Harry's pov:

Well todays the day, I'm finally taking Draco on a date. It was seven in the morning, bright and early I was up and showering. Pansy was stopping by at seven thirty exactly, so I had a half hour to get ready. I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, and somewhat tamed my hair. I didn't try too hard with it because well, I never did and Draco liked it so.

I threw on some boxers and awaited the last couple minutes before - *knock knock knock* - there she is. I slowly walked over opening the door to see Pansy with three bags in her hand, and Hermione beaming next to her. "Goodness gracious alright come in."

They walked in and got to work. Clothes were thrown left and right, a lot of tight shirts and trousers. I ended up in a tight white tshirt with a blue flannel and some black jeans. "How do I look?" I asked sheepishly, with my head down. Hermione took two fingers and lifted my chin.

"All you need is that gryffindor confidence, and you look amazing Harry." She ruffled my hair and I blushed. I hugged her tightly, and then hugged Pansy. "Thank you guys. I owe you." Pansy waved me off, "oh please Potter, this was what I owed you for finally making Malfoy happy. He has been moping on about you for years."

Hermione giggled and shook her head, "you always owe me." I shoved her playfully. "Alright I've got to go set up now. Pansy you know when and where to bring him?" Pansy nodded and Hermione smiled, "want me to come with?" I smiled widely, "please? You're much more organized than me." She chuckled and linked her arm with mine. "I'll meet up with you later to help you with that potions essay pans."

"See ya then Mione, see you golden boy. Quit being so bloody nervous. It's only Draco."


A few hours later and it was eleven and me and Hermione were finally done setting everything up, and finished making last minute decisions. I sighed at the progress we accomplished because it looked stunning. I was nervous still though. We walked up to meet with Ron, who smiled at me. "Excited mate?" Oh how I was. "I am truly, but I'm bloody nervous Ron."

Ron hugged me, and it calmed me a bit the way it always did. "Thanks mate." I murmured softly, he smiled, smacking my back. "No worries Harry, you're my best mate. No matter what blokes you're shagging, I'll always be here for you." I chuckled and swatted at him.

"Ronald honestly. You're no help." Ron shrugged, "no Mione, I just help you and Harry in different ways because you're different people love." Hermione smiled, "when did you become so wise." Ron shrugged again, sheepishly, "I assume when I started listening to you more. I'll never admit it out loud again though."

I fake gagged, and they both shot me playful looks. "Alright, it's nearly noon I need to go meet Draco and Pansy. Wish me luck." I said nervously. Ron and Hermione hugged me. Hermione whispering, 'good luck Harry, have fun. I'm proud of you.' To wish I just replied 'I love you.' Then there's Ron, my special brilliant git. Who mumbled in my ear, 'use protection darling.' Which immediately got the reply, 'you're a right prat I love you.'

Once we parted our cheesy ways. I headed to the meeting point where me and Pansy picked to have me and Draco's date. I looked once more at me and Hermione's set up, it was truly beautiful. Now I only had fifteen minutes left to wait.


"Potter." My head snapped to pansy's voice and my breath hitched at the blindfolded blonde she drug with her. She unblindfolded him, and bid us both our good lucks goodbyes and of course she shouted use protection. I stared at him in awe. "Hey.. wow you look.. wow." I stumbled out finally. He had a blush on his pale cheeks as he looked in my eyes, "thanks.. you look.. wow as well. This is a beautiful set up Harry, thank you so much. No one's ever cared enough to do all of this for me."

I smiled and motioned him closer, I grabbed his hand and led him to the picnic me and Mione had set up. It had all of Draco's favorites, including but not limited to, Shamrock apples, treacle tarts, his favorite sandwiches, apple juice, and pumpkin juice for myself. "You deserve the best, especially since I made you wait so long." I said sheepishly, honestly as soon as he arrived my nerves disappeared. That's how I knew Draco was different, I felt so comfortable around him.

Maybe it was because he was a constant in my life, or maybe it was just because I had fallen for him, harder than I ever imagined I could fall for anyone. I haded him a small bouquet of orange and yellow tulips. "I cheated on this part a bit, I had Neville tell me the meanings because we all know I'm bloody awful with flowers and herbology. The orange tulips, mean understanding and appreciation. I've never felt like anyone understood me before, not the way you do. I appreciate you so much for giving me time to wrap my head around what all of this meant.. and the yellow is simply because I think your smile is the answer to all the lost sunshine in the world."

He blushed a deep shade of red, and he took them with teary eyes. "Thank you Harry again really, I'm glad you feel understood because I do as well with you. You don't need to be appreciative because I am trying to be a decent person nowadays, and honestly waiting for you could've taken as long as you needed it and I'd still be here. May I kiss you?" I blushed, but nodded quickly.

He connected our lips in the most short but sweet kiss I've ever felt in my life. When he pulled away, we were both smiling as wide as we could. "Let's eat shall we?" I nodded in confirmation.


We finished eating a lunch filled with comfortable small talk, and after cleaning up the picnic we took a walk toward the forest. Hand in hand we just walked and talked. It was such a different feeling with him. Everytime I was with him I had this sense that maybe someday everything would be okay. When we got to the edge of the forest, he turned to look me in the eyes.

"Harry James Potter, my princess, this has honestly been one of the best dates of my life, I am not quite sure where'd I'd be today if it weren't for you anyhow. We started our friendship on rocky terms, unpatched trust and still unforgiven words of the past lingering. Now I can say with confidence that I trust you with my life, even in the short time we've been friends, honestly over the past seven bloody years I truly believe I would've always trusted you with my life had you so let me. What I'm trying to get to here is, Harry I've loved you for quite some time. If you're ready, and if you're okay with it, will you be mine?"

I was blushing, I knew it but I kept eye contact, and smiled wide. "Draco Lucius Malfoy, apparently my Prince, I love you too, and I agree I trust you with my life. You make me feel safe in a way no one has before, it's only really ever been me Ron and Hermione, of course I had Remus and Sirius and my sweet Teddy, but even then it's a different connection with you. Somehow, you make me feel like everything is going to be okay. So yes, and yes over and over again, I will be yours.. may I kiss you?"

He nodded, and I connected my lips to my boyfriends, sighing happily. Draco Malfoy, was finally mine, and it felt so right.


A/N woohoo! I hope that was cute, I tried to make it cute. I'm new to writing slow burns so I hope that wasn't too soon either but I couldn't help it, just flowed so beautifully.

Thank you thank you thank you guys btw for 1K reads, I appreciate you all so much.

I wanna dedicate this chapter to: Drxrry_Taylor

They were the first person to ever read vote or comment on this book and it kept me writing it when I had doubts, and I appreciate their
support so much.

I appreciate everyone's support more than you all could know. Writing is a passion of mine and I couldn't do it without your guys support. Even just the sweet messages I've received both in private and on my message board while I was sick made me feel loved and seen and I appreciate that greatly.

Thank you again, and I'll stop rambling now.

Date posted: 12/29/2022


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