Chapter 23: One Step Closer.


"Now let's see what we have here." The Professor said, adjusting his concave spectacles to sit properly on his nose bridge. He tilted his head up slightly and squinted to get a clearer vision. Most of the papers were scanning electron micrographs, X-rays, and laboratory test results.

"Yeah, about that," Zayn nodded, pointing at the report papers in his father's hand. "This file will guide you through some of the data we've been able to gather, and give you an introduction to the philosophy behind it." He pulled his chair closer toward his father so they could both get a better view of the papers.

"What is this?" Hassan questioned picking out one of the images; It was a photomicrograph of a thin section of the erythrocytes, a sample collected from the patient's blood. Zayn saw his father shrinking back in bewilderment. "And this?" There was another one, an image of a certain virus that seemed very familiar to Hassan.

"Those are images of the foreign components that were found in his system," Zayn explained and watched as his father instantly wore a panicked expression. This made him a little concerned.

"Are these all the images you took?"The Professor asked, rising to his feet, Zayn watched as he spread the papers across the table, scrutinizing them closely. "Do you have any idea what this is?"

 "Yes, I have tried everything I can think of, and I don't know what else to qualify this structure with. It doesn't look like anything I have seen before." He stood up swiftly, stepping around to join his father by the table. They stood beside each other while all of a sudden the Professor exclaimed as though he spotted something unusual.

"Wait!"He paused and a worried frown appeared in his eyes. " I recognized this structure." He whispered, turning to his son with a crooked smile. "It is similar to the one that was used to assassinate your grandfather." He added and although he was smiling, Zayn sensed something troubled and wounded beneath, dismay and disbelief glossed over his voice.

"I do understand what Marium meant by an artificially modified virus, but do you think she is right?" 

"She is in fact very correct. This is the structure of a Cabia."

"What is Cabia?"

"It is a special type of virus, an organic poison." To this, Zayn raised a curious brow. He already knew this but the name of the virus, he had never heard of it. "And just as your colleague suspected, it is a virulent strain of a particular virus that has been modified into what you now see in these micrographs. The modified version is of three types, if I remember correctly. Come here, let me show you something." 

He summoned Zayn to follow him. He showed him into his secret lab, a room with only two folding chairs and an Eames lounge chair, a long work slap, large shelves with all sorts of chemical compounds, biological specimens of animals and random substances kept safe in a jar, and a disorderly desk with piles of research papers scattered atop. 

Zayn smelled vinegar and antiseptic, ammonia, perhaps a fishy stench or something like that. His rising apprehension made him want to retch out his disgust for the lab was simply oozing something worse than what he presumed. He had a glimpse of his father, who was approaching a metal lab cabinet, made of stainless steel.

The Professor stood in front of the cabinet and slipped on his gloves. Then he opened it and gently brought out a white chest with a biohazard symbol atop. He carefully placed it on the slab in front of Zayn who was monitoring his father's every step.

 He grabbed a nearby stool, and stood aside watching as his father passed a hand over the small white box and said he had all the virus samples stored in the box. He assured Zayn that he was going to explain everything he needed to know about the Cabia virus to him.

Zayn gave a short nod and offered his father the stool to sit, he didn't know why, maybe out of respect, perhaps admiration for him. They looked at each other. "Why don't you sit?" He proposed, in the hope of approval.

"I'd rather much prefer to stand, son," Hassan replied, patting him on his shoulders, and then offered a cordial word or two to lighten his mood, without condescension. Zayn smiled and then pushed the stool to his father.

"I insist you sit to save your energy. You are making me worried."

"You have nothing to worry about. My limbs are strong. I'm not that old." He pushed the stool back to Zayn. "There is a madman on the loose and I can't be sitting while he walks the city freely. He needs taming." By that, he meant the one responsible for the development of such a deadly weapon. Even in these ordinary utterances and movements, Zayn noted a laborious quality to his actions. 

"Do you mind if I help?" He offered upon seeing his father, struggling to open the box.

"Careful there, that thing contains some of the most lethal toxins you can find in this part of the world." The old man warned. 

Zayn opened the box and they were faced with something that he could describe as tiny vaccine bottles. One of the three bottles contained a brownish-green aqueous solution and the other two were reddish brown.

"This organic poison is of three types. The Apha Cabia, Beta Cabia, and the omicron." The professor took out one of the bottles, the brownish green one."You have nothing to worry about. Thankfully, the contents of these bottles are not volatile or contagious. It has to make contact with human or animal blood for it to be effective."

He handed the bottle to Zayn, telling him that they call it Omicron. It was the first of the toxins that he ever collected in his lab. It was extracted from Zayn's grandfather's blood after his assassination. A couple of years later the virus was recreated by a team of Oasis scientists along with Zayn's father as the leader of the group. 

"The Omicron is a lethal biological poison. The poison that spreads when exposed to human blood is far superior to similar toxins because it is immediately absorbed into the bloodstream of the victims. The rapid destruction of their organs would begin, causing them to undergo lysis which will continue until the victim dies."

"What is the amount of poison for a lethal dose, and how long does it take until the victim dies," Zayn asked, putting the bottle aside.

"The duration is less than twenty-four hours. The amount of poison for a lethal dose and the amount of time, until the subject dies, are not scientifically proven yet. A human life would be needed to test that. It is a demonic weapon, more inhuman than any other of its kind."

"Couldn't you use animal instead?"

"All life is valuable to us, " The professor said and took out one of the other bottles, although they looked similar one was a deeper reddish brown than the other. However, the three variants of the virus were created by the same method with a slight difference in the amount of harm they can cause. This particular variant was the one that was collected from Mr. Saleh's blood. It causes the same damage as the previous one, only but slower.

"And this is Alpha cabia, which is a less virulent form. Such a poison can only be activated in rancid milk. With the aid of some useful bacteria, it can result in its victim looking like a cancer patient for weeks until death." He finished explaining and then informed Zayn that this particular strain was a foreign particle in the system of the patient that he and Marium had been investigating. However, that explained why he was yet to die. 

As for the last variant, it could leave its victim suffering for years until he eventually dies. It was discovered in the body of Yuri, one of their finest scientists at the Oasis. Yuri only lasted three years until his death a year ago. Although he didn't die as a result of the poison in his system, someone had shot him right on the head on his deathbed.

"Yuri was one of our very own allies from Russia. He was very close to discovering the truth. I thought he might have found something very crucial that would have brought us closer to the truth, as a result, he met his end early. Before his death, I discovered that his memory was altered and he couldn't remember anything from his past."

However, he left some clues that would lead the Professor to the culprit but the Professor couldn't access it. Someone eventually found it and burned it. Now the only key to tracing the truth lies in the hands of Saleh's younger daughter, Hanamy. But even she didn't know she had all the answers they had all been looking for. For this reason, her life was in grave danger. The professor had to leave this part of the story out because he believed Zayn wasn't ready to hear it yet.

"I don't understand what you mean by there is a madman on the lose. You couldn't possibly know the person responsible for the invention of something so lethal."

Zayn finally decided to sit on the stool he had offered his father earlier. It turned out he was the one that needed it after all. He needed to sit down in order to process the information his father had disclosed to him. Some of it didn't make sense to him, although he felt that some part of the puzzle had been fixed. He understood why his father had to stay away. He couldn't risk putting his family in danger.

"This virus was developed by someone who works in the Oasis, someone who knows my secret. Someone who is planning to destroy me."

"But why would anyone want to screw you?"Zayn asked in a small voice, bringing his hands to his knees. Something he did when he was stressed. 

"Out of jealousy, perhaps someone wants what I have."

"What could you possibly have that the person wants?" That was another dire question that needed an urgent answer.

"Wealth, fame, prestige?"

"How great is that thing? Is it worth the life of these people that have been put to rest far too early?"

Questions after question, Zayn asked. His father predicted that his curiosity was growing stronger and that he would do anything to lay his hands on the truth. That he didn't want, but his words and his quick judgment made him smile warily.

"There is no such thing as premature death. If they had died early, then it was their time. You of all people should know that, Zayn."

"If you are so close to the enemy, then why haven't you caught him yet."He was beginning to suspect that his father might have known who the enemy was. At least he should have a clue since they worked under the same roof.

"Believe me, if I knew who the enemy is, we wouldn't be here, discussing this. Sometimes, the proximity to the enemy makes it more difficult to detect them." The old man uttered, making the matter seem so complicated like it was a huge task. And it didn't seem that way to Zayn. He was convinced that a thorough investigation could bring the perpetrators of these atrocities to book.

The Professor paused, there was a soft silence in the room, during which he went on to plop down in his Eames lounge chair. "Wealth, knowledge, and prestige are some of the good things in life. They are endowments from Allah, and people who desire what you have will place a bounty on you to acquire them. If they can't take it from you they destroy you. That is how the world works, Zayn."

Zayn turned to look at his father, allowing his last words to sink deep in his mind. He felt like he understood now why he had to stray far from home. His father couldn't possibly be a coward,  he couldn't run away from the battlefield for no other reason than to fight alone. He understood him intensely now. 

He might have misjudged him from the very beginning. He felt sorry for the resentment that he bore against him all these years, he wished he had known better. He wanted to apologize and make up with his father for lost time. He opened his mouth slightly, almost as if he was about to speak but he was at a loss for words. He didn't know what to say and his old man didn't fail to notice that.

But what could I possibly say now? He thought to himself, and then there was this sudden feeling of awkwardness between them. He had spent so much time with his father that he had subconsciously begun to bond with him, perhaps growing fond of him. No, maybe it was the feeling of empathy that he felt for him. He mistook it for something else.

"Is there something you want to tell me, son?"Hassan inquired in a soft voice, examining him. Zayn smiled at what he thought was a new beginning, a strengthened bond, and a renewed connection.

I have to say something. He almost whispered, fixing his gaze on the floor.

" I just wanted to say that I am.."He tried to express his feelings. His father waited for him to complete his words, but it was Zayn's ringing phone that diverted their attention. He glanced at the screen and set the phone on vibration.

"Who was that?" Hassan inquired, looking at the phone that sat on the slab in front of them as it vibrated continuously.

"Oh, it's Ahmad," Zayd mumbled. "An old friend." He turned away from the phone as though it were a disturbance.

"Ahmad?" Hassan knitted his brows together, attempting to recollect the one by the name. "That should be Hafsah's nephew. Why didn't you pick up his call?"

"It's nothing. It's just that I'm simply tired." He didn't know why he almost smiled at his thoughts. He wanted to say he was tired of his disturbance, but he remembered he wasn't supposed to talk about it. 

Zayn stared at his phone as Ahmad left missed calls after missed calls and he resisted the urge to answer any of them. He wondered why Ahmad was calling. What reason could it be other than that he wanted to complain to him about his wife and their marital issues? He didn't like that Ahmad was always running to him when he had such pressing issues.

Yaa Ahmad, may Allah have mercy on you. With that thought in his mind, he decided to change the topic to the actual reason he had come to visit his father.

"So, Father, I was wondering, since you and your team of scientists were successfully able to replicate this virus, you might as well find its cure." Zayn put forward, then glanced at the screen of his phone and noticed that Ahmad had left him a message.

"I have an antidote. I tried producing one with Yuri's formula and..." He was saying but Zayn didn't let him finish.

"You have the antidote this whole time?" He was obscured and had almost lost his composure, but then he remembered that his father was not supposed to know how desperate he needed the cure. "That boy is going to die if we don't do something about his situation fast."

"This antidote has not been tested yet, we don't even know if it will work."

"What if I told you the only way to rid him of this terrible affliction is by administering this antidote to him."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple, Zayn. We should not operate on instincts alone. There has to be some other way."

"What other way?" Zayn stood up and reached for his phone. He had a missed call from Marium and there was another call from her, coming in and he wanted to answer it quickly.

"Yes, Marium,"

"Dr. Zayn, you have to come quickly."

"What is it?"

"It's the patient in the twentieth ward."

"What happened to him?"

"He's experiencing cyanosis. His cardiopulmonary functions and his heart rate are fading fast. Mandibular breathing has begun. His blood pressure has fallen below forty."


"I suggest we bring his family in. It is an unknown virus. There's nothing we can do for him. His breathing will gradually get slower and slower."

"Marium, please stay calm. We are going to revive him."

"I don't see how Dr. Zayn. It's amazing he stayed alive this long. I'm sorry, it's time for him to say goodbye." She said and hung up on him. Zayn gave a quick sigh. His eyes met a text message from Omar. He slid his thumb across the screen to open it.

KHALIFAH: Assalaam Alaikum, 

Zayn, where are you? come quickly.

The doctor said that Inna has hypertensive chronic kidney infection. One of her kidneys has failed and she's relying on the other one and that one too is also failing. She needs a kidney transplant as fast as possible. She is currently on life support.

Zayn shuddered upon reading the message. He felt his heart shift from its position. That must have been the reason Ahmad had been calling. He realized that and cursed at himself for ignoring his calls all the while, thinking it was something else. This is one good reason not to jump into conclusion in any case. There was another text message from Ahmad. He opened it swiftly.

AHMAD: Assalaam Alaikum brother. 

 Please pick up your phone.

your grandmother is experiencing internal bleeding in her brain. She was placed in an induced coma and the doctor said she is in desperate need of a kidney transplant.

He finished reading, devastated and confused. He sank back in his chair. He had never been more helpless. On one hand, there was his grandmother in a critical state, and on the other hand, there was a dying man he needed to rescue. He didn't want to forsake any of them. His father noticed his sour state and inquired what happened.

"What's wrong?"

"It's Inna, she's dying." His voice was low and it looked like he had aged a little from the shock of the news. "She is experiencing cerebral contusion. You know she had a domestic accident the other day. She fell on the bathroom floor. I think it might have left an injury in her cerebral cortex."

"What?" His father rose to his feet, disappointment surging through him. He couldn't risk losing another parent. No, it was too early. He knew very well that death would come knocking at every door but he couldn't sit down and do nothing when he could stop it from snatching the life of his beloved mother, Innajo.

Zayn, when next you see your father, please tell him to come home. We miss him.

 His grandmother's words played in his mind as he sat there, contemplating on what to do. Zayn had never been more disturbed.

"I will take care of your grandmother and you go do your job." Zayn lifted his head to meet a very familiar gaze. His father had been standing right beside him with his hand holding his shoulder.

"Quick take the antidotes to them. I hope it worked." The old man stressed the last word and Zayn who for the first time in his life was struck by intense fear was at a loss for words.

"Please, take care of Inna." He finally mumbled, standing up to collect the antidote. "Please, save her life."

"I will, In Shaa Allah."His father stepped out of the way for him to pass.

The moment he opened the door and was about to go outside his father called upon him and he stared back at him. He thought he saw pain flash in his eyes.

"When you step into the theater, give nothing less than what you have." The old man gave a wry smile and Zayn saw him resisting the urge to break out in tears. His heart ached for him.

"Thank you, Father." He whispered and excited the laboratory.


†2:30 Am Monday Morning†

Zayn drove into the hospital premises and pulled up at the parking lot. He felt the weight of the world on his shoulders as he sat there, feeling hesitant to step out of the car. He looked down at the small bottle in his hand, taking note of the transparent fluid inside. What could be the worst that would happen now that he had the treatment with him? What if the antidote didn't work? He wondered and lifted his head to see Marium.

He frowned because he had some very important news for her concerning the problem they had been facing in their unfinished project.

She had come out of the hospital building to receive him. Her eyes darted all over, scanning everywhere until they fell upon him. There he was, the man of responsibilities, he was experiencing his first real tribulation from his career. 

Zayn stepped out of the car and went inside the building with a new energy and an incredible resolve. With God on his side, he hoped that everything would just go fine.

"I have the antidote," He announced, matching ahead of Marium, throwing long strides toward the intensive care unit. The sound of her clicking heels and his deep voice resonated across the hallway.

"Antidote for what?" She asked curiously as she tried to keep up with his quick pace. He was remarkably fast.

"My father said you were right. The boy was poisoned with a deadly man-made virus." He informed her.

"You have to be kidding me!" She exclaimed with disbelief evident in her tone.

"And some part of his liver is severely damaged. We are going to operate on him. We'd cut out the damaged part of his liver so he can recover quickly right after we administer the antidote to him."

"Wait," She was stunned at his approach. It defies the medical rules. "We can't operate on him. If we are going to do that, we might as well do it the right way."

"What right way?"Zayn turned to her abruptly, fixing a hard gaze on her. 

"The medically approved way." She asserted and analyzed his face, hoping for it to soften but it didn't.

Upon reaching the ICU, Zayn ordered that some of the nurses on the night shift be summoned immediately. Then he requested a syringe from the surgery department. 

"What are you going to do with a syringe?" Marium asked, tailing his every movement.

"I'm going to inject him with this." He showed her the injection fluid that his father had given him. "It's the antidote that I told you about."He was saying as he wore his surgical gloves. Subsequently, he headed on to administer the injection to the patient and watched to see if the drug would take effect. Unfortunately, there wasn't any change in his state.

Thirty minutes had passed and there wasn't any sign that the patient was responding to the treatment. Zayn became a little impatient and declared that they were operating on him.

" That's it! we are going to perform the surgery now." He told Marium and she became more agitated.

" Dr. Zayn, what are you doing? This man is about to die." Marium was being a wet blanket again and he didn't try to hide his annoyance towards her."If something goes wrong, someone will have to take responsibility."

"Unfortunately we don't have many options. This is the only chance we have and I won't let it slip."

 "You are going to operate on him right after giving him an antidote. That is abusive. We could both lose our license for this. What are we going to tell the press if someone finds out what we have done?"

"I don't have any explanation for that." He stated."And please you can use the door if you don't feel comfortable with it."

"You don't believe in consequences, do you?" She stood in his way challengely, and a little intimidated by his height.

"At some point, we must learn to make difficult choices."Zayn walked ahead, ignoring her completely as though he didn't have time for her declarations.

"Get him into the theater at once!"He declared and watched the nurses carry out his orders. Marium stood aside. She was a laboratory scientist, not a surgeon so she probably would not be of any significance in the operating theater.

"I'm sorry, I have a life to save." with those words Zayn walked away and she watched him slowly disappear. Then with a loud sigh, she turned around, planning to end his career if anything went wrong in the theater.

She hated his guts. He has always been domineering right from their high school days. He was in the habit of making others look inferior in his territory. Now in his adult days, he was even worse. All he did was arrogantly order people around.

Argh! I thought I have gone past this phase of my life, where I have to deal with his attitude. I can't put up with him.

She walked back to her laboratory and on her way she called Prof. Stein, to break the news to him. She called him twice and he wouldn't pick up. She guessed he might be very busy, perhaps he was sleeping. She checked the time and saw that it was fifteen minutes past three in the morning. She called him for the very last time, yet again he didn't answer so she kept her phone away, realizing how tired she was. She had not slept well in the past few days. Her job had kept her on edge. 



Assalaam Alaikum!

Please take note that words like Antiqium and Cabia are rooted from my imagination, I do not know if they exist in the real world. If they do, they won't probably mean the same thing as used in my story.

Antiqium: hexagonal confinement where artificially modified children are sequestered from the outside world at the Oasis.

Cabia: a man-made virus made into an organic poison that is of three types, Alpha, Beta and Omicron. 

I didn't do any proper research before writing this book, everything that I've written so far comes from my not-so-empty head.  It was supposed to be a simple romantic love story but I decided to mix it up with a little science because of my love for medical sciences. So I'm urging you not to cringe at my writing, simply enjoy the ride. We are heading somewhere.


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