9. Fighting With All You've Got
(Y/n) went to go eat lunch and saw his friends sitting at a table nearby. He sat by them and smiled at them.
Yang:"Oh (Y/n)~"
He heard the sound of Yang's voice and looked up to see her standing there with her arms crossed and a fake smile on her face. He could immediately tell that something was off and gulped nervously.
(Y/n):"Hey, Yang. What's up?"
Yang:"I just wanna know why Rias was riding on your shoulders?"
Everyone stopped and looked at (Y/n). He let out a sigh and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
(Y/n):"The thing is..."
Rias:"It was for strategy."
As if on cue, Rias walked up to their table before sitting down with her club.
Rias:"(Y/n) admittedly has far superior speed and power. So it made sense for him to be the horse, so to speak. And with my own magic talents, I can help keep our enemies at bay as the rider. However, only by sitting on his shoulders would I be able to get a vantage point. If he carried me on his back, then I wouldn't be able to do much. And if he carried me in his arms, then he wouldn't be able to fight effectively."
Yang's eye twitched before she let out an annoyed huff and sat by (Y/n) before pulling his head into her breast.
Yang:"I'll let it slide. Sorry you didn't win, though, babe."
(Y/n) was blushing heavily as Yang gently pat his head to ease the pain of his loss. Even though it wasn't a major blow to him at all. She eventually let him go, and he caught his breath. Everyone just started to chat when he saw Issei look over and nod before getting up.
Rias:"Where are you off to?"
Issei:"Just gotta talk to Mineta and Kaminari real quick."
He walked off, and Koneko watched him with skepticism. After several minutes, he came back to the table with a smug look on his face. He laughed to himself, and everyone simply eyed him carefully. Lunch soon came to an end, and everyone poured out the cafeteria and went back to the arena.
Midnight:"Alright, everyone! The tournament members are going to be the members of the winning team! We'll draw lots to see who goes in what order. So let's get to it!"
Ojiro:"Excuse me! I'd like to withdraw."
Everyone was absolutely floored at his request. Most other people wanting to be heroes would love to have the chance to show off their skills to everyone. Ojiro wasn't the only though as someone on his team also decided to drop out. Ojiro cared about his pride and stated that he didn't remember a single thing from the cavalry battle. Midnight accepted their requests. Aoyama even decided to drop out as well.
Midnight:"Hmm. It seems we have three open slots. Guess we'll turn to the next placed team. Team Rias!"
Everyone turned towards Rias and (Y/n). Rias looked around and flipped her hair.
Rias:"I'll pass. As much as I would like to fight (Y/n), I have other matters to take care of."
Midnight:"I see. (Y/n), do you wish to compete?"
He looked down at his hands, and across the field, he saw Izuku, Todoroki, and Bakugo staring at him. Each one carried a different emotion, but all three wanted a chance to fight him at their best. He clenched his fists and pounded his chest with one.
(Y/n):"I'll compete!"
Izuku smiled as Todoroki and Bakugo cracked their knuckles. Rias clapped for him as his friends cheered triumphantly from the stands. The two remaining slots were taken by members of Class 1-B. Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu and Ibara Shiozaki.
Midnight:"With that complete, the recreational games will begin. Those competing in the tournament are exempt if they wish to rest before the big finish!"
Everyone was hyped, and soon, the combatants left the arena. (Y/n) was no exception, but he briefly paused as he saw Jiro wearing a cheerleader uniform.
He stared in awe as a small blush crept up on his face. Jiro held her arms over her chest and was red from embarrassment. Her eyes met (Y/n)'s before both pairs went wide and (Y/n) ran away.
The games went on as (Y/n) walked around the school grounds with Yang enjoying a little date. They tried different foods and played games together. It was a wonderful time, but soon, the time came to fight. He sat in the stands with his classmates and watched as Izuku walked onto stage and faced off against his opponent, Hitoshi Shinso.
Shinso was talking to Izuku, and it caused Izuku to angrily stomp forward a few feet as he responded, but he immediately halted in his tracks.
Ojiro:"AHHH! I literally told him not to respond! And that's the first thing he does!"
Uraraka:"What's wrong?"
Ojiro:"That guy's quirk. It's a sort of mind control. Whenever he approached me for the cavalry battle, he asked me something, and as soon as I responded, my mind went blank."
Uraraka:"Oh no!"
Ojiro:"I broke out of it when I bumped into someone. Though, Izuku definitely doesn't have that luck if it's just the two of them."
Shinso:"Now walk off the stage."
Izuku turned around and began to walk towards the edge of the stage. With each step his friends called out to him but their cries fell on deaf ears. When he was nearing the edge of the stage, a massive gust of wind was released, and Izuku snapped out of his trance. Upon closer inspection, he has two fingers messed up from using his quirk.
Without a moment's notice, Izuku charged at Shinso and began pushing him towards the edge. Shinso started bombarding Izuku with words of how he would never understand what it's like being at the bottom. Shinso grew furious and threw a mean punch towards his cheek. Izuku's head spun the other way before he glared menacingly back at Shinso.
Izuku kept pushing Shinso, and so he decided to retaliate by punching his fingers. Izuku yelled in pain, which gave Shinso the opportunity to try and force Izuku out the ring himself. This wasn't good enough as the green haired boy held Shinso's forearm and lifted him up over his own body before slamming him on the ground.
Midnight:"Shinso is out of bounds!"
The first match had finally been decided. Despite a slow and rocky start, Izuku came out on top and left, knowing Shinso a bit better. Despite his loss, Shinso was admired by those in general studies as a star. The heroes in the stands were all in agreement that his quirk was rather impressive, especially when interrogating villains.
The next round was Sero versus Todoroki. And the results were...completely one-sided. Sero made the first move and tried to force Todoroki out the ring with his tape, but in a fierce counterattack, Todoroki froze the ground and so much more! He froze Sero and created a massive glacier of ice that poked out from the open ceiling of the arena. Since Sero was immobilized, he was the loser.
It took a while for all the ice to be completely melted, but when it did, the next fight began. It was Kaminari versus Shiozaki. He tried acting big and went for his indiscriminate shock attack. However, Shiozaki detached her vines into the ground and formed a wall to protect herself. Not only that by the vines extended and ran through the ground before erupting beneath Kaminari and bounding him tightly in their grasp. This round was also a wash.
Next was Iida versus Mei Hatsume. Iida wore a strange pair of support items and, after giving his reasoning as to why it was allowed. From what he told Midnight, Mei wanted a fair fight since she had all these extra support items, and Iida had nothing. She was moved by the passion of youth and allowed it. It turns out Mei just wanted to advertise all her stuff.
After 10 minutes of shameless shilling, Mei walked out the stage on her own as she had nothing more to show off.
Mic:"Okay! Let's just keep rolling with the fifth match! We got a slick pink punk! Mina Ashido! Versus! The main man himself, (Y/n)."
Mina:"(Y/n)! Don't think I'm afraid of you! I'll get you!"
The battle began, and she started to secrete slick slime from the soles of her feet, which poured through holes in her shoes. She used this power to slide around the stage. (Y/n) watched her movements as she slid around like an ice skater. She was smiling confidently and closed in on (Y/n), who flipped over her with ease. He struck her in the back with a blast of lightning, and she cried out in pain and was knocked onto her stomach.
She hissed with pain but managed to stand and once again began dancing around the stage. (Y/n) decided not to wait around this time and chased after her. His appeared before her eyes in a literal flash of lightning, which scared her a bit. Enough to make her lose balance. This created an opening for (Y/n), who quickly struck her with an open palm strike.
The attack was fierce and strong to knock her out of bounds with a small trail of electricity flowing from between her torso and his palm. Mina fell on the ground right on her rear and pouted.
Mina:"Aww, man!"
Midnight:"Mina Ashido is out of bounds! The winner is (Y/n)!"
(Y/n) dispelled the electricity and walked off the stage. The next match proceeded, which was Tokoyami versus Yaoyorozu. It ended quickly due to Tokoyami's Dark Shadow being quick and providing both offense and defense. With this power, he knocked her out of bounds.
Up next was Kirishima versus Tetsutetsu. It was a battle of similar quirks that was fought using their fists. The two passionate boys threw punches wherever they could as both did their best to not topple over. Neither one wanted to waver and seem weak to those watching. In time, the match was concluded as a draw as both were knocked unconscious. Their match would be settled at a later time through a simple matter like arm wrestling.
The eighth match was going to be a scary one. Uraraka was up against Bakugo of all people. The boy had no reservations on holding back against a girl. Or holding back in general. Present Mic himself was rooting for Uraraka.
Her plan was to get in close, touch Bakugo even if it was accidental, and make him float out of bounds. She stayed low to the ground and did her best to dodge his attacks. Bakugo hit her with all he had, and this was not pleasing the crowd. A pro hero called Bakugo out and said he was a bully for going all out against a girl. This right here was an insult to both Uraraka and Bakugo.
Bakugo may not have cared for Izuku's friends and the sort, but he was in this thing for a W. He would face all his opponents with all his strength. Aizawa then decided to tell the pro hero who had complaints to change careers. These two kids were giving their all to win today, and here he was disrespecting them both. Bakugo inevitably won after Uraraka passed out after reaching her limit.
Kirishima and Tetsutetsu settled their rematch with arm wrestling. Kirishima won the battle, but he also won Tetsutetsu's respect. Something a true man strives to have. With that settled, the second round began. And the opening act was quite something. Izuku vs. Todoroki.
The tension in the air was palpable as all the first years had their eyes glued to the pair of boys. Todoroki started the match with a sudden rush of jagged ice. Izuku quickly reacted by flicking one of his fingers and releasing a massive blast of air that tore the ice apart like paper. The wind carried the frozen air and blasted it past the audience, who all shivered in response.
It was a back and forth struggle between them. Todoroki will send out ice attacks only for Izuku to destroy them with his fingers. But as he did that, he destroyed his fingers in the process. Todoroki then sent out an attack as Izuku tried to run away. The ice got a hold of his foot, so he punched it with his quirk active and shattered it alongside his arm.
The battle continued on with Todoroki starting to get slower with his attacks and his movements. The more he used his quirk, the more he was afflicted with frost, covering his body. Soon, Midoriya was getting tired of Todoroki only fighting with half his strength. He provoked him constantly until telling Todoroki that it was his quirk and no one else's.
Todoroki had a moment of realization before unleashing his flames from the left side of his body. It flared up tremendously and increased the temperature of the entire arena. The two boys had one major final clash as Cementoss and Midnight both tried to stop it. Their final attack created a massive explosion that sent debris flying everywhere. When the dust settled, Midoriya was knocked out of bounds, and Todoroki was left standing in the arena, shocked as to what happened.
After the stage was repaired, the next few matches played out. Iida eliminated Shiozaki in an instant. He shoved her out of bounds, and up next was Tokoyami versus (Y/n).
Tokoyami:"I am looking forward to this match."
(Y/n):"Here's to a good one."
They shared a bow before commencing their fight. Tokoyami instantly summoned Dark Shadow, and it lunged at (Y/n). He rolled out the way as Dark Shadow immediately turned and kept pursuing him. (Y/n) stayed still and, at the last moment, released a burst of lightning. The sudden attack and intense brightness made Dark Shadow recoil back quite a bit.
Tokoyami narrowed his eyes and decided to keep his guard up since (Y/n) had the perfect counter to Dark Shadow. (Y/n) picked up on this and charged directly at Tokoyami. In the blink of an eye, he was right in his face.
Tokoyami:"Dark Shadow!"
Dark Shadow stood in between them, and so (Y/n) threw a barrage of lightning fast punches directly onto Dark Shadow. It did its best to stay strong, but the power and light were too much for it. Dark Shadow retreated within Tokoyami, which was what (Y/n) needed. He placed a hand on his chest and released a blast of lightning to send him flying out the arena.
Midnight:"Tokoyami is out of bounds! (Y/n) wins!"
The crowd erupted with cheers as (Y/n) helped up Tokoyami, and they shared a handshake. The match after theirs was between Kirishima and Bakugo. Bakugo stayed on the defensive for most of the match before retaliating near the end. Kirishima's quirk couldn't keep him hard for that long, which is what Bakugo needed to have his attacks do damage.
Mic:"Woo! What a round! Now we move on to the semi-finals! Here are our final four!"
The large screens in the arena showed off portraits for Todoroki, Iida, (Y/n), and Bakugo.
Mic:"We'll take a short break before jumping into the semi-finals!"
Everyone went their own ways with (Y/n) mindlessly hanging outside the arena to browse through food stalls and different attractions. He suddenly had someone pounce on his back, and it happened to be Yang. She giggled at him before kissing his cheek.
Yang:"Congrats on making it to the semis! I'll be rooting for you! I just know you're gonna kick Bakugo's ass!"
(Y/n):"Heh. Thanks, Yang."
Yang:"Of course. I'm more than happy to be your cheerleader~"
She turned him around, and they shared a kiss, causing both of them to smile.
Yang:"I'm gonna grab some food for me and my team. Are you gonna be in the stands watching, or do you wanna ease your mind in the waiting rooms?"
(Y/n):"I'll ease my mind."
Yang:"Sounds good. Good luck, babe. I love you."
(Y/n):"Love you too."
They shared one more kiss before Yang ran off to grab some food to munch on during the downtime. (Y/n) smiled brightly and started to walk back to the arena, but something caught his eye. He stopped and saw a familiar black cloak, and his eyes widened. He looked around to see if any pro heroes were around, but no one else was in sight.
The cloaked figure beckoned (Y/n) over who only grit his teeth in annoyance before charging blindly towards him. The figure floated softly off the ground and moved in reverse to get away from (Y/n). Soon, they were away from the main area and in a secluded spot by some trees.
(Y/n):"You?! How did you sneak past all the security systems?!"
The figure got back down on the ground and pointed at the shadows of the trees before speaking.
?:"Darkness lurks, even in the brightest areas. And wherever there is darkness, I shall be there as well."
(Y/n):"Your voice..."
The voice was that of a man or, rather, somewhat younger. Someone close to (Y/n) in terms of age.
?:"Yes. I had a feeling you'd want to hear my voice. Though you're not ready for my face."
(Y/n):"Whatever! Just why are you here?!"
?:"I came to see you compete, of course. I want to see how my rival stacks up against his little friends."
(Y/n):"Who said we were rivals?"
?:"Destiny itself. Our fates are intertwined. We are two sides of the same coin, as I've stated before."
(Y/n):"No, we aren't!"
?:"Do not deny it! Tell me, did you find out about yourself?"
(Y/n):"Why should I tell you?"
?:"I'll take that as a no. Dammit (Y/n)! Don't be an ignorant idiot! You're not going to get anywhere if you continue to live blissfully unaware of who you are!"
(Y/n):"Why does that matter to you?"
?:"Because when both of us realize our true selves, then can we fight at our best!"
(Y/n):"I am my true self! What about you? Who even are you?!"
?:"That will be revealed in time..."
(Y/n) clenched his fists in pure irritation, and the hooded teen took notice.
?:"(Y/n), this pathetic festival is having you hold back everything. What's the point if you can't show off all those pretty little weapons of yours?"
(Y/n):"You mean the ones I used to smack you around back at the USJ?"
(Y/n) smirked, and it caused the hooded figure to chuckle.
?:"Yes. Those. But you didn't show me what I wanted to see. Your strongest weapon. The Keyblade."
When he said that, Oathkeeper was summoned into (Y/n)'s hands involuntarily. He gasped and looked at the hooded teen.
?:"And you're even unaware of the secrets that thing holds? You really are stupid. You might even be a lost cause."
(Y/n) scowled and aimed his weapon directly at the other teen.
?:"There are so many secrets that both you and that weapon hold. I'm not the one to tell you, though. You need to find that out on your own. In the meantime, why not show me all that power you have?!"
A massive gust of dark purple wind swirled around them both before enclosing them in a dome of darkness. They both could see clearly, but the area around them swirled with black and purple lights. The mysterious figure held out his right hand as darkness swirled in his palm and formed a sword. He raised his sword arm up over his shoulder as (Y/n) got down and held tightly onto the Keyblade.
?:"Bring it!"
The two rushed at each other, and their blades clashed. Sparks flew before they pushed each other away. When their attacks clashed, the dome pulsated. The first few minutes of their fight was a standstill. They would constantly clash and block attacks with no hopes of overtaking the other. Soon, the hooded one jumped away and raised his free hand to the air.
The ground trembled beneath (Y/n)'s feet, and he narrowly avoided a tendril of darkness. More and more erupted, but (Y/n) managed to dodge them all by rolling around.
?:"Damn, he's good..."
He stopped the attacks as the tendrils turned to liquid and sunk back into the ground. (Y/n) dashed through the air and managed to get a hit on his opponent. He knocked him into the air and juggled him around before he released a burst of darkness and gained some distance.
(Y/n):"Didn't you want to fight?!"
?:"Watch your tone. You may regret it after I do this!"
He waved his hand around as clones of pure darkness rose from the floor and surrounded (Y/n). They all rushed at once and began swinging at him. (Y/n) had to react quickly and blocked one to counter attack another. He soon pointed his weapon, Oathkeeper, to the air and released a blast of lightning all around him. The clones were quickly destroyed, and this small opening was all the mysterious man needed to land a hit on (Y/n). He struck him fiercely on his right side.
(Y/n) grunted with pain and was sent flying to the wall of the dome. The dome reacted by blasting him in the back to put him back in the center to continue the fight. He grunted and stood up and shook off the pain.
?:"What did I tell you?"
(Y/n):"Just... Shut up..."
(Y/n) eased his nerves and focused entirely on his opponent. His grip tightened before he launched himself to the hooded figure. This caught him by surprise, and he was once again juggled in the air before being launched to the wall. The dome did the same thing to him as it did to (Y/n).
He recovered quickly and stood across from (Y/n) with his sword at the ready.
Back at the arena
Yang was munching happily on some nachos with jalapeños on them. The match between Iida and Todoroki came to a close as Todoroki encased Iida in ice.
Mic:"OOH! A total upset! Todoroki wins without showing off those flames! The next round is going to be between Bakugo and (Y/n)! I'm stoked to see how this plays out!"
Issei:"(Y/n) better win this!"
Ruby:"Hey Izuku, who do you think is gonna win?"
Izuku:"Hm. It's tough to say. Normally, I'd give it to (Y/n) due to his arsenal of weapons, but he's been using just his magic this entire thing."
Yang:"Yeah. He told me that Nezu asked him if he had any other way to fight since having weapons would have to be put under support items, which would be a hassle to officially be recognized."
Izuku:"Yeah, and as of now, (Y/n) has only used electric and wind magic."
Mina:"Yeah, and those hits hurt! Trust me!"
Tokoyami:"Agreed. (Y/n) is a nice guy, but he can deliver mighty blows like a true warrior. His display of strength during the USJ is proof of that."
Jiro:"The USJ..."
Jiro thought back to when she was used as a hostage before (Y/n) acted quickly and saved her and proceeded to body the hooded villain. She held a hand over her heart and looked at the large screen showing Bakugo and (Y/n)'s portrait.
Izuku:"Bakugo is definitely going to go all out, and that's a little scary. He sees (Y/n) as an obstacle in his way to reaching the top. So their fight is going to be a chance of getting further for Bakugo."
Everyone nodded and waited for the next match to start. A few minutes passed, and Bakugo was standing on the stage by himself.
Mic:"Uhh... Where's (Y/n)?"
Everyone in the crowd murmured, and (Y/n)'s friends freaked out.
Mic:"Alright, well, we'll give (Y/n) 5 minutes to show up! If he's not back by then, then he is disqualified!"
Yang:"(Y/n), where are you?"
Back with (Y/n)
The two adversaries were exchanging blows nonstop. Sparks flew everywhere as the dome continuously pulsated like a beating heart. They both did a flip to get away from each other and were breathing heavily. Sweat poured down (Y/n)'s nose and fell onto the floor. It splashed lightly on the floor and was soon lost in the darkness.
?:"So... we're equal then. Tch! This will decide the winner!"
He cloaked himself in darkness as (Y/n) felt his body flow with power. Light illuminated from his body, and he got in a stance to charge at the villain. They rushed at each other one last time and clashed weapons. It created a massive explosion that caused the dome of darkness to completely be blown away.
Both fighters were on their knees using their blades to hold themselves up.
?:"You did well. But know this, I am not the only one who wants to challenge you. You will have foes lurking in every corner. I hope you're ready for the onslaught that will ensue. Oh, and try and not be late for your match."
He laughed to himself and was soon whisked away by a dark portal. (Y/n) pushed himself up and looked at the arena. He then heard Present Mic's voice yelling out to everyone.
Mic:"(Y/n) has 30 seconds left before he's disqualified!"
He grunted with pain as he tried to run and nearly collapsed. He took a deep breath and used his lightning to make it back.
Mic:"10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2-"
(Y/n) stepped onto the stage in the nick of time, and everyone let out a collective sigh of relief.
Midnight:"Good! You're here! Begin the match!"
(Y/n) looked over and saw Bakugo smirking as his hands popped with mini explosions. Jiro and Yang smiled when they saw (Y/n) barely make it back.
Mic:"Let's see how this match goes! Bakugo has been a part of the hater nation since day one! (Y/n) has always been one to humble Bakugo at every opportunity!"
Yang:"You got this, babe!"
Issei:"Kick his ass!"
Rias:"Win this, (Y/n)!"
All his friends were cheering for him, but (Y/n) couldn't even hear them that well. He was even struggling to focus on Bakugo. His eyes were shaking, but his body did its best to avoid blasts and oncoming attacks from Bakugo.
Izuku:"Something isn't right..."
Izuku:"Look closer at (Y/n). His movements are slow."
His class stopped cheering and focused on (Y/n). Sweat was constantly running down his face, which drenched his gym uniform. (Y/n) tried to keep Bakugo away by using air based attacks, but he would easily recover and retaliate.
Yang:"Wait. Do you think something happened before the round started?"
Rias:"That could explain why he was so late."
Mic:"Oh wow! Bakugo is not giving (Y/n) any room to breathe! Whatever (Y/n) tries to dish out, Bakugo doesn't seem to get affected by it in the slightest!"
Bakugo:"Come on! Show me more! I bet I could keep up with you even when you got lightning!"
(Y/n) said nothing, and soon, his body began crackling with electricity. Bakugo grinned and got ready to attack before (Y/n)'s body stopped producing electricity. His arms fell to his side before he toppled over. His eyelids shut tightly as the world went dark.
Bakugo:"Huh? Hey! Get up! What are you doing?!"
He tried to run towards (Y/n), but Cementoss formed a barrier between the two boys as Midnight went to check on (Y/n). She kneeled down and saw that he was unconscious.
Midnight:"(Y/n) is unable to battle! The winner is Bakugo!"
The reaction was a mixed one, most definitely. Everyone wanted to see Bakugo and (Y/n) settle it all here, but the match was nowhere near the level of hype as people hoped it would have. The robotic paramedics went over and put (Y/n) onto a stretcher and took him to the infirmary.
Mic:"With Bakugo's victory, that means he's headed to the finals!"
As people anticipated the final match between Bakugo and Todoroki, (Y/n)'s friends hurried over to Recovery Girl's room to check on him. He was still unconscious, and he had bandages wrapped around his torso and forearms. Recovery Girl ushered them out apart from Yang.
Yang:"(Y/n)... What happened?"
He remained unresponsive as she bent down to gently kiss his lips before walking out the room. She was holding her arms and worried for her love as she saw Jiro up ahead. Jiro's gaze met Yang's, and she stopped.
The air around them was awkward, but Yang soon spoke up.
Yang:"Go see him."
Yang:"He knows he hurt you. Both you and Ryuko. He told me. He wants to make amends with you both. And I don't want there to be tension between us. I love (Y/n), so I don't want to see him hurt because someone close to him is hurting because of him."
Jiro:"I see... You're lucky, Yang. But I guess it wouldn't be right for me to stay mad all the time. Deep down, I still love him, too."
Yang only smiled and walked past Jiro and pat her shoulder.
Yang:"That's good to hear."
Jiro smiled softly and walked into Recovery Girl's room, and stared down at (Y/n). She saw his hand resting gently at his side, and she grabbed it. She rubbed his knuckles and enjoyed the feeling of his hand in hers. Suddenly, his grip tightened, and she looked over to see his eyes slowly opening.
She gasped and squeezed his hand.
(Y/n):"I'm sorry... I wanted to win for you..."
Jiro:"You did amazing out there. I'm sorry for avoiding you all this time. It's my own fault for getting mad at you."
They shared a smile before his eyes closed, and his grip on her hand softened. She kissed his forehead gently before leaving the room.
All Might presented the final four, their medals. Third place was occupied by both Iida and (Y/n). However, none of them were on the stage for their own reasons. Iida had family business to take care of, and (Y/n) was still unconscious. Todoroki was 2nd place, and Bakugo was 1st. But Bakugo was majorly unsatisfied with his victory. Neither (Y/n) nor Todoroki gave him the thrill of an incredible fight. And with that all said and done, the sports festival came to a close.
To Be Continued...
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