Chapter 15 - You're mine and I am yours

"In a fight, they're lethal,
Around each other, they melt."


Nikolas's POV

Shock swirled in the blue of his eyes, confusion at my realization and a lick of fear flashed across his face as he backed away from the table, letting the picture go. His whole being vibrated with negative energy as he faced me, his hand slowly going to the back of his pants, ready for an attack, "How did you know?" He questioned.

"It wasn't that hard," I said. Truth be told, if it wasn't for Natalie and the whole search for who the brother is, I would've not figured it out as easily. He was able to erase his whole existence, which now makes more sense, it's what the Hex does.

He shook his head in bewilderment; something seemed to snap all the logic from his mind as he reached for his gun and aimed it forward, gritting his teeth as he asked, "Why are you so keen on learning about my mother, what do you want?"

I sighed, "Don't be stupid and put that gun down," I urged, taking a step forward, not once threatened by the weapon aimed at me.

He shook his head again; me learning his hidden truth not settling very well with him, "No, no, I hid this for years, no one was supposed to know, I did everything so no one could ever know, but how did you, for god's sake?" His voice raised, unable to grasp the situation.

His eyes narrowed at me, doubting and accusing, "And all of a sudden, you are interested in my mother's death, what the hell do you want, Nikolas?"

I really wanted to punch him at the moment, but I held myself back. Control Nikolas, control, or else you will have to explain to Natalie how you killed her twin brother.

"You want revenge, don't you?" I asked, "That's why you got into the Hex, it was your guaranteed ticket in," I added, realizing his motives. How desperate he had to be to go through all the torture they force on their members? Very desperate, I can see.

"I waited, for so many years, I fucking waited, for this moment," He looked around him, "To get inside this damn house," Hurt bled through the anger in his eyes, they darkened as he shook his head, "I am not gonna let anyone stop me, not even you, Nikolas. I didn't do everything, I didn't lose everything...just to be stopped now!"

Lose everything...his sister and father. He left them behind, he left everything behind just so he can get into our world, he went through the Hex's program, he waited and waited, just to get closer to this family, to the Armone's...his family in a way. He really took the whole revenge-is-a-dish-best-served-cold to a whole new level.

I took another step forward, till the gun's barrel collided with my chest, my gaze calculating, studying him and his entire plan. The urge to slam his head into a wall only intensified when I remembered Natalie's tears when she talked about him and how he left her to deal with the outcome of the accident, all on her own.

"This is your last warning," My jaw ticked, "Put the gun down."

I never noticed him up close, didn't have a reason to. He always looked composed, he did his job right, I didn't need to question more. But now, as I looked into his eyes, I could clearly see how a big part of his soul had been lost to the darkness. I am pretty sure Natalie won't recognize him. I don't think he is the same brother she once knew.

She said, for her, he died right after the accident, and I think that's partially true. The Ronald she knew is dead, and in his place, there is a man who is consumed by anger and vengeance. The wild fury in his eyes is saying that and more, it's recognizable and familiar, because I've seen that same look in the mirror before.

He shook his head, the muscles of his jaw working, and he was past making sense at the moment, "I am gonna kill him, and I won't let anyone stop me."

"Joseph?" I questioned, not waiting for an answer, "He killed her, didn't he?"

He nodded, "And he will die for it," He remarked.

"You will die trying."

He shook his head, "I don't care, I will be taking him with me, then," He pressed the gun's barrel further into my chest, "So, you need to back the fuck off, and let me do my job."

I had enough of his threatening. My hand shot out to his wrist, twisting his down, aiming the gun away, before I grabbed at his shoulder and twirled him around. I held him down, his back against my chest and I directed his gun-wielding hand toward his head, pressing the barrel's tip to under his chin, my finger over his, right beside the trigger, hoping I won't have to press it, "You stupid, I am trying to help you."

He groaned at the position I placed him into. He tried to get free, but I didn't let him. If he was in his right state of mind, he would've been able to stop me from doing this. The Hex training isn't something light. I know that from Emma. But he was letting his emotions interfere now, he is bewildered and scared.

If I figured it out, then maybe others well, he is beyond terrified of that.

"Joseph is a powerful man, you can't take him on your own," I grated out and pressed the gun further into his skin, "You and I want the same thing, and believe it, you'd rather have me on your side and not against you."

With that I let him go, he pulled away and straightened himself, his confused calculating gaze went back to my face, "Why?" He asked.

"None of your business," I said, my voice warning him to stick to his limits next time.

He fixed his shirt, the ferocity in his eyes didn't once waver, still not fully trusting me. I don't blame him. I am not doing this for him. But one thing still nagged at my brain, "How did you know that Joseph killed her?" Natalie still believes it's an accident, how come he figured it out? How was he even able to get into the Hex anyway? How did he know such a thing exists?

The fury faded away and was slowly replaced with utter devastation as he mumbled, "I was there," He rushed a hand over his face, his voice weak and energyless as he dropped at the chair, "I saw it."

Eight years ago...

Ronald's POV

I sat on the pavement outside, waiting. My eyes drifted from the road to my watch, checking the time for the umpteenth time. I sighed, they're late. The summer breeze hit my skin and my gaze drifted up to the star-filled sky. I let my eyelids drop down for a second as I breathed in a deep breath. It was a really nice evening.

Nate and I had just graduated high school, and in a couple of months, we'll be leaving this town, heading to the big city for college. So, our parents decided that tomorrow we should go to our summer house, spend some family time together before the dreadful separation arrives. But, around an hour ago, my mother called, her voice a bit urgent, informing me that we'll be heading there tonight. I was crashing at my friend's house, and my car was getting fixed, so I am waiting for them to come and pick me up, but they're really late.

I checked my phone again, reading Nate's messages, "Mom said they'll pick you up first because you're closer, then you will all come and get me."  She was also staying at her friend's place, considering it was our last night in this town. I could sense her confusion as well at this sudden turn of events. Something just doesn't feel right.

I dialed dad to see why they're taking so long, but I was immediately directed to voicemail. Confused, I pulled the phone away and dialed mom. Maybe his battery ran out.

Thankfully, hers rang, one ring, two, three...I waited and right at the last ring, she opened, but no words came from her side, "Mom?" I asked, my eyebrows pulling closer at the lack of her answer.

The sound of heavy breathing came from the other line, it filled the air before her weak low voice said, "Ronald."

My eyes widened and I shot up to my feet, her voice alone assured me something was seriously wrong, "Mom, what happened? Where are you?" I asked, the panic snapping off all of my oxygen, "Are you okay?"

She heaved out a breath, struggling and my pulse escalated, "Mom, please say something!"

"The car..acci...accident," She managed to say, her voice strangled and her words incoherent, "Ronald...your fathe...your father, he is hurt, so bad," Her words had me rushing to the street, running to the direction they should be coming from, "Mom, where are you, do you know where you are?"

No answer came from her side and it was seconds before the line went off. I cursed under my breath and ran forward, they can't be far away, I will reach them on time. I will. I have to. They will be fine, my father, my mother and...the baby. I took a shortcut I knew and went in between the trees, heading for the other side of the town as fast as I can. The panic and fear consumed me whole. I couldn't breathe or think. I just ran.

A couple of minutes later and the other side of the town started to become more clear. My eyes caught the car on the side of the road ahead of me, flipped upside down. Dread pushed at my chest, it wrapped around my throat, squeezing all the air off; the car recognizable and I kept running, trying to reach them before it's too late.

I saw another car. I saw someone getting down, and I saw a body laying on the floor, I couldn't recognize a damn thing through the darkness. The panic hammered at my chest and I almost stumbled over the rocks blocking my way as my hurried panicked footsteps took me toward them.

Right when I was about to get out of the trees and reach the road, my eyes landed on the gun in the man's hand, my ears registered the gunshot, not one, not two, three gunshots were fired whole life tumbled upside down right ahead of me.

It all happened within a second. Just one second. I blinked only, and everything crashed.

Before I could rush forward, a hand landed over my mouth, blocking my scream, another hand over my shoulder and pulled me backward, stopping me from stepping ahead and revealing my presence. My eyes grew wide, redness veiled my sight, and my heart pounded haphazardly in the confines of my chest. Every nerve in my body lit in searing pain, it gutted me and the sensation had another scream racing up my throat but whoever held me back, was persistent.

I fought his hold, needing to go and kill the fucker, "He'll kill you," The man hissed in my ear, holding me back.

The attacker got into his car, he drove away like nothing happened, and just then, the man behind released me and I ran forward, the tears streaming down my cheeks weren't enough to blur the devastating truth that laid ahead of me. My body dropped down by her side, "No, no," I cried out, my hand reached her bruised cheek, "Mom," I urged, shaking her but I knew she wouldn't respond. Blood seeped down from her mouth, her face pale and bruised from the accident.

Her body drowning in the crimson red liquid the gunshots caused.

She was okay, she could've survived the accident...she could've...They both could've. Now, they're both gone.

My fingers tightened over her arm and I shook my head, refusing to believe this, "No," I couldn't wrap my mind about what just happened. I leaned down, my body too weak to take all of this in, and my forehead pressed against her chest, "Mom, please, no," Like a baby, I sobbed for my mother that was stolen from me in a blink of an eye.

A hand pressed over my shoulder, it squeezed a bit and I backed away, my eyes falling on whoever held me back. I pushed his hand away, my eyes glaring, "Who the fuck are you?"

His dark eyes went to my mother's lifeless body, his jaw ticked before he turned to me, a promise in his words, "I am gonna help you make who caused this pay."


Nikolas's POV

"Who was he?" I asked, my brain malfunctioning at the story I just heard, "Who helped you get in, Ronald?"

His gaze was of pure hesitation, he knew I was never going to let this go. A low sigh left him before he said, "Isaac, it was Isaac."

"What?" I shot out, stepping forward, "How is that..." Confused, my eyebrows pulled closer, "Why?"

None of this makes any sense.

"I never understood why," He raked his fingers through his hair, "Not till what Julia just said-"

"Your aunt-"

He shook his head and shot up to his feet, his eyes furious, "None of these damn people are related to me, if I am gonna have to kill them all to reach Joesph, then I will!"

I ignored his threat, "So, Isaac knows who you are."

"He was the only one," His jaw ticked, "Now, there is you as well."

"Why didn't you say a thing?" I grated out, this information triggering my anger.

"Because no one was supposed to fucking know who I am," He snapped.

I backed away as well, thinking, analyzing, and trying to make sense of this fucked up situation. Isaac helped him, gave him a way into the Hex, trained him, but now I came into the equation. His plan clicked when he placed us together and planned my marriage to Joesph's daughter, he gave me a way inside the Armone's as well.

If he knew who Ronald is, he definitely knows who Natalie is. He knew I was going to do this. I was going to find her mother's killer.

Isaac wants Joseph dead. That's the only thing that made sense. He wants him dead, but as usual, he is indirectly forcing us to do the dirty work for him.

"How am I supposed to trust you now?" I asked, my eyebrow raising, questioning where his loyalty lays, "Isaac helped you, and now what, you are helping us plan his demise?"

"Isaac means nothing to me, he gave me my ticket in and that's all, the rest was on me," Ronald stressed out, "I could care less who lives or dies by the end of this, I am here to kill Joseph, that's all I want. That's all I care about," He added, "If Isaac would go with him as well, I wouldn't mind that either," He stepped forward, his eyes blaming and accusing, "Because all of you originated from the same tainted roots, the ones that forced my mother to run away from here, the ones that caused her death, and these roots should be cut down, but I am one man only, so Joesph's death is enough for me."

I nodded, understanding his pain, but I am gonna still keep an eye on him for the time being, he is unstable, he wants one thing only and he showed how he is ready to do everything and anything to reach his goal. He can't be trusted. 

"What happened to your father?" I asked, checking if he knows.

My unexpected question had him looking away, a couple of seconds later and he talked, "The accident, it might've not killed him," He rushed a frustrated hand over his face, "But it threw him in a coma for years."

"Do you go and see him?" I asked.

When he turned back to me, shame and guilt intertwined in his eyes, "Yes, but after he woke up, I didn't."


His throat bobbed, "I don't want him to see how badly I fucked up."

His words had me curling my hand into a fist, at least he knows. Maybe I am not supposed to this, but I've been dying to since Natalie told me about her brother. I took a step forward and without hesitation, I threw my fist at his face, it collided with his jaw and had him stumbling to the side, "What the hell was this for?" He whined, bewildered by my action as he held into his bruised face, his eyes glaring at me.

"One day you'll understand," I grated out before I turned around, leaving him behind as I walked back into the party.

My gaze drifted around the crowd, my mind still drinking in the feedback of everything I learned. As fucked as it is, now I feel closer to figuring Isaac out, closer to his inevitable end. My eyes spotted him, with Joseph and his wife, all talking, probably planning my future wedding.

I reached them and Joseph's content gaze found me, more than delighted with how everything is turning out. He really has no idea. "On Monday, Margret is throwing a charity ball, part of her campaign of running for the Mayor, you know," He said, proudly, his hand wrapping around his wife's waist.

I knew she was British, and this is their way to infiltrate the city, through politics, first the Mayor, then god knows what, they go in step by step, unnoticed so no one ever suspects a thing.

"We expect to see you there Nikolas," Joseph added and I resisted the urge to pull my gun and just shoot him. I need to be careful, Joesph can be my way to beat Isaac, another pawn to use and reach the king, "Also, we can discuss and assign an engagement date, yes?"

Isaac's eyes fell on me, he immediately smiled, "Of course, right son?"

My gaze stayed on him, still unable to believe that he helped Ronald; why? Did he care? Did he Maria? Is this psychotic sadistic man capable of such a thing?

My smile matched his, promising and threatening, "Yeah, sure," My eyes fell back on Joseph, going on with their dirty game, "It's about time we become one family, right?"

Joseph's smile only widened, while Isaac sensed the mockery behind every word. I ignored him and looked at a distance, and my gaze fell on Julia's wary eyes, she was still trying to figure me out and my motives.

I sighed. There is still so much for me to unravel.


Two days later...

Emma's POV

"Why are we here again?" I groaned in annoyance and Roman's hand tightened over my waist, shutting me up as some couple passed by us and sweetly smiled our way. I rolled my eyes, "A damn charity? Seriously?" I hissed and Roman sighed, bothered by my whining, "Can you do what you do best and pretend as if you care?"

I looked up at him, "I hate you," I shot him a glare.

He rolled his eyes before they fell on me, "We're in public, sweetheart," He gave me a fake smile, leaned down, and gave me a kiss over the cheek, a show of affection for those around us, "I hate you more, believe me," He hissed, besides my ear and I wanted to grab my knife and cut that fucking tongue of his, but it was hidden well under my dress and there were cameras everywhere. No need to give them a show now.

Patience, Emma, patience.

You can always do what you desire back at the house.

I flashed him a fake smile, "You better use that tongue the right way or you might lose it by accident."

He didn't seem impressed, "Look, there are important people everywhere around here, and there are cameras in every corner, so try not to mess up," He hissed, "Just let this damn night pass quietly, and then you can go back to shooting puppies on the street, okay?"

I frowned, "I don't want to shoot puppies," I mumbled, "They're cute, I wanna shoot humans."

A waiter passed by us and I grinned as I took the champagne glass. Ah, finally. Right when I pressed the tip to my lips, it was immediately snatched out of my grip.

My eyes widened and snapped to Roman. The voice in my head whispered; Kill him, cut his fucking balls, and shove them down his throat. The audacity of this fucking man.

"You're pregnant," he hissed, making sure no one heard as he placed the glass back on the passing waiter's tray. Oh no, look at my alcohol walk away.

"So, what?" I gritted my teeth, "Does this mean I am not gonna have any alcohol for like how many months now? Ten? Eleven? How long does this thing stay inside of me?"

Roman rushed a frustrated hand over his face, "Oh god," He mumbled under his breath and looked away, "You shouldn't be allowed to carry a baby."

"I know, I keep saying that!" I shot out, "Yet, here we are."

I crossed my arms over my chest, staring ahead at the people talking and laughing, all sipping on their glasses. I pouted. A damn charity ball, without alcohol, yeah...I am so gonna kill someone tonight.

I walked to the buffet, distracting myself with eating might help my case. I took a napkin and grabbed something that looked like a pastry, all puffy and it smelled good, but the moment I chewed on it, "Oh my god," I instantly spit it into the napkin, "There is salmon in this," My stomach tightened and familiar nausea hit me again, "So, what?" Roman asked, cluelessly.

Fuck you, you are the reason.

"Salmon makes me nauseous," I mumbled, resisting the bile that rose to my throat. I pushed the napkin into his hand and scurried away, heading for the ladies' room.

The moment I got inside, my stomach acted up and let everything out. I wanted to slam my head against the toilet because I just can't take it anymore. Shouldn't these fucking sicknesses be in the morning only?

Morning slash evening sickness, eleven.

Emma, zero.

I keep fighting a losing battle with this fucked up nausea.

I am done with this. So fucking done.

I slammed the door with a thud before I washed my hands and face, trying not to ruin my makeup. One more thing and I will snap. I want to snap. I want to spill blood and relief this ache inside me. I really want to kill someone now.

Much to my luck, that someone just happened to walk into the bathroom.

My gaze drifted to the other presence as she looked at the mirror and added more lipstick to her filler-filled lips. She whipped her golden hair over her shoulder and I smiled, my wish granted. I recognized her immediately. I have researched all there is to know about Roman and I know who this little Miss is.

My unwavering stare had her turning around, her eyes meeting mine, and she smirked, "Oh, if it isn't the infamous Emma," She said. I nodded, satisfied, at least she knows who I am. But it's obvious she doesn't know what I am capable of, or she would've not dreamt of using that tone on me.

I pulled on the innocent act, "Do I know you?" Oh, this is gonna be so damn fun.

She shrugged, "You should," She tucked her fake blonde hair behind her ear and I imagined how would it feel to rip it from her head, "You see, Roman and I were something before you got married...arranged married to be specific," She licked her lips and inched closer to me, her stare teasing, "He told me so, what you have isn't real and sooner or later, when you are no longer needed, he will throw you behind."

"And what, come back to you?" My pulse quickened, this is so thrilling.

She nodded, proudly, "Of course," She said, "I don't want to hurt you, you seem sweet, but to be honest, even after your marriage, we've been together, more than once and-"

Before she could say more, I grabbed her stupid hair and slammed her face into the mirror. The glass shattered around her head and she let out a cry of pain. She tried to say something but I pushed her face further into the broken glass, "Shush, you don't get to talk now," I warned, taking full pleasure from the blood dripping across her face.

She whimpered and struggled away a bit but I wasn't done with her yet. My grip tightened over her hair, pulling, "Don't make a sound," I had pulled my knife and pressed it to her throat, "Or I swear to god, I will rip your throat out!"

"I am-"

"Shut the fuck up," I snapped and grabbed another fistful of her hair before I pushed her against the stall, "My husband is off-limits, you get that, you don't as much mention his name ever again," I warned, her previous words fueling my rage as I punched her in the nose, "Trying to have an affair with a married man," I scoffed, "Even I am not that disgusting!"

She gasped out, sliding down into the floor, holding onto her bloody nose as she cried and sobbed. I knelt down by her side, "When was the last time you were with him?" I grated out.

"You bitch-" She cried out, looking at her bloody hands.

My fingers curled over her neck, "Wrong answer," I warned, squeezing at her skin before I placed my hand over her shoulder and pulled her up, I am not letting her go till I get my answer, "When was the last time you saw my husband?"

"A month ago," She mumbled and my chest heaved, "What did you do?" I asked, hoping she is sane enough not to trigger me more.

But the bitch got a nerve on her, she glared at me, "Sucked his dick," Her words sent me reeling and I twisted her arm behind her back before I pushed her forward so hard, she went down collapsing against the toilet seat. She screamed out, holding into her chest and I was past making sense as I fisted her hair and slammed her head against the concrete.

Her eyes rolled back, losing her consciousness at the impact and I let her body collapse into a bloody mess over the floor. I knew if I stayed any longer, I was gonna kill her and make a scene. So, I backed away, closed the stall, leaving her there before I washed the blood off my hand, and headed back outside.

I took a breath in and a breath out. I wasn't done. I needed more, but control, for now, control. I headed down the corridor and saw Roman walking toward my side, "Where did you disappear into?"

I didn't answer, my eyes on his, trying to figure out if the bitch was lying or not. I would kill him, for real kill him if it is true. I won't hesitate.

"Why is there blood on your dress?" He hissed, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.

I shrugged, ever so casually as I pulled my phone out, "Just came across your ex-girlfriend in the restroom," I stared at my reflection in the phone's screen and made sure my hair still looked good, "She said things I didn't like," My gaze drifted up to his shocked one, "She is lucky I didn't kill her."

He facepalmed, "Emma, what the hell did you do?"

"Just broke a couple of her ribs, I swear," I defended, I really went easy on her, should've killed her instead, "Oh, also her nose," My eyebrows pulled closer and I shrugged, "Maybe her arm, not sure, I am not a doctor."

"Emma, you can't just-"

"Let's go back home, I don't want to stay here," I said, interrupting him, and walked past him, my inside still boiling with a feeling I couldn't decipher.

His hand reached for my arm, "Your father said we should stay till the end."

I snatched my arm out of his grip, "My father needs to know I won't just fucking follow his orders," I couldn't breathe, "Let's go."

My words showed him if he doesn't follow, I would really make a scene. With a loud huff, he walked by my side till we reached outside. He texted something over his phone, maybe making sure his mistress is fine. Control, Emma, control. They brought the car, I got inside, Roman followed and he drove us away.

Silence enveloped the whole drive back home, my mind replaying that little bitch's words over and over again. He would do it. He hates me now. Our marriage is fake. He never shies away from saying how he had enough of me. He would totally do it.

My fingers curled to the inside of my palm and I didn't want to understand why this affected me so bad. I don't care why. All I care about, if he really did it, he won't make it alive out of my hands. I am here carrying his freaking child, puking every morning and struggling to understand everything my body and mind are going through and he is out there screwing some bitch.

Oh, Roman Andrews, you are a dead man.

Once we reached the mansion, I rushed up to our room. My silence not settling well with him, so he followed, trying to figure me out.

He walked inside and I slammed the bedroom door shut, I locked it, not wanting to be interrupted as I rip his skin off his bones.

"What's wrong now?" he asked, too annoyed with my frequent episodes.

I didn't think as I opened the drawer and pulled my gun out, I turned around, aiming it at him, "Did you sleep with her after we got married?" My question was direct and straightforward.

Yes, or no. He should answer with these letters or I am shooting.

He rolled his eyes, "Seriously now," He sighed, "This what got you riled up?" His eyebrows raised, his tone sarcastic, "As much as I adore our verbal and physical assaults, I am not in the mood for this now," He added, walking toward the door.

I didn't think, I turned to him, my gun aimed at his leg and I fired, but...nothing happened. Roman faced me, and his jaw ticked, "You thought I would leave it loaded," He remarked, ice dripping with his voice.

How could he be so damn calm and cold?

"You fucking touched my gun!" I snapped, throwing the useless thing away and I marched forward, I have hands and I will use them.

He scoffed, "You're pregnant Emma, so apparently I've touched more than your gun," The blood in my veins was boiling, my skin must be red because that's all I saw as I grabbed his collar, pushing him back against the door, "Did you sleep with her or not?!"

He placed his hands over mine and pried them away. His lack of answer pushed me off the edge and I aimed my fist to his jaw, "You fucking bastard," I grated out but my fist was met with his palm and he pushed me backward.

"Emma, stop it, I don't want to hurt you!" He snapped and I remarked, "Answer me, then, did you?"

"No, I didn't," He said, the words effortlessly leaving him, "Yes, our marriage is fake, but since we got married, I didn't get near any other girl but you," He took a step forward, "Because I could be a lot of things, but I am not like you, Emma."

My eyebrows pulled closer, "What do you mean?"

His eyebrow raised, "You said it," he reminded me, "When we were together the first time, the time you were lying and planning," Venom dripped from his voice, proving that he won't just let that fucked up past go, "You said you'd leave my room and go to Lucas's," The muscles of his jaw worked, "Isn't that the same damn thing?"

I shook my head, "That didn't happen," I admitted, honestly, "I said that to trigger you back then, it didn't happen."

"It doesn't matter, anyway," He stressed out, "First time you were lying, now we are both part of this big marriage lie, so it doesn't fucking matter anymore."

I threw my arms up in frustration, "How can you be like this?!"

"What do you want me to do?" He snapped, his eyes darkening as they held mine.

My body was shaking for god's sake. Shaking. Me. The same Emma that killed with her eyes closed. The one that could take on a whole fucking, she is shaking. Because of this fucker. I hate him.

"Did you see her a month ago?" I asked, not dropping the subject yet.

He rushed a hand over his face, trying to keep himself calm, I could see his fingers twitching, searching for a release, "She knows which restaurant we always go to for meetings, she came there, and she started talking," He said, his words drained now and I sensed that he was honest. His eyes held mine, "But I showed her I am married now and sweetly told her to fuck off."

My chest was heaving, panting, like I ran all the way here. My blood was still boiling, my inside shaking, "I don't want you near any other girl, you get it?" I warned, "If you don't want them dead, you stay the hell away from them all, I don't care whether this marriage is real or not, as long as it lasts, you're just mine and I am yours, keep that in mind," Something flashed in his eyes, almost letting that ice in his eyes melt away.

"Why are you scared?" He asked, easily reading my hidden words and feelings.

"Roman, I can do everything on my own, everything, but not this," I pointed at my stomach, "You can't leave me to deal with it on my own, I can't, and if you dare leave me, I will kill you."

He nodded, "I won't."

"Really?" I asked, not expecting him to agree with me so fast.

He nodded, "Isaac won't lay a hand on him," he assured me, knowing my biggest fear ever.

I gulped down, "You promise?"

Instead of answering, he took a step closer, his eyes on my stomach, and his hand rested there, "I have no idea how we'll deal with this," He sighed, his thumb gently brushing over the fabric of my dress, "But we will figure it out, somehow."

My heart calmed down a bit, and I wasn't shaking anymore. I breathed as I stared at him. His tie was loosened, the first few buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned, his hair messed up from how many times he ran his hand through it and his eyes weren't as icy anymore. They weren't cold, but they weren't warm either.

"But, that's all Emma," he showed me where we both stood, before he let his hand fall and he walked away, "You can't expect more from me."


Nikolas's POV

"Missed me?"

I rolled my eyes, even though he can't see me, "You're the one who called me, Alex."

"Yeah, I called to ask if you missed me," He stressed out and I straightened myself in my seat, my eyes taking into the whole crowd ahead of me, "So, did you?"

"Not really, I've been rather occupied," I said and I heard mumble words like bitch or something, "Isaac been keeping you busy, huh?"

I nodded, "You have no idea," I said, "But I think it's helpful, I've discovered some new things, I will have to tell you about it later," I added.

"Like what?"

"In short, he wants me to marry this girl, and her father, he is the head of the second-best family in the-"

"Hold on, hold the fuck on," He interjected, "Marry who? What?"

"Just some girl, it's not important, anyway like I was saying, Joseph, her father, he is-"

"What do you mean not important, are you trying to drive me insane, Nikolas!"


"Hey, you better not be thinking about it!" He warned.

"I have to go through it till I figure out what's going on."

"Who is she?" He asked, disgust in his tone, "What the hell is her name?"


He scoffed, "Like hell will I have a sister-in-law named Mia, I don't like her, no, this ain't happening, no, no way," I rolled my eyes at his usual overdramatic self, "No, Nikolas, I went through all the trouble and in the end, Isaac wins with marrying you, in what world are we living, Jesus!"

"Alex, this isn't the important part-" And here I thought I could explain to him the whole Maria and my father part of the story.

"Like hell it is!" I facepalmed, I knew I should've not said a thing, somehow he turned this into some teenager set-up competition, "Fucking Isaac, that bitch is playing matchmaker as well," He hissed under his breath and I wanted to hang up in his face before this escalates.

"Still, no. I don't approve," He added, "Natalie and I clicked, who the hell is Mia, how am I gonna team up with her to annoy you?"

"Alex, I am gonna hang up now, we can talk later," I said, my eyes falling on Julia at a distance. 

"You will see, Nikolas, I am not letting this happen," He warned.

"Okay, whatever, bye," I said and hung up, not having it in me to hear him whining more.

I got up to my feet and headed toward Julia's direction. When she spotted me, her scared gaze drifted around, "We can't talk, it'll be suspicious." She hissed once I got closer.

"There is a lot more that I need to know, Julia."

"I know that," She shot me a glare, "But not here."

Her eyes fell on a distance behind me, "Pretend we are talking about something else," She whispered and I could sense the man coming from behind me, "So, I was thinking maybe I can stay with Mia when she comes to your house," Julia said, masterfully changing the subject before her eyes flickered to Joseph beside me, "Don't you think so, Joseph?"

He nodded as he tapped his hand over my back. I clenched my jaw, can someone tell this man not to touch me, or else I will end up breaking some of his bones, "Yeah, exactly."

"Mia will be staying at my house?" I questioned, trying not to sound too defensive.

Joseph nodded, "Yeah, Isaac and I agreed, you two can get to know each other better this way till we assign a date for the engagement," He looked at Julia, "Mia's mother is busy with the whole running for Mayor, so Julia can stay with her in there."

At least that keeps Julia close, therefore, more answers.

I faked a smile, "Sounds great."

"Ah, Nikolas, couldn't be happier to have you as my son-in-law," Don't hit him, don't, not yet.

My eyebrow raised, "Apparently you don't know me very well."

He nodded and winked, "That I do."


He dismissed Julia and urged me to join him and my father and dear mother on the other table. They went on discussing the whole campaign and how it's more than certain she will win. I could care less to listen to them.

A couple of minutes later and they all got busy with something, leaving me alone with my mother. I sighed, all plans to avoid her keeps failing. She sat on the chair beside me, "Hey," She said, ever so innocently.

I kept looking ahead, not giving her my attention, "So, you won't look at me either."

I turned to her, too tired of her presence, "What do you want?"

"I want us to go back to the way we were before," She said, sadness quenching her eyebrows, "We were close, Nikolas."

I shook my head, "No, we weren't, I thought I was protecting you, all while you were protecting Isaac."

Her shoulders slumped down, her green eyes flickering down, "Why do you never just ask about Alex, about what he is doing, is he not your son? Do you not worry about him?" I asked, my words blaming her, "Or just when he got shot, you pretended to care."

Her gaze flickered up, "Alex made it clear that he doesn't want a thing to do with me," She said, "And I still can't believe how he shot you, you almost died, Nikolas, if it wasn't for your father, I would've lost you."

"But you did," I interrupted, "You lost me the second you helped Isaac and threw both of us behind," I shook my head, "I seriously don't understand you, one second you love Alex, one second you love me, one you are telling me you don't want anything to do with me, the other you are begging me to talk to you, which one of these faces of yours is real? I just wonder."

My words, as true as they are hit her face with heartache. Her throat bobbed, her eyes tearing up and she looked away from me. I scoffed and when I thought she would just give up, she talked again, "You know, I never wanted kids," She said, her weak voice breaking the silence, "Becoming a mother, I knew that wasn't my thing," I looked back at her and she shook her head, "I don't know how to be a mother, that's the truth Nikolas, but that doesn't mean I don't love you or your brother, because I do, more than I ever thought possible," She added, her voice tight and thick with emotion.

"I would do anything for either of you," She said and I didn't believe her, something inside me had turned off toward her side, "I would die for you and your brother and I know you don't believe me, but it's okay, hate me, Nikolas, your brother hates me too, but that would never change the way I feel."

"You are the reason behind all of this," Accusation flared in my tone, "You caused this, you ruined everything," I looked back at her, "You ruined my life, not Frank, not Isaac, it was all on you."

"I needed you, and you weren't there, so I learned not to need you anymore," I added, "So, you could die alongside Isaac when I kill him, because apparently, you can't live without him, I wouldn't care," I wanted to believe in those words myself, I wanted not to care, "So, for now, just stay out of my way."


I've been sitting in my car for some time, not ready to walk down into the damn mansion yet. It's still too uncomfortable to be in it. The bad old memories, they just don't leave me be.

Knowing I have no choice but to get inside, I sighed and went out. The moment I stepped into the house, my phone buzzed, when I pulled it out, I paused to a stop when my eyes registered the name flashing through the screen.

I didn't expect her to call.

I pressed the answer button and placed the phone to my ear as I headed to my room, "Hello," I said, my word hesitant.

"Hey," Her soft voice said, "Uh, am I disturbing you? I mean I don't know your schedule, I also didn't know if I should call, I mean we didn't even talk if we will keep in touch or not, but I felt like I should at least give you a call, you know, check on you, so, are you okay? Did you have a safe flight? Of course, you did, or else you would've not answered, silly me, I mean maybe I am three days late for this call but uh-" She paused in her rambling and pulled into a deep breath, "And I've been talking non-stop and you're probably wishing you didn't pick up, huh?"

I smiled, I didn't expect to miss her non-sense rambling of words, "No, it's okay."

"I just wanted to say I got your note and the keys," She said, shyly, and I could imagine her flushed cheek at the moment.

"Great," I said, I was wondering if she did, "Did you take the car out?"

"No, not yet, I am scared to scratch it, and then I will have to deal with you and your guns, so, you know, I like to keep myself alive," I shook my head at her silly thought, "It's okay, you can scratch it."

"Promise you won't threaten to break my neck or something?"

"I promise I won't," I said.

"Cool," She said, satisfied, "So, how is it been there? Is it eventful?"

I sighed, "In a way, it is."

"Hmm, one thing I didn't miss is your vague answers," She commented.

Well, I can't exactly say that my father loved your mother once upon a time, and oh, by the way, I met your brother. It isn't that easy.

"Anyways, Alex called me whining about you."

I sighed, "Of course he did."

She chuckled, "I think he is just worried about you, as usual," The playfulness left her voice, "To be honest, I expected your voice to be bad, but it's better than I thought, so now I am kind of relieved."

She cleared her throat, "You know as your therapist, I just had to check," She defended her motives and I smiled, reading behind it, "And as your patient, I assure you, I am better than I expected either."

"Are you following my advice and smiling more often?" She asked, her words warm, "Like are you smiling right now?" The hint of tease in her voice had my smile dropping down almost immediately.

I cleared my throat, "No, I am not," I mumbled as I twisted the door's knob and walked into my room.

"Okay, grumpy," She added, her specific word almost had me smiling again but the sight of the girl in my room had my mood turning a hundred eighty degrees.

My jaw ticked, "I will talk with you later," I said and hung up, shoving the phone down before I slammed the door shut behind me.

My hard gaze met Mia's so very innocent one, "What the hell are you doing in my room?"

She gulped down, "I was told I will be staying here," She said, cowering away from me.

"I can't even fucking rest in my room," I mumbled under my breath. I need to be fast with this because I seriously can't take this girl and the fiasco marriage I am being forced into.

I was about to turn around, leave the room to her when she decided to talk, "Is there something wrong?" She asked, having a nerve I can't seem to handle, "Why did you accept this if you don't want me?"

I whirled around and marched forward, her eyes widened, and she stumbled backward, the back of her knees hit the bed's edge, "I am not a nice man, Mia, and if you keep coming my way, I will end up hurting you," She stared back at me in pure fear, "As long as this lasts, I don't need to see you or hear from you, you stay out of my way, I stay out of yours, understood?"

She nodded her head, the tears forming in her eyes should've shaken me in, but they didn't. I wasn't angry at her, it's her fucked up father, but I keep exploding on her. But at least by this, she can know her limits and hopefully stick to them.

"I am sorry," She mumbled, her gaze cast down.

"Don't apologize," I sighed, because I didn't want to be that man again. I don't want her fear, I just want her out of my way so I can do this the right way.

Her teary eyes went back to me, "You're here now, away from your father," I explained, I knew he was a worse man than me, "You're free to do whatever you want, just-"

"Stay out of your way," She continued the words on my behalf and she nodded, agreeing to them, as if by this, I am granting her a wish.

I shrugged, "And don't interrupt me again," I added, but my tone a bit light this time. She sensed the bit of playfulness in them because a small smile pulled the corner of her lips and she nodded.

Why was I being nice again? Fucking Alex, what the hell have you done to me?


Isaac's POV

"Everything okay?" I asked.

Alastor nodded, "Yes, sir, nothing suspicious."

"Great," I said, the noises coming from the backyard had me turning around, my eyes on the ball that reached my side. I stopped it with my feet before I leaned down and picked it up. My gaze drifted to him as he made his way around and ran forward, trying to reach his ball. His eyes fell on me immediately, they widened a bit before he broke into a big wide smile.

I mirrored his smile, his ball long forgotten as he ran toward me and crashed into my chest, his arms wrapped around my neck. Me crouching down helped level up with his little figure, "I missed you," He mumbled.

I wrapped my arm around his back, "I missed you too, little one."

When he pulled back, his eyes drifted to Alastor then back to me, "Will you stay, today?" He asked, his hazel eyes pleading, "Alastor doesn't know how to play," He grabbed the ball, tucking it between his arm and waist, "We can play like you taught me, okay?"

I nodded, "Yeah sure," I said and his grin widened in excitement. The sight of it had me relax and calm down.

Not all family is blood; this boy proved me so.

He wasn't my blood, yet I loved him; more than those that are supposed to be my own flesh.

I never felt this connection neither for Nikolas nor Emma, because not all that blood is family either.

But this boy, I saved him once, and I promised to protect him at all costs, and I will.

No one ever will know a thing about him. No one.


Hey, it's me after so long!
This was the worst week of my life, but reading your positive comments on my wall, had me smiling! :)

Anyways, whatcha ya think?
Any theories? Drop your theory down, let me see if you get it right xD

Alsooo, look what Perfictionist_girl  did for our babies!!!

Thank you babe, I loved them to bits!♥️

She also made for Alex,Cara, Kat, Ashton and Lilly&Chase. I will post them on the next chapter of Blue Ribbon! ;)

See ya there, and love ya all!

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