Chapter 14 Run

Lunch had been great, some how you managed to hold a conversation with the boys and they seemed to like you. Well enough anyway. Zach didn't really want to do as much talking as gray and you respected that and maybe that's why he didn't seem as harsh towards you.

You walked through as gray pulled your hand pointing at the crowd of people gathered close to the gentle giant petting zoo to watch.

"Hey whoa slow down!" You laughed a bit and gray let go of your hand dashing ahead as you jogged to catch up with him Zach not too far behind.

"I wanna see them closer!" Gray tried to peer over the crowds of people but wasn't able to see a good glimpse.

"Lift me up, I can't see!" Gray turned his attention to Zach who looked at him a bit annoyed.

"I'm not dad and you're not five." Zach tsked a bit.

"I can still ride the Triceratops! I'm 47-and-a-half inches." Gray poured at his brother and you couldn't help but smile widely at their antics at first.

"I can lift you up if you really wanna see them." You looked down at gray a bit who stared at you bewildered.


"You're kidding, you can't lift him."

Both brothers spoke at once and you just looked between them both.

"Well I've picked up boxes heavier than gray I'm sure of it, besides it won't be for very long. That is if you really do want to see them." You looked down and gray nodded quickly.

"Please!" He clasped his hands together begging.

"This place is for kids." Zach scoffed a bit and you gave him a look. Grays expression fell considerably.

"Yeah I know," Gray sighed messing with his fanny pouch then he looked up again, "wanna go on the spinning dinosaur eggs?"

You tried not to laugh but it broke your heart how much gray was trying to reach his brother.

"Nope," Zach made a face, "cover up your dork pouch."

You decided to intervene before any real arguments happened.

"Hey, how about we go look at the T-Rex feeding?" You looked at your phone again to check the time.

"Next feeding should be in 10 minutes if we leave now."

"T-Rex!" Gray bounced on his feet now pulling both your hand and Zach's in his own towards where the attraction was.

"Come on, guys, come on!"

You smiled amused and eyed zach as he seemed to think.

"Okay, let's go." He seemed a bit enthusiastic and you looked at him suspiciously. You didn't say anything though letting gray rug your hand after reluctantly letting go of Zach's to pull you into the show room.

"Parents be aware, this show may be disturbing for smaller children."

The automated announcer spoke over head and you stood there with gray letting him get as close to the glass as he wanted as the giant creature emerged from the greenery. You haven't seen much of any of the shows around here but you really wonder what it's like to be a trainer.

Can't be that different than what Owen does.

Your eyes lingered on the T-Rex as it suddenly let out a roar making the crowd cheer. You wanted to frown a bit, after Christmas was done you'd be back as Claire's assistant working closely with her once again and no longer with Owen. You enjoyed your days together, you wondered would you be this close separated?

I don't see why not, only thing I'm really worried about is the girl's.

You hummed amused at the sudden thought that crossed over your mind. If the girls saw you as...what did Owen call it again? The beta? You think, but that doesn't matter. (You settled on alphas mate since that's safer to say and not be wrong.) then they won't listen to just him without you by his side. It would be an incomplete pack.

"Look!! Look!!!" Gray shouted excitedly and you seemed to focus back watching blood run down the t-rex's teeth. You shuddered in fear for a moment. (That would be terrified to run from. You're sure glad it's behind glass.)

"Okay, okay, love you too mom...bye." Zach walked over back towards gray and you figured that's why he had been so distant. You raised a brow as gray gasped at the sight.

"Wasn't that cool?" Gray turned sharply on his heels as the guest were being ushered out for cleanup till the next show the three of you walking side by side.

"I never realized how gross it was." You winced a bit and gray seemed like he wanted to jump.

"I know!" He raced ahead of you and Zach suddenly and you looked at him.

"You know you don't have to follow us around you can go do your own thing. Just as long as you're back around dinner." You hummed a bit while walking feeling your phone buzz in your pockets with a message.

"Oh uh, nah it's fine I need to watch him anyway. This dorky park isn't that cool." Zach huffed but you could tell that was his excuse to stay and you nodded suppressing a grin.

"Right, totally get it, hey looks like gray wants to see the Mosasaurus show next." You nodded and pointed at gray who was waving his arms widely close to the lagoon entrance and Zach seemed to smile a bit trailing forward a bit faster to reach his brother.

You took a second to look at your phone to read over the message Owen had sent you.

Heading over to some new exhibit, they want me to take a look at it. Guess you're not the only one doing something exciting.

You smiled at that and hummed wondering what it was Owen was looking at only to snap out of it hearing two boys shouting your name. Stuffing your phone into your pocket you trailed ahead quickly.

"Oh I didn't know you guys wanted me around that much I thought you were gonna ditch me." You joked a bit finally reaching them.

"And miss a chance to see raptors?!" Gray gasped and you just laughed as Zach rolled his eyes.

"Yeah I don't care if you're with us or not, but aunt Claire would throw a fit know." Zach had his arms crossed. You grinned, you guessed you left more of an impression upon both boys than you originally thought.

"Right, couldn't have that," you shook your head motioning for the boys to walk ahead of you, "shall we?"

Finding some seats on the bleachers you leaned back watching as the announcer, who you knew was also the trainer, stood up at a podium looking out at the large pool of water just behind them.

"The Mosasaurus was thought to have hunted near the surface of the water where it could prey on anything it could sink its teeth into." The announcer spoke. Above them hovering just over the lagoon, a great white shark was dangling via a mechanical hook.

"Okay folks, let's see if she's still hungry after already eating today. She's a little shy so be nice and give her a hand when she comes out."

You felt gray shove Zach from where you sat next to him laughing a bit at the kids excitement as Zach looked away from his phone which displayed a picture of a girl.

Must be his girlfriend.

You mused over the thought.

"Zach! Zach! The Mosasaurus!" Gray whispered excitedly pointing out into the tank of water seeing movement. You gasped at the sighed as suddenly the big fierce reptile of the sea thundered out of the water and snapped its jaws onto the Great-White dragging it under the water within lagoon and sending a pool of water over everything and everyone.

You gasped in surprise at being soaking wet your eyes widening as both gray and Zach seemed marveled by it. The audience erupted in cheers and praise as the bleachers jerked beginning to move down.

"Okay, hold on tight. We're going to give an even closer look at our Mosasaurus." The announcer spoke and soon everyone was sitting in an under water observatory. You watched with wide eyes as the giant creature tore into the Great-White mercilessly.

"It has 88 teeth." You heard gray whisper to both you and Zach and raised a brow. You didn't know that. Zach seemed distracted until at last he looked back to both of you.

"You guys wanna go see something else cool?" Zach looked at between you and gray and you shrugged standing as everyone else did as the show ended.

"Yeah!" Gray bounced.

"Sure, where to then?" You followed after Zach as he walked.

"We need to catch the monorail first." Zach walked forward now leading and you and gray followed behind him making your way to the station and getting on. You sat not too far away from either now sitting across from them as you checked your phone only to frown.

It got soaked! On the bright side it's a company phone and they'll retrieve all the data, still you wanted to text Owen back now that you had the chance. You sighed putting it back into your pocket, well you're sure he's fine and the new attraction was probably another T-Rex and nothing else.

Shaking your head you suddenly tuned into to the boys conversation.

"I don't want two of everything..."

"Yeah, well, it's not up to you. All right? There's a point you have to grow up."

You frowned at this and wondered what the two were talking about as gray turned to stare out the window away from Zach. It must be family related but you're not sure.

"It'll be okay." You suddenly spoke you and both boys glanced at you.

"You don't know what we're talking about." Zach scoffed crossing his arms sinking into the chair.

"No but I caught the last bit. Being an adult is a lot of responsibility but you don't need to grow up too fast, bad things happen but the best we can do is control what we can and try to get the outcome we want most." You shrugged leaning forward resting your arms against your crossed legs.

Gray sniffled a bit wiping away tears.

"Will it really be okay?" Gray muttered and you gave him a reassuring smile, you can't say for sure especially not knowing what the two were talking about but you can at least soothe him.

"I'm sure it will be." Gray nodded seeming more relaxed and Zach avoided eye contact the entire ride. Eventually you got gray to talk about all his favorite dinosaurs and he had stood up sitting next to you now chatting animatedly about how different they all where and what made them what and so on.

Eventually Zach finally decided where he wanted the three of you to exit off the monorail and you followed behind him looking down at gray who had your hand as he talked.

"The soft tissue is preserved because the iron in the dinosaur's blood generates free radicals, and those are highly reactive. So, the proteins and the cell membranes get all mixed up, and and uh... act as a natural preservative. DNA can survive for a millennia that way." Gray chatted quickly and you nodded interested. This kid did a lot of research!

"You really like dinosaurs huh?" You laughed as the three of you stopped in like for the Gyrosphere attraction. Gray nodded enthusiastically and you just squeezed his hand sweetly.

"Well tell you what after this I'll take you boys over to the raptor enclosure and you can meet the girls up close. How's that sound?" You raised a brow and gray nodded quickly nearly jumping.

"Like fun!" Then his eyes looked to zach.

"Right Zach?"

Zach was staring at a girl a few feet ahead and you rolled your eyes amused. So you guessed he had been following her around all day now, no wonder he wanted to do this.

Zach looked back disinterested before looking to the girl once again.

"Uh, yeah yeah, cool." He sounded so out of it.

"Were you even listening?" Gray pouted. Zach gave gray a look and you took your hand away from the younger brother to gently pat his back.

"It's okay he's coming with anyway, let him stare at the girl ahead." You eyed Zach as he turned red that he had been caught and gray titled his head narrowing his eyes confused.

"What do you think's gonna happen from you just staring at them?" Gray seemed confused and you stifled down a laugh as you heard the girls Zach was staring at giggling at him up ahead as they got into their own Gyrosphere. Zach was red with embarrassment.

"Thanks, man." He spoke bitterly.

"You're welcome." Gray seemed to realize what he had done but smiled anyway and you laughed a little at both brothers.

"Enjoy the ride." The employee working the podium muttered monotoned. You knew he had to be fed up with his job some guests could be straight up assholes.

"Thank you." You smiled at him and let the boys get into the ride first before you followed leaning an arm against the back of the seat as the normal pre show played as the Gyrosphere drove off.

"Pregnant women and those who suffer from motion sickness should consult with a doctor before riding this ride." The warnings played and you hummed looking around. You've never had time to go on this ride before it was interesting to see it. You tuned out the pre-recorded show and narrowed your eyes at the field. There's no dinosaurs, you've got a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach. You turned to look at gray and Zach as they said your name.

"Where are they?" Zach asked and you figured he was asking about the dinosaurs.

"I don't know." You answered truthfully.

"Man." Gray looked down a little disappointed.

"Due to technical difficulties all our exhibits are now closed. Please disembark all rides and return to the resort." Suddenly an automated voice spoke and you jumped looking at the screen worriedly.


You pierced your lips. Something was wrong they never shut down areas of the park unless this was a phase 1. They didn't did they? What could of happened?

"We should turn back." You spoke slowly eyeing Zach as he muted the noise. Gray looked upset.

"Okay..." he muttered and Zach didn't seem happy his brother was upset showing he cared more than he let on.

"What? No we can stay out, for a few extra minutes. Aunt Claire gave us special wrist bands and (Y/N) works here It'll be fine won't it?" Zach looked at you as he began to take control of the Gyrosphere and you frowned deeply.

"I'm not so sure," you began but saw how upset Gray looked that you all had to go back and so soon, "but I don't see any harm for 5 more minutes."

You can't believe you just gave in.

"See? It'll be fun." Zach smiled at gray and drove the Gyrosphere through the field. He jumped suddenly as his phone went off and he reached for it seeing Claire was calling.

"Hey, Claire." Zach answered nonchalantly and you eyed the phone. You could hear Claire talking but couldn't hear her tone. Was she just checking on you all since your phone was busted now?

"I can't really hear you. We're in the hamster ball." Zach sighed out seeing bored and then suddenly he couldn't hear her due to connection issues you're sure.

"Eh it's fine she's just checking up on us." Zach stuffed his phone into his pocket and you pierced your lips but brushed it off.

"What happened here?" The Gyrosphere slowed down and you saw a ripped fence reading do not enter.

"Dude, off road!" Zach seemed excited but gray looked worried.

"I think we should head back..." he trailed off.

"I agree." You chimed in.

"Come on! I'm worried we're not getting the full Jurassic world experience. This'll be fun!" Zach tried to convince the two of you driving the sphere through the large hole through the fence out into the dense jungle.

"This is a terrible idea." You groaned leaning over the chair scoffing as Zach corrected you saying this was a good idea.

"This is as good of an idea as going bungee jumping with out the cord." You narrowed your eyes making a face as zach looked at you startled at the sudden sarcasm. But he seemed amused by it.

"Listen boys we'll turn around right now, something isn't right we'll see more dinosaurs later." You argued.

"Look now we're up close and personal with four dinosaurs there's nothing wrong!" Zach argued and pointed towards the Ankylosaurus.

"Ankylosaurus. We shouldn't be here. And there's five dinosaurs." Gray was staring up at something that Zach didn't see and you met his gaze your eyes widening upon seeing what stood amongst the trees.

Zach wasn't looking pointing at the dinosaurs as he counted them again after insulting Gray about him being a genius.

"1,2,3,4-" zach started and you pointed.

"5." You finished. Suddenly the t-Rex looking dinosaur roared and started racing towards where you all and the Ankylosauruses were.

"Move!" You ordered trying to hop the chair to take the controls of the sphere.

"Shit!" Zach shouted and Gray seemed distressed as you attempted to move the Gyrosphere. You bit your lip concentrated turning sharply just as a Ankylosaurus sung it's dangerous tail towards the glass. But you didn't see the second one biting back a scream as the Gyrosphere was thrown to the side landing in a tree making you all hang up side down panting for air. You didn't want to look towards where that, what ever it was, was facing down the pack. You knew that it wasn't going to end well, that thing was giant. A real monster.

"W-we're safe in here right?" Gray muttered softly though tears and Zach nodded reassuringly.

"Yeah totally safe." He muttered and you looked around the sphere for an escape.

"We can't stay in here long, that thing will eat the Ankylosauruses, we need out and now. I need you boys to promise me you'll follow me no matter what. You follow what ever I say exactly as I say it. Got it?" You looked between both boys watching as gray nodded hesitantly.

"Okay.." Zach finally spoke and you sighed in relief.

"Good." You spoke but before you could get in another word Zach's fallen phone vibrated at the top of the sphere. Or was it the bottom now since you all are upside down?

"Zach." Gray gasped suddenly and you turned your head to see just what he was staring at freezing as Zach tried to reach for his buzzing phone.

"Zach." You warned swallowing thickly.

"I've almost got it." Zach kept reaching his fingers brushing against the vibrating phone and you snapped a bit.

"Forget the phone and freeze, now." Your eyes stared into the red ones looking straight at you three. Zach listened his eyes slowly turning to see where you and gray were staring only to come face to face with the monster standing there. Suddenly it stabbed its claw into the sphere pulling it down from the tree and you began to unbuckle seatbelts getting the boys free hearing your heart pounding against your chest.

All the while the monster sniffed the glass then let out a loud ear splitting roar as it chomped down its teeth sinking into the layers of glass separating you three from it, quickly you grabbed both boys hands listening to poor gray scream. But you couldn't find the strength to even do that right now as the glass shattered and the three of you fell to the ground.

"Go! Run! Run!" You urged letting the boys run ahead of you as you three took off blindly into the forest zig zagging your way through trees pushing branches out of your way hearing the fast foot steps of what ever that thing was gaining on the three of you. You stopped just behind both boys over a cliff that led towards a medium size lake.

We're gonna have to jump there's no other way.

You swallowed thickly taking in quick breaths.

"We have to jump." You turned quickly speaking looking between both boys.


"I don't-I don't think I can jump."

Both boys argued back at the idea and you took both hands in your own giving a reassuring smile.

"We jump together, we'll make it trust me. Now when I say so, we jump." You ordered at the end looking between both Zach and Gray as they nodded unsure at this idea but decided to listen regardless.

"3." Your voice quivered as the ground began to shake.

"2." Your eyes glanced behind you seeing the trees starting to be violently thrown to the side.

"Jump!" Rushing forward with both boys you jumped down feeling the air pushing past your face to your hair, the water met your skin harshly like needles as you and the bigs made a large splash narrowly avoiding the jaws of the monster above holding your breath anchoring both boys down listening to the sounds of vibrations above waiting for the monster to loose interest. You can't believe this, you just can't!

Owen I hope you're okay.

You gasped for air at the thought now just above the water swimming towards land. You needed to get out of here and back towards the resort now.

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