Episode 42: Catastrophic Bout
*Starting Scene*
A swarm of cats pounce forth within the massive room containing a black-carpeted stairway at the front, meowing loudly, as they attempt to attack Sano with vicious intent. In the midst of that, the golden-eyed lad haphazardly runs around to avoid the oncoming feline assault while keeping Ruyi Jingu Bang strapped to his back and repetitively shouts in distress, "Not cool, not cool, not cool, not cool!"
Kitten, remaining on the stairs' steps where she stood last, contentedly laughs with her right hand planted upon her hip due to watching what's occurring below as she speaks in a patronizing way, "Meow! Come now! All my kitty-cats wanna' do is play with you, so stop running like a loony!" The Asian-looking girl grins from amusement.
Sano refuses to look at Kitten, completely horrified by the fact he's being chased by his worse fear, while dashing back and forth across the room numerous times since he continually meets a group of cats on every end he heads as he releases a pitiful cry during each confrontation.
Kitten sighs out of disappointment, causing her shoulders to slouch a tad, before thinking, "This is getting boring really fast. I take back what I said about including him as a pet. I have plenty of kitty-cats that chase each other around. I guess my eyes were too big for my stomach." An image of Dante forms in her mind, who had casually manage to advance through the room without her interfering despite the green-haired dame standing in his way at first from the collection of steps she's now standing on. After that, Kitten scoffs while repairing her posture as she thinks, "It's funny. Something about that cute blonde felt oddly familiar when I laid my eyes on him, hence why I decided to let him pass. It wasn't like his personality was like the second guy I allowed. I just didn't wanna' fight someone like him." The chignon-endowed beauty unexpectedly discovers something within her thoughts, demonstrates a joyful look and tries to hold herself back from laughing. "I know! He reminds me of a cat and I mean an ACTUAL cat!" Her joy faintly subsides while continuing her mental discussion with herself. "Not like the scaredy-cat joke I made earlier, which is super ironic since that fellow's extremely afraid of cats. Wow, he should pick his friends better."
Then, as the cats gradually make progress in their relentless pursuit, Sano remembers his experience with the cat trapped on the tree again and isn't able to think clearly thanks to the constant panic dwelling inside him.
Concurrently, Kitten throws her left hand skyward after closing it into a fist, having closed her eyes, and excitedly yells with her head slightly tilted back, "Just a bit more, kitties! He'll be out of gas soon!"
Reacting to Kitten's cheer, the countless felines lunge in unison to greatly shrink down the distance between themselves and Sano while giving out a big meow.
Sano desperately halts his maneuvering, presently facing in the direction where the path he came through is located, as the sandal-wearing gentleman quickly realizes that he's surrounded from all sides available via a briefly scan of the area and becomes very stunned while thinking, "This is it! I'm going to die!" The black-haired boy's then mugged by the horde of cats, immediately disappearing from sight since his whole person's now covered, with Sano screaming in dismay.
Kitten opens her eyes to witness the swift defeat of Sano without putting her hand down until suddenly caught off guard by something in front of her while instantly dropping the lifted appendage and shouts in disbelief, "Eh?!"
Right after that, Sano's heard laughing uncontrollably for some unknown reason and is eventually displayed to be lying on the floor with several cats perched atop him as they lick him while many of the others rub against him to give their affection, having not let-up on their meowing much. At the same time, the tanned teenager squirms quite a lot as he says in the middle of his laughter with his eyes shut, "Hey, quit it! That tickles! I'll seriously die at this rate!"
Kitten remains shocked with her posture slanting to the left while murmuring to herself, "No way... Why are my kitty-cats being so loving towards a stranger? They never do that, especially if it's an enemy, and to a cat-hater even."
Sano begins petting a couple of the cats, one on top of his chest via his right hand and another close to his waist with his left hand, after reopening his eyes to focus on them as the golden-eyed boy restrains his hysteric laughter. "Maybe dad and Trace were right. You guys seem pretty cool. I guess not all cats are evil or it was mainly that the kitten I tried to save attacked me out of fear and I imagined the entire thing... Unless you're luring me into a false sense of security." He soon chuckles due to the constant licking of the other felines taking effect once more, forcing the jacket-wearing person to close his left eye, while delightfully stating, "I can't tell!"
Kitten grits her teeth, riving in frustration with the veins in her head pulsating, prior to sternly yelling, "What do you all think your doing?! The behavior your showing toward the enemy is disgusting!" The red-eyed chick mounts her left hand onto the center of her chest as she's fairly flustered. "I'm the only one you should give that love to!"
Sano innocently peers upwards at Kitten since he's currently poised upside-down and plainly rebuttals without ceasing his petting of the cats. "How come? You have more than enough for us to share and not be left out."
Kitten angrily retorts while lightly bent forward. "Meow! Because I'm their tamer! If I don't make them obey and love me alone, that means I failed as an Animal Tamer!" The fair-skinned young lady tightly shuts her eyes and shakes her head. "That's something that I, or anyone in our family, can't ever accept!"
Sano keeps observing Kitten with sincerity resonating in his eyes as he refuses to gently caress the cats and then decides to pet others nearby.
Kitten abruptly removes her right hand from her hip so she can point her index finger toward Sano while resting her vision ahead after straightening her composition. "Get off him now, kitties!"
The immense number of cats accumulated around Sano navigate their attention upon Kitten, stopping their meowing almost simultaneously, and intently stare until amazingly ignoring her command to resume their affectionate attitude toward the staff-wielder with meowing sounds rapidly echoing again.
Kitten's completely baffled by what she saw, loudly gasping in the process, as she thinks with her right hand slowly lowering to the Spellcaster's side, "They brushed me off like I was a nobody!" The Wilde Family member grinds her teeth for a few seconds before fiercely uttering, "How dare you?! I'm your master! For what possible reason could you-"
Sano interrupts Kitten via unprecedentedly getting to his feet with an effortless kick-up, managing to dodge any cats residing close to him, while carrying a decent sum of those who were on top of the half-breed as the rest leaped off at the last moment to insure their own safety. Once he does that, the tanned individual swings himself in a counter-clockwise manner to confront Kitten and exhibits a leisure personality.
Kitten briefly pauses and then stumbles to continue talking while emitting some fury. "I-If you got something to say, then say it! T-This will be the only time I'll let you before getting really serious!"
Sano straightforwardly remarks without a shred of care as he retains the few cats in his possession. "You're pretty adorable."
Kitten instantaneously blushes prior to rapidly blinking with her mouth mildly open to represent how perplexed she is by Sano's words while unable to muster a single phrase.
Meanwhile, Sano lowers his stance enough to put down the felines within his arms, fixes his posture while smirking a little and says to all of them in a kind way, "Go on. Listen to her. She did give you all a home and fed you, right? She at least deserves your loyalty. Thanks for helping me get over my fear of y'all. I promise never to call you TINY DEVILS or anything close."
The mass of cats passively watch Sano, seeming to contemplate about what to do, as they temporarily halted their meowing for the third time since appearing before the jacket-endowed young man and Trace.
Kitten can't help being even more perplexed because of what she's seeing, the natural color of her face having come back, while muttering in a somewhat distraught tone, "Oh, my meow!" Realization mixes along with her dismay. "He has a gentle heart! Animals can sense the pureness within a person and they act on it! That's the reason they became so loving all of a sudden with a total stranger!" Kitten raises her right hand to bite the edge of her thumb's nail following the soft clenching of that same appendage's fingers. "But what I don't understand is why they would be attached to him to the extent they would disobey me! I'd dedicated YEARS to my cont He'd have to be an Animal Tamer at the level of my mom and dad, who were able to tame different kinds of beast, or possibly..." She unexpectedly shouts as her eyes widen profusely, "A perfect being!"
Sano locks his eyes onto Kitten, tilts his head to the right and responds with curiosity brimming. "What's a perfect being?" The golden-eyed adolescent aims his left hand's index finger at himself as skepticism swiftly joins. "Me?" Sano positions his head upright while commandeering his lifted limb to rest his hand near the end of Ruyi Jingu Bang stationed on the same side. "Sorry to break it to you, but I'm considered the exact opposite." Sano pulls the orange staff from the grey thread binding it to his back and tosses Ruyi Jingu Bang in the air above him, rotating multiple times with a rapid motion. Following that, the sandal-wearing male earnestly states with his left hand stretched upward as his weapon commences to make its descent, "An abomination." He soon caught Ruyi Jingu Bang without looking via his extended arm before momentarily twirling the staff around on his left side and abruptly jumps over the cats in front of him to sprint towards Kitten while expelling determination. "Though that's a pretty nice thing to say! Thanks!"
Kitten takes a step back with her right foot, locating it now on the step behind her, as she briefly watches Sano quickly advance toward her while a hint of urgency radiates. Fortunately for her, the immense quantity of cats that seemingly were debating about what would be their choice of action finally decided and rush Sano from behind as they unitedly meow with intensity taking over. This leaves the female Animal Tamer awestruck while pulling her head back quite a bit and vaguely questions, "They're NOW attacking him?!"
Sano glances back by lightly turning his head to the left and sympathetically says, "I'm glad y'all are listening to her, but I'm sad I'll have to hurt. Forgive me." The staff-wielding teenager ceases his progress with only a couple of meters left for him to reach the stairway's first step as he horizontally places Ruyi Jingu Bang at his lower back, grabs the free end of his weapon via his right hand and suddenly spins himself around like a top to easily deflect every cat hurled at him.
The whole pack of felines let out a pained cry during their flight backwards and harshly drop to the floor one after the other until none were left as they helplessly flinch in agony.
Kitten's mortified by what just happened to her cats, forcing her to lean forward without removing her right foot from the higher step, while worriedly screaming out, "KITTIES!"
Hearing that, Sano grits his teeth in agitation with his eyes closed and then halts his twisting so he can face Kitten prior to taking another jump to ascend across the stairs as fast as possible. During that, the black-haired boy unfastens his left hand's hold on Ruyi Jingu Bang to remove it from his backside again and powerfully thrusts the recently freed end at his adversary's face once the gap between them was bridge sufficiently, despite Sano's eyes remaining shut.
Within the last instance, even though she was overcome with terror due to the sheer speed and method Sano utilized in reaching her, Kitten weaves her head to the right as she narrowly evades Ruyi Jingu Bang, which promptly slams its attacking end onto the steps stationed at her back. Knowing well not to deviate her concentration, the Saints Organization affiliate notices something and becomes very amazed while vacantly asking, "Are you...?"
Sano finishes Kitten's inquiry, levitating in the air because of his sturdy grip on Ruyi Jingu Bang, while having his eyes open with tears forming right beneath them. "Crying? Yeah." The golden-eyed individual swiftly torques his body to swing his left foot in a clockwise motion, aimed straight for Kitten's right temporal region.
Kitten manages to duck out of the way before heading toward her right so she can gain some distance. Not long after that, having gotten to the left concrete railing, the petite dame turns back around to see what Sano will do next and almost immediately is given an answer in the shape of her opponent unprecedentedly following up his previous, failed strike by meagerly adjusting his airborne position to put his right foot farther ahead of his left leg. Completely confused and uncertain of what Sano's goal is, Kitten gawks at the floating teen with her left eyebrow raised.
Afterwards, Sano snaps his right foot back, kicking Ruyi Jingu Bang on the side to make it slide off the steps, and commands firmly with his watery eyes intently glaring at it, "Extend!"
Kitten soon witnesses the increase of Ruyi Jingu Bang's length, causing panic to hastily drown her entire being since she realized that it can presently make contact with her upper midsection and head without any real problem. Taking not much time to think, the green-haired chick steers herself towards Ruyi Jingu Bang as she swiftly bends backwards, resulting in Sano's weapon to travel above her person while barely grazing her nicely-sized chest. Having achieved that, Kitten elegantly plants both hands upon the steps with her body arched to do a back handspring and uses her momentum to impulse herself through the air so she can create even more space until landing her straw-woven sandals in front of her downed cats via her legs partially being spread.
In the meantime, Ruyi Jingu Bang decreases in length with Sano twirling it and flipping himself around a bit before strongly mounting his feet onto one of the stairs' step as he's facing Kitten once more in a fairly emotional way while lowering one of his staff's ends next to his right.
Kitten repairs her poise a little while giving Sano a disheartened look as her arms dangle on opposite sides of herself. "Why? Why are you crying?"
Sadness greatly arises from within Sano as he replies somberly, "I had to hurt your cats. I don't like hurting animals."
Kitten becomes annoyed after temporarily displaying surprise and swings her left hand outward. "But you were scared to death of my kitty-cats a couple of minutes ago!"
Sano shyly comments while veering his attention to the right, "That's true and all, but even if I'm scared, I don't wanna' hurt them. I value the safety and life of all animals because..." He returns his focus to Kitten with sincerity taking over and faintly smiles. "For a long time, they were my only real friends."
Kitten resumes her surprise, however, loses it within a few seconds as she drops her left hand, her eyes growing dull in the process, and solemnly speaks. "I don't remember if it was mentioned earlier, so let me ask you. What's your name?"
Sano's eyes widen out of astonishment with the tears collected below his eyes immediately drying. "Crudnark! I forgot to introduce myself before attacking you!" The jacket-endowed lad places his left hand behind his head, demonstration an ashamed demeanor. "My granddad would kick my ass if he was here for neglect." Sano chuckles while putting his lifted appendage back down and shows an apologetic expression. "I'm sorry about that, Kitten. My name's Sano."
Kitten blushes again until shaking her head to regain her composure and blinks her eyelids several times to fully bring her mind into the situation at hand as she fronts a serious attitude. "Meow! You'll really be sorry once I'm done with you! I'll beat you worse than your grandpa could!" The determined damsel sharply gestures her right hand forward, casually slipping out of her sandals at the same time without trouble, prior to throwing it skyward with her concentration to the same direction. "Come, kitties! We'll punish him for the harm he's caused you!"
The injured cats abruptly reopen their eyes while staying on the floor for about two seconds before getting to their paws as every single one lock onto Kitten and lunge at her with yet another united meow. Right after, the swarm of felines cling to their master's body, totally cloaking her from Sano's vision, as they start to dissolve into Kitten while repetitive meowing resounds for several moments.
Sano dismounts Ruyi Jingu Bang from the steps one of its ends was resting on, keeping his gaze glued onto Kitten, and nonchalantly fiddles with the orange staff via both hands rotating it from every side possible. "Well, things have developed randomly quick. I think she's using her trump card already."
That being said, the pile of cats that was recently made eventually vanishes as they leave Kitten with an extremely cat-like appearance in terms of her nails turning into sharp claws, her ears mutating to the shape felines are known for, although sustaining their small size, and become fuzzy. In addition, brown fur overruns the teenage beauty's being while her green hair had gain streaks of brown, whiskers now present on her face with a long, sleek, green tail protruding from above her fine behind via penetrating through the dress' tight fabric and a yellow coloring mixed into her red eyes, which currently owns a slit pupil in each. Once her transformation finished its exhibition, Kitten smirks while gradually putting her right hand down with her menacing eyes staring at Sano as she states following a soothing purr, "Bestial Merging Completed."
Sano doesn't waste time uttering a rebuttal to what he's witnessing while halting Ruyi Jingu Bang's rotation atop his head with both hands still holding it as the weapon's stationed vertically. "You're lucky I'm not afraid of cats anymore or I'd be running out of here at max speed and jumped off a ledge into a bottomless ditch just to be certain that I escaped."
Kitten stomps her left foot on the floor from rage after clenching her hands into fist without lifting them and shouts offensively, "You're too specific!"
Sano happily grins as his eyes glimmer a tad. "Thanks by the way. You're being really awesome by fusing your cats into your body, so I wouldn't have to hurt them again."
Kitten scoffs with her attention diverted upward while feeling a hot sensation gather at her cheeks, places both hands upon her hips and retorts in a stuck-up method. "As if I did this for you! I'm just much stronger this way! Now, winning is guaranteed and there's nothing you can do about it!" She sternly glares at Sano as a tough facade emanates. "Got that?! Your compassion for my kitty-cats had no involvement in my decision!"
Sano gingerly chuckles, choosing to stay silent so he could spare Kitten's ego the obvious damage it would receive if the half-breed were to call out her brazen lie.
Kitten's eyes narrow a bit more since she knows very well that Sano doesn't believe her as she momentarily pursed her lips and then inhales deeply while ferociously declaring, "I'll show you!" The now feline Spellcaster gets on all four without having her knees touching the floor, and in one fast motion, lunges toward Sano with an agility that couldn't be followed by an ordinary person's eyesight while passionately meowing as her right hands pulled to Kitten's upper right in preparation for a strike.
Considering the plain fact that Ruyi Jingu Bang's already poised almost appropriately , Sano hurriedly drives the orange staff down just when Kitten launched her right hand upon him and blocks it via the section near his weapon's end that's presently higher than his head with both hands located at Ruyi Jingu Bang's center. Miraculously though, the 18 year old's somewhat pushed back, forcing him to take a few steps backwards, with a dumbfounded expression. "Whoa! You weren't kidding! To push me back even a tiny bit is awesome!"
Kitten confidently replies as her body begins dropping to the step after maintaining herself elevated for a few seconds like Sano did. "Meow! You got that right, but that's not all!" Her feet make contact with the stairs, however, not for long because of the brownish/green-haired adversary instantly disappears from in front of Sano.
Sano checks out the area around him while remaining pretty calm without moving Ruyi Jingu Bang's positioning and lackadaisically mumbles, "So she first used a slower attack to trick me. Not bad." The black-haired gentleman promptly releases his right hand's grip on the orange staff, sliding his left hand close to its bottom during that action, and does a horizontal, back swing with it as he keeps facing forward.
That makes Kitten, who had planned to assault Sano from behind via both hands ready at opposite sides of her head like a cat would when standing on its hind legs, immediately halt with Ruyi Jingu Bang's end brushing pass the tip of her nose and is very alarmed as she weakly utters, "Meow..."
Sano smiles after navigating his left foot toward Kitten to stand sideways, rests his gaze onto the notably fearful girl, swings Ruyi Jingu Bang upward so he can utilized the momentum it build-up in directing the weapon at his opponent's face with about an inch of space between the two and informs Kitten in a caring way, "What's bad is that you didn't know I'm capable of sensing someone's presence, no matter who or what they are. I could be blind and still pinpoint your coordinates. It's a real neat thing my dad taught me when I was little."
Kitten's personality establishes intensity, having put her raised appendages down, as she studies Sano while thinking, "So that's it. When he entered with that other guy, his reaction to my kitties was amazingly quick. If it wasn't for the fact that I can't feel any magic from him, I'd suspect him of being an Animal Tamer Spellcaster like us. The idea wouldn't be impossible, but highly unlikely. Our family, like the Einsburn Family, are strict about reproduction. Kin marrying other kin. It's been that way since the first Wilde gained their magical power over a thousand years ago, and thanks to that indisputable rule, every one of our members through history has been an Animal Tamer. Something granted to only us because Spellcasters normally don't pass down their magic to their children and I've never heard of there being anyone outside of our family containing that ability. We're special and we believe it's God who allowed us this." She angrily grits her teeth and thinks, "However, our bloodline will end with me and my brothers because of this damn war! It has taken the lives of almost every Wilde, including mommy and daddy! That left us as the last of the Wilde Family, and as a part of our beliefs, mating between directly-related members is simply atrocious even if it were for our family's sake!"
Sano watches Kitten with curiosity taking form while his extended limb mildly falters. "Are you okay? You've been quiet for roughly half a minute."
Despite it being unreasonable, Kitten's somehow set-off by Sano's inquiry as she brought herself back to reality, vertically thrusts her right hand up with an agitated grunt and parries Ruyi Jingu Bang away from her.
Sano's quite caught off guard with his eyes widening, keeping them focused on Kitten, while his left arm's flung above as he thinks, "Her strength and speed shot up!"
Then, Kitten sends out a barrage of strikes at Sano in the effort to tear the enemy apart and is brimming an outstanding sum of tenacity with a fierce grunt added in each attempt.
Sano swiftly weaves and spins around every oncoming attack, not minding the probability of him slipping off the steps' edge he's traversing on due to his overwhelming confidence in his balance as the jacketed male twirls Ruyi Jingu Bang according to his movements while sure to continue his gaze upon Kitten.
Kitten's persistence retains itself for several minutes, rage being the fuel that keeps her going, while yelling in the middle of her rampage, "I'm the lone daughter of what's left of the Wilde Family! Like my brothers, I represent the Saints Organization and their convictions! You're gonna' eventually fall here for those convictions because we're strong! Because what we do is just and you've invaded our domain without thinking of the consequences! Because we have God's love! Because-"
Sano intervenes in Kitten's rant with a minuscule amount of emotion displayed by guiding Ruyi Jingu Bang against his lower back in a horizontal angle once again while in both hands' possession and points it at the cheongsam-wearing dame as he softly utters, "Extend." His weapon then does as it's instructed and suddenly increases in length to rapidly advance toward Kitten amidst the consecutive strikes she was hurling. Right after, Ruyi Jingu Bang's end hits Kitten's abdomen, abruptly causing an agonized groan to escape her lips with a stunned look arising, and is lifted off the stairway while ceasing her arms' brash flurry. This results in the female Animal Tamer's entire being to be hurled backwards thanks to Ruyi Jingu Bang still expanding with impeccable speed and soon crashes her backside onto the wall located at the stairs' top section where Kitten stood near the beginning.
Once that happens, Kitten gags in pain with her head tilted up, her arms outstretched on both sides of her person, as she mentally contemplates, "What is he...?! My movements were practically half the speed of sound, so how does he react and counter so well...?" The chignon-endowed teen slumps forth while her arms dangle ahead with her petite body almost a foot in the air because of Ruyi Jingu Bang pinning Kitten to the wall and holds down the urge to cough out blood that's gathering in her throat. Not even a second later, the yellowish/red-eyed chick painstakingly peers at Sano and asks with discrimination resonating, "You're not human, are you...?"
Sano gives Kitten a sad smirk without freeing her from Ruyi Jingu Bang's ensnarement while in a sideways stance again, however, this time with his right foot directed toward the fairly busty, young lady. "Duh. I already told you. I'm thought of as an abomination. In some cases, that describes me perfectly, although they made that judgement since I'm a half-breed. Not 'cause I'm incredibly powerful."
Kitten vacantly stares at Sano as she finally coughs a small quantity of blood that mainly splatters on Ruyi Jingu Bang while a tiny trail of blood trickles down her mouth's right corner prior to resuming her mental discussion with herself. "A half-breed, eh...? If that means what I think it means, then he's a product of a Spellcaster and human mating..." She lightly gulps in the blood accumulating within her mouth and coldly states, "You're definitely an abomination if that's true..."
Sano sighs out of depression and cocks his head to the right as his vision stays locked on Kitten. "Yeah."
Kitten promptly speaks following Sano's single word with her head lowered and had firmly clasp onto the part of the adversary's staff that's restraining her against the wall via her left hand doing an underhand grab. "I'll have to be at that same level to beat you then."
Sano urgently straightens his head, maintaining his full attention on Kitten, while plagued by surprised.
With that, Kitten's fur commences to stand on end, including her green tail's, as her body unprecedentedly starts quivering with no control from the Wilde Family member until another change in appearance occurred. During the transformation, Kitten kept talking while her attire commenced stretching due to the Spellcaster's being developing a significant improvement in muscle tone that the apparel couldn't withstand as this transpired upon random intervals. "I'm a Class A Minus Spellcaster for only one reason..." A fervent behavior takes shape while her grasp on Ruyi Jingu Bang immensely tightens. "That reason was that I inherited the ability to go through two Bestial Merging modes like my mommy, giving me what I needed to be on par with two of my brothers!" Kitten's chignons instantaneously loosen with her pig-tails doing the same as all four accessories fall to the floor while her ears shift their placement and are now atop of her head, increasing in size afterwards to completely mimic a cat's ears. Not only that, the Animal Tamer's originally toothy teeth become sharper and opens her mouth wide to let out a tigerish roar that deafens their whole room.
Sano glances at Ruyi Jingu Bang due to noting that some vibration's generating from it, making a hint of concern surface in no time on his face. "Hm?" He then reverts his focus to Kitten while regaining a decent amount of curiosity instead of being threatened by the primal cry that just echoed.
Kitten continues her metamorphosis in terms of her muscle mass rising while having not finished saying what she wanted to explain to Sano yet and struggles to speak normally. "The first Bestial Merging you saw... Is titled Minimum... And the second... Is titled Maximum...! This is... The third time... I've taken the... Second form...! I'm much deadlier... And my control goes... Out the window... But if it's for...This organization... I'll literally become... A monster... TO DEFEAT YOU!" She screams that last part with her concentration zoomed on Sano as she forces Ruyi Jingu Bang off her torso without assistance from her other hand that's plainly dangling at her side.
Sano's highly astonished by Kitten's new strength as he valiantly tries to fight off the enemy's pull of his weapon and blandly comments, "Okay, now I'm terrified."
Kitten hastily plants her right foot forward, cracking the floor a little upon contact, to angle herself sideways with her left hand stretched back while still gripping onto Ruyi Jingu Bang. After that, the yellowish/red-eyed chick torques her body to the right with unimaginable might and throws the orange staff while releasing a powerful roar as several veins on her face dilate at once.
As a result, Sano's lifted off the steps since he refused to let go of Ruyi Jingu Bang, causing him to be very startled, and is sent flying backwards in an uncontrollable, flipping motion across the room at a tremendous height. In the meantime, to avoid having his orange staff accidentally hit anything nearby because of its elongated length, Sano sternly yells out during his random rotation with his eyes peering out of the corner closest to it, "Retract!" The weapon promptly complies with its wielder's order and returns to its usual stature. Afterwards, the tan-skinned boy maneuvers himself properly so he can land his feet atop the black carpet below without much strain and did so in a way for him to be fully directed toward Kitten's general vicinity while seeming quite relaxed with Ruyi Jingu Bang staying behind him.
Kitten shows no interest in Sano's effortless response to her action as she steadily brings her left foot next to her right since it hadn't moved from where she had the limb when the throw occurred and drops down to get on all fours again.
Sano halfheartedly smirks with his head tilted to the right. "So... This is what you call BEING AT MY LEVEL? You single-handedly pitched me and Ruyi. Is that it?"
Kitten takes a second to wipe the blood peeking out of her mouth previously to vanishing without warning and unexpectedly appears less than a meter from Sano while furiously growls as her left hand's quickly thrust into the golden-eyed individual's gut, embedding her claws in the process.
A sickening sound reverberates out of Sano's midsection, however, maintains his feet on the floor as he was meagerly inched backwards with his person now bent forward enough to resemble someone bowing, having fixed his head's composition beforehand.
Kitten, even though a good extent of her comprehension has weakened to no longer feel worry or embarrassment, can't help sensing that her life's in peril with her left hand continuing to dig into the opponent, who started to leak out blood from the afflicted area, and cautiously observes him.
Sano chuckles due to being impressed and gazes at Kitten while remaining contorted. "You've gotten closer to surpassing the speed of sound. Okay, I'm REALLY terrified at this point. Strength, speed and beautiful in your normal form. You're the complete package."
Not invested in what Sano's saying, Kitten rashly puts aside the troubling sensation ailing her, removes her left hand from Sano's gut to hurriedly drive the other appendage in the same spot with intensity and gives out another fierce growl.
Again, Sano barely budges, blood mildly spilling out of the tear of his orange tank-top, as he took the attack with his teeth gritted this while refusing to even try evading and stares at Kitten with passion building. "Looks like my words aren't effective like those hits!"
Kitten's left eye twitches, not understand what's happening even a little bit, and then starts sending a storm of clawed strikes on Sano's abdomen with ferocity expelling.
Sano receives every bit of the barrage while digging his sandal-wearing feet into the carpet as much as possible to minimize his progression backwards with his eyes glued on Kitten and brims a resilient attitude.
Dread faintly glimpses through Kitten's demeanor as her wits slowly come back to think out of panic, "This is absurd! I have the power to smash through a brick wall if I pleased, and yet, he's not giving in! Why?! Why won't he-" The green-haired Spellcaster suddenly pauses her train of thought, realizing something impeccable, until enraged and halts the melee involving both hands so she can withdraw them to her sides. Having done that, Kitten launches a roundhouse kick with her right leg and rams it against Sano's left cheek. To the Saints Organization member's amazement, the attack had only a tad more success in making Sano move as her previous plethora of strikes, forcing the half-breed to snap his body to the right, however, ultimately didn't end the battle.
Simultaneously, following the restoring of his posture, Sano turns towards Kitten with an undeterred expression, his shirt having been tattered a lot around his stomach area while containing multiple scratch wounds that are dripping a little blood, as he kindly states, "That was a nice shot. I actually felt some pain there."
Kitten stands upright after putting her foot down while overflowing annoyance. "You really are an abomination!" The feline person points her right hand at Sano's torso. "I've punctured your stomach so many times with my claws, but you act like it doesn't bother you!"
Sano nods in an aloof manner. "That's 'cause it doesn't. You obviously don't know this, but I'm far from being a noob to getting cut-up or stabbed. I even fought someone not long ago who specialized in two identical weapons that, not only was tricky to deal with, they caused me the worst physical pain I've ever experienced because of its blades." The jacketed teen smiles with honesty emanating. "If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be handling your assault too well and I'd tried to avoid them."
Anger joins Kitten's annoyance as her right appendage had been lowered once again. "Speaking of, why aren't you?! Or even fighting back?!"
Sano answers without hesitation while exhibiting a skeptical look. "Can't you tell? I was waiting for you to say something about my compliment of you being the complete package, duh."
Kitten's engulfed by embarrassment, the veins on her face subsiding quickly, and slaps each hand on a cheek belonging to the same side in unison prior to blurting out of dismay, "What?! You said that?!" She veers herself towards her left to prevent eye contact while wiggling her hips in a feminine way. "No one has ever given me such a compliment! Most of the time, I'm treated as eye-candy! I really hate it, but when you say COMPLETE PACKAGE you're praising me on other aspects beside my looks and that makes me so happy!" Kitten squeals with her eyes shut with her body gestures persisting.
Sano dully watches Kitten, having wisely stepped back a few meters to give her ridiculous movement enough space, as a cold sweat runs down the right side of his face and mutters, "Well... This is weird. I should've thought this strategy through some more... Although trying to make her pass out like that one time me and Dante accidentally made Yuki isn't much of a strategy. Plus, I had no real basis even to try it, except for her getting flustered easily, but things just didn't pan out the way I hoped." The staff-wielding young man diverts his attention to the left from his perspective while nonchalantly shrugging. "Back to the drawing board, I guess."
While that sentence was finished, Kitten ceased her delusional ranting because of her remembering that she's in the middle of a fight, switches her concentration towards Sano and notices his lack of focus on her. This frustrates the furry girl since she feels that her foe's undermining her as she abruptly lunges upon Sano to reinstate the battle with both hands attempting to claw at him after being taken off Kitten's cheeks while growling out, "Don't be so arrogant! Show me a bit of respect, will you! Or are you being a male chauvinist?!"
Sano unprecedentedly closes his eyes before turning his head toward Kitten's direction and lackadaisically takes two steps to the left, causing the enraged girl to totally miss her attack, while calmly rebutting. "No way." The black-haired gentleman adjusts his orange staff's positioning to point the end located on his right toward Kitten as his left hand travels along Ruyi Jingu Bang while Sano casually opens his eyes so he can see the lightly elevated beauty and teasingly asks, "How could I ever degrade such an adorably awesome chick like you and think I'm better? I might be an abomination, but I'm not a jerk." He chuckles a bit.
Kitten quickly sets her sights on Sano as she restrains the urge of getting distracted by another compliment from the enemy and does her best to concoct an idea within her head to safely get out of the precarious situation she finds herself since the Wilde girl's currently in midair.
Sano, to prove what he recently said to be the truth, makes a serious effort in striking Kitten's head with Ruyi Jingu Bang by strongly pushing it via his left hand once the appendage was poised on the opposite end, having the orange staff rapidly slide through his right hand's loose grip.
Kitten rash responds with the raising of her right hand that's stiffened to have the young lady's claws ready and swiftly brings it back down so she can hit Ruyi Jingu Bang powerfully. The main purpose of this wasn't to parry the weapon, but to impulse herself higher while twisting her body around with an incredible sum of agility as she drew close toward Sano with the intention of sending a reverse spin kick atop his head via her left leg.
In accordance to Kitten's fast motion and the strike she's planning, Sano immediately leans forward while having Ruyi Jingu Bang hurriedly slide back to be poise symmetrically along his back as it keeps on being stationed horizontally for a moment. Then, with a fair amount of quickness before Kitten brought down her leg at his head, the golden-eyed person navigates his orange staff's end that's further away from the Asian to be vertical thanks to an easy shift in his right hand's composure after removing his left hand and stabs the end presently aimed downward upon the black carpet while directing Ruyi Jingu Bang in Kitten's path of attack.
Because of that, Kitten's left ankle specifically hits Ruyi Jingu Bang as two inches of the weapon's bottom half is abruptly impaled into the carpeting while joined with a loud shattering noise resonating from underneath the decoration piece and begins showing numerous cracks seeping out the black carpets edges as they spread across a small region of the floor. Not long after, an aggravated scowl forms on Kitten, having failed to land a blow that she was greatly hoping would conclude the fight, while a huge shiver runs up her body in representation of how much it hurt the Animal Tamer colliding with Ruyi Jingu Bang. It's then noticed by Kitten that Sano has unexpectedly let go of the orange staff and leaped into the air sufficiently to be elevated over her being as the sandal-wearing gentleman performed a single back-flip. This forces despair to overcome the mutated Spellcaster while gazing at Sano and loudly gasps as she's facing him without any time to react other than to move her left leg off the adversary's currently upright staff.
Sano hastily descends onto Kitten, pointing his knees in her direction once he was align enough with her, and drives himself with minimal compassion noted as his arms are lightly lifted above his head while peering downward. In a split second, contact's made between Sano and Kitten in terms of the latter getting struck on her stomach by the pair of knees from the tanned lad.
A pain-filled cry escapes Kitten's lips once her back is slammed upon the carpet, demonstrating the massive might Sano had applied in the assault through an outstanding tremor to fluctuate and adds some more cracks to the terrain surrounding the carpet, while lying down with all of her limbs stretched out in different ways as a stunned expression had cast itself on her fast and absently stares ahead.
Sano briefly stays perched on the yellowish/red-eyed damsel with his back toward her considering that's the position he attacked Kitten from, both hands now placed behind his head, until carefully getting off her and stands above her motionless being without looking. This lasts only a few seconds as the spiky-haired male investigates Kitten's condition via a mild left turn of his upper body with a laid-back personality emitted.
At that moment, Kitten transforms back to her normal form, allowing the separate existance of every cat that merged with the green-haired teen to come back as they're all sleeping on different sections of the floor. The presently fragile beauty then faints with her head slumping to the right while a decent quantity of skin can be seen where the tears of her cheongsam dress reside and softly breathes during her sudden slumber.
Sano contentedly smiles before whispering in a caring manner, "Now you just sleep there, so I can catch up to Trace and Dante. Maybe think about what you'll do with the rest of your life 'cause I'm positive it'll be a long one." The jacket-endowed individual veers his concentration away, grips onto Ruyi Jingu Bang with his left hand, frees it from the black carpeting's entrapment and cautiously moves his feet forth to not be over Kitten anymore. After doing that, Sano continues his departure toward the stairway that's in front of him, being careful enough to not step on any of the unconscious felines, while raising his right hand to wave it with the appendage holding Ruyi Jingu Bang lowered to his left side and cheerfully chimes at a volume that's sufficient for his voice to carry throughout the room without disturbing the cats or Kitten's sleep. "See ya'!"
*Scene Cuts To Black*
To Be Continued...
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