopping into the passenger seat.
"Can I drive?" He sounded hopeful.
"I thought you failed your drivers test." Gray was sitting in the middle of the back seat leaning up close to the front seat looking between both of you.
"Only the driving part..." Zach muttered and you laughed a little.
"I'm driving, I think i know where to go from here." You laughed and began to drive the jeep forward. You sped through the forest sighing relieved when you found the main road leading back to the park and quickly turned to follow it. You picked up the Speed gripping the steering wheel as the car broke through the rusted gate and you sighed in relief.
"That's it we're safe now!" Zach cheered after he laughed with gray at how risky that was, you did just run into a gate. Just as Zach said that gray caught something in the rear view mirror turning around to see something flying above.
"Go, go! Go!" Gray urged you and you quickly readjusted really putting pressure on the gas.
"Buckle up both of you now." You snapped and began to drive closer to trees speeding the best you could, but the closer you got to the park, the less trees there were.
Shit, shit!
You thought frantically blaring the horn as you saw gate 5 just with in reach. Zach and gray were both shouting for the idiots up top to open the gate and you growled as they just stared. If they didn't open that gate you're getting the boys out of the car and running some where, just anywhere! But you need trees or something!
You're not sure how but the boys yelling must of done something because the gate open and you just raced through. Turning the jeep quickly making the wheels screech as you parked it to get out helping the boys the best you could before racing them towards the main park.
"Shelter, now." You ordered breathlessly running through the streets of panicked guests.
"(Y/N)!" You turned your head hearing your name called and made a face seeing some woman with dark hair running towards you and the boys. She looked nicely dressed she must be Claire's new assistant. She spoke into the phone quickly and raced over to you and the boys as you staggered to a stop. Gray was about to run forward but you grabbed his arm yanking him back just as a pterodactyl swooped down.
"Wait no don't just stand there!" The woman called but before she could say anything else she was swooped up by one of the bird like dinosaurs being tossed between them. You couldn't do anything about it and turned away as the boys watched horrified and your eyes raked over the crowd seeing if you could find anywhere safe. You needed a gun. And now.
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