^^ Vera Markov ^^

— Erin —

Zatanna immediately silenced everyone who was casting spells with the simple wave of her hands, then slammed her hands together, making the floor shiver. "Erif eht fo noitacol eht em ot laever!"

A soft yellow trail of smoke was revealed, coming from the front door, and leading across the street, to the top floor of the building, and immediately, I started towards it, along with all the Leaguer's that Zatanna had called.

I cleared my throat. "Whoa Whoa Whoa, boys and girls!!! Civilians shouldn't go towards a fire, helpful intentions or no!" I stressed the fact that they weren't their alter egos at the moment, and they all paused. "Also, it's a Fire, Zatanna and I can handle a fire... I think. Never fought a fire before, actually... Zatanna, how do I...?"

"Just get everyone out, I'll put it out." She smiled and spoke another spell, suddenly wearing her stage outfit, and flew towards the roof of the building.

I nodded and rushed the door, throwing it open and whistling as loud as I could. Everyone turned and stared at me, instantly, and I nodded. "There's a fire on the top floor, you need to get out and wait until it's taken care of!" I pulled the fire alarm for good measure, and the people put down the dresses and outfits they'd been moving around for some unknown purpose, some screaming when the water sprayers turned on.

I made sure they all left, then braced the door open, moving towards the stairs, then paused when someone closed the door, jogging up next to me. "Hey, we haven't been introduced, that's alright, I'm a Cop when I'm not at the other gig. First thing they teach you about fires in the fire academy is you don't let them breath! No open doors, no open windows! Okay?" He asked sternly.

"Alright, that makes sense, Fire needs fuel." I nodded and headed up the stairway, to the second floor. A few People were already headed down, and we directed them to the exit, then systematically cleared each of the three floors below where the fire was apparently at.

I reached for the door handle, and then paused. "Wait, is it don't open it if the handle is hot, or..."

"Correct, if it's hot, leave it closed." He nodded.

"Invulnerable skin, sorry. I can't actually tell." I moved aside, and he nodded, touching the door and handle.

"Not hot, that's good, but we still close this after us." He gripped the door handle, then yelped when it was yanked open, revealing a wet and angry-looking Zatanna. "Oooo...Kay? Fire is... out, I guess?"

She growled something unintelligible, and pointed over her shoulder.

I looked, and raised an eyebrow at the studio set-up, stepping around her and entering the room. "Huh... you fixed all the fire damage already, Zatanna? Sweet, they'll probably forgive the water everywhere, for that!" I laughed, then stared at the massive braziers on either side of the set, and the oil-flames burning within them, the source of the scent. "Ooooh... shit... Uhm... sorry, Z? I thought-"

She held up a finger imperiously, shushing me silently, and then started walking down the stairwell, squeezing her hair out angrily.

I sighed, and looked around at the group of people who were glaring at me now. "Sorry, everyone... that was my bad, I guess... but hey, day five of being a Superhero, and only one accidental fire alarm so far! So... Yay?"

"Indeed, Mishka. That is better than many mistakes a hero could make." A deep voice sounded behind me, and I turned, freezing in place at the woman who was succeeding in staring down at me, (even by only about two inches,) and was built in much the same way as me.

"Whoa..." I breathed.

She smiled, and moved her short-cut, bright-red hair out of her face, getting a better look at me. "Ah, you are cute as well, beautiful one! I cannot call you Mishka, I do not think, because you are not little bear!" She laughed heartily, and moved around me, walking into the middle of the set and removing her robe. "Let us resume, Da? Make a Wet Portion of the portfolio, no?" She asked, refusing a towel, and the people started moving around again, the cameras flashing like strobe-lights for about a minute straight as she moved slowly.

I cleared my throat, and nodded. "Well, if there's no problems here, I'll just... Uhm..."

"You should stay, Beautiful one! You attempted to save us all, and you succeeded in making those bunnies downstairs stop making dresses for me, so I owe you two favors!" She laughed, accepting a bottle of water from someone and emptying it in a few deep gulps. "Ah! I know! We have professional photographers here, would you like to shoot with me? She is quite pretty, no?" She nudged one of the camera girls, and she turned to look at me.

"Hmm... lose the jacket, please? Let's see." She snapped her fingers calmly, approaching and touching my jacket.

I gripped her hand, and smiled dangerously down at her. "The last person who undressed me without my consent died in horrible, screaming agony." I informed her slowly and carefully.

She took a step back, and nodded. "Yes, Well, that's terrible, my dear, but lose the jacket?"

I took a moment to think about it, then looked at the beautiful woman, sitting there covered in water and entirely naked except for a skin-tone bathing suit... "Ah, what the hell, I didn't have anything else planned for today, and this got me out of a very awkward conversation." I sighed, and slipped the jacket off, hanging it over a nearby chair.

She hummed, poking at my muscles, and nodded slowly. "Statuesque, without being grotesque... the rest, if you please?"

I shrugged and stepped out of my boots, setting my boots and pants under my jacket, then laying my gun belt on it, dropping all of it into a shadow. "There, you got me down to my skivvies, what else you got? You know, most girls buy me dinner first."

The Russian model laughed, and walked over, examining me with a professional air. "Nice muscle grouping, very level and, uh... Совпадают?"

"Congruent, Vera." A Man off to one side supplied her the English word.

"Ah? Yes, Congruent. Eh, Jenny? She is pretty, no? Not a modeling bone in her body, obviously, but pretty!" She smiled at the small, thin woman who was apparently in charge.

She tapped the camera in her hands, and nodded slowly. "Yes, I suppose... the same Niche of Beauty as you, Vera. Perhaps not my own tastes, but clearly someone's, because you are popular. Yes, take her to the set, let us resume." She sighed, returning to her earlier position.

'Vera' gently pulled me towards the green pad and curtain, between the two braziers, and then gasped. "Ah! Jenny, I have figured it! The water and the braziers, we shall be Water and Fire, da?"

"Yes, I can work with that, let's do that. New girl, what's your name?"

"Doctor Erinyes Filakash? Or just Dr. Erin." I nodded.

"A doctor? You go, girl!" One of the other photographers, also female, (I realized there was only one male in the room, the translator,) laughed and held up a hand for a high five.

I accepted it with enthusiasm, and smiled. "Thank you, I appreciate that."

"Wait... Doctor Erinyes, as in Nomad?" Jenny asked slowly.

"Yeah? Fifth day on the job, remember? I've been a doctor for eight years and people are not half as excited about that as they are about the fact that the Justice League named me 'Nomad'. Humph... Saucy, daisy-cuttin' little jackasses." I grumbled. "Oh, with the exception of my new friend, here." I patted the camera girl on the head, barely refraining from hugging her, due to my nakedness.

Jenny hummed, and nodded. "Alright, interesting! Vera, remember she's got super-strength, so don't worry about hurting her, just make the shots look good, okay? Maximum effort!"

Vera grinned and patted my ass playfully. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle."

I smirked, picking her up as she wrapped her impossibly-ballistic thighs around my waist, giggling. "I prefer to Wrastle a li'l bit before we get to the gentle nonsense."

"Hold your little cowgirl horses." Jenny chuckled, and called someone, speaking in swift French. It ended quickly, and she nodded. "Alright, So, which charity would you like to donate your pay for the shoot to, Doctor? We don't really have time to set up a new contract for you today, and as this might be a one-time thing, it's better for us and your publicity to just donate what we would've paid you."

"Oh!... okay, I didn't think we were going that far... uh, okay, the any children's hospitals, and any cancer societies that you can name off the top of your head? I just arrived on this planet, my dear, I don't know what you've got." I explained.

"Ah, Yes, you're a refugee from another dimension. You'd be surprised by how many of those exist..." she hummed.

"Oh! Gotham isn't far from here! The Wayne Foundation does charity stuff, Correct? Orphanages, I think, right? That'll work swell." I nodded firmly.

"Wayne Children's Foundation, a worthy cause, done." She nodded and spoke into the phone again in fast French. "Alright, finished, we can begin. First, some new underwear for you, and a quick touch-up of your foundation."

"I'm not wearing foundation... or makeup, at all." I raised an eyebrow, and several of the camera girls squealed softly in either happiness or amusement, I wasn't sure.

"Truly?" She asked, flabbergasted.

"Well, I painted my toenails hooker red last night, on a dare from the woman I was sleeping with... she needed a break." I smirked, thinking of the long day of fun and games.

The girls were now fanning each other, which made Vera laugh. "I like you, Pretty one, you should stick around! Now dress in what they give you, and we will begin for real!" She climbed down from my hips, and let someone pour a bucket of water over her, having apparently dried out too much.

"Hhooooo boy, okay..." I breathed deeply, and turned robotically towards the people handing me clothes, a great feat of will in itself.

Modeling, I quickly discovered, was a literal endurance sport, not unlike porn. (A bad decision in my early twenties, and happily unavailable on this dimension's version of FunHub.) Four hours of different angles, holding back as Vera was covered in water again... and again... and again... proved to be extremely difficult.

The women taking pictures clearly noticed the state of my insane levels of arousal, but were professional enough not to mention it in so many words, though one of them did offer to 'fluff' me in the back room, and that was fun, but did almost nothing to satisfy me, as she only lasted about twenty minutes.

"Where were you?!? I only have so much time, you know!!!" Jenny snapped when I came back in.

I raised an eyebrow and settled the passed-out woman in her arms. "Attempting to deal with my state of near-constant arousal in a professional manner, and failing. We can return to work whenever you like."

Vera hummed, and then smirked at Jenny. "You remember my last Gravure Shoot?"

She actually smiled, to my surprise, and settled the sleeping camera girl on a leather sofa, then returned. "Indeed I do, what about it?" She cleared her throat.

"Would you like to shoot another? Separate from this portfolio, of course, a private collection? If Doctor Erin is comfortable with it, of course?" She grinned at me.

I sighed. "No matter what dimension, I end up doing porn pretty quickly, huh? I can't say I don't enjoy it, though it can get a little annoying when people recognize you from their Fap Material."

"No, dear, Gravure Shoots aren't Porn, they're art; the difference is that porn is meant to arouse, and art is meant to intrigue." Jenny lectured calmly.

"It's still naked pictures that people will no-doubt masturbate to, though?" I clarified.

She snorted angrily. "People will masturbate to cooking magazines, little girl, we have no say of that."

"Hmm... you're entirely correct, and I apologize if I insulted you or your work." I nodded seriously.

"Well I appreciate that, mon ami. So? Are you comfortable with that?" She asked, glancing at Vera.

"Wait, if it's just naked photos, why does that-" I started, then paused when Vera pulled her bathing suit top off, and laid down on a couch.

"We still get to have the sex, pretty one, they just make it look beautiful." She smirked.

"Oh... OH!!! Okay, I'm 100% in!" I pulled the little bra they'd stuck me in off, and approached the couch slowly, striding with purpose as the cameras started flashing again. When I got close enough, I knelt next to her, running a hand slowly over her ankle, up along her thigh, playing with the lines of her muscles.

She giggled softly, and smoothed my hair away from my face, raising a lightly scarred eyebrow. "You May do whatever you wish, Pretty One, and the girls will bring any... equipment you desire. The, how do you say, безопасное слово?"

"Safe Word!" The translator called, not turning towards us away from his leather seat and phone, where he was playing games.

"Mm, that. It is Mishka, Yes? Now do to me what you will, Pretty One..." She gestured to her body calmly.

I hummed, and blushed, an idea forming. "Is there any equipment... you prefer? You know... to use? On women? I have to admit, I'm actually pretty comfortable being a Top or a Bottom, and something about you screams 'Do As You're Told'."

She grinned, pulling me up onto the couch and rolling us over swiftly. "Ooh? I also do not have a preference, but you seem in need of someone to take a little control from you, to let you relax."

"Yes please!" I squeaked, my hands gripping her ample swaying bosoms and kneading happily.

"Mm... lesson one: keep your hands off of Teacher until she says you may touch." She frowned, the serious expression and stern tone changing her entire vibe instantly, and I shivered, my borrowed panties irrevocably ruined.

"Sorry, Miss Vera?" I attempted.

"You will be, Pretty One, if you do not call me Miss Markov. Now, on to your punishment, Pretty One..." she smirked devilishly, and I quite literally swooned, then and there, to her evident surprise.

Vera's stamina was impressive, but after a solid seven hours, she was unable to muster the strength to spank and/or lift me, and so I let us take a break, assuming the role of Dom again, (we'd been trading, every hour or so,) and beginning the Aftercare.

I was sitting on her gorgeous thighs, (freshly licked and washed clean,) after she'd proven her ability to destroy a watermelon with one squeeze, something I'd never seen before. The massage I was giving was tentatively tested, slowly gaining strength until I was sure I was using enough to move the muscles, but not enough to break her bones.

As I was knuckling down on one of her sore back muscles, the door opened, and Jenny looked at the intruder, a man I vaguely recognized, who instantly turned away from the set, approaching Jenny and placing his back to us.

"Ms. Jennifer, I received your call, and came as soon as I could, I was in Coast City... what's this about funds for the orphanage, and my signatures being necessary?" He asked, and I hummed, recognizing the voice behind the vocal disruptor.

'Batman, Bruce Wayne... Huh. Keep a perfect Still-Frame of his face...'

'Affirmative... should I store it separately from the recording of your sexual encounters?'

'Yes, and encrypt it. And encrypt those videos, as well, don't archive them. I don't know if I should keep them, just yet.'

I poured a little more warm oil on Vera's back, rubbing it in slowly as she groaned in happiness. "You're... next." She mumbled, eyes closed in happiness.

"Mm, I'd like that, once you're recovered, my dear. Now, a little trick I learned from a Japanese girlfriend of mine, back at MIT..." I smirked and poured the oil on my chest, gently rubbing my breasts against her back.

"OOH, YESSS!!! как приятно!!!" She moaned loudly, and Batman flinched, signing the pages he'd been handed swiftly and taking the elevator down.

I smiled and moved to her thighs, then on from there, using my entire body to make sure every part of her was properly massaged and oiled, in turn making me oiled, though my massage would have to wait, I supposed, until I was less invulnerable.

'Solution: AntiMatter can be introduced, as a viable sample is available, despite my system's inability to reproduce it. The subsequent reduction of your power will result in you being slightly more massage-able.'

'Aww, accepted! Thanks!' I grinned when I felt my strength fade away, and rubbed my breasts against Vera's in a slippery facsimile of a dance. "So... I'm not invulnerable anymore, I turned it off... you wanna give me a massage now?" I whispered saucily.

She chuckled and slowly rolled us over, laying on top of me, and began dragging her knuckles up and down my spine carefully, finding the knots that always formed under my shoulder blades, and beginning to rub them away, before adding hot oil, making me swoon again.

She laughed softly, patting my ass. "You are a wonderful lover, Erin. No woman or man has ever satisfied me like so... would you like to be my Lover? I would be very happy with a 'Polyamorous Love', as you wished for. Surely this woman, Kyra, and I, we would quench your Libido happily, with the help of a good diet and some very intriguing uses of aphrodisiacs, as you mentioned trying a few times?"

I blinked, having not realized how honest I'd been the whole time with her, answering her questions about my sexual needs with an astounding amount of alacrity, considering my discomfort with the subject when Annie had asked about it.

"I think I'd like that." I smiled.

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