Mystery: Day four hint, we talked yesterday.

Harry: I talk to loads of people everyday, you're bloody awful at hinting.

Mystery: I'm too afraid to let you figure out my identity.

Harry: Why?

Mystery: You probably don't fancy me, I'm not Draco. :P

Harry: You twat, I do NOT fancy Draco.

Mystery: Liar, you made that obvious yesterday.

Harry's pov:

I rolled my eyes, not really wanted to discuss whether or not I fancy Malfoy or not. I mean of course I do, but why does this random person care so much. "Guys are you sure you didn't give someone my number?"

Mione and Ron froze, "no Harry we don't know who this mystery lad is, we've said it a million times you git!" Ron said a bit rushed. I don't really believe them, but unless they want to tell me they won't. "Why do you ask Harry?"

Mione asked, still seeming off. "He's obsessing over whether I fancy Draco or not! You guys didn't tell him did you?" Mione sighed, "Harry how could we have told him if we don't know who he is!"

Just then Draco walked over with a knowing smirk. "Potter, Weasel, Granger, may I sit?" I nodded before anyone else could answer. Draco smiled and sat a little too close for my liking. Is he trying to kill me?


"So what's up Malfoy?" I said quietly. To which he simply replied, "needed a break from Pansy, she's been trying to get me to pull a dumb prank on Blaise all day that I don't have time for. She needs to just snog him and get it over with."

"Sounds fami-" Ron started, before he saw the look on Miones face, making me give them a questionable look. "Well you're welcome to join us anytime Draco!" Mione said with a smile.

Now I was really confused, "okay what's going on here?" Draco chuckled, "nothing you need to worry about." I sighed, "I hate all of you prats. I'm going to the bathroom."

I huffed getting up and going to moaning myrtles bathroom, I sat down and put my head in my hands. Ron and Hermione are obviously hiding something, and Draco is being weird.

Soon enough the door opens and I sigh, "Mione I'm fine, just need a minute alone."

"Being alone is boring." My head shot up at the voice. "Malfoy? Why did you follow me?" He sat down next to me and ruffled my hair. "Believe it or not Potter, I care about you, and you seemed upset."

"Well Hermione and Ronald are hiding something, and you're being awfully weird lately!" Draco nodded, "I just want to be friends, as for Granger and Weaselton, I don't know what's up with them."

"Y-you want to be friends?" I asked sort of shocked, he grinned and nodded in response. "I've always wanted to be friends, but as you surely have figured out, with my father and all. That wasn't really able to happen."

I took a second to take in the information then faced him, "well I'd like to be friends too."

"Alright but I'm still going to call you Potter." I chuckled at this, "good, and you will always be Malfoy." He kind of leaned in again like yesterday to my ear, and whispered softly, "I don't know Potter, I meant what I said yesterday about liking the way my name sounded coming from your lips."

Then he got up and walked out, leaving me blushing and confused. I eventually walked back to the great hall, face still burning in embarrassment. "Everything okay Harry? We didn't mean to upset you! Are you alright? Any headaches?" Mione continued as soon as I sat down, "easy Mione I'm fine. No panic attacks, no flashbacks, just a boy stressing out in a bathroom. Honestly."

She nodded, but I didn't think she believed me truthfully. "Oh and by the way, me and Malfoy called a truce, and are now friends. Though it seems you guys did that with him before I did." They shrugged nodding slightly, "he's apologized to us about nine thousand times, so we accepted and became friends. We wanted you two to do that on your own though." I nodded understanding.

"Well I'm glad things can finally be normal." We all agreed to that.

A/N: poor Harry never knows what's going on.

Date posted: 11/27/2022


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