"Daddy! Papa! Help!" Came James' loud voice, me and Draco shared knowing looks and darted upstairs. We ran straight into James' room to see Scorpius tied up in ropes. "I swear daddy I didn't mean it he just wouldn't get off of my toy then I got mad and then and then he was just kind of tied up.
Me and Draco started chuckling, I grabbed my wand and vanished the ropes and Scorpius ran crying into Draco's arms. I ruffled James' hair, "it's okay James, your magic is starting to show stronger. It happens at your age little one." James nodded sniffling and hugging my leg. I picked him up and sighed happily at my family.
Me and Draco were professors at hogwarts still, as was Nev. Ron went off to be an auror, and Hermione and Pansy worked for the ministry. Teddy was just turning nine and James and Scorpius loved having their uncle Teddy come over. James was four and Scorpius was three, we had them through a muggle conception process called a surrogate. Scorpius was basically Draco's twin, a little blonde haired boy with bright grey eyes, and James favored me greatly with black hair and green eyes.
Me and Draco got married a year after we became professors, and decided pretty quickly we wanted kids, we have been married and professors for six years now. My little family was amazing and I loved every moment we spent together.
Of course things never settle down, I'm still known as the savior of the wizarding world. People still try to get into my business, but I have learned now just to smile and wave. They'll always post what they wish anyways.
"You guys ready to go see Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione and all the rest of the family?"
"Aun mine aun mine!" Scorpius squealed and clapped, my heart swelled at the sound. "Alright let's go little ones." We floo'd to Ron and Hermione's and were met with tons of happy faces and squealing littles. Ron and Hermione had two little ones Hugo and Rose, Luna and Ginny ended up adopting a little girl named Beatrix. Pansy Blaise and Neville had two kids, a little boy and a little girl named Constance and Arden. Seamus and Dean hadn't any children of their own yet but wanted to consider in the future, they were traveling the world currently and felt it would be too hard with children.
All of the kids were best friends. Of course they all adored Teddy too being the oldest of the pack. Speaking of Remus and Sirius just arrived at the Granger-Weasleys-yes Hermione kept both last names because that's just her-and Teddy was running at me full force with black hair. "UNCLE HARRY!" He screamed jumping into my arms. "Hi sweetheart! How's my favorite Godson?" Teddy rolled his eyes, cuddling into my neck. "Uncle Har don't call me sweetheart I'm a big boy now." I chuckled kissing his head, "okay little one whatever you say. Want to go say hi to Uncle Dragon?" He nodded happily.
Draco and Teddy got really close over the years and I loved seeing the two interact. Teddy ran over hugging Draco tightly, "hi uncle dragon!" He shouted making me chuckle, I hugged Sirius quickly and then hugged Remus. "I have missed you guys!"
They chuckled, "we missed you too Har, you need to come over more. Your old dads miss the full house." I rolled my eyes, "you're so overdramatic pads." He just chuckled, "says you prongsy jr." I shoved him playfully, "I need a new nickname." I stated laughing loudly. Me and Draco ended up figuring out how to become animagi. Draco being a dragon hence the nickname, and me a stag like dad.
We all talked for an hour or two, letting the kids play and run around. James was flying on his little broom and I chuckled, he was so much like Draco even though he looked just like me. We did this every weekend, got everyone together to spend time with one another. None of us wanted our friendships to drift no matter where we were in life.
Me, Ron, and Hermione were as close as we had always been and I loved every second spent with them. Of course our golden trio couldn't be broken, but Draco became super close with my two best friends over the years. Hermione helped him with lesson plans and such, they were always connected at the hip when we were together. It made me happy to see. Everything was as peaceful as it could be, and we were all finally happy.
Me and Draco had been talking about having another child though, we weren't sure if we wanted to adopt or if we wanted to get a surrogate again, something about the child being our DNA always set well with me. Who knew what crazy adventures life would take us on. All I knew was that I got my Draco, and the family I always dreamed for and my support system was bigger than ever. My life was finally on track to be how I wanted it to be, and just think it all started with a text from an unknown number.
This is the official end of unknown number, but not to worry, I will be publishing the first chapter of a book called "wrong times" (Drarry obviously) sometime tonight.
Thank you again for the unbelievable amount of support, you guys have kept me writing and I love each and everyone of you.
A bittersweet ending to my first ever Drarry story. Thank you all for reading.
Date posted: 01/17/2023
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