Sam got to school the next morning to find his locker painted with bright flowers. Although he did just walk straight past his locker as he had seen Gabriel in the other hallway looking around the corner. He smiled as he glanced at the pattern, admiring Gabriel's skill with paint. He also saw a note attached, but with Gabriel watching he couldn't take it. That'd ruin the fun of this.
Sam got to his first class early, science. He wasn't surprised when Gabriel walked in late, looking a bit annoyed too. He watched as Gabriel walked over to his usual seat, unwrapping a sucker in the process.
Sam ripped a page out of his workbook, quickly scribbling a note to Gabriel. 'Sorry, but I don't actually use my locker. Nice flowers though.'
As Mr Alistair talked, Sam folded the piece of paper under his desk. Then, he timed it perfectly so that Alistair was looking away and Gabriel was writing stuff down, and threw his paper plane directly at Gabriel.
Sam looked down at his work, being careful not to look in Gabriel's direction. He did tilt his phone slightly though so that he could see Gabriel in its reflection. He watched as Gabriel unfolded the plane, reading the message on it. Gabriel looked around the room, but no one showed any signs of even noticing the paper plane.
Towards the end of class Sam asked to go the bathroom, although walked the opposite way. He made his way to his locker and pulled the note off.
'You know this isn't fair. I can't prank you properly if I don't actually know who you are.'
Sam walked back into the classroom after scribbling another message on the back.
At the end of science Gabriel stayed back to hand in his overdue work he'd forgotten about the week before. As he was leaving the classroom, he noticed his note on one of the tables, the one he'd left on mystery guys locker. He grabbed it and realized there were more words written on it.
'Well, it's not like I'm making this impossible. I've left hints everywhere, you just need to look for them.'
Gabriel sighed, pocketing the note.
Dean glanced over at Castiel as he sat next to his group.
"So Castiel, you okay to come over later?" Charlie asked.
"Yes, and I can stay the night," Castiel said. "If that's okay with you..."
"That's great, we could probably get through a few seasons," Charlie said. "Dean, you coming?"
"Yeah," Dean said. "But I've got to take Sammy home first."
"Just bring Sam too," Charlie said and Dean nodded in agreement.
"Dean, you were at the party on Friday weren't you?" Castiel asked.
"Yeah I was," Dean said.
"Do you know anyone there that could see colours after that night?"
Dean froze. Do I tell him I can? No I can't let people know, I mean I don't even know my soulmate. I'd want them to find out before everyone else...woah wait, no they don't need to find out. My eyesight will not choose my fate.
"No," Dean said, and Charlie glanced at him out of the corner of her eye.
"Why do you ask Castiel?" she said.
"For a friend," Castiel said. "He can see colour but was too drunk to remember."
"Who?" Dean asked, staring directly at Castiel.
"They don't want people to know yet," Castiel replied and then turned back to his assignment, ending the conversation.
Charlie exchanged a look with Dean, and Dean shook his head. Charlie narrowed her eyes and Dean could tell she wouldn't let this go.
At lunch, Jo walked up to Sam who was sitting with some of Dean's friends. "Sam, have you been pranking Gabriel?" she asked simply.
"What makes you say that?" Sam asked.
"The fact that Gabriel's getting pranked and each prank leads back to you."
"Okay, maybe I have. It's just a bit of fun though."
"He's catching on to the fact that it's you," Jo said. "He asked me to talk to you about it."
"Let him find out," Sam said. "That'll just make it even better."
"I question your logic," Kevin said, appearing from nowhere. "This is The Trickster we're talking about right?"
"Did you guys ever stop to think about how many pranks have actually been The Trickster's?" Sam asked, smirking a bit. "I've done at least a quarter of them. I think we're pretty evenly matched." Kevin and Jo just looked at him with surprised looks, and Sam shrugged, putting his innocent expression back on.
Castiel disappeared back to his family at lunch, leaving Charlie to openly speak to Dean.
"He knows the other person who can see colours!" she shouted almost immediately. "You have to get it out of him!"
"You heard him, he doesn't want to tell," Dean muttered, looking around to make sure no one was listening.
"Well then get close enough to him that he will tell," Charlie said. "He can't hide it forever. It's probably someone close to the Novak's, considering Anna was asking about it too."
"Maybe it is one of the Novak's," Dean said, having a lightbulb moment. "I've never met any of them. And they weren't on the list since it was their party. So any of them could be my soulmate."
"See, now you're getting into the spirit of it," Charlie said. "Now, which one did you meet? We'll ask Castiel about it tonight. Are you sure you don't remember anything from that night?"
"I only remember a colour," Dean muttered. "Blue. How is that supposed to help?"
"Well from the type of things people notice most often, it's probably their eye colour," Charlie said. Dean thought back to Castiel's eyes, the too bright blue colour that he couldn't ignore. "Well I can't see shit with colours so that's up to you buddy."
"Which means I can just ignore it," Dean said. Charlie sighed.
"You're hopeless," she said. "I need more people on my team." Charlie began stalking off, dragging Dean behind her. Eventually they reached the table that had Benny, Garth, Sam, Jo and Kevin.
"Guys I need your help," Charlie said. Sam looked at Dean's expression and smiled, knowing exactly what this was about. "Dean here can see colours but doesn't care about his soulmate. Make him care."
"Wait, you can see colours brother?" Benny asked and Dean simply nodded. "Why didn't you tell us?"
"Because I don't care about wether I can see differently, that doesn't change how I feel about people."
"But you can see colours because of how you feel," Kevin said. "No matter what you're going to end up falling in love with this girl."
"Guy," Sam coughed under his breath and everyone turned to look at him.
"Woah, ok, Dean you're gay?" Jo asked.
"No," Dean muttered, scowling.
"Nah he's probably bi," Sam said, smiling as Dean got more annoyed.
"Can't you people just stay out of my love life?" he asked, exasperated.
"You're going to find this person one way or another Dean, it'll be easier to just let us help you," Charlie said. Dean sighed and just sat down, ignoring the group for the rest of lunch.
In the final class of the day, Science, some girl came and sat next to Dean.
"You're Dean right?" she asked. She had dark brown hair and brown eyes, and was very pretty in Dean's opinion.
"Yeah," Dean said. "And you are?"
"Lisa Braeden," the girl said. "And I believe we may have already met."
Little did Dean know, they hadn't, but Lisa had overheard his conversation with Charlie at lunch. So of course that wouldn't end well.
Dean and Sam drove over to Charlie's house, seeing that Castiel wasn't there yet. Dean hadn't said anything the whole drive, and Sam was looking at him curiously out of the corner of his eye.
Sam muttered a few things to Charlie, and then Charlie immediately started questioning Dean. "Why the hell aren't you talking?"
"Because I met some girl," Dean said almost immediately.
"But you have a soulmate."
"Well maybe she is my soulmate," Dean said, almost protectively. "She said we met at the party, and after that she could see colours."
"Who was it?" Sam asked.
"Lisa Braeden."
"Oh come on," Charlie scoffed. "She wasn't at the party. Not to mention how many guys she's slept with and the annoying looks she's always giving you. She just wants to get in your pants."
"You don't know that," Dean said quietly. "Besides, I really like her."
"Sure you do buddy, sure you do," Charlie said. "Get hard evidence, and then I'll believe you."
At that moment Castiel walked into the room, looking at the three, two of which who seemed quite annoyed.
"Did I miss something?" he asked.
"No," Dean said. "Charlie, what are we watching?"
"Sam, do maths, what do we have time for?" Charlie asked Sam.
"To watch all Sherlock episodes will take 13 and a half hours," Sam said after a few moments. "We could watch all of that tonight."
"But we have school tomorrow," Castiel said.
"Oh come on Cas, live a little," Dean said. Castiel didn't reply for a few moments, looking at Dean confused.
"Cas?" he eventually said and Dean realized that the nickname had just slipped off his tongue.
"Yeah, it's easier to say than Castiel," Dean said. "You don't mind do you?"
"No, not at all," Castiel said.
Charlie set up the tv and Sherlock as everyone else got comfortable on her bed. Well, Cas and Dean stole the bed while Sam and Charlie would have to sit on the floor.
"Prepare for absolute awesomeness," Dean said to Cas as the first episode started playing.
By the end of the first season it was 9pm, although none of them were tired. As the screen went dark with Sherlock and John still in a life or death situation, Cas spluttered a bit.
"How could they end a season like that?" he said. "That's horrible."
"Yeah and then we had to wait two years," Dean said. Cas looked at him in horror.
"Castiel, do you see the Johnlock?" Charlie asked.
"Yes, they definitely seem close," Cas replied, and they went on to the next season.
At some point during this season, Castiel started leaning on Dean, his head resting on Dean's shoulder. Dean looked down at him and smiled a bit. Charlie and Sam saw and Charlie fangirled.
"I ship it," she whispered and Sam nodded in agreement. And so the watching continued.
The end of the second season left Castiel almost in tears. Dean pulled him into a hug to comfort him as Charlie got the third season up. At that time it was 1am. They turned back to the tv to watch the next season, but Dean didn't take his arms from around Cas.
Castiel obviously wasn't used to staying up all night, since around 3am he fell asleep, still in Dean's arms. Charlie saw this and turned the tv off, saying they'd finished it some other time. Since Castiel was already asleep they decided that Cas and Dean could take the bed and Sam and Charlie would go hunt down some couches. Although they only got about another three hours of sleep.
When Dean woke, he had no idea how but Castiel was still curled up in his arms. He was still sleeping peacefully as Dean looked down at him, and Dean smiled just a bit. Castiel was adorable like this, wait what?! Brain for the last time, I'm not gay! Yeah he's a bit cute but I barely even know the guy.
Maybe you should get to know him then.
Well even then, we'll be just friends.
I'll believe that when you stop getting lost in his eyes.
Why am I even having a conversation with myself?
Dean carefully pulled his arms away from Castiel, leaving the room so Cas wouldn't notice how they slept. He went downstairs to find Sam and Charlie already awake.
"Hey Dean," Charlie said, smirking. "Sleep well?"
"Yeah, great wait no," Dean said, then glared at Charlie. Charlie just laughed and went back to texting. "What are you doing?"
"Sending pictures to people," Charlie said. She turned the phone around to show the picture of Dean and Cas asleep together. Dean's jaw fell open and he lunged to grab the phone from Charlie. Charlie threw it to Sam who had a height advantage and therefore won.
"Damn you," Dean muttered as he gave up and Castiel walked into the room.
"I feel like I'm missing something again," he said.
"Yeah you are," Sam said. He tossed the phone to Cas who caught it and looked at the photo. Cas looked up at Dean and then back at the photo. Then he tilted his head and squinted his eyes at Dean.
"Did we really sleep like that?" he asked.
"Apparently," Dean muttered. He looked away before his brain could call Cas adorable again, with the adorable confused look.
"Hey Castiel," Sam said suddenly. "You're Gabriel's brother right?"
"Yes," Cas said.
"Can you give this to him?" Sam said, holding out a ping pong ball. "And don't say who it's from." Castiel took the ping pong ball, looking at it suspiciously.
"Was it you?" he asked simply, and Sam shrugged innocently. Cas' eyes widened and then he smiled a bit.
Charlie and Dean looked back and forth between them. "What are you talking about?" Charlie asked.
"Nothing," Sam said. "Just something that happened to Gabe. No big deal."
Dean shrugged it off as nothing, and the group began to get ready for school despite being ridiculously tired.
So I suddenly remembered Dean and Cas have literally known each other for less than a week. And yet they fell asleep together. Eh, screw logic. And yes there's a Lisa...which means complications...
Also I now want to watch Sherlock.
Anyone out there ever heard of the song Conquest of Spaces by Woodkid? It's amazing. I've been listening to it on repeat for hours. And only stopped because my headphones were giving me a headache.
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