Babysitting Is (Not) Fun
*wipes dust* *coughs* Is it anybody in here? Yeah? Okay.
Let's get it on, then.
"Are you shitting me?"
John stared in front with an expression that seemed to be a combination of panic, disgust and confusion.
"Nope." Alex said, grabbed his hand and dragging him inside.
"Babysitting, are you serious? This is what you call to hang out?" He asked, his voice showing complete exasperation.
"Yeah, now shush, my boss is coming!" Hamilton whispered/shouted.
As he finished saying that, a blonde middle aged woman walked towards them, her heels knocking against the wood floor. She smiled, Alex smiled back.
"Hey Ms. Harrison, we're here." He said.
"Yeah, I don't think she is blind, Alex." John rolled his eyes, Alex nudged him. "Ouch!"
The lady just shrugged it off. "Well Alexander, you already know the rules, bed time is at 9:30, no water after 8, otherwise he'll-"
"He'll wet the bed, I know." Alex nodded and chuckled. Ms. Harrison seemed relieved.
"Okay, well, thanks again Alex, I'll be back before 11:30." She said, making her way to the door.
"Alright, bye Ms. Harrison, good luck with your date!" He waved and she disappeared through the halls. Alex closed the door.
"Date?" John huffed. "That woman should be like 50 years old."
"She's 28." Alex corrected.
"Whatever." The blonde guy sighed and sat on the couch. "What are we supposed to do now?"
"Well, it's 7, so that means Tim is almost done with his homework."
"How old is he again?" John scratched his neck. He really had issues
"10 he turns 11 next week." Alex sat next to him and chuckled. "Relax, he's a good kid, a little too curious sometimes, and kind of smart assed, but a good kid after all."
John let out a loud, long sigh. "Why would you even do this? Kids aren't fun, why are you babysitting, you've been for like two weeks, just out of nowhere."
Alex shrugged. "I needed the money." He simply said.
"What for this time, Alex? You're not an orphan anymore, you don't need to buy yourself everything, so what is it now?" John furrowed his eyebrows.
He really didn't like Alex when he got like this. Usually his pride could more than him and he refused to accept anything from his adopted parents, his dad, also happened to be John's professor at college. Alex was a year younger than him, so he was finishing high school as John started his first semester as a college student. That's kind of how they met. Cause of Alex's adoptive father, Mr. Washington.
"I just wanna make some money for something. Is not even something for me." The slightly shorter man tried to make it sound as a non important thing.
"What is it?" John insisted.
Alex sighed. "I wanna take the person I like out on a date, and I'm certainly not using George's money for that." He finally said. "Happy?"
"Uh, I guess..." his friend mumbled, a still a little confused. "You haven't mentioned me that you liked someone."
"Yes, Well, I wanted to-"
"What's up Alex." A dirty blonde, a little tall, kid came out of on of the rooms.
"Hey Timmy, how are you mate?" Alex smiled at him. "This is John, he's my friend."
"Hello John." Timmy looked at him for a moment. "Fun, I have double company." He said.
"Yeah, although, John's not fun sometimes." The ginger haired man mumbled to the child, even though his intentions were obviously for John to hear.
He just rolled his eyes. The other two simply chuckled.
"Okay, I'll go...sit or something." John said, though Alex and Tim were already into a conversation about a hateful classmate the kid had.
"...Yeah, Thomas also does that. He thinks he's pretty cool and stuff when he talks, but he just looks like an utter idiot." John heard his friend talking.
Probably 20 minutes passed when they both walked to him. John looked up to lock eyes with them.
"Tim and I are gonna heat dinner now, he was wondering if you wanted to join." Alex started saying.
"Yeah, you look pretty much like a loner, so..." Timmy chuckled. John made his best not to say something back.
"Um, yeah sure." He said, standing up. Followed them back to the kitchen and sat in-front of the counter.
Timmy started talking about school again. Ugh, now he understood why him and Alex got along. They were both nerds.
Alex looked kinda cute when he talks about his good grades and recognized paperworks, though. Or at least, that was John's opinion.
"...And this girl, Amelia, she's always complimenting me and stuff." John overheard Timmy saying. "She's a grade older, but we share recess. She's also a honor student." The boy nodded. "When I told my mom, she said I was still too young for a girlfriend." The boy blushed. "But she's really pretty."
Alex chuckled, John put down his phone and looked at the kid.
"Well, you can wait until you're our age to have a girlfriend, kiddo." He said, shrugging.
"So that means, you have a girlfriend?"
"Me? I-"
"No, he doesn't." Alex said, suddenly, although he sounded very calm. "But people our age can have." He nodded, smiling a little.
John frowned, but he said nothing. Tim finished eating dinner and Alex made sure he brushed his teeth and put on pajamas so he could go to bed at the right time. While all of this occurred, John sat silently on the kitchen counter, playing with napkins, his phone and sometimes his hair. He was bored to death.
"Aaaaand that's it." Alex said, coming out of a room. Timmy's, John supposed.
"He's asleep?" He asked. Alex nodded.
"His glass of milk always has chamomile, and that makes him sleepy." He said, taking a seat next to John. "You've been quiet all night, everything okay?"
"Huh? Yeah, yes." John nodded absently. "Just been thinking a lot lately." He sighed. "Nothing to worry about, Lexi." He gave Alex a reassuring smile.
The ginger haired boy puckered his lips. "Hmmm." He furrowed his eyebrows in a funny way. "Aight!" He smiled and sat back properly.
"You good?" John chuckled.
"Yes?" He mimicked his tone. "Why wouldn't I? Cause my best friend is lying? Naaaaaaaaw, why would I?" He dismissively waved his hand.
John rolled his eyes. "I'm not lying."
"Oh no, of course not! You're just not telling the truth." Alex laughed.
"Whaaaaatever, mister I-hide-having-feelings-for-somebody-And-decide-to-drag-my-best-friend-into-a-boring-plan-to-take-them-out."
"That's the longest and lamest name you could ever call me or anyone." Alex said with a surprised and sarcastic look.
"Shut the fuck up." John mumbled.
"Oh come ooooooon! I was gonna tell you!" He pulled his chair nearer to John's and chuckled. "Don't look at me like that, it's true."
"Yeah yeah, I believe you. Now. Name?"
Alex coughed. "What?"
"His or her or....just give me the person's name!" John chuckled. "If you're gonna date someone from your school I should at least know their name."
"Who says it is from school?" Alex lifted an eyebrow.
"Well, you said everyone at your boxing classes is sweaty and dumb." John shrugged. "So unless you're hitting on your French tutor, I suppose it's from school."
"Hmm, good hypothesis. But naw." Alex shook his head. "He's not in school."
"So is a 'he'?" He smirked. "Nice."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Alex blushed. "He's a year older than me."
"Oh my god, you sound and lot like Timmy earlier when he was talking about that Amelia girl!" He chuckled. "Awwww, sweet Alex likes 'em older!" He teasingly bopped his nose. Alex swatted it away.
"Shut up!" He laughed a little embarrassed. "Or I ain't telling you shit."
"Okay, okay, no need to get violent." John lifted his arms in surrender.
"There's only one thing I am worried about with this guy..." Alex finally said. John nodded, signaling him to continue. "I don't really know if he likes me, so all I've been doing is only with the uncertain hope of him, somehow reciprocating those feelings." He talked a little too fast.
"English please." John grabbed his shoulders to calm him down. "Alex, why don't you just ask him?"
"I don't know, I've never been afraid of rejection or declaring my feelings in general, god I'm a love lover!" He chuckled nervously. "But somehow, he manages to make me doubt of my pride and I feel so weak and fragile when I feel him near, but in a good, pleasant way..." he mumbled.
"That sounds, pretty much like very strong feelings, almost" John said softly. "I get why you're nervous about it, Alex. But here, you've got no other option. And believe me, having this doubt will hurt you more than a rejection. I say you just go to that guy and confront him. I'm pretty sure he's gonna like you back, I mean, who wouldn't?" He smiled. Knowing perfectly he was a vivid example.
"Thanks John." Alex smiled back.
"No problem, and Hey, If he doesn't, which I certainly doubt, we can always go together watch a movie or anything else you want, although I thing there's gonna be money left." He chuckled. Alex chuckled too.
"Alright." He nodded. "I will ask him." He sighed, looked at John. "Do you like me?"
"Yes, exactly, with that same face and confidence." John gave him a thumbs up and a wink.
"No, John." Alex looked a little exasperated. "I am asking you now, the guy I am probably in love with and have been since I met him almost a year ago, Do you like me or not?" He was at the verge of tears, probably from embarrassment, John could hear it in his voice.
But he said nothing. At least not for the first few seconds. He blinked numerous times.
"Wha-what?" John muttered. Alex shook his head.
"Fucking knew it." He mumbled, intending to stand up. John had another plans.
He grabbed Alex's arm and pulled him closer, his faces were almost literally glued to each other's.
"I d-do." He mumbled. "I like you Alex, fuck, I like you so much it's almost painful!" He cried out before Alexander grabbed his cheeks and pressed their mouths together.
Alex daydreamed about that moment so many times he couldn't even recall. But one thing was for sure, anything he could've imagine, was nothing compared to the real feeling of John's lips over his. Caressing, licking, biting and sucking against each other. It was warm, tender and slow, but wild and passionate at the same time. For John it was like he had just kissed a cloud; soft, wet and immaculate for a moment, then dark, savage and even wetter. It was majestic.
When they finally pulled apart, the last thing they could've thought was that little Timmy was watching with his eyes wide and his jaw dropped. Both teenagers got panicked. How where they supposed to explain to an 10 year old kid who was not from their family that two guys can love each other and kiss like a girl and boy can?
"Uh, I-I-" Alex started. John put his hand on ver his leg, trying to calm him down. "Timmy, we just- we were."
The kid pointed at them both. "So you're like my mommy?"
"Huh?" John frowned. "What do you mean?"
"My mom likes girls. She explained to me when her and my dad separated. She likes girls, and she said boys can like boys, and just anyone can love whoever they want." Timmy said. "At least that's what she said." He shrugged. "So, are you like her?"
John and Alex looked at each other. And the only thing they could do was nod.
"Oh, okay!" Timmy shrugged and nodded too. "Oh, I just came to grab a glass of water, but I guess I'm not that thirsty." The boy laughed a little and went back to his room.
John just stared until he disappeared.
"Are you sure that kid is not related to you?"
"I don't even know right now."
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