8. The Raging Sports Festival
The day finally came as Union Academy had prepared itself for one of its largest events. The sports festival. Those in the hero course participated to get their names out into the world. In hopes that an amazing hero would take notice of them and take them on for an internship program. And those outside of the school were eagerly awaiting as well.
Since the birth of quirks and semblances, sports and the like have taken a drastic turn. Normal sports were outdated and considered boring, so they had to remake them with their powers involved. The sports festival was one of the most viewed events to date. Rivaled only by the Vytal Festival.
And this year, there may be even more eyes on the event. Especially that of the first years. Considering the fact that they fought villains not too long ago.
The days that led up to the sports festival, everyone did some training. Izuku and (Y/n) trained with each other as they were both anticipating the big day.
When it was time, people came from all over to get seats to watch the show. The students were all in their gym uniforms and were sitting in a waiting room. Most were anxious, and others were ready for the thing to start. Across the room sat Jiro with Mina and Yaoyorozu. They looked over at (Y/n), who was sitting by Izuku. He could see them from the corner of his eye but chose to ignore it.
They both stood up to do some stretches when Todoroki walked up to them.
Everyone stopped what they were doing and shifted their gaze towards the trio of boys.
Izuku:"Todoroki. What is it?"
Todoroki:"Looking at things objectively, I think I'm stronger than you."
Izuku:"Huh? Y-yeah..."
Todoroki:"But... All Might has his eye on you, doesn't he? I'm not trying to pry about that. But I'm going to beat you."
He then gazed at (Y/n).
Todoroki:"(Y/n), out of everyone here, you're the one most difficult to handle."
(Y/n):"Is that right?"
Todoroki:"You won that game of dodgeball even when you were outnumbered. You won capture the flag when you were the only offensive option on your team. And then you fought a powerful villain all on your own. You're something else, I'll give you that. But I'm not going to let you take this victory."
Kaminari:"Oh? Is one of the best in class making a declaration of war?"
Kirishima got up and went over to Todoroki and put a hand on his shoulder.
Kirishima:"Hey, hey, hey! Why are you picking a fight all of sudden? Not now, we're about to start."
Todoroki shoved off the hand on his shoulder and spoke once again.
Todoroki:"We're not here to play at being friends. So, what does it matter?"
He began walking away as Izuku looked down and began to speak.
Izuku:"Todoroki, I don't know what you're thinking when you say you'll beat me, but of course you're better than me. I think you're more capable than most people... Looking at it objectively..."
Kirishima:"Midoriya, you probably shouldn't talk so negatively..."
Izuku:"But, everyone... The students from the other class are aiming for the top with everything they've got! I can't afford to fall behind. I'll be going for it with everything I've got, too."
(Y/n):"You want this victory, right?"
Todoroki looked back at (Y/n), and their eyes locked.
(Y/n):"Then do whatever you can to get it. Izuku is right about you being capable. I can see it as clear as day. But I got people rooting for me, so I can't let them down. And there are a couple of people that don't want to see me any longer, but I'll take this victory to hopefully change their minds."
?:"Well said (Y/n)."
He looked over to the door as someone had entered. It was Rias! She wore the gym uniform and walked over to him.
(Y/n):"Rias? What're you doing?"
Rias:"Nezu approached me a couple of days ago asking me to participate. At first, I was going to pass, but when I heard you joined, I figured that it would be a fun time. I'm hoping for a fair fight between the two of us. As a member of the Gremory family, I have a reputation to uphold. So don't think I'll take it easy on you. On any of you."
The stage was set. (Y/n) had declarations of war thrown his way from two different people. Bakugo looked on and scoffed. (Y/n) gained a serious look on his face and clenched his fists.
(Y/n):"Then bring it on, Rias."
It was time for the students to compete as they walked out into the large open area of the arena. As they walked out, the crowd went wild and cheered them on. Up in the stands above were the other first years.
Yang:"Wooo! Go (Y/n)! You got this!"
Issei:"Rias! Take home the gold!"
When everyone gathered, a certain heroine walked onto the stage, which made the guys holler. It was the R-Rated Hero: Midnight.
Midnight:"Hello everyone! I'm here acting as the chief umpire for you! Before we start the games, let's have a word from the representative of the first years. Katsuki Bakugo!"
Bakugo walked onto the stage by her and leaned into a mic.
(Y/n):"Why is he speaking?"
Izuku:"He scored first place in the entrance exams."
Bakugo:"I pledge... That I'm going to be number one."
He started to walk off as this made everyone pissed off. He intentionally bumped into the shoulders of Izuku and (Y/n) as the three of them shared a quick glance before Bakugo continued to walk off.
Midnight:"Okay, everyone, let's start things off with this! This first challenge is essentially the qualifier."
A holographic screen showed up behind her as it spun rapidly before landing on Obstacle Race.
Midnight:"Ooh! This is fun! Okay, listen up! You all will run around the circumference of the arena. Which is about 4 kilometers in total. Here at this school, we pride ourselves on freedom. Whatever you do goes, so long as it stays on the course! Brace yourselves!"
Everyone turned their attention to the exit, and a loud buzzer went off as everyone immediately gunned for the exit. That's where the first obstacle lied. The exit was narrow and completely crowded. Everyone began bumping into one another as Todoroki had slipped out and was currently in first. He froze the area behind him to slow everyone down.
This didn't work exactly as planned as several people managed to escape. All in their own different ways. (Y/n) avoided the ice and the crowded exit by jumping off the walls. He jumped out and landed on frozen ground before running after Todoroki.
Yang:"YEAH! WAY TO GO (Y/n)!"
She cheered happily for her boyfriend as his other friends cheered for him as well. Rias had slipped out easily and chased after (Y/n).
Todoroki: Hm. More people escaped than I'd hoped.
Everyone continued making a run for it before they met their next obstacle. Giant robots.
Kirishima:"Holy crap! It's the zero pointers from the entrance exams!"
(Y/n) looked up at the giants and kept a calm look on his face.
Todoroki:"Really? Is this all the school has to offer? I was hoping they'd do better. Especially since my stupid old man is watching."
Todoroki unleashed a massive blast of ice that froze one of the robots while it tried to attack. He started to run ahead as other students hoped to make it through. This wasn't going to happen as the robot began to topple over and came crashing down.
It created a massive dust cloud and enough force to knock several students over. It wasn't over as the other robots sight their sights on the other students. One of the larger ones focused on (Y/n) and threw down its giant fist.
Mic:"Oh! Here comes an attack! (Y/n) better do something if he doesn't wanna end up looking like you, Eraser Head!"
Aizawa:"I hate you."
Mic:"Love you too, man! Oh snap! What's this?!"
(Y/n) stood still and watched the fist approach him. When it was near, he saw a green triangle, the same as when he and Bakugo played dodgeball. (Y/n)'s body seemed to react right on command as he leaped over the fist. He spun gracefully in the air before sliding up the arm and jumped off the shoulder.
Yang:"Way to go, babe!"
Ruby:"Oh my gosh, that was awesome! Tell him to do it again!"
Jaune:"Let's go (Y/n)!"
(Y/n) landed on the ground and kept running. Todoroki looked over his shoulder to see (Y/n) catching up. And behind (Y/n) were students who managed to go over the robots instead of under or straight through. He shifted his focus back to what lay ahead of him and kept running.
Soon, they reached a gorge where sections of ground were connected through tight ropes. Todoroki didn't stop for a moment and froze a tight rope and slid across and did the same for the others.
Mic:"Oh wow! Todoroki is not stopping! This 2nd obstacle is tricky! When crossing, try not to look down!"
Pyrrha:"How will (Y/n) deal with this?"
(Y/n) took a few steps back before jumping onto the tight rope and slid across it like Todoroki minus the ice.
Mic:"And (Y/n) is simply sliding across it like a skateboard! This guy knows how to keep going!"
(Y/n) jumped off and slid across the following ropes and kept going after Todoroki. Bakugo used his quirk to simply leap over to the gorge, and Rias let out a sigh and flipped her hair.
Rias:"So that's how it is then. Well, nothing I can't handle."
She smirked to herself before doing the same as Bakugo and leaping across the gorge, only this time with magic. Todoroki and (Y/n) made it to the final obstacle and stopped in their tracks. Right by them was a large sign that read: DANGER! MINES! With a large skull design on it as well.
Mic:"Here's the last obstacle! If you look closely, you can see where exactly the mines are! But don't worry your little heads. They're not deadly! They're only loud and flashy enough to make you pee your pants!"
Todoroki:"It seems that whoever is in the lead is at a disadvantage. They have more of the minefield to deal with."
(Y/n):"Seems that way, yeah."
He then jumped high into the air before dashing through it and going ahead several yards before landing close to a mine. He looked over his shoulder and smiled before taking his time, making it through the minefield. Todoroki took his time as well but also tried to pick up the pace to catch up with (Y/n).
Soon enough, Todoroki was making his way when Bakugo flew by and yelled at Todoroki.
Bakugo:"You bastard! Don't declare war on the wrong person! You too, (Y/n)!"
(Y/n) looked over his shoulder when he heard Bakugo yelling and scowled. Bakugo and Todoroki managed to catch up as Bakugo did his best to attack them and throw them off their game.
Mic:"Looks like the top three are having a little scuffle in the front! With Bakugo being the instigator as per usual!"
In the back, Izuku was digging up landmines with a piece of a robot that Todoroki defeated. When he finished making a pile of landmines, he jumped on them with the metal, and this added up to create a massive explosion that propelled him forward.
The leading trio looked back and saw the massive pink cloud and watched as Izuku flew through the air and went past them. This angered Bakugo as he stopped attacking Todoroki and (Y/n) and decided to chase after Izuku. Todoroki scowled before freezing the ground and sliding on it to catch up. (Y/n) was standing alone and watched them all go on ahead.
Mic:"OOH! The underdog Izuku just flew right into first place. And it seems that Bakugo and Todoroki didn't like that one bit! What about (Y/n)?! What's his game plan?"
(Y/n):"Guess now's as good a time as any."
His body crackled with electricity as he got down in a runner's position before kicking off the ground and dashing through the minefield at lightning speeds.
Izuku shifted his body and smacked the piece of armor onto the ground and set off several landmines, and was launched even further ahead! He rolled along the ground before regaining his footing and kept running. The other three were on his tail as (Y/n) stopped with the lightning run and ran normally. Soon, they all reached the finish line with Izuku being the first one.
All four of them stood separately from each other and began catching their breaths. The crowd was cheering on happily and proudly. (Y/n) looked up to the stands and saw Yang smiling proudly. She blew a kiss at him, and he pretended to catch it and pat it on his heart. This made her giggle before he shifted his gaze at the other three.
Everyone else began pouring in one after another. It was then time to announce the results. Izuku got 1st, Todoroki got 2nd, Bakugo got 3rd, and (Y/n) got 4th. In 5th place was Rias.
Midnight:"Time to announce the next challenge!"
The screen spun through the wheel before landing on Cavalry Battle.
Midnight:"For the cavalry battle, you can form teams of two to four. Based on the results of the race, each player will be given a point value. Last place gets a point value of 5 and 41st place gets a value of 10. The higher you are, the more points you're worth. With first place being worth... 10 MILLION POINTS!!!"
Everyone turned their attention to Izuku, who started to shake in fear. They all came to a conclusive thought that if they snatched his headband, they would be at the top no matter what.
Midnight:"You have 15 minutes to choose your teams! So get to it!"
Soon enough, everyone began breaking away and looking for someone to partner up with. A lot of people went to Bakugo and Todoroki due to their powerful quirks. Practically everyone avoided Izuku. As for (Y/n), he stood off to the side by himself and was catching his breath.
Izuku:"(Y/n), we could use your help."
He looked over to see Izuku and Uraraka standing in front of him. Alongside a pink haired girl with goggles.
(Y/n):"Sorry Izuku, I have to decline your offer."
Izuku:"What? You too?"
(Y/n):"Trust me, man, it would be nice fighting alongside you, but I can't guarantee that I'll be able to save your skin for the entirety of the match. Especially when you have a giant target painted on your back. I plan on winning this in my own way. But just know that I won't be gunning for you."
Izuku:"You won't?"
(Y/n):"Consider it an alliance. If you hang on to your headband, then you'll be golden. So if we cross paths with people chasing after you, then I'll do what I can with my partners to throw them off your trail."
Izuku:"(Y/n)... Thank you."
(Y/n):"But I more than likely won't be able to protect you for a majority of the game. You gotta rely on your own team in those instances."
Izuku:"Right! I appreciate it. I have one other option. Good luck to you. I'll see you in the next round."
They shared a fist bump before he and the two girls walked off. (Y/n) looked up at the holographic screen and saw 2 minutes remaining to find a partner. And as luck would have it, his partner came to him.
?:"(Y/n)! I wish to ride you."
Midnight:"And that's the time! Now that your teams have been selected, your points have been added together, and the riders will wear the velcro headbands to signify those points. Let the battle... BEGIN!"
The match began as teams from all over began dashing towards Izuku. His final team member was Tokoyami.
Kiba:"As expected, everyone is hunting Midoriya down for that 10 million."
Issei:"Hey, do you guys see the prez anywhere?"
Yang:"You've got to be shitting me..."
Yang stared blankly on the field as everyone followed her gaze and gasped. Rias Gremory was sitting comfortably on (Y/n)'s shoulders as he carried a blank face and did his best to ignore her thighs rubbing against his face.
Weiss:"Wow. Yang in sync with Issei. Never thought I'd see the day."
Koneko:"Tell me about it."
Rias:"(Y/n), with our skills combined, nothing can stop us! Everyone better prepare themselves for the ultimate duo."
(Y/n) said nothing and mentally groaned in exasperation. Things were bad enough as they were with Jiro and Ryuko. Rias, being on his shoulders with her thighs pressing against his face, made things even worse. And he knew that without a doubt Yang would scold him. Even though this wasn't exactly his idea.
As (Y/n) feared the possible punishment he may face, someone familiar called out to him. He looked over to see Bakugo and his team consisting of Kirishima, Mina, and Seto charging at him.
Rias:"Prepare yourself (Y/n)!"
He nodded, and Bakugo sneered.
Bakugo:"Before I get that 10 million from Deku, I'm going to take your headband."
Rias:"Hmph! Do you really think you have what it takes to steal it?"
Bakugo:"Damn right, I do! Watch this!"
Without warning, he jumped off his team's shoulders and used his quirk to propel himself towards Rias. She got magic ready as (Y/n) shot a blast of wind magic from his feet to launch himself into the air and used some more to get some distance. Bakugo was slightly surprised seeing someone soar so swiftly like that. He grit his teeth and used his quirk some more to reach them.
Rias:"Such tenacity..."
(Y/n):"Yeah, you're telling me. Imagine having this dude yell in your ear that he'll beat you to a pulp 24/7."
Rias:"I wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy."
Bakugo:"Don't think you can go hiding in the air, you bastards!"
Kirishima:"Dude! What are you doing?!"
Bakugo:"Getting points! And crushing the competition!"
(Y/n):"Alright, it looks like I may actually have to do something to keep him away."
Mic:"Look at that! Bakugo and (Y/n) are about to tussle in the sky! This is something you don't want to miss, folks!"
Bakugo approached Rias but was knocked back by a blast of wind from (Y/n). He scoffed and kept trying to aim for Rias. She wrapped her legs tightly around (Y/n), who slightly gasped for air but chose to ignore it as he continuously slapped Bakugo's grubby little hands away. It was a constant back and forth between the two.
Bakugo tried to shake Rias off with his quirk, but (Y/n) did well in keeping her safe before kicking Bakugo straight down. Seto caught Bakugo with his tape and set him back on their shoulders.
Kirishima:"Come on, dude, it's not worth it!"
Bakugo:"Tch! Fine! I wanted to destroy you in the final round anyway!"
Rias:"Well, that went better than I expected. A very special thank you (Y/n). You've done a great service today."
(Y/n):"Don't mention it."
He landed back on the ground safely and watched the pandemonium unravel as teams ran after one another. He breathed a quick sigh of relief as no one was going after them. As soon as he had his guard dropped, a sudden rush of ice froze the ground and steadily approached him.
Rias:"(Y/n) look out!"
He jumped away at the last second, but the ice caught onto part of his gym uniform's pant leg and froze up to his shin. He looked over and saw Iida running towards them with Yaoyorozu, Kaminari, and the rider Todoroki.
Rias:"Here (Y/n) I'll get you out!"
She held out her hand and used a blast of magic to shattter the ice while making sure not to hurt (Y/n) in the process.
(Y/n):"So you're wanting me out of the running, huh?"
Todoroki:"Yeah. No hard feelings. It's just what I have to do in order to win."
(Y/n) silently agreed and leaned forward a bit as he got ready to run. Iida did the same. Yaoyorozu used her quirk and created a rod with a blunt curved hook on the end and spun it in her hand. She pointed it at Rias, who met her gaze. Todoroki kept his signature blank yet icy gaze fixated on (Y/n). Kaminari scowled at (Y/n) as he had a beautiful girl sitting comfortably on him with her thighs pressing against his face.
Todoroki:"Go Iida!"
He kicked off the ground and dashed directly at the pair. (Y/n)'s body crackled with electricity before he slid out the way of Iida's path. He grit his teeth and did a hard turn. Yaoyorozu and Kaminari had on a pair of roller skates in order to keep up with Iida and to increase their mobility as well. Yaoyorozu gave the hook to Todoroki, who gripped it tightly.
Iida charged at (Y/n) once again, hoping to close in on him this time. It was futile as (Y/n) effortlessly dodged Iida. Todoroki shot a blast of freezing ice on the ground around them and created a small wall that kept them enclosed.
Rias:"Is this really all that you can come up with? I expected better!"
She used her magic to tear through the wall of ice completely as (Y/n) jumped out and ran away from everyone. He stayed in his own little zone and only spectated the other teams.
(Y/n) watched Izuku fly through the air with a backpack and gently land on the ground with some strange hover boots Uraraka had on. This was their plan to keep the points to themselves for a while. However, he noticed that only his class and those from the general studies were going after Izuku. Class 1-B was just going for the unsuspecting.
A few tried to go after him and Rias, but they effortlessly avoided being robbed of their points. Rias smack talked the other times as (Y/n) kept a stoic look on his face and avoided any thoughts of the position he was in. And it was certainly working. The whole time, it was just a back and forth between Izuku and Todoroki as Monoma from Class 1-B managed to snag points and climb up to 2nd place.
He taunted Bakugo, which was a mistake as the man had tenacity to spare for days. Bakugo got his points back, and then some as (Y/n) kept evading students. Out the corner of his eye, he saw Ojiro and a couple of others carrying a purple haired guy. He looked smug and had plenty of headbands wrapped around his neck. And Ojiro's eyes were glazed over. Almost lifeless. Soon, the buzzer went off, and the round was over.
Mic:"Awesome! Let's see those results! 1st place: Team Todoroki! 2nd Place: Team Bakugo! 3rd place: Team Testu- Oh wait. Team Shinso? How in the- Anyway! In 4th place: Team Midoriya! In 5th place: Team Rias!"
Rias:"A shame. I was hoping we could make it to the finals. Sorry (Y/n)."
(Y/n):"I'm sorry too. I was too focused on keeping a safe distance."
Mic:"Well, that's all for this game! See you all after lunch for the final game!"
Rias walked off as (Y/n) grabbed his head.
(Y/n): Well, Todoroki, you happy? I just lost back to back. I think I'm losing my touch. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.
He began to walk away to eat lunch blissfully, unaware that a certain hooded man was watching from a distance.
To Be Continued...
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