6. Rest Day
I was starting to feel better after my fight at the USJ, but I still needed a bit more time to rest. Right now, I was with Issei as he wanted me to help him out by finding a friend of his.
"Issei, you do know I'm not supposed to do anything strenuous, right? Plus why ask me to help you? I thought you didn't like me."
Issei:"That's a misconception. I just don't like the fact you get all the bitches. But you're a good guy so I can't really hate you like I do Bakugo and Cardin. And besides, we're just looking for someone. Plus can't you teleport?"
"Well yeah but-"
Issei:"But nothing! If we run into trouble then just teleport us away! Easy as that!"
We stopped by at a park when he noticed someone.
I looked over and saw he was talking to a blonde girl.
Her cheeks went red and I was a little confused, but she seemed happy to see him. He asked her if she wanted to grab some lunch and she agreed. We went to a nearby burger joint and Issei ordered for us all.
Issei:"So what were you doing at the park?"
Asia:"I wanted to get some fresh air and have a nice day then I saw you and my day got even better."
She was blushing and I felt happy for Issei.
Asia:"Anyway Issei who's your friend?"
"I'm (Y/n). Nice to meet you."
Asia:"Nice to meet you too. I'm Asia Argento."
Issei decided that we should hang out and so we went to a nearby arcade where he and Asia had fun together. He even won her a stuffed animal. We went to a rest spot with benches and a pond in the center. Issei winced in pain and Asia used some strange power to heal him.
"Whoa. What was that?"
Issei:"Oh that's right! Sorry (Y/n), I nearly forgot. I wanted your help to find Asia so she could fix you up."
(Y/n):"Thanks Issei. I'll be sure to put in a good word for you back at school."
We chuckled and Asia walked over to me.
"When did you learn you could heal people?"
Asia:"Well, when I was a baby I was left on the doorstep of a church. The nuns took me in raised me. One day there was a puppy that was badly injured. I prayed with all my heart for God to bless it and make it better and a miracle happened. I was the one who healed it. I was taken to a bigger church where men and women across the world came to me for healing. Knowing that I had this power to make people better made me happy. That all changed when I healed a man who fell. It turned out that he was a devil so I had no choice but to run away from the church."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
Asia:"No. It's okay. Because if I hadn't ran, I wouldn't be here today to meet Issei."
I smiled and he was blushing and scratched his cheek.
Asia:"Now, where is it that you're hurting?"
"It's mainly my torso plus my right shoulder."
She nodded and extended her hands out when I saw someone land on the pond behind her.
Issei:"No! What are you doing here?!"
I quickly got up and Asia was confused before gasping.
Asia:"Lady Raynare!"
She was wearing some rather revealing clothing, but the main thing that caught my eyes were the jet black feathered wings on her back.
Raynare:"There you are Asia. And look, Issei too."
Issei ran over and got in front of Asia.
"Issei, do you know this person?"
Issei:"Yeah... She posed as a girl named Yuma and pretended to be my girlfriend before she killed me!"
"Wait, you died?!"
Issei:"Oh yeah. Guess I never told you. Well anyway, Rias revived me and here I am!"
Raynare:"You were such a turbo virgin it was too easy to lure you in. And who's your little buddy?"
"Don't worry about it! What are you?!"
Raynare:"Do you seriously not know? I am a fallen angel."
So Dr. Oobleck was serious... Well I guess I shouldn't be surprised since I'm living in this crazy world.
Raynare:"Come here Asia. We got big plans tonight."
Issei:"She's not going with you!"
Issei:"She's my friend and I won't let her be taken by someone like you!"
Issei was standing his ground and I admired it. I never seen him so worked up before and it got me ready to fight as well. I flicked my left hand to the side and one of my arrowguns popped up in my hand. I spun it in my hand and aimed it directly at her.
"I got your back Issei!"
Issei:"Thanks (Y/n). Sacred Gear!"
He threw up his left arm and a small red gauntlet showed up. Raynare laughed and flipped her hair.
Raynare:"Coming up short as usual. And your friend there thinks he can do something too? Doubt it."
She raised her arm and created a spear of light and smirked. She threw it at our feet and it exploded. We were thrown back and I tumbled along the concrete. I got up and shook it off and began to fire at her. She created another lance and began to cut through the arrows.
Raynare:"Don't be a hero. Are you really willing to fight for some random girl and your pervy friend?"
"Yeah! He's weird. No doubt about that, but he's still my friend!"
I began to run and started to blast her. She giggled and deflected all the arrows.
Dang. I can't even use my other powers properly because I'm still hurting. And my arm hurts to much to use the other half of Sharpshooter.
She threw down her weapon at my feet and caused me to fly through the air. I crashed back down on some nearby grass and groaned. I then heard Issei and Asia yelling, but I was too stunned to move. I eventually got up and saw Issei on the ground crying. I ran over to him and picked him up.
"Issei, what happened?"
Issei:"She took Asia!"
I frowned and decided to take him back to campus.
* * *
Rias scolded Issei before looking towards me.
Rias:"(Y/n), I appreciate you willing to help Issei, but you're still injured right?"
Issei:"I'm sorry (Y/n). I shouldn't have asked you to help. If Yang or Ryuko find out then they're seriously gonna beat my ass."
"We'll keep it on the low."
He smiled softly before looking at the floor upset. Akeno whispered something to Rias and they had to leave. Me, Kiba, and Koneko stayed silent for a bit before Issei got up to leave.
Issei:"I'm going to save her and none of you are going to stop me."
Kiba:"Oh, we won't. We'll be joining you."
Issei:"Wait, seriously? You too, Koneko?"
Koneko:"There's nothing better to do."
"Yeah. I may not be at full strength but I'm still willing to help."
Issei:"Thanks guys. Let's do this!"
We ran out and took a bullhead back to the city and began to run towards an abandoned church. Koneko kicked the doors down and there was some guy waiting for us.
"Who's that?"
Issei:"Freed Sellzen. Some fucking douche!"
Freed:"I should be the one saying that to you devils! And who's the new guy?"
"No one important. Where's Asia?"
Freed:"She's just downstairs."
Koneko threw a bench at him which he cut through with a sword of light. He fought off Kiba and dodged Koneko's thrown objects before being punched by Issei. He disappeared after using a flashbang. We ran downstairs and saw Asia chained to a cross and was being shocked with magic. Issei ran on ahead as some fallen angels tried to stop him. I summoned Sharpshooter again and kept them at bay with Kiba and Koneko's help.
I was blasting them and kicking them away as Issei and Raynare talked. Asia lost consciousness and fell to Issei's arms after Raynare let the chains go. He cried for Asia before running away with her in his arms. I smiled and shot down some more fallen angels.
Kiba:"There's certainly a few."
Koneko:"This is starting to get annoying. You holding up alright, (Y/n)?"
"Yeah, I'm good."
Kiba:"Go help out Issei!"
"What, are you sure?"
I nodded and ran back upstairs and saw that Raynare was already trying to escape. I aimed and shot an arrow which flew swiftly and pierced through her wings. She fell the ground and Issei ran up and punched her right in the face and a small green explosion occurred. I took a look to see Issei's gauntlet changed.
Kiba and Koneko made it back up with Rias who congratulated Issei.
"Rias, when did you get here?"
Rias:"Well, Akeno saw a fallen angel nearby and I would've ignored it but lately they've been acting hostile towards my family."
"But aren't you and your brother strong?"
Rias:"Not my blood family, but my club."
Rias:"To me they're much more than a peerage. They're my family."
Kiba:"Rias is very patient, but if you insult her peerage too much she'll live up to her name as the Princess of Destruction."
"I didn't know you cared so much about your peerage."
A/n: Wow, I didn't know Rias was such a nice girl. Surely no one would warp her personality to make her peerage insufferable and cause them to abuse a member of their family.
Rias:"You should hang out with us more. You'll learn a thing or two. And listen (Y/n), if you ever need a hand you can always ask us. You're friends with Kiba and Issei which extends to me also being your friend."
"Thanks Rias. I'll remember that."
Rias went over and held a bishop piece from a chess set and used magic to embed it into Asia and she was revived. She hugged Issei before he looked back at me.
Issei:"That's right, Asia, can you heal (Y/n) now?"
She nodded and made her way over and placed a hand on my shoulder and on my torso. Her hands glowed green and I felt my body wash over with warmth. She pulled away and I flexed my arm and moved my body around.
"Whoa! I feel good as new! Thanks Asia!"
Asia:"Of course! We're friends now!"
I smiled and nodded at Issei. He nodded back at me and we shared a fist bump.
"Wait, what are we gonna do with Asia now?"
Rias:"I'll get my brother to enroll her in class with us."
The next day
Asia was welcomed into our class apart from Bakugo. Her friendly demeanor automatically made her a favorite with the others. Mineta was jealous that Issei managed to sweep a girl off her feet. Kaminari praised him, but he too was a bit jealous that Issei went all cool when they weren't there.
As everyone hung out during our rest days, I decided to go to Ozpin for some questions. I didn't want to believe that villain, but he was right in saying that Ozpin and Sirzechs definitely might've seen some stuff during their time. I went to an elevator and rode it to the top to reach the headmasters' office. I knocked on the door and I heard someone on the other side tell me to enter.
I walked in and saw Ozpin sifting through some papers and drinking from his mug.
Ozpin:"(Y/n), what can I do for you?"
"I have some questions sir?"
The moment I said that, he paused and set his mug back down and moved his papers aside. He put his hands together and looked at me.
"Yeah. Back at the USJ, I fought a hooded man who somehow knew who I was. He said that he and I were Nobodies."
"That we were just leftover shells of a person who once lived."
Ozpin:"(Y/n)... Their existence is real. I can assure you that much. He did not lie when he said they were shells of a former being. However, to call you one is a bold claim. Do not listen to his lies. Nobodies lack a heart and therefore lack any emotion. You have emotion, my boy. You have a heart and it is connected to so many."
I smiled at him and placed a hand over my chest.
"Yeah. Thank you professor. I'm sorry for asking you something like this."
Ozpin:"Do not worry. You were agitated by that mysterious villain. It is only natural his words were ingrained into your mind. And I have a couple of questions for you."
"What are they?"
Ozpin:"Do you remember how that man sounded like?"
"I'm sorry. His voice was distorted and kept shifting pitches so I couldn't exactly narrow it down."
Ozpin:"At the very least he was cautious about being found out."
"What's your other question?"
Ozpin smiled put his hands down on the desk.
Ozpin:"Would you like to take a trip to the beach?"
* * *
Ozpin decided that for the final day of rest, our class would go to beach that was just off the main city. It was private as the school owned it plus there was a radio tower that was highly guarded with magic and weapons so it couldn't be brought down easily.
There were two separate restrooms that were used to change into our clothes. I wore only a pair of swim trunks that were black and white with one side being one color and the other being the other.
Issei:"Wahoo! It's time to see Rias in a bikini!"
Mineta:"I personally can't wait to see Akeno in hers."
They began to drool over the thought of seeing them in their swimwear as I stared out at the open sea.
?:"Yoohoo! (Y/n)~"
I heard someone calling out to me and so I turned around instantly froze as I felt my face heat up.
Yang:"So? Whatcha' think?"
Come on (Y/n)! Say something! You've talked to Yang all the time! Why is it so different now?!
I struggled to find the words before I shut my eyes before opening them quickly.
"You look amazing in it Yang! Nothing could've suit you more!"
Yang stared at me before smirking.
Yang:"I'm so happy to hear that~ I picked this out for you~"
"F-for me?!"
Yang:"Yes, for you. I just wanted to see your cute little face react to me wearing this."
She giggled and sauntered over to me before holding my cheeks and getting close to my face. She quickly pulled away and started laughing.
Yang:"Come on, what are you waiting for!?"
She dragged me out to the water and splashed some on me. That quickly snapped me out of my stupor and I just chuckled.
"Alright, my turn!"
I splashed some water back at her and she covered her face and we laughed together. Soon more of my classmates got in the water and began to have their own fun.
Ruby:"Yang! Let's play some volleyball!"
Yang:"Be right over!"
She smiled and looked over at me.
Yang:"Be sure to cheer me on, got it?"
"Sure thing!"
Yang:"Good! Now I've got myself some motivation to win!"
She laughed and ran over to Ruby as I stayed in the water. I decided to just go farther ahead and just lay back and float gently in the water.
?:"Oh (Y/n)~"
I heard my name being called and I shifted my body and saw Mina calling out to me.
Mina:"Come on Jiro, don't be shy!"
She looked over her shoulder as someone was hiding behind her. I was a little confused before she stepped out the way and Jiro was revealed.
Jiro:"H-hey (Y/n)..."
She had a pink tint to her cheeks and was lightly scratching her cheek with her finger as her earlobes pressed against one another. I felt my face heat up a bit and a smile made its way on my face as well.
"Hey Jiro... You look cute in that."
Her face became even more red and she smiled.
Jiro:"Th-thank you. I had a bit of trouble finding something so I asked Mina to help me out. I'm glad you like it."
She walked a bit closer to me and looked away.
A big geyser of water splashed over on us and his red head popped out the water as he laughed happily.
Kirishima:"Haha! That was awesome! Oh, sup (Y/n)?"
I chuckled a bit as Jiro scowled at him.
Kirishima:"Hey, what's with the scary face for?!"
She glared even harder and he gulped before swimming away from us. She let out an annoyed sigh before looking back at me.
Jiro:"Would it be alright if we just chilled on the beach?"
"Of course."
She smiled and grabbed my hand before dragging me over to the beach. We found a spot and set down some towels to sit on as I set an umbrella over us. She scooted a bit closer to me as we watched our classmates run up and down the beach and enjoying themselves.
Jiro:"(Y/n), can I ask you about that villain you fought?"
"Sure, but I may not be able to answer everything."
Jiro:"Well, I just wanted to know... Was it scary?"
"Hm... Tough to say. For myself, I wasn't afraid. But I was scared that he was going to hurt you. So I kind of went a bit overboard. Sorry."
Jiro only smiled and placed a hand over mine. My face started to heat up as she looked directly in my eyes.
Jiro:"Don't apologize. You really helped me out. I'm grateful for it."
Before we could say anything else, Izuku ran up to me.
Izuku:"Hey (Y/n), can you help us out?"
Izuku:"Me and Kaminari need a third for our volleyball team."
I looked over at Jiro who nodded.
Jiro:"Go nuts. I'll be rooting for ya."
"Thanks Jiro. I'll do you proud. Count me in, Deku."
He extended his hand and so I grabbed it as he helped me up to my feet. We ran over to the net where Kaminari was waiting for us.
Kaminari:"Alright! You ladies better be ready to see our awesomeness!"
I looked across the net and saw our opponents. Koneko, Yang, and Pyrrha. Yang waved at me and I waved back. Kaminari elbowed me after that.
"What was that for?"
Kaminari:"Those are our enemies!"
"Yet you want to impress them? Curious."
Kaminari:"It's totally different, dude! Whatever! It's showtime."
Koneko:"You can serve first."
Kaminari:"No, no. Beauty before beast."
"You just insulted yourself, you know that?"
Kaminari:"Heh, did I-"
He was suddenly smacked right in the face by the volleyball and fell over.
Koneko:"Pay attention."
I sighed and grabbed the ball and tossed it back to her as he got back up.
Izuku:"Kaminari, you and I should stay in the back and we'll have (Y/n) up front."
Kaminari:"If it lowers the risk of me getting smacked in the face then I'm game."
He stood back and we made a triangle formation. Koneko served the ball and it was powerful! I stepped back a bit and clasped my hands together and used my own strength to knock it into the air. Izuku jumped up and smacked it back to their side. Yang knocked it back to the air and Koneko went for the follow-up. I jumped out the way as it looked like it was going to smack me. This scored them a point and they cheered.
Kaminari sighed but Izuku told him to not give up. And it was the best thing to do because we made a comeback after being down 5 points later on in the game. We barely scraped by and now I was sweating and decided to cool off in the water. I wasn't the only one as many of my other friends were having fun in the water. Soon, I got out and just started to walk along the beach. There was a cliffside that I climbed up to and sat on the edge. I let my legs dangle and stared out over the vast ocean.
?:"Ice cream?"
I looked over to my right and saw Ryuko in her swimsuit.
I was a bit stunned and felt myself heat up. I never saw Ryuko in this sort of attire. Nor did I think she would be interested in wearing something like this. I shook my head before looking at the ice cream in her hand.
I smiled and graciously took it.
I bit into it and it tasted salty, but there was also this sweetness to it.
"This is...amazing. What flavor is it?"
Ryuko:"I think it's called sea salt ice cream."
"I'll be sure to remember that."
I ate some more as she smiled and ate her own as we stared at the sun together.
"Ryuko, I never asked this, but why did you come to Union?"
Ryuko:"I should've told you sooner, but I want to get stronger so I can fight the bastard that killed my father. The scissor blade I carry, the killer has the other half of it."
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up any bad memories."
Ryuko:"Don't sweat it, (Y/n). All my anger and frustration is aimed towards that killer."
"Well, if you need help then you can always ask me."
Ryuko smiled before finishing her popsicle. I ate the rest of mine as I saw Ryuko's face turn red.
Ryuko:"(Y/n) I... I'm grateful to have you..."
"Have me...?"
Ryuko:"Uh! Oh! Um! As a friend!"
She quickly stood up and looked away.
Ryuko:"I just remembered I promised to hang with Mako! Sorry!"
She ran off before I could say anything else and I chuckled awkwardly. I looked back at the sun and realized it was already going down. We came to this beach in the afternoon, but I didn't think time had passed this much.
I got up and walked around a bit more. Some of the other students were grilling food and it smelled good. I just kept walking around as the moon finally rose.
I heard my name being called and I looked behind me to see it was Yang. She walked over to me and stopped about an inch or two away from me.
"What's up?"
Yang:"Can I ask you something?"
Yang took in a deep breath before exhaling. She looked directly at me and in the moonlight, her lilac eyes glistened beautifully.
Yang:"Will you be my boyfriend?"
I audibly gasped in shock as the question came out of left field. I struggled to speak as all I could do was move my lips in random motions.
Yang:"Is that...a no?"
I heard the sadness in her voice and it was the catalyst I needed to steel my nerves.
"Sorry Yang..."
Yang looked down but I kept speaking.
"I was just so surprised. I didn't think someone as gorgeous and amazing as you would fall for me."
She looked back up and our eyes locked.
"I've never had a girlfriend before so I don't know how to treat a lady. But I promise you that I'll do everything to make you happy!"
Yang:"Oh (Y/n)..."
She latched onto me and held me tightly. I wrapped my arms around her as well before we looked into each other's eyes.
Yang:"You're already doing a great job. But there's one thing that needs to be a constant."
"What is it?"
Without hesitation, Yang planted her lips on mine and I felt my body loosen up and I sank into the kiss. We kissed for what felt like eternity before pulling away for air.
"That...I can promise."
She ran her thumb down my cheek before pulling me in for another kiss.
To Be Continued...
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