Ahem, Tickets please!

Inspired by: lightcero  brandon01719

Go check them out!

This is a book just for me to publish short stories so let me know your thoughts on this.

FYI! These stories could potentially become a standalone one of their own someday.


In a void of darkness, amidst the vast expanse of nothingness, the glimmers of stars and galaxies pierced through the emptiness, creating a mesmerising sight. Here, within these galaxies, lay countless tiny multiverses, each a concoction of diverse fictions, realities, and realms. Within them, tales unfolded, weaving intricate stories of individuals, transcending the boundaries of morality and factions. Amidst this cosmic ensemble, the most extraordinary realms that stood out were those of fictio—

"Fuck yeah! The eggs and snags are ready!" exclaimed an unidentified being in an unmistakably Australian accent, accompanied by a unique reverberation in their voice. Seated before us was a peculiar cosmic-skinned being, donned in a vibrant Hawaiian shirt, casual cargo shorts, and comfortable sandals. With skilled precision, they delicately arranged the sizzling sausages and perfectly cooked eggs onto their plate.

With a swift, confident motion, they plunged their fork into the savour sausage, piercing through its juicy body. Surprisingly, as the food made contact with their faceless visage, subtle ripples cascaded across their entire head, reminiscent of a gentle disturbance on water's surface. Without hesitation, they retrieved the fork from their extraordinary being, triggering soft echoes of chewing that seemed to emanate from within.

This enigmatic figure, standing before us, is none other than Demo, the formidable deity of vainglory and the god of the vast spectrum of multiverses that he both governs on his side of the multiverse and has brought into existence.

Demo, God of vainglory

He swallows his food with a gulp and quickly wipes his 'mouth' with his arm. Absent-mindedly, he stares into space for a few minutes before summoning a swirling vortex that leads to another universe. With a determined gesture, he raises his arm and reaches into the vortex, feeling a cold, smooth surface that is most likely glass containing a mysterious liquid.


Suddenly, he jerks his arm back, the sight of it now gruesomely severed and dripping with a luminous purple substance that resembles his own blood. As he peers into the vortex, he comes face to face with Ei from Genshin Impact, her gaze intense and threatening. She raises her head, silently daring him to attempt a similar move. Letting out a bored sigh, he regenerates his arm, closing the vortex and takes a moment to gather his thoughts. Before he can fully comprehend what is happening, a blinding flash blinds him as a figure gracefully lands right in front of him.

Lightcero had arrived

"Will you please stop sending your weirdass space-emu's into my universes? It's becoming rather annoying," Lightcero, known as Zero, exclaims, frustration evident in his voice. The god of vainglory quickly gets up, wrapping his arm around his body.

"Zero, my buddy! Quickly, I need your assistance in transforming this empty space into a magnificent theatre, complete with all the extravagant elements," Demo requests, his tone sounding more like a demand. Zero gazes at the faceless being and sighs.

"Are you planning on creating a multiverse theatre to demonstrate those incompetent bastards powerscaling? Is that the reason behind all of this?" Zero questions, observing as Demo pets a space-platypus holding a gun and aiming it at him. Demo tilts his head, pondering the answer before "grinning" and responding to the query.

"Nah, I just want to showcase how pathetic they are in different worlds. And in case you're wondering why I can't do it myself… well, I'm an Astrotralian (Space-Australian), and mirror creation magic isn't within my abilities," Demo explains. Understanding the situation, Zero nods and complies with Demo's request, eager to escape this chaotic multiverse. He promptly transforms the void into a breathtaking theatre.

With his arms folded, Zero gazes at the Astrotralian, his stare filled with annoyance. "May I take my leave now?" he asks, his tone laced with impatience. Demo "smirks'' and gestures for him to go ahead. Zero lets out a sigh as he opens a portal back to his realm. Before he disappears, he points at Demo and warns, "Stop dropping off your space-animals and quit sending those fucking weird bread monsters into Evo's laboratory!" Demo watches as the deity vanishes into the portal and shifts his attention to the screen.

"Fuck he going to do, send a space-nuke? HAH!" the being chuckles, clapping his hands together, ready to summon the individuals he requires for his theatrical spectacle.

Oh crap, he realised he was supposed to meet up with his girlfriend today!

In a sudden panic, the deity hastily exits the theatre, completely unaware of the bizarre events about to unravel. As portals begin to materialise, a multitude of individuals pour out, ranging from teenagers to adults. Astonishingly, most of them possess an uncanny resemblance to one another.

These individuals hail from various parallel worlds, such as Union Academy's Purple Dragon and Canon Union Academy. Confusion and bewilderment fill the air as they gather their bearings.

"What the hell is happening?" "Does anyone have a clue?" "Hey, watch it! You're sitting on the future harem king!" "Did you guys witness my epic 1v4 clutch victory in Gecko warfare: Legion of Hatred!?"

Amidst the chaotic chatter, these identical doppelgangers gradually untangle themselves from one another, their eyes widening in disbelief as they come face-to-face with their mirror images. Curiously, those from the Union Academy's Purple Dragon universe seem less surprised, for they had already been acquainted with the multiverse theory and many of Spyro's dopplegangers.

"Wow, check out those hotties!" exclaimed canon Issei and canon Mineta, pointing eagerly at the girls from Union Academy's Purple Dragon. However, their excitement quickly faded into fear as Naruko glared at them threateningly.

Only Spyro can look at her like that!

Canon Yang couldn't help but notice that her other version of herself had a prosthetic arm, and she also noticed the impressive height of them, standing at nearly 6 feet tall. "Wow, you are stunning... Well, you may be me, but I doubt you can surpass the original," she said, causing UAPD Yang's eye to twitch in annoyance at this false declaration.

UAPD Ozpin, the headmaster of Union Academy from Union Academy's Purple Dragon, stepped forward and raised his voice. "Attention, counterparts of my friends, staff, and students! What is the meaning of this?" He asks, wanting an explanation. Canon Ozpin stepped forward to respond to his counterpart. "I'm just as confused as you are, my friend," he said as he took a sip of his coffee.

A moment of silence filled the air as Crash Bandicoot noticed that someone was missing. "Where Y/n?" The super Mutant voiced, catching the attention of everyone. They all began to wonder about the absence of the Skylander.

"I was wondering where my punching bag is?"

"Why do you care?"

"What about that powerless bastard?" Canon Katsuki asked, causing some of the Canon Union students to question their counterparts on why they were concerned about the supposedly "weak" and "powerless" Y/n.

Even throwing a couple of derogatory words about those who are powerless.

A silence fell upon the group as those from Union Academy's Purple Dragon shared the same thought. "It's not assault if we're just hitting ourselves," they thought simultaneously.

And what followed was sheer chaos.


Did you know that Yin Lin was suddenly here and now achieved a body count of 30, all against the canon versions of Union Academy? For once in his life, he has proven useful.

As Yin Lin flicked the blood off his katana, his voice turned cold. "If you ever dare to ask these innocent girls to join your racist, villainous harem, I will show you my motivation to exterminate scum like you!" he growled ominously.

Vergil would be proud!

Some individuals snickered at his threat, but they should be cautious not to underestimate his determination.

Suddenly, a portal appeared and Demo fell through, unfortunately landing on and crushing a few of the Canon Union Academy individuals. With a quick apology for the unexpected predicament, the deity snapped his fingers to resurrect the fallen.

"That's why ya such in a rush for? You were running faster than a frilled neck playing tag with a tazzy devil," an Astrotralian woman remarked as she floated out of the portal. The beauty of this tall Astrotralian caused a few jaws to drop among the Canon Union Academy perverts, but they quickly rubbed their watery eyes, acknowledging her radiant and warm presence, almost like she was the sun itself.

Because she was!

This magnificent being was none other than Goldilocks, the celestial goddess of a thousand suns and the creator of storms.

Goldilocks (Luminous/Lum)

"Join my harem!" Canon Issei exclaimed, demanding unabashedly.

". . . . ." Lum stares for a moment.

"Supernova Pressure!"


But his words were cut short as a small sun, no bigger than a semi truck, plummeted from above, crushing him beneath its blazing weight.

"Issei!!" His harem cried out in shock and horror.

Amidst his agonising screams, muffled by the scorching heat, Canon Issei's harem stared at the goddess in disbelief and anger.

"I don't see any of the antagonists here," Lum commented with a nonchalant tone, seemingly unaffected by the chaos she had unleashed.

"Oh, I completely forgot about that!" Demo admitted, opening a portal and causing the villains from both universes of Union to spill out. Their sudden appearance caught the attention of the heroes and they gazed up at the two godly figures, before turning their attention back to the villains.


"ITACHI!" "...Sasuke..."


"SAITAMA!" "Who are you again?"

"Y/-... Where is my purple boi?"


Even two of Y/n's villains, Cynder and Kaos, had been brought into this chaotic situation. It was weird to bring a Dragoness with the power to corrupt people through a simple dark gem, as well as Kaos with his ability to transform into a Super Kaos God Super Kaos. Yes, that's an actual thing in Skylander game.

"Now to bring in the last one!" Demo declared, opening another portal and grabbing Ignika from The Bionicle/FGO universe.

"What the hell!?" the bewildered knight exclaimed as he found himself plucked from Zero's theatre and transported into Demo's universe. "Oh, great..."

Demo gently placed Ignika on the ground, offering him a "smile" that only served to infuriate the knight.

"Everyone is... Dead again, how?" Demo wondered aloud, surveying the fierce battle between the heroes and villains of seperate Union worlds, realising that only those with immortality and a powerful healing factor had survived.

After an extremely long period of time of resurrection...

"So who are you two?" Cynder inquired, studying the towering gods who introduced themselves.

"Name's Demo, the God of Vainglory and ruler of the Astrotralian multiverse. And today, I am your kidnapper for this little adventure," Demo explained, mockingly bowing and creating a powerful gust of wind with his theatrical motion, unknowingly knocking the Canon Union students into the air.

"Crikey!" He shouted in an disappointed tone.

"G'day, I'm Goldilocks, Demo's girlfriend, the celestial goddess of a thousand suns and creator of storms. You can call me Goldie, Luminous or Lum for short," Lum introduced herself, observing Demo's exaggerated upper body stretching and amusingly slapping the airborne Canon Union students back down.


Smack! Ka-Boom!!

They all crashed violently into a large crater, each mimicking popular "death" poses from popular memes.

Lum carefully observed the forgotten portal that Demo had neglected to close. With a quick movement, she grabbed the rims of the portal and spun it like a wheel, causing it to rotate at high speed. She swiftly moved away, cloaking herself in a cloud-like form, and proceeded to assist her partner in attending to the injured students from the canon union.

She wondered who else would be joining them in this story.


Now that everyone had fully recovered, they were seated separately to avoid any confusion among their counterparts. Demo wiped the "sweat" from his forehead and removed his hat, revealing a tiny microphone concealed within.

"Greetings, mortals, immortals, and Ignika!" Demo announced into the microphone.

"Screw you, I hope you fall into a pool of water," the knight insulted, causing Demo to flinch due to his deep fear of large bodies of water. Shaking his head, Demo forced a "smile" and got straight to the point.

"I have kidnapped you all from your friends and families to witness the presence of a certain person you all known as Y/n, or Spyro from Union Academy's Purple Dragon, and Y/n from the Canon Union Academy universes," Demo explained, expecting the canon union students to react with confusion and anger at the mention of their powerless classmate.

"Why isn't this about me?! I'm the future number one hero!"

"Why does it have to be that whelp? This theatre should be all about us; we're extremely powerful!"

"That ugly ass bastard!?" exclamations erupted from the canon union students.

Demo became annoyed and slingshot his head forward, enlarging it in the process, which terrified the "heroes."

"Keep all comments to yourself! This is about Y/n, so just sulk it up!" Demo bellowed in annoyance, before retracting his head back and had it return to its original size. Coughing into his fist, he sighed and continued speaking.

"You will witness each variant of Y/n from my created universes, as well as others like Zero, Hambo, Lum, Evo, and many more!" Demo explained, while everyone else, except the canon union students, showed no objections.

"Will my verse be showcased as well? If that's acceptable, Demo?" a dark, ominous voice inquired, causing both Demo and Lum to suddenly feel an intense pressure. Demo looked around, trying to locate the source of the menacing voice.

"Above you," the voice called out from above.

Demo gazed upwards, his body freezing with terror as he recognized her massive presence. It had been years since he last encountered her during the second great space-emu war.

Unbeknownst to Demo, everyone in the theatre room, except Lum and Ignika which is due to his existence being born in another author God's universe, was frozen in time.

Kuroyami Akasha
The Mother Of Darkness
Primordial Precursor

God of Reality and Fiction
Demo's boss

She gazed at Demo with intense curiosity, her eyes fixed on him. Demo slowly shifted his gaze, meeting Kuroyami's stare, and let out a nervous laugh. It was evident that he was dreadfully afraid of her, evident to him now not directly looking at her, desperately trying to avoid making eye contact.

A heavy sigh escaped her lips, the expressing a mixture of annoyance and drowsiness.

And then, almost out of nowhere, a sudden sound resonated through the air.

Pop! Thunk!

A box filled to the brim with cinema reels, containing her creative realms, worlds she had meticulously constructed, and ideas she has experimented with.

"I strongly dislike when deities decide to do Union multiverse reactions... However, for now, I suppose I will overlook it," Kuroyami muttered, her words laced with a hint of irritation. "I shall now take my leave." With that, she appeared to effortlessly vanish into nothingness. This disappearance lifted the weight of fear and anxiety from Demo's body, allowing him to finally relax. He let out a sigh of relief and turned around to face the mortal and immortal beings around him, deliberately ignoring Ignika's shocked expression. The sudden appearance of this being had clearly instilled a great amount of terror in Demo. It was evident that this was not someone to be trifled with. He shuddered at the thought of experiencing her wrath, preferring not to even imagine what it would entail.

Demo scanned through his many realms, searching for a particular idea that had never became a universe. Finally, he stumbled upon it and eagerly grabbed the dusty casing, brushing off the debris before making his way to the projector room.

Meanwhile, Ignika lounged on one of Lum's cloud couches, indulging in its fluffy golden goodness. He plucked a small piece and popped it into his mouth, much to Lum's surprise.

"Did you just eat my cloud couch?" Lum questioned, perplexed.

Ignika shrugged. "Yeah, why not?"

Lum darkly chuckled. "No worries. It won't bring you any bad luck."

"But it might give you hallucinations for the next week." Lum informs him.

"Awesome!" Ignika replied, unfazed. "Well, good luck to me, I guess?"

"Once again, why is it that loser Y/n?" Canon Weiss questioned, her gaze fixed on UAPD Ruby. "Because it's Y/n, he's actually super awesome!"

"And he manages to get your name wrong, Rubble Hose," a voice chimed in, causing Ruby's cheeks to turn crimson.

"IT'S RUBY ROSE!!!" UAPD Ruby snapped back, her anger clearly evident.

"Well, regardless, he's nothing more than a worthless, pathetic, sorry excuse for a spineless cu-" Canon Rias began to finish her sentence, only to be abruptly interrupted by the sound of a machine gun putting bullets into the She-devil.



Various concerned voices from Canon Rias' peerage, as well as Canon Issei and Canon Sirzechs, filled the air as they all jumped up from their seats.


"Come out, you damn coward!"

Their calls for the attacker went unanswered, except for the sound of a rattling noise.

The sound of a gun barrel spinning reverberated through the theatre, creating an eerie similarity to a... rattlesnake.

"I suggest y’all sit down, youngins, or I'll plaster ya with more lead than a farmer gets milk," the stranger spoke in a hissing voice, slowly emerging from the shadows.

Terror and fear gripped everyone at the sheer size of the stranger, who coiled his body and settled into a sitting position.



"Who are you!?" Canon Ironwood demanded, his voice laced with authority, as the stranger tilted his head slightly upwards and gave a sinister grin.

"Name's Jake... Rattlesnake Jake~," he introduced himself, revealing his true form as a massive rattlesnake.

Rattlesnake Jake

"Now I am hearin’ all uh ya talkin’ nonsense ‘bout Bounty King Y/n'. I don't like it when young people disrespect a legend like ‘him. Keep your mouth shut, or else I'll shut eet furr ya," he threatened, ensuring that no one could speak as he fired another round near their feet.

"So? He doesn't have anything special, he doesn't have anything going for him!" Canon Yang growled at the snake, who shot her a threatening glare.

"Little lady, that outlaw is so powerful that even bullets fear hitting him," he growled, showing off his large fangs as Yang reluctantly sat back down.

"Smart girl," Jake nodded, slithering up onto a cloud. "Surprisingly comfortable," he commented, before blinking in surprise at the size of Lum.

"What in tarnation!?"
"G'day!" Lum greeted.


Demo returned to the room and settled onto the same cloud where his girlfriend sat, draped in a blanket entirely made of electricity. He held the remote in his hand and aimed it at the screen, ready to play.

Munching on a snack, Demo hit the play button, only to be interrupted by a sudden hiss. Startled, he glanced around and noticed a figure staring at him.

Rattlesnake Jake, stood there, utterly bewildered as to how big the gods were and then looked up at the massive screen.

"Play the darn picture film!"

"Uhm, Okay?"

Lum warms up her presence, Demo addressed the room. "Alright, everyone! Long ago, I once got an original idea and it's called... A Hero's Tail!"

An annoying voice from a student of canon Union chimed in angrily. "Why isn't it about us, we're waaay awesome?!"

"HAHAHAHA!!!!" Jake burst into laughter and mocked them. "Oi, that's hilarious! HAHAHA!!!" Without a second thought, Jake crushed them with his tail, silencing them.

Ignoring the chaos, Demo attempted to start the movie, but was quickly interrupted by the of a crackling of energy and a barrage of noise.

"DEMO!! GIVE BACK IGNIKA!" Zero's voice thundered, filled with annoyance as he ripped open a portal to Demo's universe.

Demo greeted his furious friend nonchalantly. "Oh, hi, buddy!" he waved with a casual smile.

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