4. Team Practice
The second week of classes had approached and it would seem Yang's overall positive nature has increased after hanging out with (Y/n). And her team were curious so they asked if something happened and all she said her day with (Y/n) was perfect. And their classmates took notice of how often the two hung out together after class. Ryuko was especially aware of this. She would glare at (Y/n) any chance she got and his kind and confused face made her quickly drop her anger. But she honestly felt a little upset that (Y/n) was ignoring her somewhat. So she decided that there was only one way to gain his attention.
Glynda:"Okay class, any volunteers?"
Ryuko raised her hand up and she nodded
Glynda:"Ryuko Matoi, you're up. And now who-"
Ryuko:"Can I choose my opponent?"
Glynda:"I suppose so. Who do you choose?"
Ryuko looked all around the room as eyes were focused on her before she saw Yang.
Ryuko:"I choose Yang."
People gasped and Yang was a little confused, but held a proud smirk.
Yang:"Oh, you're on!"
The two got up to head towards the locker room to change. They came back out and stood across from each other. Issei smirked and started to breathe heavily alongside Mineta.
Issei:"Dude, it's a cat fight!"
Mineta:"I know! This is gonna be so good!"
Izuku: Yang versus Ryuko... This will certainly be an interesting fight. Yang definitely has the power advantage, but Ryuko can keep Yang at a distance with her scissor blade. I should take notes on how Yang fights. Maybe I can incorporate some of what she does to myself when I learn to control One For All.
The buzzer went off and the two eyed each other carefully. Ryuko then dashed at Yang and swung her blade straight down. Yang blocked it with her gauntlet and pushed her away. Ryuko slid on the ground and Yang jumped up and tried to attack her from above. Ryuko jumped out the way as Yang punched the ground. She raised her other arm and started to shoot at Ryuko.
She narrowed her eyes and deflected the bullets. Yang stood up and ran at Ryuko. She threw punches wildly, but Ryuko was blocking them all. She grit her teeth as Yang kept punching. Ryuko then lifted both her legs off the floor in a swift movement to kick Yang away. It worked and caused her to stumble back a bit. This gave Ryuko a chance to follow up by hitting Yang in the arm with the scissor blade and sending her crashing to the wall.
Issei: *whistle* "Now that's a bad bitch."
Glynda:"Language, Mr. Hyoudo!"
He gasped and covered his mouth as Bakugo laughed at him. (Y/n) was watching the fight intently and didn't know who he should be rooting for. Ryuko's combo dealt quite a bit to Yang's aura. Yang got out from the wall and dusted herself off.
Yang:"I gotta hand it to you, Ryuko. You know how to rock! I like it! Now let's see you go against this!"
Her eyes went red and her hair had flames burning off it.
Izuku: So this is her semblance... I feel like it's supposed to be a reference to something.
Yang charged at Ryuko and threw a punch that she was barely able to block. But Yang seemed to be stronger than just a while ago as Ryuko struggled to keep her fist away. Yang used her other fist to throw another punch and it caused Ryuko to lose her defensive stance and sent her flying to a wall. She crashed harshly against it and her aura dropped down by 20%.
She groaned and tried to get out the wall, but Yang had reached her and grabbed her by her hand and slammed her against the ground. Her aura dropped down another 20%. Everyone inhaled sharply because it looked like it hurt even with the aura taking the damage. Ryuko tried to stand but Yang grabbed her by her collar and threw her up before quickly grabbing her leg and slamming her back down. The attack dealt major damage and the buzzer went off.
Glynda:"That's the match! Yang Xiao Long is the winner!"
Yang:"Woo! Yeah!"
She cheered for herself and walked over to Ryuko as her hair and eyes went back to normal. She held her hand out for Ryuko who just scoffed and grabbed it and was pulled to her feet.
Yang:"Great match."
Ryuko:"Yeah, yeah. Gg or whatever."
She walked to the locker room ahead of Yang and came back out and sat in her spot next to (Y/n).
(Y/n):"You alright?"
He looked at her worried and she felt her cheeks heating up.
Ryuko:"Y-yeah... I'm fine! Just a little sore."
(Y/n):"Well if there's anything I can do to help you just let me know."
He smiled at her and she smiled back before deciding to lean against him.
Ryuko:"Just let me rest my shoulder against yours."
(Y/n):"Sure thing."
Mako:"The ship is starting to set sail."
Mako:"Oh, nothing!"
She giggled to herself as (Y/n) shrugged and focused on class. Yang saw Ryuko smiling as she leaned against (Y/n) and growled lightly. Once the day ended, (Y/n) was seen heading towards a training hall to meet up with Izuku. He stopped when two girls stood in his way.
?:"You're (Y/n), correct?"
Sona:"Wonderful. It's nice to meet you. I am Sona Sitri."
Tsubaki:"And I'm Tsubaki Shinra."
(Y/n):"Nice to meet you too. Was there something you needed?"
Sona:"I wanted to ask you a few questions."
(Y/n):"Sure, but could you make it quick? My friend is waiting for me in the training hall."
Sona:"Well that's a coincidence. I wanted to ask if you would mind sparring with Tsubaki here?"
(Y/n):"Excuse me?"
Tsubaki:"I hope that isn't too forward of us."
He rubbed his chin and thought about it before accepting.
(Y/n):"I guess that's fine."
They smiled and walked together to the training hall. (Y/n) looked around and saw Izuku doing some curls. He quickly walked over and Izuku smiled.
Izuku:"Hey (Y/n)."
(Y/n):"Hey Izuku. Is it alright if I train with you in a short while? Some girl wanted me to spar against her friend."
He motioned over to the glasses wearing duo and Izuku looked surprised.
Izuku:"Are you going against Tsubaki?"
(Y/n):"You know her?"
Izuku:"Her and Sona are members of the student council. They're in class 1-B as well."
(Y/n):"The student council?!"
Izuku:"Yeah. I'm a little shocked they approached you since they always seem to be busy. Anyway it's fine. I honestly want to see how you handle this."
(Y/n):"Alright. Thanks."
He walked over to the girls and told them he was ready.
Sona:"Wonderful. I would like it if both of you gave it your all."
Tsubaki:"As you wish."
(Y/n):"I'll do my best then."
They got on opposite sides of the court and Sona clapped her hands to start the match. Tsubaki smirked and teleported behind (Y/n) and kicked him away. He was sent tumbling along the ground and groaned before getting up. She teleported in front of him and went for a punch, but he rolled out the way. She would try to get the drop on (Y/n), but he managed to roll out the way consistently.
Izuku: (Y/n)'s doing good to not be hit, but being on the defensive isn't gonna help much. I hope he has a weapon to keep up with her teleportation.
Sona had her arms crossed and was watching Tsubaki relentlessly attack (Y/n) who only evaded attacks. He then jumped away and stood upright and flicked his arms to the side and summoned a pair of arrowguns.
Sona's eyes narrowed and Izuku scribbled down what he saw.
Sona: So it's true about him having different weapons at his call. I was hoping to see if he had that other one...
Tsubaki:"Planning to go on the offensive?"
(Y/n):"Yeah. You move around a lot so this should even the field."
He smirked and she simply scoffed before seeing (Y/n) shoot red arrows made of lasers at her. She teleported out the way and was in the air then gasped when the arrows entered a wormhole and appear before her. They hit her and she grunted with pain. She got back down to the ground and Izuku was in awe and jotted down more notes.
Izuku: These weapons have laser like arrows and (Y/n) must've created some sort of wormhole to be able to hit his target. A very great choice to deal with teleporting foes.
He blasted away at her some more and she created a barrier around her and they bounced off her barrier and she smirked and then saw they started to ricochet off the floor and walls. (Y/n) put his weapons together and released a large blue arrow that crashed into her barrier and cracked it as the smaller arrows made their way back to it and broke it apart.
A remaining few managed to hit her and she grit her teeth. (Y/n) flicked his arms and the arrowguns were reloaded and he warped over her head and floated upside-down. He then rained down a full set of laser arrows on her and she cried out in pain and crashed to the floor. Tsubaki managed to get back up and her clothes were slightly torn and she scowled.
Tsubaki:"Lucky shot! I'll show you the difference between us!"
Sona:"That's enough!"
She walked over and Tsubaki regained her composure and bowed in shame.
Sona:"I've seen enough."
(Y/n):"Oh. Alright then."
His weapons disappeared into sparkles and Sona smiled.
Sona:"Now, back to the questions I wanted to ask you. Are you part of Rias' club?"
(Y/n):"No. I'm not."
Sona:"That's perfect. Would you be interested in joining the student council?"
Izuku: What?! That's crazy. I didn't think the president herself would be the one looking for new members. I figured she'd have Tsubaki or someone else doing the recruiting.
(Y/n):"I'll pass."
(Y/n):"I said I'll pass. Being a student council member would require some tough commitment. Plus it would take away from my free time."
Sona closed her eyes and let out a small laugh.
Sona:"It was worth a shot. I won't force your hand, though if you have a change of heart then stop by the council room and I'll get you fixed up."
He smiled and extended his hand towards her. She took it and they shook hands before her and Tsubaki departed. (Y/n) then went over to Izuku and the two got to doing some training.
Tsubaki:"I was not expecting him to be able to warp space like that."
Sona:"Neither was I. (Y/n) certainly is an enigma."
Tsubaki:"And you're just letting him go like that?"
Sona:"Of course. It would be wrong of us to simply recruit someone for their power. Honestly, I've been hearing rumors about that being the case for Rias and I."
Tsubaki:"But Lady Rias is such a kind person."
Sona:"I know, however it seems that many out there disagree for whatever reason. And it seems it's mainly the males that slander her."
Tsubaki:"Perhaps they're jealous she took pity on that perverted boy of all things?"
Sona:"That is an excellent guess. There's a saying about those who slander without any actual thought or input."
Tsubaki:"And what is that?"
Sona:"They've got small dick energy."
The two giggled to themselves and went to their dorm to freshen up.
2 weeks later
All Might:"Okay students! Today is a training exercise for all of you here!"
(Y/n) and the rest of his class were out in a section of the Emerald Forest. Everyone was wearing their combat outfits and they all wore watches on their wrists.
All Might:"Today is a classic game! King of the hill!"
He laughed heartily as a few students looked confused.
All Might:"So, somewhere in this forest is an actual hill with a flag with our school colors on it. The team that makes it there has to defend it from others. The watches on your wrist will determine how long you've occupied the hill. Though, when an enemy steps onto the hill the watches will automatically pause until the enemy has been ran off or your team gets ran off."
They nodded in understanding and All Might clasped his hands together.
All Might:"Now, you'll be splitting into teams of three. I have already picked out the teams so pay attention!"
He began reading off names and then it was time to announce (Y/n)'s team.
All Might:"(Y/n), Mako, and Jiro."
Mako:"Woohoo! With (Y/n), we're gonna win!"
Mako cheered happily and this caused (Y/n) to laugh. Jiro then walked over to them.
(Y/n):"Hey. Nice to be on the same team."
He extended his hand and they shook. He then looked at all the other teams around. Bakugo was on a team with Iida and Nora. Izuku was on a team with Jaune and Uraraka. Yang was with Rias and Akeno. Ryuko was with Blake and Pyrrha.
All Might:"Now that everyone is together, I'm going to split you up. I've marked several sections of the forest with letters. That's your starting point and when I throw a tree into the air that will be your cue to track down the hill."
They all nodded and were separated and stood around waiting for All Might to start.
Jiro:"So, do we have a plan in mind?"
(Y/n):"Well, what is it that we can offer?"
Jiro:"Well I use my earphone jacks to plug into my boots and release a powerful soundwave. It could be used to stun some foes and keep 'em away for a bit. I can also plug it into the ground or a wall to listen in on people."
Mako:"I have a pair of binoculars!"
Mako:"Because Dad asked me to see the password on the neighbor's router so we can use their WiFi."
(Y/n):"Oh. Alright then."
Jiro:"I dig it. And we already know what you can do. You got the combat skills on lockdown."
(Y/n) held his chin and thought about their course of action. He then smiled and nodded to himself.
(Y/n):"Alright. Here's what we can do. Mako will be our scout and see if she notices the flag anywhere. Once we find it, Jiro can listen in to see if anyone approaches us. If anyone gets close then I'll fight them off."
Jiro:"Sounds good."
Mako:"Aye aye Captain (Y/n)!"
She saluted the boy and caused them to laugh. Mako then pointed out a tree flying through the air before coming down with a loud noise. Mako jumped onto (Y/n)'s shoulders and put on her binoculars. (Y/n) didn't even notice the added weight and ran around with Jiro. Mako then saw the flag in the distance and they made their way there.
Mako still sat on (Y/n)'s shoulders and looked around for any signs of another team. Jiro got down on one knee and placed her earphone jack into the ground and didn't hear anyone approaching. (Y/n) looked at his watch and watched the seconds pass by.
Mako:"Looks like we're the first ones here."
Jiro:"Yeah. We should be safe for a while."
Mako climbed off (Y/n) and sat down by the flag. Jiro decided to do the same, but (Y/n) kept standing. As they waited around, Mako noticed something in the distance. She grabbed the binoculars and peeked through to see a team approaching them.
Mako:"Ooh! Someone's coming this way!"
(Y/n) nodded and turned in the direction Mako was pointing. A trio of people jumped out the bushes and it was Bakugo's team.
Bakugo:"Tch! And you're supposed to be fast!"
Iida:"Excuse me! It is a large forest! Running straight isn't always the answer!"
Bakugo:"Clearly, it was!"
Nora:"Calm down you two! Let's just rack up that time!"
They scoffed and Bakugo glared at (Y/n).
Bakugo:"This should be easy. There's no way he can handle us."
Mako:"That's where you're wrong buster! (Y/n) here is gonna whoop your butt! Show him, (Y/n)!"
(Y/n) raised his left hand into the air and summoned a weapon.
Jiro:"Whoa. Sick sitar."
Bakugo:"Really? You're gonna use that on me?! You gonna play so badly my ears fall off or something?"
He smirked confidently and (Y/n) shook his head.
(Y/n):"Nah. I'm gonna do this instead!"
He strummed the strings and a powerful riff was heard and a puddle of water formed beneath Bakugo before it quickly erupted into a geyser that knocked him into the air.
Mako:"Woo! Told ya!"
(Y/n) strummed once again and Iida pushed Nora out the way as another geyser erupted. Jiro looked at her watch and saw that the time was still going. She looked over and saw that technically neither Iida or Nora were on the hill to pause the stopwatch.
Nora:"This is gonna be a problem."
Iida:"Right. He can just knock us away from the hill and probably cause geysers to erupt around it just so we don't even think about getting near."
(Y/n) started to play his sitar and puddles of water formed around them before they rose to create water clones of himself. They all had what looked like a sword in their hand and began rushing the two. Nora swung her hammer around, but it would simply pass through their liquid body and they would manage to hurt her instead.
Iida tried to kick them away but his leg too would pass through. Nora switched to using her grenade launcher and shot blasts of ice at the clones and froze them solid. Iida destroyed the frozen ones, but soon the two were overwhelmed and had to retreat. (Y/n) stopped playing and the clones turned back into puddles.
He went back to the hill and Jiro was smiling proudly at him.
Jiro:"So you can play sitar?"
(Y/n):"Yeah. That and a few other instruments as well."
Jiro:"Who would've thought?"
He chuckled and put the weapon away as it turned to tiny bubbles that floated away. He sat down by Jiro and Mako placed a lunchbox between them.
Mako:"Let's eat up!"
They were surprised, but were ready to indulge in some food. They ate the delicious food Mako made when Jiro heard something. She placed her jack into the ground and took a listen then quickly stood up.
Jiro:"Someone is coming this way."
Mako quickly put the food away and (Y/n) and Jiro stood up. He noticed something and quickly tackled Jiro out the way as a red lightning blast has missed its mark. He was now on top of her and she felt her face heating up. He got off her without even paying attention to her face.
Rias:"That was a close call."
She had stepped out from some trees alongside Akeno and Yang. Jiro dusted herself off and got ready to help out (Y/n).
Mako:"Ooh! Another fight for our territory! Hiss!"
She started hissing and clawing the air.
Akeno:"Hello dears! We'll be taking over the hill."
Yang:"Sorry about this (Y/n), but that's how the cookie crumbles."
(Y/n):"I'm sorry too, but I'm not budging!"
Rias:"Then show us you mean business."
Yang:"Don't hold out on us!"
She bumped her fists together and her gauntlets were activated. Akeno licked her fingers and pointed them at him as lightning swirled around them.
Jiro:"Okay... We may have a bit of a challenge here."
(Y/n):"No doubt."
He clenched his fists and they crackled with lightning before knives appeared in between the slips of his fingers.
Yang:"(Y/n), I like you and all, but you are toast if you even cut a piece of my hair."
(Y/n):"Don't have to tell me twice. Ruby warned me on not to mess with your hair. And I will heed her words."
Yang:"Good! So then we have nothing to worry about!"
Jiro:"Yeah, maybe you don't. But we do!"
(Y/n):"Mako, stay on the hill no matter what!"
Mako:"Roger that! I already have a plan in motion!"
He looked over to see that Mako had somehow chained herself to the flagpole.
Mako:"Show 'em what Team (Y/n) can do!"
Rias:"Go ahead. Let's see you in action, (Y/n)!"
Without any warning, (Y/n) disappeared in a literal flash of lightning and appeared right behind Rias. She gasped before being kicked in the back and tumbled along the ground. Akeno got ready to strike (Y/n), but he quickly flung two knives at her and made her put up a small barrier instead.
Mako:"Ooh! He's like a ninja!"
Jiro took their confusion as a chance to send a soundwave towards Yang. She quickly covered her ears, but the sounds was still throwing her off. Rias managed to stand and looked over to see that (Y/n) was throwing out fast-paced punches and kicks. She tried to attack (Y/n) from behind, but something hit her in the back of the head and caused her to miss. Jiro looked over to see Mako had kicked one of her shoes off and she held a smug face.
Rias:"Okay. That was a bit irritating."
She took one step on the hill and Jiro looked at her watch and saw the stopwatch paused. She grit her teeth and decided to keep her away from Mako. With (Y/n), he was throwing his knives and they would shock the two girls, but their aura kept them from being paralyzed. However, it was draining their aura quite a bit.
Akeno:"You're quick on your feet, dear. I just hope you aren't quick when it matters."
She winked at him playfully and Yang growled lightly at her. (Y/n) didn't know what she meant and looked at her like she was crazy.
He heard Jiro yell and saw Rias managed to knock her onto Mako and she slid down.
Rias:"Your quirk is certainly interesting, but not really suited for combat."
Akeno took this chance to blast him square in the chest and launched him away. He crashed into a tree and groaned.
Akeno:"Aww~ Look at how cute he is when he's down~ Don't you agree, Yang?"
Yang:"Watch it!"
Akeno:"I'm only playing. But if no one takes him I just might. He'd be a cute little toy for me~"
Rias:"That was more trouble than it was worth. Now all we need to do is-"
She was cut off when someone jumped out the bushes. She turned and saw it was Issei with Mineta and Kaminari.
Mineta:"I told you I knew where the ladies were!"
Kaminari:"Not only that, but we're at the hill! Talk about a two for one deal!"
Issei:"Yo prez! We made it!"
Rias:"Congratulations, Issei. I'm very proud of you. Unfortunately we are enemies right now. But if you manage to take the hill then I'll give you a special reward."
She giggled and Issei exhaled out his nose with a blush on his face.
Issei:"Oh I'll be king of the hill alright!"
He charged towards the hill without any thoughts before he was promptly punched in the gut by Yang who caused him to crash into his partners.
Akeno:"Aww, he looked cute trying."
Yang:"Relax. I was only playing."
Akeno:"Ooh, you're a feisty one!"
Rias:"Enough. With that distraction out of the way-"
As if on cue, a whole group of teams swarmed the place.
Mako:"There can only be one..."
After she said that all Hell broke loose. She was then untied and looked to see (Y/n) who then helped Jiro up.
Jiro:"Thanks... Sorry about that."
(Y/n):"Don't worry about it. You kept her distracted and now look."
They turned their attention towards the mayhem and she smiled.
(Y/n):"Plus, I have one last trick up my sleeve."
Jiro:"What is it?"
He brought her and Mako in for a huddle and their eyes widened before they all shared a mischievous smirk.
Mako yelled out to the crowd and the fighting came to a halt.
Mako:"Can someone hand me my shoe?"
It was tossed into the air and landed right by her foot.
Mako:"Thank you! Ooh! And listen up! My dear friend (Y/n) would like to play you all a song."
She moved out the way and (Y/n) had Arpeggio equipped and Jiro had one of her earlobe jacks poking into it. (Y/n) raised his hand up as far as he could before swiftly bringing it down. He strummed the strings and Jiro used her quirk in conjunction. The combined efforts of the two created a tsunami that was crashing towards all the students.
He and his partners ran away from the scene as a few others escaped as well. The rest were washed away and soon the battlefield was empty apart from all the remaining puddles. Mako had finally put her shoe back on and skipped over to the flag which managed to remain firmly in place. The stopwatch resumed and she laughed happily.
Jiro:"That was incredible!"
(Y/n):"I know right?!"
Jiro and (Y/n) shared a high five and laughed with each other. Jiro looked at (Y/n) as he kept laughing happily and felt her face heating up. All Might was looking at his scroll and laughed when he saw the tsunami being created.
All Might:"Oh man, that reminds me of my college days. Those spring breaks in Fiji were crazy. Well better head on over to tell them it's all over."
He put the device away and rushed over to everyone. He stood by (Y/n)'s team and once everyone got back he clapped his hands.
All Might:"Great job everyone! That concludes our exercise. (Y/n), Mako, and Jiro are the winners. And for your prize..."
He gave each of them a bag of Skittles. Mako squealed in delight before hugging All Might's neck.
Mako:"Thank you! Aww you're the number one hero alright!"
He laughed as she let go of him and began munching on her candy.
All Might:"I hope this helps you all learn that even a team with one offensive option can do major damage when working together with a teammate. Villains are a tricky bunch so always make sure to stay vigilant as Prof. Port would say! Now back to campus. A lot of you look like you need a towel."
Everyone walked on ahead as All Might pat (Y/n)'s shoulders.
All Might:"Great job out there kid. You definitely put in some work!"
(Y/n) thanked him and walked alongside Jiro and Mako, both who were smiling for different reasons. Mako was smiling because of the sweets she won as a reward. As for Jiro, someone sweeter.
To Be Continued...
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