Nine - "Bonding", Yeah.

'Right, so Mitch and Jerome are gonna be together in that room over there. Try not to make a mess, too much noise, yadda-yadda-yadda.' Seto grinned, gesturing to the door as the pair seemed to let out joint sighs of relief.
'Thanks, Seto-'

'But you all need to be in the courtyard in an hour anyway. Bonding exercises.'
'Uh, what kind of exercises?'
'Most likely something physical, some light sparring. Maybe an obstacle course.' The brunet mused, before pushing open another door.
'Vikram, you'll be rooming with Lachlan when he gets back-'
'I thought that my ability meant I couldn't room with anyone?'

'According to both the Prince and your roommate, though you can turn Lachlan to stone, he can turn back.' The keeper pulled a face under his eye-cover but nodded anyway, walking into Tue room and shutting the door with a soft "click".
'And that leaves the best 'til last. Preston, you're rooming with Robert.'

'You what?' The lava mob spluttered, heating up a few degrees as the Royal Seer shrugged. 'That can't be right, surely.'
'Yep, you're rooming with the prince. Surprised? You're not the only one. Any problems with rooms, call for one if the waiting staff - There's a little bell in each of the rooms. Have fun, don't argue about beds, and be in the courtyard in an hour.' The brunet clicked his fingers and disappeared in a flash of violet light, leaving Preston to explore his new quarters for the time being.

You've got to be kidding me. This stuff doesn't even happen in books, I swear. He thought to himself, walking through the door and observing the room. Doesn't look too bad though.
The room was quite simple. Polished wooden flooring blending nicely with the walls, and of course there were paintings covering the walls.
What is it with this place and paintings?

'Yo, uh, Preston? We're gonna go down to the courtyards early, if you want to come with.' Vik offered quietly, standing in the doorway as the lavamob turned around. I didn't even hear him at the door, wow.
'Sure.' He grinned. 'Oh, by the way, you don't actually need to cover your eyes here. The castle has an enchantment, no abilities of keeper of hybrids work.'

'Yeah dude. The only reason I can still heat up is that the barrier only puts one ability away, also explaining why I still look like this.' The lavamob gestured to himself flatteringly, ending with jazz hands as the keeper snorted.

'I mean, if you really say so...' Hesitatingly moving his hands to the back of his head, Vik untied the blindfold but waited a few seconds before looking at the Tauran. Everything was grey, but- Preston wasn't turning to stone.
'See, told ya.'
A wide smile grew on the mocha-skinned Boralin's face and he did something he hadn't done in a while. He laughed, a wholesome laugh that seemed to light up the room, and he had to resist from jumping up and down like a small kid. 'This is amazing! I've got to find out what enchantment this is-'

'But first, we're going to the Courtyard. Seto probably won't mind if we get there early.'


So it turns out he did mind the boys getting there early. Rob and Lachlan appeared to be working on some kind of assault course, and Preston's stomach flipped when he saw the pool of water underneath suspended logs.
'We got bored-'
'After what, not even ten minutes? Honestly, the attention span of kids these days...'
'Uh, Seto? You're our age.'
'Exactly my point! We're awful at it. Anyway, I guess now that you're all here you can help with the assault course.' The Royal Seer gestured to said course, where Rob had shoved a certain dragon prodigy into the water.

'I would apologize, but I'm going to say this now; I'm not sorry.' The Candelian prince grinned cheekily, before clasping the blond's hand and pulling him back onto the platform. 'You're used to the water now. Tactical advantage.'
'I'll give you a tactical advantage.' Lachlan rolled his eyes, pretending to shove his friend into the pool before Seto called them over.

'Come on guys, stop messing around - Robert, you're soaked! What's your father going to say?'
'...He's probably gonna call me a disappointment. I'll try and dry off later, or I'll just blame it in the course.' He shrugged, jumping down from a high platform and stumbling as he landed. 'Ow. Anyway, hey guys.'

''Sup Rob.'
'Hi!' Vik was still hyper after finding out about the castle enchantment, but did have to squint because of the bright light that the sun was giving out that day. He was mostly just looking at everything, going up really close and inspecting it until someone would pull him away. 'What're we gonna be doing?'
'You see, my dear Vik, we're doing an obstacle course. There are five stages, each one knocking someone out until one person reigns victorious.' Lachlan grinned, definitely being in a better mood than he'd been prior to this event as he pointed out certain parts.

'That's a rock wall, parkour, rock run-'
'What's rock run?'
'Similar to a sport they play in Hypixen, you're running from a cascade of rocks. If you think that sounds dangerous, they do it with lava.' Rob explained. He seemed nervous about certain obstacles, but anything with height he was fine with.
'Everyone ready?'

'No!' And, with an over-dramatic scream, Vik fell from the course. At this moment, Preston, Mitch and Rob were the only "competitors" left, but someone would have to drop out due to the water parkour coming up ahead.
'I'm jumping out, guys.'
'Water jump. I can't risk it.' Preston explained, hesitant to even go near it as Rob froze.

'Oh sh- I'm so sorry! I should have realized.'
Pfft, he sounds genuinely upset. Aw. 'Nah, it's okay. All comes in the package.' He grinned awkwardly, deciding to show off a bit and back-flipping onto the ground below. Lachlan gave him a thumbs-up from where he was standing, and Jerome had an impressed look in his eyes. 'Nice jump.'

'Thanks. Unlucky on falling, by the way.' Preston responded, before turning back around to look at Vik who was still laying on the floor. 'Uh, Vik, you alright?'
He gave a thumbs up, but remained staring at the sky. Such a big mood, honestly.
'Vik, get up.'
''Don't particularly want to. Maybe later.'
'Come on Vik, get up.' Lachlan called over, with keeper just groaning in response and covering his eyes with one arm while complaining that he was too tired to do anything. 'Uh, they have chicken in the kitchens.'

Jerome had to wince at the sudden yell, and even the two Candelians looked over to see what was happening. Luckily for him, Mitch looked back first, allowing him to jump ahead and reach the finish podium first. 'I win!'
'Or did you?'
'Nah, I won. No offense princey.'
'None taken... I still won, though.'
'Race again to find out?' The younger brunet suggested, with the prince grinning cheekily and chucking his crown to the side.

'Bring it.'


Please tell me someone picked up the Thomas Sanders reference XD


QOTC - Mr Stark I don't feel too good.

AOTC - first of all; how dare you, second of all; hoW DARE YOU-

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