Chapter 61 - A Broken King
"Innocence died screaming that day; honey, ask me I should know."
Nathan's POV
I felt like I was jolted back awake.
My head throbbed relentlessly. Every part of my body ached with a pain too foreign to me. My vision was blurry and I kept blinking away at the multiplying pain, pressing my eyes tighter, and attempting to regain my composure.
Heaving a strained breath out of my aching lungs, I pressed my palms on the unforgiving floor beneath me and attempted to pull my upper body up. Groaning in pain, I blinked through the blurriness as I sought some stability.
My eyes widened when the memories flooded back. The loud explosion; the deafening roar still echoing in my ears. The feeling of being pushed away, a force so strong proppled us into oblivion as the ground beneath our feet shook. I remember....the sounds, the choking smell of smoke, and the screams before my head collided with something and my consciousness slipped away.
I brought my hand to my face, to my temple, wincing as I touched my wound. I lowered my hand and looked at the blood, red and fresh, tainting my shaky fingers. Gulping down, I allowed my gaze to flicker all around me, to the darkness consuming the once bright white rooms. The only flicker of light was the flames of fire at a close distance, casting an eerie glow over the scene of destruction as they ate up at the wood and the walls.
I gathered my strength and tried to get up, steadying myself on two shaky feet. Terror consumed me, it pressed harder over my chest, and my fingers on the side trembled, I curled them into a fist as I looked around, searching for something, for anything, for anyone...
The low whimpers of pain echoed from somewhere to my right and my eyes grew wide, turning and trying to detect the source. Limping on my injured leg, I kept moving, heading to my right till my blurry gaze took notice of the scene presented ahead. A pile of debris lay nearby, pinning a kid's arm beneath its weight, trapping him in a helpless situation.
My eyes grew wider and I rushed closer. With a surge of urgency, I knelt beside him, panic coursing through my veins. "Hey, hey," I called out for him, desperation seeping into my words. His youthful eyes met mine, reflecting fear and pain amidst the wreckage surrounding us, heavily breathing and I nodded my head, "I'll help you, okay, I will help you," I assured him, trying to formulate a plan in my mind.
I looked around and sucked into a stuttering breath, "I'll try to lift this, but you'll need to pull away as quickly as you can," I instructed, "Okay?"
He nodded weakly, "Okay," he murmured, his voice trembling with uncertainty.
"I will count to three, and at three, you move, deal?"
He gave me another nod, "Deal."
I edged closer, fighting through the dizziness as I bent down, my fingers curling over the heavy wood's edge, "One," I said, preparing him, "Two," I added, preparing myself, "Three," I said as I used whichever power I had in me, grunting loudly in apparent pain as I pulled the wood up, using all of my strength, for mere seconds, helping him pull away and I let go, the debris crashing back to the floor.
The force I exerted, my trembling body, my labored breaths, and the blood trickling from my wound, all conspired against me, pushing me back until I crashed onto the unforgiving floor.
Gasping for air, I fought to maintain my consciousness afloat, to resist the overwhelming pain ready to consume me into an abyss.
I pressed my eyes shut, trying to focus and pave my way out of this. I can do it. I can do this. I can. Even if I can't, I should. I have no other choice.
I felt a tender touch over my arm, it stirred me and I struggled to pry my eyes open, meeting the gaze of the boy I just assisted, "Are you okay?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper. A similar bruise to mine had formed over his forehead, probably due to the impact. He couldn't help but wince as he clutched at his injured arm.
I breathed in and nodded my head, edging closer and taking a quick look at his arm, "Does it hurt?" I asked and he nodded his head, the tears that escaped his eyes prior stood dry over the skin of his cheeks, a testament to the tragedy wrapping around us.
His frightened eyes darted around the scene, his body trembling with dread and uncertainty. Slowly, I rose to my feet, offering him a steadying hand as I examined him for further injuries, "What's your name?" I asked softly, hoping to ease his pain.
He met my gaze, his voice barely audible in the chaos surrounding us. "Noah," he whispered.
"Nathan," I answered.
I gazed at him up close, realizing how younger than me he seemed to be, "We will get out of here, okay?" I tried to assure him, to stop his little body from trembling in terror. He met my eyes and blinked, so innocent and horrified, "I promise, okay?" I added, reaching forward and taking his trembling hand in mine.
He gave me a small nod, having no choice but to believe in me and my words. I squeezed his little hand gently before I ventured forward, scanning our surroundings for any signs of life, hoping to find more survivors.
As I searched, my hazy memories continued to resurface. Before the explosion, I was with Jeremy, we were seated together, playing video games. He should He should be somewhere around here.
Fear scratched at my inside and I kept looking around, "Jeremy," I weakly whispered, my terrified gaze flickering from one side to another, trying to make sense of anything amid this hurricane, "Jeremy, where are you?" I mumbled again, sniffling and I felt the fearful tears cloud my eyes and spill through.
Noah tightened his grip over my hand, making me face him as he questioned, "Who is Jeremy?"
"He is my friend, he should be here," I mumbled, not willing to give up till I found him.
Amidst the chaos, a ringing sound cut through the noise, resembling a phone ringing. I froze in my spot, my eyes growing wide and my heart leaped with a tiny little hope as I tried to locate the source. But the distant crackle of flames distorted my thoughts and I couldn't focus, the chaos unwrapping at a distance made it hard to pinpoint the exact location of the sound.
I darted left, then right, then left again, I kept moving, following the sound until it faded away. Just as I felt a wave of despair, my eyes darted over every visible corner and...I finally spotted him.
There was Jeremy, passed out, and lying among the debris.
My heart knocked up a notch and I let go of Noah's hand, rushing forward so fast. The adrenaline surged into my veins, making me momentarily forget all about my pain. I landed on my knees by his side, my hands reaching for his face, palming his cheek, "Jeremy," I said in bewilderment, "Jeremy, please wake up," I added, unsure of what else to do.
I looked all over his body, searching for his injury. It wasn't till I moved his head to the side that I found the pool of blood he was draining into, the one seeping from the back of his head. Tears pushed and pulsed, blinding me from this harsh reality, the one ever so painfully unraveling around me. My shoulders shook with a turmoil so deep and I cried, "Jeremy," I mumbled again, the hopelessness mixed with the pain tightening my lungs and I cried again.
Everywhere hurts.
Everything feels so painful.
I sensed Noah take the spot beside me, unsure of what to do or how to soothe my pain. He leaned so close to me as he sniffled and cried too, the fear of the situation taking its toll on both of our young selves.
Then, that sound came again, pierced through my ears, and had me pause, sucking my breath and my eyes grew wider, my gaze taking notice of the shattered screen that lit up. The was ringing again. Right next to Jeremy. It was ringing; it was his phone.
Struggling forward, I reached and quickly picked it up. My heart shattered as I saw his name over the screen and I pressed answer before I could suck into my next breath, "Jermey, wha—" Came his panicked voice and I couldn't put an end to my tears.
"Nikolas," I mumbled, ever so weakly, pressing my eyes shut as the tears seeped through.
"Nathan," He said, breathlessly, "Nathan, what happened? Are you okay? Where are you?" He shot out, one panicked question after another.
I looked around, "I'm...I'm fine. There was an explosion," I mumbled, sniffling, "We are trapped, in here, we can't get out," I added, looking around at the debris and the fallen walls, the flames playing so close, ready to cross the threshold and consume us too, "Jeremy...he is not...he is not waking up, what should I do?"
"Just...just stay where you are, okay?" He said, the worry tightening his voice, "Stay where you are, pick a safe spot, and stay there, I will be there before you know it, I am coming, I am on my way, I don't want you to be scared, I will be there," He said, his anxious words racing after one another and I nodded, believing in him and his words.
"Okay, okay," I mumbled, bringing my arm and wiping my cheeks with my sleeves.
"Are you alone?" He asked, checking and I shook my head, "No," My gaze fell on Noah as he stared at me, his eyes big and wide, aching for some hope, "There is a little boy here, too," I answered.
"Okay, keep him close to you and stay in a safe spot," He said, trying to assure me, "I will get you out of there, you trust me, right buddy?"
"Yes, yeah, I do," I mumbled.
"I don't want you to be scared, you are a tough boy, you can get through this, right?" He added, encouraging me and I nodded, sniffling as I gathered my wavering strength, "I will," I mumbled.
"Yes, you will, you'll get out of there, I promise," He assured me again and I nodded my head.
My chest heaved, the pain ripping at my inside, at a single spot, it was tearing me apart, "Nikolas, please don't leave me in here," I weakly said, a plea in my tone.
"I would never," He said, "Remember everything I promised you we are going to do, how you will get out and you will have the life you always wanted," He added, "Those dangerous people, they're no longer here to hurt you," He said assuringly.
"They're not?" I asked.
"No, they're finally gone, and I am not letting anyone hurt you ever again, okay," He added over a low whisper, "I will take you everywhere and anywhere you want," He said, "You don't have to be scared anymore, you will be free, you will have Ronald, you will have Natalie, and your father."
I nodded, the image he drew sounded so beautiful, I wanted it, "And you?" I asked, weakly.
"And me," He reassured, "You will have me every step of the way."
I backed into the only standing pillar in the place, my back pressed against it, right next to Jeremy and I urged Noah to come closer to me. I placed my arm around his little shoulders, keeping him tucked so close to me, "Can you keep talking to me?" I requested.
"Of course, I am not hanging up, we will keep talking till I get there," He assured.
I let my eyelids fall down, "Remember how you said you would take me to Italy, we will go there too, right?"
"Yeah, there is this place where I grew up, it's really beautiful, I want you to see it."
"I want to see it too," I mumbled, the pain over my chest spreading, almost like I was bleeding on the inside.
"You will, there is so much in this world that you'll get to see, Nathan," He assured, promising me a better tomorrow but nothing managed to shake off the chill that resided in my bones, almost like I could feel it, the impending doom, ready to rip our lives apart.
I felt my body getting weaker, maybe it was all the smoke, sucking the oxygen out of the room, I didn't know, I felt dizzy and energyless, so I tried to talk, to keep myself awake, "Dad was here today," I told him, the words fighting to come out of my hoarse throat.
A short pause came from his side, "He was?"
I nodded, "Yeah."
"What did he tell you?"
My eyelids kept falling down and I forced them open, fighting through this, "I told him about you...and he...he said that—he would give you a chance," I recalled bits and pieces of our conversation.
"You two will stop fighting, right?" I asked, my voice coming out breathless, "Because...if you keep fighting I won't see you," I mumbled, "And I want to see you."
"Yeah, don't worry—we won't need to fight anymore," came his low response.
I blinked my eyes open, my disoriented gaze falling at a distance on the chipped king piece of the chessboard, the last remainder of the games Nikolas and I played so many times.
I reached forward, extending my hand, trying to reach for it, but I couldn't, the burning ache intensified over my chest and tears glistened in my eyes, the pain was ready to tear me apart. Noah sensed my struggle and he was the one to move forward and pick up the piece, edging closer to rest it in my palm.
I looked at him and smiled weakly before my gaze flickered to the dusty broken piece cradled in my palm.
"He said that..." I continued to talk, my gaze on the broken king, "That he wanted me to become the king when I grow up."
"Do you want that?" He asked, going on with everything I said, helping me keep myself awake.
I shook my head, "I don't know," I mumbled, it felt like a burden for someone else, not me, "I am just a kid."
"He said that...that it won't be easy and I will have to live up to it," I added, the weight of his words so heavy.
"No, Nathan, you don't have to live up to anything," Nikolas said, an edge in his voice, "Like you said, you are just a kid, you don't need to be burdened by something like that, you just need to live this part of your life," He spoke and I nodded, "As you told me, remember? How you wanted to go to school, to meet new friends, to have a simple normal life, right?"
"Yeah," I whispered.
"You need to be just a kid, he can't take that away from you."
My fingers curled into the inside of my palm, curling over the broken pieces. His words pushed another scary thought into my mind, "Nikolas," I mumbled, my eyes watching the flames at a distance, it crackled, and grew, eating the dead and the alive, "Do you you think Chris is okay?"
"He has to be," Nikolas whispered, the terror in his voice cutting me deep.
I could almost taste the fear and the pain in my mouth, the metallic taste became too prominent and I brought my fisted hand to my mouth. When I pulled it back, I watched the fresh lines of blood seeping down, tainting my skin and covering the shattered pieces of the broken king.
Tears blurred my vision and I hiccuped a low sob, unable to stay strong anymore, "Please come here quickly," I mumbled, so weakly, wavering right on the edge.
"I am almost there, just hang on a bit longer, please, Nathan," His tone matched my own, tight and trembling just like I was, "I will get you out, we'll get Chris out and Jeremy, you all will be okay, I won't handle to lose any of you, you get that?"
I nodded, the horrified tears furiously trickling down my cheeks. My blurry gaze fell onto Noah, whose head pressed into my arm, his eyelids were closed now; the dizziness had won over and knocked him unconscious. I turned to Jeremy, who was still the same, not a single twitch on his face to prove to me that he was alive and breathing, "I don't want anyone to die," I mumbled, shaking my head, "I don't want to die."
"Nathan, don't say that, I won't let it happen," He shot out, bewilderment and frustration seeping within his words, "You will be okay, just hang on a bit longer, for me...please."
My eyelids dropped down, and I couldn't fight the pain anymore, not the one growing in my chest, nor the one pressing behind my lids, forcing me into the darkness, "I can't...stay awake," I whispered, my trembling fingers unable to grasp the phone any longer and I finally let go.
The phone fell from my grip, crashing into the ground, and the darkness consumed my vision, pushing me down an endless pit. The last thing I heard was the loud crackling of flames and the sound of my name being called out one last time.
Someone was picking me up, but I was unable to differentiate if it was real or a dream, maybe even a figment of my imagination. I tried to grasp at the edges of reality. I used all of my power to pry my heavy eyelids open, blinking away but blurriness consumed my vision.
"Dad?" I mumbled, the haziness of my foggy brain conjuring him up.
"Come on, boy, I will get you out of here," The man spoke and his was familiar but it wasn't Dad. I blinked again, trying to adjust my eyesight, focusing on him and I mumbled in recognition, "Alastor."
I pulled away from him, just now taking control of my senses. His eyes flickered all over me, inspecting my injuries, "You're bleeding, I need to get you out of here fast, this place is gonna fall apart any minute now," He said, strictly, his hand reaching for me once again and I pulled back, "It's your dad's orders."
I didn't hear what he was saying, I didn't care. I turned around, my gaze falling back on Noah and Jeremy, "We need to help them," I said, the pain inside my chest never subduing but I ignored it and tried to reach for Noah, who was unconscious still but Alastor pulled me back, preventing me from getting near, "Nathan—"
Angrily, I pulled my arm back from his tight grip, glaring up at him in defiance, "I said we need to help them!" I shot out, "I am not going anywhere until you help them out of here too," I added, giving him no other choice.
The muscles of his jaw worked, his gaze flickering to the other two men and he nodded forward, "Get them out," He ordered and they edged closer, ready to get their job done. He turned to me, "Happy now?" He shot out in annoyance, his hand curling over my arm, "Come on, let's get the hell out of here."
Alastor dragged me along, pushing through the debris, and heading into a secluded pathway; one that was oddly unaffected by neither the fire or the rubble. My gaze curiously flickered around, unable to comprehend the type of path we were treading, almost like it was designed just for this...for us to use it and escape.
It didn't take us long, a few minutes only and we were outside, away from the madness that was unraveling. The cold air whipped and hit me in the face, pushing into my aching lungs the oxygen they were in desperate need of. The sensation was way too overwhelming, it burned and had me pausing in my steps, bending down, and clutching at my chest, the pain too prominent I felt like I could collapse all over again.
Alastor sensed my struggle and bent down next to me, his hands on my shoulder, trying to hold me up, "Nathan, what's wrong?" He asked.
I rubbed at the spot where the pain was getting too much, "My chest hurts," I mumbled, my expression twisting in agony, struggling to maintain my composure.
He brought his hand to my face, lifting it and eyeing me more closely, his eyes fell on the corner of my mouth, and he wiped away at something. When he pulled his hand back, I noticed the blood covering them. Why was there blood coming out of my mouth?
"I need to get you to a hospital," He said, his gaze flickering to the other two men, "You can't leave them out here," He said, "Drop them somewhere near the entrance, or else it will be suspicious," He said, addressing both Noah and Jeremy but...I didn't understand.
I saw as the two men moved away, going around the mess, taking Noah and Jermey away. My eyes widened and I pushed myself away from Alastor, striding in that same direction, following them. I watched as they dropped them back inside, but in a more secluded area, a bit far away from the massive destruction and the fire that was slowly subduing.
Before I could reach for them, a hand curled over my arm, harshly pulling me back. The force had my fist open up and the bloodied broken king pieces clattered to the floor by their side, "Leave me!" I shot out, pushing my fists into his arm, fighting against his tight hold, "Nathan, we need to get you out of here!" He tried to reason with me but I kept fighting, not willing to give up to him yet.
The force I exerted only intensified my pain and I was panting, "I am not going anywhere," I tried to say, "Nikolas...he will come here, I will wait for him," I said and Alastor shook his head, "No, you won't. You can't."
"Why not?" I shot out, throwing my fists back at his arm.
"You don't know what happened, Nathan!" He shot out through gritted teeth.
"What happened?!" I asked. Why couldn't I breathe normally?
"Nathan, listen to me, your father..." Alastor said in that tone, as if trying to reason with me, to make me understand, to prepare me before he'd shatter my whole world, "Your father, he is dead."
I stared back at him, unable to blink or breathe. I felt the blood rush to my head with full force, I felt hot and cold. I felt like I was flailing, dreaming. None of this was real. A nightmare. Just a nightmare.
"You're lying," I whispered.
He shook his head, "No, I am not."
"You're lying!" I shot out, placing my hands over his chest and pushing him away from me, "Why are you lying? I saw Dad this morning, he was okay, why are you lying!"
"I am not lying!" Alastor said, taking hold of both of my hands and stopping my attacks, "Nikolas killed him."
There it was again, that pain, pushing at the front of my brain, at the back of my lids, inside my chest. I wanted to scream. I wanted Alsator to shut up. I wanted...I wanted to wake up. This nightmare is stripping everything away from me.
I shook my head, "No," I whispered, "No," I added, my voice barely audible, "You're lying."
"You don't believe me?" He said, his eyebrows raised, "Come with me then, and I will show you everything," He added, his hand curling over my arm, straightening up and pulling me along.
I no longer fought him back. I no longer had it in me to fight back.
He made me get into a car, the one parked way in the back, away from everyone's sight. He closed my door. My hazy blurry gaze stayed focused on the place I just escaped. The destruction. The mess. The orangy-red flames. The dark grey smoke as it climbed higher up in the air.
Motionless, expressionless, silently, I just stared at it.
Alastor was outside my door, he held a phone to his ear, and I heard him issue an order, "Do it."
One second.
Two seconds.
Another explosion went off, one loud and strong enough to shake the ground we were standing on, even when we were far away from its origin. I didn't even flinch. The roar bellowed into my ears, the sound traveling inside my veins, wrapping over my nerves, and ruining something in me.
Blankly, I just stared as the fire sizzled, and crackled with such ferocity that could drown an entire empire.
There was this very loud scream inside my chest, but it got stuck in my throat, refusing to ever come out.
Silently, I stared at the destruction, feeling my heart break, fall, shatter, and die.
Emma's POV
Confusion wrapped and pressed over my chest as I rushed outside, trying to catch up with Nikolas's frantic steps, "Nik!" I called out for him once more but he didn't listen, he wasn't hearing me, something much bigger on his mind as he got into his car and sped off with such speed, that the wheels roared in agony and the pungent scent of burning rubber tainted the air.
I whipped my head to the right and my bewildered gaze found Liam, who seemed just as confused as me as he eyed the area Nikolas's car occupied only seconds ago, trying to drink into the feedback of his abrupt departure.
Swallowing past the accumulating lump in my throat, I brought a hand to my face and wiped away the tears that stained my cheeks, a silent testimony to the storm that raged within me only a couple of seconds ago.
With one thought in mind, I moved closer, my hand curling over Liam's arm, not so gently pushing him out of my way and opening the driver's seat before I climbed in, "Wait—Hey! This is my car!" He shot out in bewilderment and I chose to ignore him, driven by an urgency beyond his comprehension.
Wasting no time, I powered the engine on and drove off, almost running Liam over, who I heard whine as I left him behind, "This is why I fucking retired!"
I pressed down on the gas pedal with urgency, propelling myself onto the main road, avoiding the cars in my way, my fingers gripping the wheel with white-knuckled determination as I raced toward one single destination.
While my focus remained fixed on the road ahead, my free hand delved into my pocket, retrieving my phone with trembling fingers. With a fervent prayer under my breath, I dialed Roman's number, "Come on, pick up, pick up," I mumbled, desperate, the weight of terror tightening around my chest, threatening to suffocate me with its icy embrace.
Glancing at the side mirror, I made a fast swerve, going directly to him, as fast as I possibly could. I dialed him again but no response came, eluding me of whatever sanity I had left. Cursing under my breath, I angrily threw the useless phone away, "You better be alive, you idiot," I grumbled under my breath, something in my chest quivering as the darkest scenarios took over and danced before my mind's eye.
As I reached my destination, my foot slammed down on the brake, bringing the car to an abrupt halt, swerving recklessly at the sudden impact. With no time to waste, I stumbled out, my heart pounding in my ears as I raced toward the chaos that lay beyond the fences, my eyes taking notice of the destruction we caused.
Isaac's men, most of them were merely dead bodies on the floor, scattered here and there. A loud and clear statement that the headquarters had witnessed the downfall of the time.
I didn't have time to savor this victory and I kept running. I darted through the wreckage, taking into every little detail around me as I searched for him.
Spotting one of our men, I closed the distance with haste, my hand gripping his shoulder in a desperate need for his attention. Startled, he turned to face me, his eyes widening at the sight of my frantic state. Breathlessly, panting, I asked, "Where is Roman?"
He gestured towards the building, "Last I saw, he was heading inside—" his words trailing off as I spun on my heel and sped into the building, my senses on high alert as I eyed my surroundings.
"Roman!" My voice echoed through the corridors as I frantically searched, my desperation palpable in the tense air.
My heart hammered against my ribcage, a frenzy of madness lit up in my veins, and then...then my eyes registered something. was him, sprawled on the floor, far away from me. With a surge of adrenaline, I scurried so fast toward him, every fiber of my being dissolving into a mix of pain and terror, unlike anything I'd ever experienced.
My vision was getting blurrier for some reason, my lungs were failing to do their function because I couldn't breathe; each one came out in ragged gasps. The weight of my fear bore down on me, driving me to my knees beside him, my trembling hands reaching out.
"Roman!" My voice cracked with emotions so deep as I clutched and clung to him, watching his face contort in agony, a guttural groan escaping his lips, "Emma," his voice was barely a whisper, and his eyes squeezed shut, lowly groaning at some type of discomfort.
"What...what happened? Where did you get hurt? Did you get shot? What happened—" Breathlessly and frantically, my hands roamed his body, searching for a gunshot, for blood, for his injury and the source of his discomfort.
My fingers shook, trembling under the weight of everything unraveling. Years and years of training went down the drain in the eye of this fucking moment. I couldn't get a grip. I couldn't focus. I couldn't think. I couldn't breathe without it tearing my heart apart.
"Roman, what happened, where is...where did you get shot," My voice quivered and I blamed my blurry vision because I couldn't see nor pinpoint his source of pain, "Why did you do this, why, why—" I mumbled between my tears, my throat constricting and I reached for his face, my palm cradling his soft warm cheek, "I love you so much, don't you dare leave me," I mumbled, "I love you, Roman— please."
His expression suddenly cleared out and he pried his eyelids open, the beautiful green in them met my own, the creased lines smoothed over his forehead, every twitch relaxing, "Wait, what did you say?" He whispered.
My eyebrows pulled closer at his sudden normal expression, wasn't he in pain?
My brow furrowed in confusion, disbelief washing over me, "Didn't you...get shot?" Isn't he hurt?
He nodded ever so casually, "I did," He pulled himself up on his elbows and moved his hand to his shirt, pulling the collar down, "But I came prepared, bulletproof vest," He pointed out, showing it to me. His lips twitched after, as if this was so fucking normal, "Now, can we go back to your lovely confession?"
My bewildered gaze flickered from his vest and up to his face, to his idiotic smile. My jaw tightened, my sanity broke into pieces and I pushed him off my lap, "You idiot!" I snapped, curling my hand into a fist, I punched him as hard as I could manage, every nerve in my being was trembling still, "Goddammit, I lost my fucking mind, you fucking idiot!" I snapped, punching him yet again, on his chest, on his arm, shoulders, anything...
"Oww, oww," He clutched into his shoulder and chest as I punched him everywhere, "Ow! I still got shot, vest or not, I am still in pain," He said, backing away and trying to escape my attack but I followed, still aiming my fists and throwing my ruthless punches at him, "You asshole! I want to kill you!"
"Emma, Em— Goddammit, you crazy girl," He tried to ground me and after many failed attempts, he finally managed to curl his hands over my fists, stopping my enraged attack and using it to pull me closer to him, our chests bumping at impact. He smiled, attempting to tame the monster in me who wanted to bury him ten feet underground at the moment.
Glaring at him, his smile only grew wider, "What did you say?"
"Shut up!" I grumbled out.
He shook his head, "Wrong answer," He said, reveling in my misery, "What was it again, it started with L and ended with e," He added, way too giddy at a simple four-lettered word. Idiot.
"I take it back, I thought you died, that's why I said it, only out of pity," I grumbled out, still glaring at him, ready to rip off that handsome face of his, ready to kiss him because I thought I lost him and then push him off a damn cliff because he will be my fucking ruin.
"Okay, someone give me back my gun," He said, looking around and searching for it, "I am gonna shoot myself again," He said, ever so seriously as he picked up his gun from the floor.
My eyes widened and I snatched it from him before I hurled it away. He watched it fall at a distance and then turned to me, his hands leaving my fists before his arm snuck around my waist and kept me tucked so close to him, "Say it," He said again, unable to shake that fucking smile.
"You are an idiot," I said.
He shook his head, "Come on, say it," He stressed out again.
"I hate you," I grumbled out, not willing to feed into his stupid fantasies.
A low chuckle rumbled from his throat and shook his head, "Say it, you unhinged woman."
"Fuck you," I grated out.
His smile turned into a small devilish smirk, one corner of his lips lifting up, his gaze mainly on my lips as he murmured, "We've done that uncountable times, haven't we?"
His hand moved, tenderly, gently as it rested over the side of my neck, angling my face right before he edged closer and all I felt were his warm lips press into mine. Involuntarily, my eyelids dropped down and I sank, and I fell and I realized that I never wanna go back up again.
I brought my arms and tangled them around his neck, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss, tasting all of him, all that was mine; my little messy fairy tail, my twisted romance, my husband, and my lovely idiot.
I reveled in every emotion he stirred in me, I surrendered to every foreign feeling he was getting me accustomed to. I savored every little moment and memory. In his arms, I felt like I died and been resurrected in mere seconds.
Edging back just a fraction, his forehead fell into mine. I pried my eyes open, gazing at him as the emotions boiled and spread, consuming every living nerve in my being. My hand rested over the side of his hair, my fingers diving into the soft strands and I mumbled, "I love you."
I never knew what love really was before him.
No one ever loved me enough for me to know.
He taught me this sickening, weird, annoying, ugly, sweet, heartwrenching thing they call love.
His lips pulled up into the prettiest most heartwarming smile and he brought his hand to my face, caressing my cheek, his eyes taking all of me in, almost like he was savoring every little bit of this moment, "I've loved you since day one, Emma," He whispered, edging closer and he pecked my lips, "You are my beginning and my end," He whispered against my lips, his movements so slow, so tender I felt like I was flying, "I am nothing without you."
He teased my bottom lip, driving me insane with such little tender touches, "You are my crazy, beautiful queen."
And right then, I crashed to the ground.
Make sure he treats you like the queen you are going to be.
Isaac's words echoed in my head and the mirage broke. I sucked into a stuttering breath as everything that had happened came rushing back with full force and I pulled away.
Roman sensed the sudden shift in my expression and the tension that wrecked my being. His eyes fell on mine again, eyebrows creasing and he silently questioned it.
I nodded my head, silent too as I answered him.
"It's over," I mumbled over a whisper.
Isaac's reign; it was finally over.
I didn't know what exactly to feel about that.
Nearing footsteps shook us back to reality, making me move away, breaking contact as I straightened up to my feet. Roman did the same, wiping the dirt off his clothes before our gaze fell on Ronald as he approached us.
"Everyone has been taken care of," He informed, his eyes on Roman before he looked at me, his eyebrows pulling closer, "Where is Nikolas?"
I shook my head and rushed a hand over my face, my brain so foggy, "I have no clue," I said, "Something happened to him suddenly and he stormed out, I didn't understand a thi—"
My voice was silenced by the ringing of a phone. Ronald mumbled a low excuse me as he pulled it out and pressed it to his ear, "Yeah?"
He seemed like he was about to speak more but whoever was on the other line and whatever news he dropped on him, stole all of his words and drained the color from his face.
Alarmed, I turned to Roman, who mirrored my confusion with a similar gaze.
That same look of terror, the one that had clouded Nikolas's features before his hasty departure, now engulfed Ronald's expression. His fingers trembled, shook with a tremor too strong, causing the phone to slip from his grasp and crash to the ground.
My eyes widened and finally, his gaze locked with ours. "What's wrong? What happened?" I demanded, the blaring alarms in my mind drowning out all the logic.
"The asylum," he murmured, his voice trembling, "There was an explosion," he added, the words barely audible over his whisper.
The force wreaked havoc over his body, "Oh my god, Nathan," He mumbled ever so weakly before turning on his heel and sprinting away before I could take in my next breath.
My brain short-circuited for a long second before it finally dawned on me. My eyes grew wider and my head whipped to Roman, "Noah," I gasped, the name escaping my lips in pure horror, "Noah is there too."
It was happening again; the nightmare replaying before my eyes, and I felt like I was unraveling, losing grip on reality all over again.
As soon as the car halted, I flung the door open and bolted, running away. Roman's voice trailed after me, desperate as he tried to catch up with me, attempting to rein in my frantic energy, trying to calm me down before I went marching right into the eye of the storm, but I didn't stop for, I was beyond reason.
My eyes widened in shock at the devastation that greeted me, the air got stuck in my throat at the horror presented ahead. The once pristine white building was now in tumbles, ruins, and ashes, consumed by flames and smoke.
My heart hammered in my chest, urging me to rush forward, to search every corner for him. But I was momentarily paralyzed by a soft, urgent call of my name, one trembling with fear, "Emma!"
My head whipped in the voice's direction, my eyes falling on Noah, seated in the back of the ambulance, the paramedics attending to his wounds. He pushed himself away from her and stumbled to the ground. He matched my speed, running, meeting me halfway and my knees buckled to the ground as he came crashing into my chest.
"Noah, oh my god," I breathed out, my lungs collapsing as I tightened my hold over him. He clutched into me, his little hands grasping into my clothes as he buried himself so deep into my embrace, his little body trembling, terrified as he lowly sobbed in my neck.
I cradled the back of his head, my eyelids pressed shut and tears of relief flooded and pushed out of my eyes, cascading down my cheeks as I held him so close. Drawing back slightly, my hands tenderly cupped his little face, my gaze fixated on him as I cautiously inspected every bruise and wound, "Oh, my sweet boy," I murmured, gently brushing his hair and wiping away his frightened tears before pulling him back into the safety of my embrace.
"I am so sorry, I will never leave you alone like this, I am so sorry," I mumbled into his little shoulder, and every word seemed to relax the tensed muscles in his little being.
When he edged back, he brought his hand to my face, he brushed away my tears, sniffling as he tried to calm himself and me down, "Were you scared?" I asked softly.
He nodded, his lower lip quivering ever so slightly, breaking my heart once more.
I carressed his face, and his hair, I held into his little cold hands, warming him up, "Are you still scared?" I asked.
He shook his head, his eyes seeing no one but me, the trust in his gaze broke me down, it weighed heavily on my shoulders and showed me yet again that he had no one, no one but me, no one but us.
I turned to Roman, who crouched beside us, extending his hand and smiling, urging Noah to get closer. The boy rested his hand in Roman's big one and my husband pulled him into his embrace, hugging him tightly and rubbing at his back, "You are okay now, you are safe," He assured him, his voice warm and tender.
Noah nodded his head, wrapping his little arms around Roman's neck, finding solace in our presence, "We won't let anything happen to you, okay little guy?"
As Roman's eyes met mine, a silent message was exchanged between us. His face relaxed and he nodded his head, answering my silent plea.
"Can we?" I whispered.
He nodded, shifting Noah to one side as he drew me closer with his other arm. "Sure, we can," he murmured, pressing a tender kiss to my temple.
A small smile lifted my lips as I gazed at Noah and his mouth twitched into a soft innocent smile in return. I reached forward and took his small hand in mine, giving it a reassuring squeeze, one promising him that I was never going to let go of those little hands ever again.
Nikolas's POV
"Sir, I am sorry but you can't go inside yet, we can't let you," The fucker spoke again, "They are still trying to contain the fire, civilians can't get in, it's too dangerous—"
My nerves trembled with anger and unease, "I fucking know that and I don't care," I shot back in frustration, "So back out of my way before I make you!"
They've been obstructing and blocking my way since the moment I arrived here, they guarded all the premises and I haven't gotten the chance to get inside. I was so close to losing my fucking mind. I was teetering on the edge of sanity. I've been shaking with fear since the second the line went dead and I no longer heard Nathan's voice.
His trembling fearful voice, pleading me to save him, so scared of dying...
He is a kid, for god's sake, he is just a kid; he shouldn't...he shouldn't have to be scared of something as cruel as death.
As the security man dared to extend his hand to block my path, my patience snapped like a taut wire stretched beyond its limit. With a primal roar, I unleashed my pent-up frustration on his fucking face, my fist connecting with his jaw in a glass-shattering blow.
He staggered backward, crashing to the ground in a heap, as I marched forward, driven by an unyielding force to pave my way into the ruins, right into the eye of the storm.
But once again, I was held back. Not one, not two, but a couple of firemen, and two police officers; some blocked my way and others attempted to hold me back but I no longer thought with logic. I fought them, each and every one. Red veiled my sight, the barrier in my brain that controlled my actions broke down, and my heart was enraged, terrified. The bitter taste of what might've actually transpired here choked me, it burned at my eyes and fisted my lungs in a very tight grip.
I couldn't fucking breathe.
There weren't many survivors. That's what they said.
They got Noah out. They found Jeremy, who was badly injured and was immediately wheeled to the hospital.
They saved a couple of severely injured kids, those who were already outside the building when the bombs went off.
That's all...
There aren't any more survivors.
Nathan. He was supposed to be right next to Jeremy. They said they didn't find him...they said that they only found...dead bodies, many many mutilated dead bodies, half bodies, parts of bodies, scattered under the ruthless force of the explosion.
I can't fucking breathe...
Chris...Christian, he was my responsibility. He was my fucking responsibility. I was supposed to keep him safe. I stole from him the chance to have a normal childhood, I did it, I took it from him, I took his father away. I owed it to him to give something back, anything. I should've done something. I should've...
Nathan...he can't be dead. He just can't.
All those kids that were in here, all the people, old and young; their lives, their blood is tainting my hands, it's burning me, it's scorching my skin and each lost soul tore and ripped at my very weak heart
I will die. And there will be consequences. Ones that you are going to pay.
He said that I will regret it. I didn't want him to be fucking right, but he was.
Blood will be shed. That blood will be on your hands only, remember that. He said.
How could he always be right?
How could he win even after his death?
A growl rumbled from my chest, a scream, a wail of despair as I pushed the guy who came at me once more. I released my anger, my pain, and my insanity on him, on them, on innocent people who were only trying to shield me away from the impending doom underneath the rubble. But I couldn't stop.
It's conquer or die. How did he fucking manage to do both in one day?
Blood, so much blood tainted my fingers, red and warm, so much blood, it felt like it seeped in between my cells, infecting me from the inside, getting etched so deep into my aching soul.
Heaving a stuttered breath from my lungs, I rose to my feet. My bewildered gaze went to the mess I created, the people I've hurt. I looked around. Five, maybe six, I've knocked them all unconscious, and mercilessly mutilated their faces and bodies...this is what happens when the monster in me grieves.
And right now, he was grieving a loss much much bigger than him.
My hands were shaking uncontrollably, I couldn't tear my gaze away from them.
I heard my name being called. I still couldn't look away.
I felt a familiar touch, a hand on my shoulder that urged me to turn around and face yet another thing I wasn't ready for. My eyes fell on Ronald as he paused to a stop across from me, his chest heaving, panting, almost like he had run all the way here.
He averted his gaze away from the mess on the floor and faced me again. A whispered question in his eyes, the blue in them darkening to the point of no return, and redness swarmed the veins of the white. A tremor coursed through his being, a quake of pain, a jolt of despair because he could sense it too, he wasn't blind, he could clearly see the ruins scattered across from us.
He saw the tragedy, the catastrophe, the inferno that will bring us down to our knees.
His lips parted, "Wha—" He blinked, his throat moving, "Wh—" He couldn't manage to speak one word right, he couldn't voice this inner turmoil out. It was impossible.
The mess I created didn't go unnoticed by the prying eyes, and more firemen gathered around us, blocking our entrance and pushing us away. I heard them ask for more assistance, calling the police, in an attempt to contain me before I went rogue on them all over again.
My eyes found Emma among the crowd, who had also witnessed the madness I'd conjured. She sensed that I wasn't to be messed with now and she headed for the firemen, trying to argue with them on my case, for both their benefit and mine.
Ronald's eyes flickered away from me and fell on the wreckage, that held beneath it something, someone that once belonged to him. His fingers shook on the side, I watched as he curled them into a fist and he attempted to move forward.
My hand shot to his shoulder, grasping at it and pulling him back. I've had enough loss for one day.
He shook his head, his bewildered eyes settling on me, "No, no, Nikolas," He shot out, his voice raging, his brain trying to manage and suck it all at once, "This isn't happening, this can't happen—it can't happen..." He added breathlessly, tearing himself away from my grasp.
He clutched into his head, desperate fingers clutching into his hair as his gaze fell to the floor, "No, Nathan, no, no," He shook his head again and again, as if it could shake the thought away too.
I edged closer to him, "Ronald," I said, my voice barely audible.
His tear-filled eyes met mine and he shook his head again, "What...what am I gonna do?" His brain operated on an override, the trauma that haunted him since he was just a teenager; since he lost his mother, it followed him here, it suppressed his grief and fueled his sense of responsibility, his need to shield his family away from this harshness, "What will I tell Natalie?" He whispered, "What will I tell dad?"
He looked at me, his expression twisting into dark mockery, "What will I tell him? That the baby he lost was actually alive, that he lived and he grew and he is...he is de...dead again?"
I shook my head, parting my lips to stop him but I couldn't. He looked away, staggering backward at the force of this mayhem, "Natalie trusted me, she trusted that I would keep him safe, she trusted me, what—how will I tell her," His lower lip trembled, the grief pushing through, fighting to resurface and take over.
"What am I going to do?" He mumbled again, his voice dropping down, "What should I do?"
I moved forward, closer to him, acting on instinct only, muffling the rest of his scattered words as I wrapped my arms around his back and shaky shoulders, pulling his trembling self to me. He crashed into my chest, his tears broke free, and the grief finally won and it took over, "What am I going to do, Nikolas, what am I going to do?" He sobbed into my embrace, his hands clutched on my bloodied shirt, trying to grasp into anything, anyone before he'd sink down that dark endless pit.
My hand cradled the back of his head, trying to hold him up, but I couldn't. A suffocated scream, a very pained one tore out of his throat, and all the pain, all the grief he should've faced the second she died all those years ago, came tumbling out in waves, it passed right through me before it got released into the dark night. The weight of his pain pushed him down, his body failing him and I went down with him too as he fell to his knees into the unforgiving floor.
I kept my arms tight, so fucking tight around him and he clutched into me, because at this moment he had no one else. His tears seeped through and mixed with the blood covering my shirt. My clothes and my skin bore witness to the immense destruction I've caused and weaved out.
My eyelids fell down, my chin pressed into his shoulder, and a single tear trickled down my cheek. Just one. I couldn't let more out. Not like this, not now. I couldn't break down, not yet. I needed to gather all of this mess, I needed to focus, to stand still, to weather this storm one more time, just one more time.
One day later...
My gaze remained focused on Ronald, his weak form huddled in the seat at the jet's far end. His eyes seemed almost lifeless, empty as he stared into a void unseen. Leaning wearily against the window, the contours of his face bore the weight of unspeakable anguish, etched with the indelible marks of devastation.
Reluctantly tearing my gaze away, I lowered my eyes to my lap, where my hand lay motionless. Yet, despite my efforts to still my trembling fingers, they betrayed me once more, twitching for the umpteenth time since yesterday. My jaw ticked in frustration. My nerves were a tangled web of frayed threads, unraveling with each passing moment.
We stayed there and waited. We waited, but hopelessly.
There was no hope. The stark reality of the situation hung heavy in the air—no survivors.
There were no survivors.
The haunting headlines of the news lingered in the recesses of my mind, refusing to leave me be.
A harsh breath pushed out of my lungs and I shook my head, shaking the thoughts away, refusing to succumb to this abyss. I allowed my eyelids to briefly drop down; I had made this little hideaway in my head, where I could escape and not think of everything that occurred. I settled myself there, for now.
The only good news; Jeremy had made it out of surgery. The doctor informed me that he only needed time to recover and that he'd get better soon. I managed for him to be transferred to a hospital in LA, one much closer to home; So that his father and little brother could stay by his side as he pulled through.
My fingers twitched again and I curled them into a fist, my eyelids gliding open as the frustration seeped into my veins; the urge to ram my fist into something becoming more persistent due to this fucking new habit.
I hefted a loud sigh before I heard very low footsteps nearing me. I turned my head, watching as little Noah paused right next to me, his big innocent eyes flickering up and meeting mine. My gaze flickered to Emma at the other end, who confusingly eyed the kid, trying to comprehend his actions as well.
I looked back at him and without muttering a single word, he extended his fisted hand forward, toward me, holding something within his tiny fingers. My forehead creased and I placed my palm out for him. He edged his hand closer to mine and dropped something into it before he backed away.
My body tensed up as my gaze fell down, taking notice of the bloodied broken king piece.
My head shot up to Noah, "You were with him?" I asked.
He said that there was a little boy with him too; it was Noah?
He silently nodded his head.
My heart pounded against my ribcage as I struggled to comprehend the situation, "What happened?" I whispered, my mind going wild with so many fucked up theories. How come Noah and Jeremy made it out and he didn't?
With a helpless shrug, Noah's shoulders lifted in resignation, "I don't know," he muttered softly, his voice barely audible.
Something burned at my throat and I nodded my head, fighting against the urge to question the kid for every little detail. I brought my hand forward and gently squeezed his little shoulder. He gave me a small nod before he turned around and rushed back to Emma's side.
I turned my gaze back to my palm. Bringing my other hand up, I ran my trembling fingers over its jagged edges.
A broken king.
In a twisted fucked-up way, I was just like this little marble— broken, bloodied, shattered, and no longer capable of going into battles.
I've had my last fight yesterday.
No more.
I am not capable of more.
My fingers curled over the pieces, my eyelids dropping down as I backed into my seat;
This broken king had fought his final war, and he lost.
"Can you drop me at Natalie's house?" Ronald asked, his tone void of any emotions, blank and hollow.
"Get in," I said and silently, he took the seat next to me.
With no further words, I powered the car on and pulled away from the airport, taking him to her.
The car ride passed in utter silence, there were no words left to say.
As we neared her neighborhood, I began to slow down, eventually coming to a stop by the entrance of her block. My gaze drifted to her apartment window, noticing the glow of the lights within, indicating that she was awake still.
Ronald stayed seated for a second or two, internally preparing himself for the inevitable.
"Thanks," he mumbled lowly, his hand on the handle, ready to get down.
"Do you want me to come as well?" I asked, making him pause in his departure.
Say no, say no, please say no...
He turned to me and shook his head, "No, I will take care of it."
I nodded my head and he went down after, clicking the door shut before he rounded his way and walked inside the building.
Bringing a hand to my chest, I rubbed at the ache that lingered within, but it refused to diminish. The thought of how her whole life was about to shatter in mere seconds brought a sense of helplessness I could no longer fight.
I should go down and I should be there for her.
I know that I should.
But I won't.
I can't.
I can't witness another one of my storms tear through her life, wreak havoc, and turn it upside down.
With a heavy heart, I tore my gaze away from her window, focusing instead on the road ahead. I didn't have a destination in mind, so I drove aimlessly, the cold wind whipping through the open window, stinging my face, and tangling my hair in its icy embrace.
Hours later, I found myself right back where I started, where it all began.
Getting out of the car, I stared ahead at the bunker that was also in ruins, another place touched by Isaac's destructive hands. Shaking my head, I walked in the opposite direction, getting inside the building and climbing up the stairs, heading to the place, the house I've kept him in. The little home we shared; Natalie, him, and me.
I stepped inside, one step only, and a force so strong rushed and tangled with the messiness in my chest. Memories flooded, consuming my senses as I moved between the rooms till I reached his own. With trembling hands, I reached for the light switch, illuminating the room. Every corner held a piece of him—a reminder of the little life we shared.
My eyes darted over every detail; the bed he slept in, his sweatshirt still thrown there, waiting for his return. My gaze flickered to the nightstand, where a framed picture stood still, frozen in time. It was of Natalie and him, captured when we had our little basketball match.
The happy smile on Nathan's face threatened to push me back to my knees.
I tried to suck in a breath, in need of some oxygen. My knees weakened and I dropped at the bed's edge, unable to stand still. My hand reached for the sweater, fisting my shaky fingers over the soft fabric, pulling it and bringing it close. Lifting it, I buried my nose into its fabric. My eyelids dropped down and my heart broke for how many times broke because it smelled like him still.
He didn't want to die.
How am I ever supposed to live with that fact?
Emotions so overwhelming stung my eyes and I was right at the edge, ready to fall and surrender to the pain.
A silent moment passed through me, broken only by the light knock on the door. Startled, I whipped my head, my eyes falling on Alex of all people, standing right by the doorway.
"Hey," He said, softly and a small smile lifted his lips.
My eyebrows pulled closer, " did you know I was here?"
He walked inside, coming closer and dropping on the bed, right next to me, "Emma told me," He said, turning his head and looking at me, "I think she is stalking you," He said, arching a playful eyebrow, "Probably scared you'd drive off a cliff or something."
My eyes left him and fell back into the sweater wrapped between my fingers.
"She told me what happened," He mumbled.
My jaw tightened, trying to get a grip but his presence stripped it away from me.
"Alex," I mumbled.
I lifted my head and looked at him, "That shoulder of yours, still available?" I weakly asked, recalling his words from the other day.
My words seemed to shatter something in his gaze too. He nodded his head, "For you? Always," He said.
Without another word, he brought his arm up, wrapping it around my back, pulling me closer and my head fell into his shoulder, my tears finally breaking free, no longer able to keep it in. Alex brought his other arm and tightly wrapped it around me, holding me up in a world that's done nothing other than bring me down.
My shaking hand curled over his jacket's lapels, holding and clutching into him for dear life because something was pulling me away, a darkness so prominent was threatening to take over and the harder it pulled, the tighter I clung to him.
Uncontrollable, tears flowed down from my eyes and into his shoulder, and I cried. I cried from a wound so deep, a wound so old.
I cried because I lost my mother, I lost —my father...I lost two kids that needed me. I lost the only girl I loved. lost, I lost, I fucking lost...
Alex held me and I cried, like a little kid, because deep down, that's who I was.
A little kid, locked up between four walls, never able to break through.
"I know, I know," Alex mumbled, his voice strained, heavy under the weight of my pain. His hand rested over the back of my head, his fingers all bunched up in my hair, "It's okay," He mumbled, "Just let it out, let it all out, Nikolas, you need it."
And I did.
The monster in my head, he was crying too. No, not just crying, he was on the ground, sobbing, because I was finally doing it, I was facing it all, I was ruining him, slowly killing him, because that's who he always was; an accumulation of all my traumas, shaped into one very big scary creature.
Those four walls trapping me started to open up, one by one.
Alex tightened his hold over me, and I felt a tear or two escape him as well as he witnessed me unravel.
Alex tightened his hold and those doors shattered.
And finally, finally...I was free.
There was no Frank, no Isaac, and not even the woman that I used to see the world through her eyes.
They were all gone.
And with them, they took my monster too.
"I don't know what I would've done without you, Alex," The confession left me in a hoarse whisper.
"Well, you are lucky because you will never have to know what that life looks like," He said.
I edged backward, pulling away, bringing my hand to my face and wiping away at my tears. Alex's lips formed a small somber smile, "You are never getting rid of me, you do know that, right?"
His hand fell onto my shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze, "I will always be here for you, Nikolas."
"A small portion of my shoulder will always be reserved for you," he added, a hint of playfulness weaved into his words and I couldn't help but smile weakly at his antics.
His hand fell off and my gaze flickered down, sucking into my next breath as I tried to gather the shattered pieces of myself.
"Can I join this little moment, too?" Emma's voice broke through and we both turned our heads to the door, to where she stood, a small smile on her face, swaying on her feet.
Alex sighed loudly and raised his arm in a welcoming gesture, "Come here," He said, grumbling out in annoyance, "This suddenly became a family reunion."
Excitedly, she hopped over, dropping right next to Alex. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and she leaned into him, savoring all of this, "I know that I never said this before and I might never ever say it again," She said, her eyes flickering from me to Alex, then back to me, "But I really love you, guys."
Alex looked down at her, "If you ever tell anyone that I said what I will say next, I will kill you," He threatened, "But I have kind little, so little, just a tiny bit of love for you, it's so little it's almost negligible though."
My lips twitched and Emma chuckled lowly, "Aww, you love me!" She said before she brought her hand up and pinched his cheek, "You're so cute," She said and he grumbled out, pushing his face away from her touch, cursing colorful words under his breath.
Emma's eyes flickered from him and fell on me, her smile turned somber, and so many words pushed out of her gaze, I understood every single thing she wanted to say to me. Emma and I, we weren't that good with words and emotions, so this...this was more than enough for us.
My lips twitched, forming a small smile and I mouthed to her, 'Love you too.'
Her face relaxed, her smile grew wider and her shoulders fell down as she breathed out in relief.
Pulling apart from Alex, she got up to her feet and stood ahead of us, "Okay you guys need to promise me something," She said, her eyes flickering between me and Alex, "No matter what happens from now onward, we will never," She shook her head, "We will never drift apart again."
Alex rolled his eyes, "I am not making any promises that include me being stuck with you—"
Her eyes widened and she kicked his leg, making him wince, "Damn you," He grated out.
Her eyes narrowed at him before she turned to me, "I am serious," She said.
"I never had a family before," She said as she pointed between the three of us, "And this, I really like this, I don't want to lose it again."
"Okay, okay, we promise, whatever," Alex said in boredom.
She shook her head, "Nope, not like this," She said before she pulled her knife out.
Alex's eyes widened and he scooted closer to me, "I am scared, get me out of here," He whispered to me and I shook my head at him, pushing him away from me.
She held the knife, "A blood oath," she added, smiling excitedly, "I always wanted to make one of those!"
"Hey, no, no blade is coming near my hand!" Alex shot out in terror, getting up and stepping away from Emma. My chest twisted because even though he treated it playfully, I read between those lines.
Emma turned to me, pouting, "Nik, come on, convince your brother," She said, "Please, pretty please."
Sighing loudly, I got up to my feet. I rushed a hand over my face and nodded my head, "Yeah, okay, why not," I said.
Alex shot me a glare for getting him stuck in this crazy madness and he edged closer to us, grumbling incoherent words as usual.
I reached out my hand towards Emma, who was bursting with pure happiness, "Give me the knife," I requested, and she placed it gently in my palm.
Turning to Alex, I extended my other hand. "Your hand," I asked, deciding to take charge of the moment.
Alex's eyes were on mine as he rested his hand over my palm. Giving him a reassuring nod, I inched the blad's edge to his inner palm, slightly tearing through the skin and causing a small cut. Alex winced and his expression twisted uncomfortably.
Emma was next, she rested her hand in mine and was smiling giddily as the knife tore at her skin. Crazy, she is definitely crazy.
I did the same to my own hand before I discarded the knife. I extended my hand forward and waited for them to do the same.
"None of you have AIDS, right?" He checked and Emma groaned before she kicked his leg again, shushing him.
Rolling his eyes, her brought his hand and rested it on top of mine, Emma followed and did the same. She looked between us, a childlike innocent hope in her gaze, "Always?" She sought reassurance.
Alex's expression turned a bit serious and he nodded his head, smiling softly as he looked between us, "Always."
My gaze flickered from her to him, and my heart soared and swelled because I loved them so much, they were all I had, they were my only family.
My lips lifted up, smiling as I made my vow, "Always."
Two more chapters and an epilogue, are you ready? 🥹
This chapter drained me emotionally and I have nothing else to say.
See ya soon!
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