Prologue: Enter Y/N L/N
The Omni King Zeno was known as the King Of All. He had created up to 18 universes in total, but it was cut short to 12 since because he was somehow in a 'bad mood'. Each universe has their own Supreme Kai, and God Of Destruction along with their angels to watch over them.
Two universes in total are similar to each other but at the same time different. In these two were universes 6 and 7, were the two brothers God Of Destruction Beerus and Champa along with their angels Whis and Vados.
In those two universes the Saiyans in both Universes acted differently compared to their counterparts. The Saiyans in Universe 7 were ruthless and held no remorse for their actions as they were going around and destroyed and conquered planet to planet, after a while a frost demon who goes by the name of Frieza destroyed Planet Vegeta. However some Saiyans had managed to survive and escape the explosion.
In Universe 6, the Saiyans resided in a planet called Planet Sadala. They are considered peaceful, and the King of that planet is known to be very strong and a prideful type of person as a lot of people look up to him.
In Planet Sadala resided a Saiyan who would experience many things whether it be good or bad, and maybe one day change the fate of his universe.
And that's where the story begins....
Third Person POV
M/N Mothers name
F/N Fathers name
In a hospital resided a man who was pacing back and forth in the waiting room as he waited for his wife who was in labor.
(' long do I have do wait? It's been hours since I've been out here.') F/N thought as he was worried about his wife who was currently giving birth to his soon to be son or daughter.
After another 1 hour had passed F/N had decided he was done waiting and was about to walk into the room, but stopped when a women stepped out of the room.
"Are you Mr. L/N?" The nurse asked.
"Yes." F/N nodded. "Is my wife okay?"
The nurse smiled, "Yes you can go in and see her and your newborn child now.
F/N thanked the nurse as he walked in and saw his wife on the hospital bed looking exhausted but was smiling none the less at their new born child who was sleeping.
M/N looked up and smiled when she saw her husband as the doctor walked up to him.
"Congratulations Mr. F/N, you have a healthy baby boy." The doctor said.
('I have a Son....') F/N thought as he saw his wife giving kisses to his son.
"I'll give you two some privacy." The doctor said as he walked out of the room.
F/N then walked over to his wife and son and sat down on the bed with them.
"He's beautiful isn't he?" M/N asked as their son finally opened his eyes for the first time and started to look at the both of them.
"Y-Yeah he sure is." F/N responded still in surprise that he's actually a father now and looking at his child.
She smiled at her husband's expression, "Would you like to hold him?"
"W-What?" F/N asked caught off guard with what she said.
M/N started to lightly giggle, "I said would you like to hold him?"
F/N nodded as M/N handed their child over to him, and F/N looked at him as he saw his son start to smile at him and play with his finger.
F/N smiled as he started to play with his son a little, while M/N watched with an amused face.
After a couple of minutes playing with his child F/N started to speak to his wife.
"So do you have any idea on what were gonna call him?" F/N asked.
M/N face quickly lit up in surprise, "Oh that's right, he needs a name....It didn't cross my mind at the moment." M/N said.
Both parents tried to think of a good name to call their son for a while, but weren't able to come up with a good one at the moment.
"Tch, this is annoying. It shouldn't be this hard to come up with a name." F/N muttered with a scowl on his face.
Meanwhile his wife was in deep thought trying to think of a name, but then her eyes lit up as she thought of a good name.
"How about Y/N?" M/N asked.
"Y/N?" F/N said as he turned to his wife. "Hmm....I like it, it doesn't sound bad at all. What do you think son?" F/N asked as he turned to his son who just laughed and clapped his hands.
M/N giggles, "I guess he likes it."
"Alright then, his name will be Y/N L/N then." F/N said as he put a arm around his wife as the both of them smiled and looked at their son as they had a family bonding moment. Then a moment later the doctor came back into the room.
"Mr. L/N can I speak with you for a moment, it's important." The doctor said as F/N looked at the doctor and back to his wife who just smiled and nodded at him.
"Go on, I'll be fine." M/N said as F/N nodded at her and handed his son to her, then he got up and walked out of the room as he stood face to face with the doctor.
"So....what is it you want to talk about?" F/N asked.
"Mr. L/N out of all my years of being a doctor, I have seen plenty of children with high or low power. But when I was examining your son through our technology, I saw that your son has a lot of power. It's the strongest I've ever seen in a child before." The doctor explained as F/N looked on at the doctor in shock.
"Really?!" F/N asked as the doctor nodded.
"Yes, your son has a lot of potential within him Mr. L/N." The doctor answered.
"I-I see." F/N said.
"Well that was all I needed to say, congratulations again Mr. L/N." The doctor said as he started to walk away.
As the doctor walked away F/N was still coming to terms with what the doctor said, the first thing he felt was pride that his son was so strong and he was only but a day old.
('As soon as he's old enough, I'm gonna start training him immediately.') F/N thought as he gained a smirk on his face.
(13 Years later)
13 years had passed ever since Y/N was born as he had grown and learned a lot since then.
At age 5, is when his father first started training him and taught him how to unlock his inner Ki and how to use his energy to do things like fly, sense energy, suppress his Ki, use energy blasts, and other things.
At Age 7, is when his father started to train him seriously as the both of them sparred with each other at high speeds. Y/N was nowhere near in power to his father, but he was gaining experience as well as getting use to his fighting style while trying to develop his own fighting style. He also learned a lot of techniques from his father as he created his own techniques as well.
At Age 9, Y/N's mother had bought a lot of books and made him study a lot. Both him and his father was against him studying a lot, but his mother had a serious look on her face and said 'Strength isn't everything, it's ok to have a strong body, but you must also have a strong mind as well.' Both Y/N and his father knew she was right and didn't have a retort to that, so they all agreed to have Y/N study on the weekends and train throughout the week.
At age 12, both of Y/N's parents decided to send him to Saiyan Academy. Once they enrolled him, Y/N was considered a prodigy to many teachers and students and was a well known and popular person. He got a lot of confessions by a majority of girls but he turned them down and said he wasn't looking for a relationship right now and just wanted to focus on school and his training. His grades were high as they were all A's, and did extremely well in sparring matches against his fellow students and was considered as the strongest person in the entire school.
When Y/N was finally 13 years old that's when everything in his life would start to change.
I was currently sitting in my history class as the teacher was talking about our Planet Sadala and the history behind it. I already knew all of this information because my mom made me read a lot of books and one of them was history so I was way ahead of my class. I guess I should thank my mother for persuading me to study at a young age.
I looked around the classroom and saw some students focusing on the teacher and taking notes and others asleep. I couldn't blame the one's that were asleep, because our history teacher was a good person at heart but he was very boring.
I was about to fall asleep as well, but the intercom in our classroom came on as the principal voice was heard and he started to speak.
"Could Mr. Y/N report to the principals office immediately. I repeat, could Mr. Y/N report to the principals office immediately." The principal announced as the intercom turned off and everyone started to look at me.
"Go on Mr. Y/N." The history teacher said with a smile on his face.
I nodded as I gathered my things and started to walk out the classroom and head to the principals office.
As I was walking to the principals office I was lost in my thoughts thinking about what the principal wanted with me. I knew I wasn't in trouble because I haven't done anything so what could it be?
I reached the principals office as I knocked on the door and heard a 'Come in!' as I opened the door and saw the principal typing on his computer, but stopped when he looked up and saw me as he smiled.
"Hello there Mr. Y/N, how are you?" He asked.
"I'm doing fine sir, I suppose you're doing okay yourself?" I responded.
The principal laughed, "I'm doing just fine lad, now go ahead and take a seat, I have some very important news to tell you."
I nodded as I sat down in the chair as I waited for him to explain why I was here.
"Mr. Y/N, throughout your year in Saiyan Academy you managed to excel in all of your classes having the highest grades, while also having the highest power in the entire school. You're a excellent student and a true prodigy my boy!" The principal explained with a bright smile.
"O-Oh well um thank you sir, but you shouldn't praise me that much, all I'm trying to do is make my parents proud of me." I answered still not used to the praise I'm given by some teachers and students.
"Hahaha and humble too, I'm sure your parents are more then proud of you Mr. Y/N. That's why as of today you'll be transferring to Transcendence High." The principal announced.
"What!? What do you mean I'm being transferred?" I asked being completely shocked at what I just heard.
"It's just as I said, your grades and strength are at an all time high. I see no reason to keep you here any longer." The principal explained.
"But I'm only a year into Saiyan Academy, won't I miss anything if I transfer over to that school?" I asked.
"Nonsense, You've learned all you could here, I'm sure with your intelligence and strength you should be able to handle anything they throw at you in Transcendence High." The principal said with confidence in his voice.
"I-I see." I said, still coming to terms with what I heard, I knew he was right but I couldn't help but feel a tiny bit of doubt in my mind.
The bell then rung as I checked the time and saw that it was the end of the day and it was time to go home.
"Well It's time for you to go home now, It was an honor having you here Mr. Y/N, I'll be wishing for your success." The principal said as he got up and stuck his hand out as I shook it.
"Likewise, I'll try my best." I responded.
"I know you will." The principal said as he waved at me when I left his office as I walked out of the school and started to fly home.
('Transcendence High huh? I wonder what that school is like.') I thought as I finally made it home in about a couple of minutes as I walked through the door and saw my mother and father in the kitchen talking. They noticed me when I closed the door and walk in.
(AN: Ignore the tail.)
"Hey mom and dad, I'm home." I said as my mother ran up to me and gave me a hug.
"Oh there's my baby boy! How was school today?" She asked.
"*Sigh* Mom please stop treating me like I'm a kid." I said feeling a little embarrassed as my mom was always this happy go lucky type of person but will act serious if the situation is important.
My mother just laughed as she let go of me as my dad then walked up to me with an emotionless face, but then he started to ruffle my hair.
"Hello Son." My dad said while grinning. I always looked up to my father, he was one of the strongest people I knew, and was also the reason I got this strong in the first place. My mother said when she first met him he was cold-hearted and very prideful and didn't like my mother at first, but eventually he started to warm up to her and he slowly began to change. My father is still very prideful but he's not as cold-hearted as he used to be.
"Hey Dad." I said while smiling a little at him.
"So honey, how was school?" My mother asked.
"A lot of things happened actually, I'll tell you at dinner, I need to relax and wash up." I said.
My parents nodded as I went into my room to take a shower and after that I rested a little on my bed. Soon after, I heard my mother telling me dinner was ready as I quickly got up and went into the kitchen. I saw the feast my mother cooked as all of us quickly sat down and started eating, my mother's cooking is always the best.
After we finished eating I started to tell my parents what happened at school today as usual and also what the principal told me.
"What you're getting transferred!?" My mother yelled as my father was shocked as well but he didn't say anything.
I nodded, "Yes he said I'm transferring to a school called Transcendence High, from what I heard it sounds like quite a prestigious school."
"Transcendence High is one of the top schools in all of Sadala, if your transferring to that school it must mean they wanted you there." My dad explained with a calm voice.
"I know that....I just don't know if I'm ready to be transferred, I mean I was only a year into Saiyan Academy. What if I'm not ready to go to that school?" I explained with a bit of reluctance in my voice as I quickly felt a hand on my shoulder and saw my dad with a serious look on his face.
"You were accepted into that school because the principal and Transcendence High saw just how strong and smart you are. Don't think for even a second you don't have what it takes to be at that school, you are my son and I know that one day you'll become one of the strongest people in the world. I didn't raise my son to be such a coward did I?" My dad explained as I was stunned at his speech, but I took his words into consideration as I nodded my head and look at him with determination in my eyes.
"You're right, no matter what that school or anybody else throws at me, I'll face them head on no matter what!" I answered as my dad smirked at me and my mom smiled.
"Good, it's getting late you should head on to bed and get some sleep, you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow." I nodded as I say good night to both of my parents and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and then got into bed.
('I wonder what the people are like at Transcendence High? I hope they're strong.') I thought as I finally drifted off to sleep.
I woke up early and saw that it was 6:00 in the morning and school starts at 8:00. So I quickly got up to brush my teeth, and then put on my GI to do some early training outside.
(AN: This is what the GI looks like)
After an hour of training I went back into my room to take a shower and put on a spare GI I had in my closet.
After that I went downstairs and into the kitchen and saw my parents sitting at the table.
"Good morning." I said to my parents.
"Good morning." My mom said as she smiled at me while my dad and I greeted each other by nodding.
"You look good in your GI Y/N, are you trying to impress a girl when you go to your new school?" Mom asked with a playful smirk on her face.
"What!? N-No, I just decided to wear this GI because it's my favorite, and I already told you I'm not looking for a girlfriend right now." I exclaimed.
My mother laughed at my expense as my dad started to speak up, "Ignoring your mother, you look like a true warrior son." My dad commented with a look of pride on his face.
"Thanks dad." I said as I sat down and started to eat with them at the table. After I was done eating I checked the time and noticed it was 7:30.
I then got ready to leave as I walked out the door and turned to my parents before I started to fly off.
"Good Luck on your first day of school Y/N! Make sure to make plenty of friends and also get a girlfriend as well." My mother said with a bright smile as my dad and I rolled our eyes.
"Yeah, Yeah I know." I said as I turned to my dad who said nothing but nodded at me as if to say good luck as I nodded back.
"Bye! I'll see you both later!" I yelled as I floated high up in the air and waved at my parents as I flew fast to the school as both of my parents waved back at me.
After a couple of minutes of flying I finally made it to my destination as I landed on the ground and saw the school for the first time.
All I could say was that it was beautiful from the outside, as I wondered what the inside of the school would be like.
As I started to make my way towards the entrance I heard a voice call out to me.
"Hey, are you new to this school too?" A voiced asked as I turned around and saw a guy wearing Saiyan armor that was all blue and also wore black gloves, Black pants, Black and blue boots, and had a bandana on his head that was covered by his hair.
"Y-Yeah, how you'd know?" I asked.
"Just a guess, I'm new here as well." He responded.
"Oh you are? What a coincidence. So what's your name?" I asked.
"My name is Brandon, that's all you need to know for now. I suggest we head on over to the school before we're late on our first day." He said as he started to walk away and head to the entrance.
('Brandon huh? What a strange guy......Well I guess I better follow him.') I thought as I started to catch up with him and finally begin my first day at Transcendence High.
AN: Hey guys! I'm not gonna lie, I didn't know where I was going with this story at first but I got a bunch of ideas from friends and family and so I scrapped chapter 1 and decided to rewrite the whole story, I hope this new version is better then the old one because I didn't like how the old one was.
Anyway If you have any questions about this chapter or story leave me a comment below and I'll answer to the best of my ability.
See You Next Time!!!
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