Chapter 1 New Beginnings

(Y/N) = Your Name
(L/N) = Last Name

The sound of rain was heavy, loud even. It drowned out any other noises around as it fell against the window, having your complete attention. Though perhaps, staring at it and focusing on the drops of water, was your way of trying to remove yourself from the conversation at hand.

Lightening flashed lightening up the room briefly, you turned away quickly in fear. Swallowing back a yelp, that almost escaped you, over the thunder that soon followed after. Your body shook in its anxieties unable to stop itself. It reminded you of that night. That night.  You were quick to wrap your arms around yourself in a weak attempt for comfort shuddering at the memories that plagued your mind.

"Thunder scares you?" The person before you smiled tightly capturing your attention, bringing you back to reality. Your eyes glanced around the room familiarizing yourself with the stale comfort this office had to offer.
"It is a bad storm today huh?"

The person looked towards the window at the thought tapping their pen thoughtfully nodding their head. Like they were confirming it themselves rather than wait for a response. Though that didn't matter. You didn't want to say anything, now staring at the floor.

A sigh fell from them, and soon they pushed themselves to lean forward clasping their hands together in a prayer position. Sympathy lingered in their intense gaze upon you.

Stop looking at me like that.

You gasped inside your mind refusing to meet their eyes.

You weren't there like I was.

"You know if I'm going to help you (Y/N) you've got to talk to me." They offered a more relaxed smile. You looked up towards them unable to stop the glare.
"I know I wasn't there, but Im here to listen to you. Why don't you tell me what happened from your perspective? Could you tell me that at least? What happened? Say we start from the beginning. Make things easier for you."

You wanted to scoff at the idea of recounting again to someone else about what happened. But you knew better than to fight this. This was to help you. You have to cooperate, otherwise you'll never be the same again.

"The beginning?" You finally found your words. Repeating the therapists suggestion cautiously. 

"Yes. The beginning." The therapist smiled a little more, seemingly happy to finally have an answer from you. (You can't blame them you've been quite so far unwilling to converse.)

"Okay, the beginning..." you swallowed thickly fighting back tears, "ab-about 6 months ago a dinosaur almost killed me and the people I love."
6 Months ago...

Life was just as you'd expect it. Pretty much perfect. It almost felt as though everything was neatly falling into place. Well, everything except this moment. Your eyes followed the woman in the room as she paced. Irritated beyond belief over something you didn't think was that big of a deal. (You constantly had to keep resisting the urge to roll your eyes at her antics. She's being a little melodramatic today.)

"Claire, I'm sure you're exaggerating." You crossed your legs from where you sat leaning back comfortably observing the way she stomped back and forth.  She looked like a Lion prowling the cage looking for a break in the enclosure to escape. And your words only seemed irritated her more. She turned her head quickly meeting your gaze, gasping in offense.

"Are you serious?!" She stomped over to you now.
"You should have seen him! Ugh!"

Claire took a seat beside you shaking her head hastily. Arms crossed tightly over her chest she pierced her lips.

"I mean, he shows up to our first date in-in!- I don't know cargo shorts I think! It was ridiculous!" Claire huffed pointedly looking away from you.
"I had the whole evening planned. And what does he do? Ruin it. I need my schedules!"

"Claire." You sighed pinching the bridge of your nose. You had to be careful on what you say next. She may be your friend but she's also your boss.

To think about a year ago you were offered a job here at Jurassic World as an assistant to Claire. (Your official title got lost in time, though you didn't much care for it to begin with.) You never imagined you'd be discussing a bad date with her.

She was a bit much at times, though Claire was going through a lot. She buried herself deep into her professionalism and because of that has become the person she is today. She has to be the one in control or it's not worth her time. It's not that she was trying to be bad, but she definitely wasn't good either. (Not yet anyway. She needed something to shake her out of these habits, otherwise she'll never change for the better.)

She latched herself onto the negative sometimes, desperate to find a way to correct the problem. Or sometimes she'd create a problem that was never there to begin with to stir up some trouble she could fix so she felt useful. Or to feel like a hero of the day. She craved praise and attention, and as her closest friend within the park you knew this better than anyone and tried your best not to take certain things to heart. She really wasn't a bad person just stuck in a bad mindset.

As of now her latest fixation was on a man named Owen Grady. Outside of Claire you've heard bits and pieces about him but as the saying goes out of sight out of mind. She was absolutely smitten with him the moment she met him.

Naturally she had told you at the time, though her manner of saying she thought he was handsome was to say he was okay looking and such. You had kind of hoped this relationship would work out for her, but she always had to find something wrong with the guys she dated.

Last night was just the final nail on this Owen guys coffin for her. She was obsessed with finding Mr. Perfect but her ideals in perfection were almost unobtainable. He was far beyond her idea of perfect, he did everything wrong last night during their date. At least to her he did.

It was a shame really, because you think Claire needs someone or something to be her wake up call. (Something that a friend can't do.) But that's just how the cookie crumbles.

"Are you sure you don't want to give him another chance?" You hesitated. Unsure how to phrase these next sentences delicately.
"I mean you seemed pretty into him a while ago. So what if he shows up to a date in, uh, cargo shorts."

"That's not the point (Y/N)." Claire shook her head reaching for a clip board off to the side. She was trying to distract herself by reading the reports at the desk the two of you were at.
"It was just awful! You know I have to have a schedule!"

"Yeah but sometimes dates don't need every moment planned to the last detail." You crossed your arms gazing at her.
"Sometimes dates entail, hmm, maybe some dinner. Maybe a movie, and maybe you know."

You tried to lighten the mood, wiggling your eyebrows teasingly with a sly smile to which earned you a soft shove. Claire gasped almost like she was disgusted at the mere thought of what you had suggested.

"Oh shut up, you sound just like he did." Claire rolled her eyes. You almost would have thought she was actually mad at you from the gesture, but you knew from that smile she wasn't.
"I know that's how dates are to most people. But not to me! You don't understand it wasn't just that, he did everything else wrong too. He wasn't a gentleman in any sense of the word."

Claire stood up examining some papers that littered the desk. She wasn't actually reading them it was just a simple act to take her attention else where. To seem productive. You stood up with her keeping an eye on the time.

"That bad?" You frowned partially.

"Oh god bad isn't even how I'd begin to describe his behavior." Claire scoffed.
"I don't even know what I saw in him anymore."

"Well maybe you were lured in by his dazzling good looks." You hummed teasingly.
"I have heard that gruff is the new sexy."

"Are you telling me people find Hobo's attractive now? No thank you." Claire pointedly turned her nose away at you. You laughed.

"All jokes aside I'm sorry that the date was so bad. But look on the bright side! Mr. Wrong works in a totally different department and if your paths ever cross as your best friend and personal assistant I'm happy to pay him a visit in your stead." You began to walk towards the door, intending to try and steer Claire out towards the main lobby. She followed rolling her eyes at the thought of sending you instead.

"I'm not allowing my best friend near that thug." She walked past you out into the hallway, you were quick to follow behind her.

"He's a thug now? I thought he was a hobo." You laughed a bit meeting her side resisting the urge to laugh more at the side eye she gave you.

"What else is on todays agenda. Let's focus on work now please, I don't think I can take this conversation anymore." Claire walked with a fast pace ahead of you as you slowed down to look at a small notebook you kept with you of all the important things that needed to be done.

"Well, we just handed off some new documents for a new attraction, it seems like next on the list we've got a lunch meeting. Which is then followed by a meeting with some of the Triceratops trainers, apparently they're worried about the babies and their exercise habits. Poor anyway, then after that you have to review the clearance on a new dinosaur. A couple of people down at the lab just want to double check with you about some features." You stopped just before hitting Claire's back. She turned to look at you confused.

"Is that it for today?" She frowned almost upset by the fact there wasn't much work to do, unlike any other day.

"Seems like it, only thing I'm seeing is a dinner meeting but it's about park safety. You know standard monthly audit from our shareholders and such." You closed the notebook, stuffing it back where you had it hidden to begin with.

"Ugh, this day is just not busy enough." Claire shook her head again.
"Alright come on, let's go ahead and head towards that lunch meeting. I don't wanna be late."

You nodded following her out of the building towards her car. There wasn't much to say during the drive, though you were almost thankful for that as you watched the trees around beginning to become spares.

You enjoy your job. You enjoy the work that you get to do, believe it or not. But you just felt like there was more you could do. You almost wished when the approached you with this job offer that they had offered a position as a trainer.

You envy all of the trainers, all of these wonderful creatures were back after being extinct and they got to be the only people who could create bonds with them. How amazing is that? You'll admit you're more of a herbivore person, but that didn't mean you didn't find beauty in the carnivores. (They were even cute in their own way.)

The car came to a stop and you were quick to hop out with Claire. Silently following behind her as she approached the restaurant entrance.

She greeted the men there in the room, already waiting for the two of you, and of course you greeted them as well respectfully. But your mind was else where. Now you were unable to focus, thinking about all sorts of things.

Lunch was delicious, but you didn't have very much to say. Just enjoying your own company as business was discussed between everyone else. You kept notes, but you didn't focus on what was being said as you wrote and ate.

"What do you think Miss (L/N)?" You looked up upon hearing your name meeting eyes with Mr. Masrani. He seemed to be waiting for you to say something, his gaze was expectant.

"I-um!- I'm sorry could you please repeat that?" You flushed with embarrassment. He just smiled amused.

"Very busy taking notes. I understand," Mr. Masrani motioned towards your notebook still amused, " I was saying that our new raptor trainers seems to be falling behind on paper work. It seems that he can't quite juggle between training and getting done the required paper work."

"I'm sorry, I don't understand why this requires my opinion?" You lowered your pen confused.

"Well, I had mentioned to Claire at the start of this meeting about how well you preform as her assistant, with that said I hope that you'll accept this offer I'm about to make. We need someone as studious and efficient as you to take over where the raptor trainers lack.

How would you like to transfer to be the head trainers assistant? I know that this is a lot to ask especially on such short notice. But this will only be for a couple of months, and I will increase your pay if you choose to accept." His offer felt like a once in a life time deal.

You sat in silence for a moment contemplating on whether or not to take the job on. You were just discussing with Claire about Owen, and her opinion of him wasn't great. But did that mean he was really that bad of a guy? Regardless this would mean up close time with some of the dinosaurs in the park. Beggars can't be choosers after all.

"Mr. Masrani-" Claire tried to answer for you. A silent resentment was clear in her eyes and you knew it stemmed from the bad date she had last night.

"Nuh-uh," Mr. Masrani laughed heartily at Claire's attempt to speak for you, "let the woman speak and come to her own decision on the matter!"

"I-" your voice caught in your throat. You weren't sure what to say. You wanted to accept but there was so much going on inside your mind. Part of you wondered what Claire would do if you left her alone. The other part of you wondered what awaited you if you took the offer.

"Do not worry." Mr. Masrani dismissed your stuttering with a simple hand wave.
"I dont need an answer right this moment. I know that it is a lot to ask all of a sudden but please consider my offer. It will only be temporary of course! Only a couple of months and then you're right back with Claire. If that entices you. But with that said, I would like an answer before the end of the week."

You nodded absentmindedly. You weren't sure what to think. But it was some offer. A pay raise and up close and personal time with some dinosaurs. It was like a dream come true.

Though as you sat through the rest of the meeting you kept catching Claire's side glances. You're not sure if she'd agree with you leaving for a brief amount of time like this, but it wasn't her decision now was it? Still you valued her opinion, and she wasn't trying to be bad. Really.

Your mind was occupied with the offer for the rest of the day. So much so you neglected some of your duties. But then again what did that matter? Claire wanted the extra work right now, and her sharp glances became concerned as the day went on. Though she said nothing.

That was until after she returned from dinner. (You couldn't exactly go with her for this one. Apparently there were things they were discussing that was above your clearance. But it gave you enough time to really think about your decision.)

Wandering through the hallway towards your apartment, and by apartment you meant hotel room, (Perks of your job you guessed that they allowed you to stay in one of the Luxury suites as a permanent resident.) when she had stopped you.

"(Y/N)." Claire sped walk towards you, though her eyes were heavy with sleep seeing as it was a bit late she still made the effort to approach you.
"I-I want to talk to you."

You turned to face her. Stopping in your tracks, holding onto the left overs from your dinner in your hand.

"I wanted to talk to you too actually." You hummed.
"I decided I'm gonna take the job."

"What?" Claire gasped seeming as though she completely forgot what she wanted to talk to you about.
"B-but you can't!"

"Why not?" You frowned a bit at her response.

"Because- because you'll be working with that-that sorry excuse of a man that's why!" Claire suddenly looked heated.
"He's crude and a shameless flirt. I don't want you to be around that kinda guy."

"Claire I'm not a teenager anymore and you're not my mom." You joked lightly but upon seeing her expression you realized she wasn't.
"You're-You're serious?"

"I just think it would be better for all parties concerned if you just-just forgot about the offer. That's what I was going to talk to you about." She sighed heavily.

"I'm taking the offer." You turned away feeling a bit hurt by her words.

She doesn't mean it like that. Remember this is how she is as a person.

You sighed yourself at the thought offering her a weak smile glancing at her.

"Listen Claire, I know you're worried about me being around him." You gently took one of her hands in your own as a means of comforting her.
"But you don't have to worry about me. I can take care of myself. Believe me he's not going to get nice (Y/N)."

"You don't understand. He lulls you in by being charming. That's what he did to me. Look I just don't want you in my situation, once he's got you he-he tears you apart like some sort of animal. It's just not worth the time or effort with him." Claire squeezed your hand back shaking her head rigorously.

"I don't think it's really appropriate of you to be sharing with me how your sex was with him." You snickered only laughing more as Claire let go of your hand smacking your arm lightly gasping your name.
"I'm joking! I'm joking!"

"You better be!" She huffed placing her hands on her hips.
"You're serious too? I mean about taking this opportunity."

"Yeah, you know I've always wanted to work closer to the dinosaurs and now I can. Even if it's for a few months." You hummed beginning to walk towards your room. Claire followed after you.
"I think this would be a really good opportunity for me."

"Well if you really mean it I'll support you." Claire gave you a tight smile.
"I'll tell them you accept the position so you can go ahead and start packing in the morning tomorrow. But don't let them talk you into staying longer than you need okay? I'll be absolutely lost with out my faithful and trusty assistant and best friend."

"Thanks Claire." You smiled wider.
"It means a lot you're backing me up."

"Yeah yeah. You deserve it okay? If this is what you really want then I'll trust you." Claire nodded more certain of herself.
"Well I better let you get to bed then. Goodnight. Talk to you in the morning."

Claire left after hearing you utter goodnight back, not saying another word on the matter. The way she kept talking about owen made you feel as though she still felt something for him.

How could she not? He was literally love at first sight for her.

You chuckled to yourself as you opened the door to your room stepping inside. You just hoped that her feelings wouldn't cause any problems down the line. She tends to create problems when they aren't needed after all.

Looking around your room your shoulders slumped. Your stomach churned in excitement at the thought of leaving this room for a while. But you had a lot to pack. It wasn't permanent, but still 6 months. That's quite a bit of time.

Well I may as well pack a bit tonight and finish up the rest in the morning.

You hummed at the thought walking over to place your left overs in the fridge. You had a long day ahead of you tomorrow. Who knows what that could bring? Let alone the next few months? A new beginning, hopefully it would lead to a good end.

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