7. Girl Troubles

I was currently sitting on the cliffside that overlooked the Emerald Forest as I put a hand on my head. So much has happened within the past week, and I just didn't know how to handle it. I looked at the sun, which began setting as I thought back to what had happened.

Earlier that week


I rubbed my ears after Issei nearly made me bust an eardrum. I finished telling my roommates that Yang and I were dating once we got back from the beach. Issei was in shock while Kiba and Izuku were happy for me.

Issei:"I turn away for one second, and you already got yourself a girlfriend?!"

"Come on, Issei, it isn't that big of a deal."

Issei:"It kind of is! You're dating one of the hottest girls in school, and now everyone is gonna know."

Kiba:"Probably because you keep yelling."

Issei:"Shut it! Well, either way, good on you, man. But I'll be the harem king, just you wait."

Izuku:"Is that really your goal?"

Issei:"It sure is. I know what I'm about."

"Thanks. But what makes you think the whole school is going to know?"

Issei:"Well, Yang is definitely going to tell Ruby and the others. Not only that, but she's definitely going to show off her affection to you in public. So obviously, if you put two and two together, then you know what's going on between the two of you."

"That's a fair statement. You might be right about that."

And how right he was. The following day, Yang and I pretty much spent the whole day together doing random things around the school since we were still on break. And word spread like a wildfire. Yang and I were happily dating. We sat around on a bench just eating snacks as Yang shared some fun childhood stories.

Yang:"And so, the guy opened up his lunchbox and saw a bunch of worms in it. Haha!"

"Wow, I'm glad I didn't make an enemy out of you."

Yang:"Heh. I was a major tomboy back then. Plus, that guy picked on Ruby! I had to help her get back at him."

"You're a good sister, you know that?"

Yang:"Awww! Thanks (Y/n)!"

"You're welcome."

She reached over and grabbed some of my chips and ate them.

Yang:"So (Y/n), are you thinking about joining the sports festival?"

"Sports festival?"

Yang:"Yeah! It's a thing the kids in the hero course participate in. And since you're undecided, you can also join."

"Are you going to join?"

Yang:"I wish. Huntsmen have their own thing. The Vytal Festival Tournament."

"I see."

Yang:"Yeah. You should do both! I wanna see you show off to the other kids that you're the best fighter in our class!"

I blushed lightly and chuckled.

"I wouldn't say that."

Yang:"But it's true!"

"Well, if you believe in me, then I guess I'll join the festivities."

Yang:"That's the spirit!"

We smiled before I ate some of my chips.

Yang:"Hmm... Hey (Y/n)?"


Yang:"Do you have any childhood memories?

"I... don't know..."


"Well, the thing is one day I just found myself alone in an alley before Mako's dad had found me. He took me in and helped me get some strength back in my body. That's where I met Mako and Ryuko. Anything past that is just... empty."

Yang:"That's right... I nearly forgot. Sorry..."

"No, it's okay. I'm more than happy to remind you. But I can't help but feel like there's more to me."

Yang:"Oh, there definitely is! And hey, we can find out what that is, together!"

She held my hand, and I smiled happily. She smiled back before leaning in for a kiss. I leaned in as well, and we shared a small and quick kiss as she giggled happily.

"Thank you, Yang. That means a lot to me."

Yang:"Anything for you~"

She giggled more before we pulled away from each other. She rested her forehead on mine and closed her eyes.

Yang:"Wanna go out into the city tomorrow?"

"Sure, I'm down."


She stood up from the bench before pulling me up. We stared at each other for a bit when she suddenly got a text.

Yang:"Oh! Ruby wants to do some team training. Is it okay if I go?"

"Of course."

Yang:"Thanks, babe!"

I blushed as she hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek before running off giggling. I got up after finishing my chips and tossed the trash away. The fall season was beginning to approach as I watched leaves fall from trees. It's only been about a month or two, but my time here has definitely been amazing.

With Yang doing her own thing, I had to find a way to keep myself occupied. Several thoughts came to mind. Such as doing my own training, doing some research about the history of this world, or hanging out with my other friends. The last thought had me thinking about Ryuko and Jiro. Yang kind of kept me busy, and I've just solely hung out with her.

I never really had the chance to hang out with anyone else. I didn't mind hanging out with only Yang, but I didn't want my other friends thinking I didn't care for them. I decided to go find Ryuko and see if she wanted to hang out.

I ventured out from the courtyard and began scouring through different sections of the oversized campus to find her. Traversing throughout the school was like second nature to me. I felt this feeling before during the first day of school, but the feeling only grew larger with each passing day. I remember Issei got lost one night, and I had to guide him back to our dorm. The poor fool managed to end up in the greenhouse quadrant of the campus, which was like in a top corner of the campus.

Our dorms were literally in the opposite direction. I passed by multiple buildings and saw students and some teachers talking or partaking in various club activities. Speaking of which, the occult research club was something pretty weird to me. It was essentially a club for Rias's family. So to speak.

Her family were people she found and eventually became devils that serve under her. She doesn't treat them like simple tools, though. As she said herself, they're her family. She treats them as such. Her kindness reached out to me because of my friendship with Issei and Kiba. Plus of when I helped Issei rescue Asia.

My thoughts came to a halt as I spotted Ryuko in one of the training halls. I saw her through the window and watched as she went wild on the robotic dummy. I opened the door and saw that she was all alone in there. She was panting as wild strands of hair hung over her eyes. She brushed them aside and took in a deep breath.

"Hey Ryuko!"

She heard my voice call out to her before she turned around. She was wearing her signature scowl and glare that could humble any Grimm. Even some of the upperclassmen get humbled by it. Mako and I are one of few who can resist it. Mako more than I surprisingly. I expected her to say "Sup" or something of the sort, but she remained silent. And it was deafening.


She began walking and purposely bumped into my shoulder.

"What's wrong?"

She stopped her sour mood filled stride and spoke.

Ryuko:"You know damn well what's wrong!"

I stared at her back as she gripped her scissor blade tightly. Her other hand formed a fist as it shook with fury.

"I really don't. Tell me."

Ryuko:"I don't have to tell you shit! You damn jerk!"

Her words struck me to my core, and I stepped back a bit out of sheer shock. When she called me a jerk, her voice cracked. I reached out for her and spoke to her.

"Ryuko I-"

Ryuko:"Just leave me alone, alright!?"

She stormed out the training hall as I stood there silently. I let my hand fall to my side and hung my head low. There was nothing I could say or do to get Ryuko to forgive me for what I supposedly did that hurt her. I put my hands in my pockets and trudged out the building.

Not a single word escaped from my lips, and I did my best to keep my mind clear. But her words just rang throughout my head. As I continued to walk around campus, I saw some familiar faces. It was Mina and Tsu. They were rounding a corner of a building, and I followed them. I stayed a distance away from them and stopped when I heard sniffling.

Mina:"You okay, Jiro?"

My eyes widened as I stayed hidden around the corner.


Tsu:"Poor Jiro..."

Jiro:"I honestly thought that we..."

She let out more tears and hid her face in her knees. Mina and Tsu got down to her level and began rubbing her back.

Mina:"Jiro... Please. I know it hurts, but you need to stop thinking about him. It's doing you no good. You've been like this since you found out they started dating."

Jiro:"How am I not supposed to?! I thought that we had such strong vibes. Guess I was wrong..."

She went back to crying, and I walked away. I sat down on a bench and let out a groan. Resting my head against my hand, I began thinking about what Mina had said. Jiro has been completely upset whenever she found out two people had started dating.

My brain began to work in overdrive as I tried to come up with an idea as to who she was talking about. After a while, it finally clicked, and my eyes widened.


I got up and looked down at my hands.

"She's hurt because of...me?"

I didn't know what to think or feel. So many emotions swirled inside me, and I grasped my head. The main thing that weighed down on me was guilt.

Ryuko: You know damn well what's wrong!

"Ryuko... You too?"

I let out a pained groan as I kept my face covered with my hand. The day dragged on as I walked around campus for a while. The sudden realization of what was going on around me was a bit too much for me. I didn't know what to do! I still don't!

I decided to bite the bullet and walked to Yang's dorm, and knocked on her door. My hands were shaking with fear as I tried to keep them still. The door opened, and Weiss was on the other side.

Weiss:"Good evening, (Y/n)."

"Hey Weiss. Is Yang here?"

Weiss:"She's in the shower."

"Ah, alright. I'll just wait out here then."

Weiss:"You can wait inside. I'm sure Yang wouldn't mind. In fact, she'd relish the thought."

She chuckled to herself as I was let inside the dorm. The bed arrangements were a little weird to me. They had them set up like bunk beds, but through improvised means. One was hung up by ropes, and the other was stacked on books. Neither looked stable, but it seemed like the four of them had no issues with it.

I looked at the room and saw it was kind of dirty. Random magazines scattered across the floor, a bunch of wrappers as well, with the only clean looking area to be Weiss's bed. Even then, some bits of trash invaded the space.

Ruby:"Hi (Y/n)!"

"Hey Ruby."

She was underneath her covers with her scroll propped up on her pillow. It seemed as though she was watching some anime.

Ruby:"What brings you to our awesome hideout?"

Weiss:"Stop calling it that."


"I needed to talk to Yang."

Ruby:"Ooh. You might need to wait 50 billion years. Since she takes so gosh darn long in the shower!!!"

"Yeah. I'll wait it out."

I sat down on the open bed right next to me, and I assumed it was Yang's. Weiss and Ruby were on their own beds, and Blake might be on hers. I didn't see her when I walked in, though. Yang's wall had posters of boy bands and some pop idols on it. I lightly smiled before looking down at my hands.

As I waited for her, I pondered on how I could tell her what I've heard. The fact that Ryuko and Jiro are both upset because of Yang and I dating. It seemed the girls noticed my sudden drop in positivity as they stopped what they were doing.

Ruby:"Are you okay?"


Weiss:"You don't seem like yourself."


I jumped out of bed as Blake's voice caught me off guard. She dropped down from the top bunk and gazed at me.

"You were here the whole time?!"

Blake:"This is my dorm."


Blake:"So what's wrong?"

"Look, I... I need to discuss something with Yang..."

Weiss:"Must be serious if it's got you so worked up."

"It isn't! Or well, it is but -"

I groaned and rubbed my head.

Yang:"Hey! Are you girls teasing my little (Y/n)?"

I heard Yang's voice and looked over to her. She wore an orange sports bra with a red colored design of her emblem with a pair of black shorts that was about less than halfway past her thighs.

I looked at her and blushed. She sauntered over and immediately clamped onto me and rested her head against the side of mine.

Yang:"Don't worry, (Y/n). I'll make sure they don't bully you."

She giggled and pecked my cheek. Weiss simply rolled her eyes as Blake didn't stop staring curiously at me.

"No, Yang, it's not that. Look, I really need to talk to you about something. In private."

Upon hearing those last two words, Yang's grip on me loosened as one arm fell to her side, and the other traced down my arm and took a hold of my hand. She squeezed my hand lightly before looking at her team, then back to me. We walked out her dorm and walked out of the hall and towards a balcony.

Yang:"(Y/n), what's wrong?"

"Yang... Today, after you left to go practice with your team, I decided to hang out with some other friends. Mainly because I felt like I never had the chance to whenever we started dating. Not that I don't like our dates it's just that I felt like my other friends were being ignored."

Yang:"Okay. I'll take the fall for that. I've just been so damn excited to finally be dating you. I just sort of kept you all to myself. Sorry."

"It's fine. But as I walked around, I found Ryuko and decided to hang out with her. But, whenever I tried talking to her, she immediately pushed me away. I asked what was wrong, and all she did was yell at me. Saying that I knew what was wrong."

Yang's eyes widened, and she balled a fist that was resting on the guardrail. I saw this and put a hand over hers. She eased her hand and let mine rest on it.

"But she wasn't the only one that was upset with me. Jiro was as well. I saw Mina and Tsu running somewhere, and curiosity got the better of me, so I followed. I stopped after they rounded a corner, and I heard Jiro crying. They talked for a bit before Mina revealed that she was crying when she found out someone she liked was dating someone..."

I didn't need to say more as Yang immediately put the pieces together. She pulled her hand from under mine and used it to rub her arm.

Yang:"So Ryuko and Jiro like you then..."


We stayed in an awkward silence since we didn't know what to say or do.

Yang:"Do you like them?"


Yang:"Do you like them?"

"I... I do. But as friends. But then again..."

Yang:"What are you going to do?"

"I... I don't know! I don't know what I can or should do! I don't want any of my friends to stay mad at me. But I can't just leave you either. Yang, you were my first friend that I met. And everything about you is amazing. I'd be dumb to leave you just to remove some of this guilt weighing down on me."

Yang's eyes lit up as she placed a hand over her chest. I groaned and held my head.

"I can't win in this situation. No matter what, someone is always going to get hurt. I... RRRGGG!!!"

I grew furious with myself and just everything around me before I was pulled into a soft and warm embrace. Yang had pulled me into a hug and squeezed me tightly.

Yang:"(Y/n), this is why we fell for you. You do so much to make everyone happy that you forget about your own. You're a person, too. And there are times when you need to put yourself before others. It's hard to be a people pleaser. I love you (Y/n), I'm willing to help you make amends with them, but for now, just please stay and relax."

Her words mixed with her warmth resulted in me dropping my negative emotions and even loosened my body up. I hugged her back, and we stayed that way for a few minutes before she grabbed my hand and took me back to her dorm. The other girls looked at us before seeing our smiles and smiled back. They went back to their own things as Yang pulled me into her bed.

I was surprised and looked up at her, but she shifted her body so she could rest her chin on my head as I lay in her arms. She then started to hum softly, and I could feel my body getting drowsy. Laying in her arms, forgetting my worries, enjoying the moment. This was the best thing I've felt. And it seemed to work because before I knew it, I was asleep.

The Next Day

The next morning, I woke up feeling refreshed as ever. I rubbed my eyes and looked down at my chest to see Yang snuggled up against me. Her hair was a bit messy and hung over the sides of my torso. Her eyes were shut tightly, and she had a smile plastered on her beautiful face.

I looked around and saw that everyone else was sleeping soundly. I tried to sit up, but this caused Yang to react as she wrapped her arms tightly around me. She proceeded to squeeze my body as I looked at her.

Yang:"You're not going anywhere."


She kept her eyes closed and only rubbed her head against my chest.

Yang:"Mine. Stay."

I chuckled lightly and decided to relax a bit more. I laid down once again and simply stared up at the bottom of Blake's bed. Yang shifted her body around, so now she was closer to my head. Her arms were still wrapped around my body to keep me from going anywhere for a while.


Yang had finally decided to wake up and went to freshen up as I walked out her dorm to stretch my legs for a bit. I walked down the halls before encountering Principal Nezu.

Nezu:"Ah, good morning (Y/n)! How are you feeling?"


Nezu:"That's good. Since I have you here, can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

Nezu:"Would you like to participate in the sports festival?"

"I'm unsure."

Nezu:"I would appreciate it if you did. Someone of your talent would make for amazing entertainment! Plus, I'm certain you can impress your friends even more if you manage to take home the gold. This could help you get rid of any unnecessary thoughts that are clouding your mind!"

I looked down at him and thought about it briefly. Making up with Jiro and Ryuko would take time, Ryuko especially. But if I could do something to show off to them or something to keep me occupied would be best.

"I'll join."

Nezu:"Wonderful! And one thing, some of the spectators may get confused on seeing you use a weapon if you aren't part of the support group or filled out a form to use such a thing. How will you go about it?"

"I still have my magic. I'll use that."

He nodded happily and began walking away. After he was gone, I held out my right hand and summoned Oathkeeper.

"Ryuko, Jiro, I promise to make things right. I don't know how, but I promise to heal your hearts."

To Be Continued...

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