Part 2 Thirteen Galaxies Of Trade

Areon is part of a large government built on intergalactic and local trade between worlds.

One of the two major intergalactic trade networks on this trade level. Some worlds belong to it and the Unified. All trade networks are eligible to join Traders Service, a network of traders allowing them to port traded goods between Hubs. See Traders Service. Diplomatic Service and Education Service is also shared between the Alliance and the Unified, as is the Emperor of the Unified Seven, who assigns treaty plans to the highest level diplomats, for the good of trade between galaxies.

Every Alliance or Unified world belongs to a Hub. These are the giant servers that host Traders Service. Each may serve one star system or hundreds, depending on how close they are to one another. Some might not be that close but this Hub is the closest, so the world councils are obligated to let them use the server. They gain trade from hosting new members, and each new member of the Alliance or Unified usually has unique items that bring a lot of attention from traders, and a flood of trade, at first.

Traders Service is not Trader's Service, though in English you will see it written that way. Elshar assumes a lot of what we would see as possessives. It is a language of verbs and few nouns, or descriptive words. Aryll, Bisillipia, and Elshar created the Alliance to be easy for new members to use. So, the countries of Elshar, a world with tens of thousands of colonies, simplified their language for trading. The Mashai dropped their quarrels with the Artisans, so Elshar's government could ease their Bisillipian and Aryllan partners with their large numbers of colonies into a much larger trade network than any of them ever dreamed.

This was not without its problems.

300 years ago, the Thirteen split and went to war. Trade continues between The Unified Seven and The Six, but on a very strained basis. Eriganh, Emperor Of The Six, travels between major star systems in all of The Seven and loots fuel to feed his War. When he goes to a world, his troops take slaves and resources, then strip the world clean of ore and life. Then, his world-destroyers carve up the world, leaving only rubble. He mainly attacks ship-building worlds, or mining worlds rich in Tessite, this tech level's most valuable mineral.

Eriganh is Kajarian.


Inhabitants of Kajar, in the 13th Galaxy, a world that traded for aandats from Areon on fast ships.

Eriganh, Emperor of the Six Galaxies

[Err-ih-gan-ach (as in Scottish ach)]. Healer of Kajar [Kah-jar]. 

Emperor of the Kajarian. Erigan, a healer of Kajar, discovered the Cube of Red Fire, a source of great power. At first, he used it to benefit great numbers of worlds and spread tech from a higher level among worlds of what became the Kajarian Six Galaxies. Later, he changed his name to Eriganh and made plans to also conquer the Unified Seven. He destroyed worlds until star systems joined him.

Kajarians have grayish skin and no fingernails, with small eyes. When they go to war, they dye their braids red. Most Kajarians have red hair, but they dye them a more vivid shade. They add harsh sounds to the end of their names to denote their warrior status.


Berto Of Elshar Mashai, Diplomatic Service Assignment Specialist, wears the uniform of a high-level official of the Alliance.

People of the world Elshar, destroyed by slavers centuries past. Elshar colonies number in the tens of thousands.

Traders Service

The seat of the Alliance Government is on Elshar Mashai, a world in the Seventh Galaxy. 

A bored trader in typical Elshar homespun. He is on a hard blue obsidian cart pulled by dorna. Elshars and dorna share blue eyes that lighten and darken with their moods. Colonial Elshars might have different eye colors and yellow or brown skin, but they are persecuted. They have light hair when they are young and go dark with age, or after a bout of The Fever.

 This riding animal was small on Elshar, but Dorna, Scientist Of Elshar Mashai, genetically altered it for the harsh environment of her colony. They are now the most common animal in the Alliance.

This trader is dressed in his light blue novice trader robes and ready to go trading. Tech is rationed and a trader will only use tech to clean his robes once a day and store his items. When he works, he will go into the Traders Circle, a virtual space where communication is telepathic. Other traders inspect his items and make offers. During this, the trader contacts his friends telepathically so they might bid higher on his items, or contact friends with more trade bal. After the trade, he continues to contact friends who might try to obtain the item from the person who just traded for it.

Master Traders have earned their cobalt blue robes, the color of the novice traders' boots. Both novice and master traders have to pass a grueling trading test to earn their titles. Good traders will go to B'ansah, an Elshar world with a large trader school, or Sigan Mas, a galaxy constructed for Education Service, for four years to learn to trade well before their test. An additional two years of study is required for the Master Trader Test. Most traders cannot afford these schools, so they settle for the Areonian school Academie Praetoria on the world of the same name. Many students who go there do not return. Student mortality at all three major schools is high. Many vanish and slaver activity is blamed.

Trade is based on how many times the item trades from local sunrise to sunset. But a trader must know how much to ask for his item, so he has to look up items that are unfamiliar to know their basic value.

The strain on a person's telepathy is brutal. They can get hurt while trading very easily. If they don't make enough trade that day, they can't afford to pay a healer to care for them after it.

There is no usable wood on most Elshar worlds. Most items are made of melted sand, which forms artificial obsidian. Blue is the most desirable color for this and is the most expensive color. Green is more common.

A trader lives in a stone cube, in rows of them. At the end of the day, his trade bal determines which number house he lives in, and what number of the prov. The best traders live in higher-numbered provs. These homes have one doorway and one window, covered with black tarps. They sleep on straw with one blanket, by tradition. When storms come, hail can kill. The dust is poison from centuries of mining. Elshars once lived to be 125, but are lucky to reach 65 now.

There are other Elshars to know about. 


Once renowned for their scientific pursuits or their skilled artisans, are now known as the drunkards of Elshar society. A Gowan Healer lives, not to heal, but to help a drunk be drunker.

A Gowan Healer is known by his colorful bag of slaver herbs. Any Elshar of good repute fears him. He could easily make him a mindless slave with a fast-acting powder.

Slavery is very common in the Alliance. Elshars can legally own slaves of many species, and so can Bisillips.

Elshars also do not like aandats.


Aandat [ahn-daht] in a clear box, ready to pour out. Pink is their natural color with no additives to add enhancements. The aandats Adia's Team brought to Earth were white.

A colony of single-celled animals with healing properties. They can exist in swamps on many worlds, but most are exported from Areon [Air-ee-on] in the Seventh Galaxy and Ea~ [Ee-ah-hh] Zheien [Zh-eye-en] Colony in the Eighth. Most Zheien worlds have colonies enough to supply their people. Ship radiation kills them, so they must be sent on the fastest Traders Service ships with healers skilled enough that they arrive healthy. 

An aandat, a portion enough to cover a person's trunk, is usually applied at birth. It augments telepathy or gives it to a person without it. The aandat makes the recipient immune to most viruses, bacteria, and infectious matter. Also, it keeps the person clean and makes bathrooms unnecessary. Some describe it as a living T-shirt and shortpants, though it is considered rude not to wear clothing to cover it, in most worlds of the Unified.

Because most Elshars shun aandats, many of them die of preventable illnesses.

Enhancements can color the aandat. Blue ones give strength to healers. White Tessite can be rubbed into an aandat to give the wearer great telepathic strength and increase stamina. Areonians decided to send white Tessite aandats to Earth, and all the worlds of Alb contributed trade for the white Tessite. Areon benefited greatly from trade with Zheien for their altruism.


A world in the First Galaxy [or our Milky Way], home to Bisillipians. These green aliens have very narrow, bony bodies, half as wide as an Earthan. Their huge eyes that do not close, have yellow whites, green irises, and three sets of orange pupils. Despite their frail appearance, they are six times the strength of an average Earthan and on the shorter side of Earthan males. Their five-fingered hands and five-toed feet have long digits. Here is Pirad, Elder Of Bisillipia, a great scientist. Their jointed faces have limited expressions.

Bisillipia has 14 moons large enough to see from any city. Windows in their cube-shaped buildings of green obsidian show the position of the moons so they know when to eat. They live off liquids and their diet is very complex. If they do not eat frequently, they become ill.

A Bisillip's skin is very tough. They do not wear shoes. Their skin can be light to dark green and is very cold to us, when healthy.

Their language is mostly consonants and their bodies click more the younger they are. It takes about an hour to greet one to trade with him. Tedious communication takes a long time, but they are patient with those who are not fluent in their language of clicks and whistles.


These natives of Aryll were once gentle traders, like the Zheien. They helped found the Alliance Intergalactic Trade Net. A laboratory accident turned them savage, and their fingernails grew into sharp claws. They enjoy other's pain, so they are prone to attack people and cut them. The claws are poisonous to most species of the Seven. This poison causes euphoric hallucinations. Wounds do not heal well. Aryllans trade in the Alliance and Unified, but they are rude and domineering. They also trade in the Empire of the Six. Many are slave traders, and have been expelled from the Alliance and Unified.

They have gray skin and slicked back, sparse hair. Beady black eyes. Other than this, they look like us. Before Adia's Team came to Earth, they also had foot-long, razor sharp fingernails. Molly's Miracle Colonies has how they changed back to the peaceful people they were. Adia, One Of Prophecy will also tell of it.

The Zheien far outnumbered these species and wanted to join with them in this new trade network. But, the Aryllans and the Elshars would not give up slavery. So the Zheien and their hundreds of thousands of colonies created the Unified Trade Network but opened membership to any world that created a world government and agreed not to keep slaves. They share many functions with the Alliance.

I need to do some artwork for this section.


Zhea~ - The Fatherworld of the Zheien people. It is in the 6th Galaxy

Zhee – Pertaining to Zheien culture or describing the Zheien. Also used to denote a native of Zhea~.

Zheien – 1. People of Zhea~ or his colonies.

2. The Zheien Language, a dialect put together from all the old languages of Zhea~ for trading purposes. All Zheien speak it.

Zheien are twin-digited people who never started a war. Their first contact with people from other planets was with the Jain, an Elshar colony. The Jain were the ones who originally decided to upscale their very successful trade network, after the Zheien helped them with diplomatic work. Jain, like Zheien, never kept slaves, but the Mashai convinced all of Elshar that since they lived on the most inhospitable parts of Elshar the Fatherworld, they could live anywhere. The Mashai founded Elshar Mashai and made it the center of off world trade.

Zhea~ made its first space flight in 4825.

Yeff like Ryonne~ have ninesided buildings and leiwege like their home on Zhea~, in Ye~ Prov, and He Bae is the city where King Marel'vanrah rules over all the Zheien. 

Almost as well-known in the Thirteen Galaxies is Ahstam [Ahh-stam], Master Healer of Zheiea [Zh-eye-ee-ah]. Most knowledgeable and skilled healer of our time. He lives on Zhea~ [Zh-uh!] in He Bae, but often travels with his healer ennead to trade for dying slaves. An Ennead [En-nee-ad] is a group of nine healers. He often saves them, and frees them.

 The number nine refers to The Nine Virtues, and buildings are assigned colors for each trait: Caring – White [The Temple], Honesty – Clear [Often, the Kings House in a Zheien Colony is very transparent, but in the family color of the King], Love – Red [Group Activities], Learning – Orange [Science Council and Server Instruction], Honor – Yellow [Meeting Places for Visiting Ones], and Leading - Green [Governance Local Trade], Integrity – Blue [DS], Helping – Purple [or family color of the colony's master healer] and Effort – Indigo [Education and Tutors]. 

DS is Diplomatic Service, and most diplomats are Zheien. They are known as the diplomatic race.

Zheiea – 800,000 Zheien colonies as of the year 7818, all sent from provs of Zhea~ or its colonies.

Zheien religion – All Zheien believe in one god, called by Father Who Watches, Father Who Sends Blessings, and other terms. They also believe in Father's Son, who is called Obedient Son, Son Who Sets Our Example, Son Who Leads, and other terms. 

They worship in and marry in Zheien Temples for eternity. Their goal is to help others all their lives.

 People strive to live according to the Seven Aspirations, and buildings are assigned colors for each trait: Faith – White [The Temple], Family – Red [Group Activities], Acceptance – Orange [Science Council, Server Instruction], Humility – Yellow [can be Healing, or traded with another color], Friendship –Blue [DS, Diplomat's House], Loyalty – Green [Governance, Local Trade], and Generosity – Indigo [Often, the Kings House in a Zheien Colony is very transparent, but in the family color of the King]. 

People also strive to live according to the Nine Aspirations, and buildings are assigned colors for each trait: Caring – White [The Temple], Honesty – Clear [Often, the Kings House in a Zheien Colony is very transparent, but in the family color of the King], Love – Red [Group Activities], Learning – Orange [Science Council and Server Instruction], Honor - Yellow, and Leading - Green [Governance Local Trade], Integrity – Blue [DS], Helping – Purple [or family color of the colony's master healer] and Effort – Indigo [Education and Tutors]. 

Only people of the Ye~ Prov of Zhea, where the King of All Zheien lives, have nine buildings. Ye~ is in the Seventh Galaxy, a purple moon that orbits Areon. There are two other moons.

The Yeff are the only colony sent from that prov that adheres to the Old Forms, and it carries the name Ye~ Zheien Colony. There is another from the remote mining region of the prov, but it consists of unwell and went to be a prov of Fhiah, for better health. None are related to the Yeff. They were related to King Ea~'s family, who died when Ye~ was new and Ha~Veh'heien became King. He was Ryonne~'s ancestor. Ye~ has been a colony for 100 years, and Areon, for 200.

Zheien rulers - Religious leaders also govern. Every Zheien family sends a representative to local councils, and the family's leader becomes king of his village. He will choose a son to be king after him, or a sibling's son or other relative. The local council will approve of the most experienced son [relative, male or female], to rule, and train all the candidates to serve the council and learn. Those with talent are sent to higher councils. Anyone may rise through the councils and take on greater responsibilities. Kings are considered fathers of their people, and expected to live equally with their people. The same applies to Queens, or mothers of their people. Zheien will follow a wise King or Queen with equal loyalty.

Dining Hall. Every Zheien Kings House has a Dining Hall where family, servants and guests eat. A Zheien King will invite anyone who cannot work in a normal occupation to work as his servant, if the person wishes, and his healer approves. In this manner, the person feels that he yet serves his King, and his healer can insure that he does not overexert. This is only done when the person has no one to care for him and he is able to do light work. 

The tradition is only practiced in those kingdoms that do not have sister Elshar colonies, because the servants would be persecuted, since Elshars do not care for the weak in most of their Mashai-patterned colonies. 

In Zheien colonies with no Kings House, the ones who would be servants are quietly sent to another Zheien colony where they will be safe. Here, the Kings House looks like any other house, inside and out. No Zheien King has more than his people has in basic needs, including food. If his people starve, so does he.

Ye~ Zheien Colony, Oshfah

I had problems with the second one, but the color is better. All that changes when Ye~ and Areon's star system move to Alb!

This view shows Areon [blue], Tri~e, [brown], and Beautiful, [light purple]. Beautiful was Areon's only colony, destroyed by the Zbbat a few years ago. It also had an A'laf Colony, which moved and left an orphan, Maff, who became very attached to Ryonne~. At 12, Ryonne~ was already serving missions and was on Beautiful with his family and soldiers trying to defend Beautiful. Ryee adopted Maff, who was 5.

 The sky is pretty empty because Ye~ is in the 7th Galaxy, which we know as the Large Magellanic Cloud. It is not a dense, spiral galaxy like we know.

Ryee dressed in a plain DS uniform without his sash, similar to what Areonian scientists wear under their lab coats.

Ryee dressed to go with Adia to find Greg Wehn Cet, but they find Molly Brown first. My Zheien model needs work, but I'm not skilled enough with Blender to fix his hands. Zheien do not have thumbs. Every render in DAZ Studio, I have to go into GIMP and smooth out the hands. Ryee's color is better here than on the cover of Adia, Scientist because he nearly hurt himself healing Adia after her accident in the lab! He was very pale. This is the skin color of the average Zheien, but they can be blue, green, yellow, brown or even red. Yellow Zheien are never healthy. But, there are white and black Zheien in rare colonies. Gray is never a healthy skin color and is a sign of grave illness.

Now you have a general idea of how vast Adia's known universe is. Fuel is scarce, and running out, because of Eriganh's terror campaign and his theft of valuable resources.

Please feel free to ask questions inline about anything here! I love to talk about my world-building process, characters, or alien societies.

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