3. Our First Weekends Off
The week went on and on the second day I was introduced to Kiba and Issei's fellow club members.
Akeno Himejima.
And Koneko Toujou. Plus there was a guy Izuku was acquainted with.
Tenya Iida. The first week was pretty easy and there wasn't much homework given to us, but then Friday came and our first period had a different teacher at the moment.
All Might:"Haha! I am here! As your teacher!"
The class went wild upon seeing him and he laughed.
All Might:"Okay students, since it's almost the weekend I've decided to be lenient. For today's lesson we'll be playing a game of dodgeball! Follow me!"
We all got out of our seats and followed him out the door and down the halls. We exited the main building and made it to the large gymnasium. He then told us to change into our gym uniforms which we did. Iida had to keep Issei and a fellow classmate, Mineta, from peeping on the girls. We all stepped back into the gym and he nodded at us.
All Might:"Alright, who wants team captain?"
Katsuki Bakugo. This dude was a complete tool. He mocked Deku at every turn back in middle school apparently and he proclaims to be the best at this school.
All Might:"Alright. Bakugo is a team captain. Anyone else?"
A few people raised their hands and he pointed at Jaune who didn't have his raised.
All Might:"Jaune! You're the other team captain!"
He flinched and let out a heavy sigh and walked up to be beside All Might.
Bakugo:"Alright losers, I'm team captain so pretty much anyone I choose is pretty much worthless. I already know I'm gonna have to hard carry your sorry asses."
He looked around and pointed at someone.
Bakugo:"Spiky hair."
A boy with spiky red hair walked up and laughed.
Kirishima:"The name's Kirishima. Remember? We're roomies after all."
Bakugo:"Don't call us roomies. It's weird."
Kirishima:"Whatever you say, bro."
It was then Jaune's turn and he looked around. His eyes met mine and I nodded. He smiled softly and pointed at me.
I walked over to his side and gave him a quick fist bump.
Bakugo:"Pyrrha. You're on my squad."
She looked at us and mouthed a "sorry" before walking over to his team.
Jaune:"Who do I go for next?"
"Get Ryuko."
Jaune:"I choose Ryuko."
She walked over to our side and glared at Bakugo.
Bakugo:"Pretty boy, over here."
He pointed at Kiba who let out a sigh before walking over to his side.
Jaune:"Uhh... Let's see..."
Ryuko:"Bring Mako here."
He nodded and Mako happily skipped over to us and hugged both me and Ryuko tightly.
Mako:"Okay team! Let's do this! Us against those dweebs!"
Ryuko:"Good! You're fired up!"
"We don't even have a full team yet so you may want to dial it back."
Bakugo scoped out the remaining people and pointed at Iida.
Bakugo:"Jet legs. With me."
Iida:"Please do not call me such a name. I would prefer being called by name, Iida."
Bakugo:"Shut up and get over here."
He sighed and begrudgingly walked over to his side. Jaune went next and chose Izuku. And so the two went back and forth with choosing team members. But All Might let them know when there would be a limit to make it an even game.
All Might:"Alright! Team Bakugo consists of: Bakugo, Kirishima, Pyrrha, Iida, Rias, Weiss, Akeno, Koneko, and Kiba. And Team Jaune has: Jaune, (Y/n), Ryuko, Mako, Midoriya, Issei, Ruby, Yang, and Uraraka. Jaune, you get that side. You're able to use your powers however you see fit apart from using them to harm someone directly."
He pointed to the wall directly in front of him and we ran to that side as Bakugo's team ran to the opposite side. All Might then set 7 rubber balls in the center of the court and stepped off to the side. He blew into a whistle and that was our cue to dash for the balls. Iida used his quirk to speed for them and Ruby used her semblance in response.
Iida got there first and managed to throw back 5 balls to his team and Ruby managed to grab the last two before both jumped away from the center of the court. Yang and Ryuko grabbed the balls and were ready to throw them directly at Bakugo. He, Kirishima, Rias, Koneko, and Pyrrha held the balls.
Bakugo:"Alright Deku! Kiss your sorry ass goodbye!"
He used his quirk to launch the ball like a missile and it was headed towards Izuku. I shoved him out the way and watched the ball crash into the wall behind us. A loud boom was heard and Jaune's jaw dropped.
Jaune:"We're doomed..."
Mako:"Don't worry Jaune! We can win this! Don't believe in yourself! Believe in the me that believes in you! For I know that if we band together we will surely overcome any-"
She was cut off as a ball smacked her right in the face.
All Might:"Mako, out."
Mako:"Good luck guys!"
She skipped away to sit with the others on the bleachers and put on a giant foam finger and cheered for us. Kirishima threw a ball next and it was aimed at Uraraka who managed to barely dodge it. She and Izuku picked up the balls that were thrown and she smiled. I picked up the last one and Bakugo scoffed.
Ryuko:"Now we got the numbers on them!"
Issei:"Hell yeah!"
Ruby:"Hit 'em hard Yang!"
Yang:"You got it little sis!"
She pulled her arm back and threw the ball with incredible force. It was speeding through the air and was headed towards Akeno.
Akeno:"Sorry sweetie~"
She did a backflip and Issei started hollering at what he saw. Her panties.
Issei:"Black with lace. Nice!"
He was suddenly knocked into the wall and we all looked to see that Koneko and Weiss were glaring at him. Weiss had created a glyph to help Koneko get a clean shot and they gave each other a high five.
All Might:"Issei, out!"
He was groaning in pain so Mako dragged him off the court. Ruby then picked up the ball.
Uraraka:"My turn!"
She threw the ball which was caught by Iida.
Uraraka:"Aww, Iida!"
Iida:"Apologies, it is merely part of the game. Plus my quirk is much more suitable for catching and I am opposed to throwing a ball at girls."
Akeno:"Aww~ Who says chivalry is dead?"
He went red and cleared his throat.
Uraraka:"Sorry guys."
All Might:"Uraraka, out."
She walked off the court and Jaune groaned.
Jaune:"We're dropping like flies..."
Bakugo:"Pfft! Sucks to suck, blondie!"
Our team was down to Jaune, Izuku, Ruby, Yang, Ryuko, and me.
Ryuko:"Tch! This guy just never shuts up, does he?!"
She threw the ball and it spun rapidly through the air and managed to hit Kirishima in the leg. He was knocked off his feet and face planted.
All Might:"Kirishima, out!"
Kirishima:"Aww man... Well, you guys got this!"
He got up and walked to the bleachers. Izuku gulped and looked at the other team.
Bakugo and Kiba picked up the balls as Bakugo laughed.
Bakugo:"Face it losers, my team is stacked! Yang and Ryuko are your only hope of winning. And even they aren't that good!"
They both growled and glared at him.
Ruby:"Hey! Quit acting like a jerk! Our team is gonna win! Pyrrha and Weiss sorry if I end up hitting you!"
Weiss:"I'd rather you not. But I don't really know what's worse. Being on a team with this explosive delinquent or losing to Jaune."
Ruby then started spinning around in a circle and threw the ball in a random direction and it crashed into Koneko's arm.
Koneko:"Eh. Whatever."
She walked off the court and Weiss picked up the ball.
Bakugo:"And now it's just puny Deku and (Y/n) with the balls! Let's throw them all at once! There's no way they can catch these!"
Weiss rolled her eyes and set up glyphs in front of her and her teammates and they threw them all at once towards us.
Jaune:"Ah crap..."
The ground shook and dust covered our area so All Might clapped his hands to blow all the smoke and dust away. Everyone apart from me had been knocked out of the court.
All Might:"Oh dear. It seems as if (Y/n) is the only one his team."
My teammates groaned and trudged over to the bleachers.
All Might:"Young (Y/n), do you wish to give up?"
I pondered on it and looked over at my team. Mako was shaking her head and Jaune just hung his head low and Izuku pat his back. Ryuko crossed her arms and glared at Bakugo. Yang and I met eyes and she gave me a smile. I smiled back and smirked.
"No way! I'll turn this around!"
I took aim at Pyrrha, Akeno, Weiss, Rias, and Kiba and my body reacted accordingly. I threw the ball in my hand at a blinding speed and it hit Pyrrha's shoulder and bounced off her and onto Akeno and so forth with Kiba getting hit in the side of the face.
All Might:"Pyrrha, Akeno, Weiss, Rias, and Kiba, out!"
My team cheered loudly for me as they all walked off the court as Bakugo grit his teeth.
Bakugo:"Lucky shot."
"Luck? Don't need it."
All Might:"Full court!"
He blew into his whistle and Bakugo smirked.
Bakugo:"Alright jet legs, make yourself useful and hit that bastard! You got the whole court to do it!"
Iida:"I told you my name is Iida! But, very well. This will ensure our victory!"
He dashed over to my side so I quickly grabbed one ball and did a backflip to kick off the wall behind me and dash through the air as Iida round up the balls. Iida then started throwing them at me as I was still in the air. I turned my body and managed to block them all before landing back on the ground.
He used his quirk for the extra power and speed, but I blocked it with ease. It created a cloud of smoke that I used to get some distance.
All Might: That throw would've been enough to knock anyone off their feet, plus Iida's quirk is great for closing in on the opponent and getting a clean hit. Despite that, (Y/n) is holding his own very well.
Yang:"Woo! Let's go (Y/n)!"
He nodded and he saw Bakugo launch himself out of the smoke and was in the air with two balls, one in each hand.
Bakugo:"Take this!"
He shot them both at the same time and I had to jump away to dodge and they crashed into the floor.
Iida:"Now's my chance!"
He ran out from the smoke and was nearing (Y/n).
Ryuko:"Watch out!"
(Y/n) was on his guard and Iida got close to throw the ball without missing, but was surprised when he saw (Y/n) do a dodge roll.
Iida:"What the-"
(Y/n) rolled behind Iida and gently tossed the ball on his back and smiled.
All Might:"Iida, out!"
Iida:"I- Heh. Very well. Good luck."
I nodded and he jogged over to the bleachers.
Mako:"Ooh. He's angry angry."
Jaune:"Come on (Y/n)! Don't let our deaths be in vain!"
Bakugo began using his quirk to propel himself towards me and we danced around the court before I realized he pushed me around so he could round up all the balls.
Bakugo:"Now! Time to end this!"
He blasted at the ground next to the balls and the force launched them through the air. They were headed towards me like grenades. I eyed them carefully and in that instance I swore I saw a green triangle. I was confused, but suddenly my body reacted. I jumped into the air and caught one ball and blocked the others and pushed myself off the last one and threw the ball right at his face. A powerful smack could be heard all across the gym.
My team popped off and ran over to me and congratulated me. Bakugo's team did the same as he got up angrily.
Bakugo:"Tch! This doesn't change a thing! I'm still the greatest at this school! A stupid game doesn't change a thing! This wasn't even that serious!"
Yang:"Says the guy who was acting like a total sweat."
Bakugo:"Tch! Piss off! I'm changing back to my uniform!"
He stormed away with a visible frown and All Might scratched his cheek.
All Might:"Well now... Anyway, congratulations (Y/n)! You won as a representative of team Jaune! Those were some swift movements! I'm looking forward to seeing you in actual practice."
"Thank you sir."
At lunch
I was sitting with my usual friends and this time with Rias and her club.
Rias:"Thank you for putting Bakugo in his place."
Akeno:"Well that boy has quite the ego. And someone needed to punish him~ I'm still up for the task, Rias. Just say the word."
Rias:"Easy, Akeno."
Yang:"Man, his face was priceless!"
Ryuko:"Damn straight."
Nora:"Jaune, you should've picked me! I would've thrown those balls so hard that I'd break their legs!"
Jaune:"Sorry Nora. Maybe next time. Though I really hope there isn't a next time."
While we sat around and ate, I couldn't help but get the feeling I was being watched. I looked around and several tables across from me was some girl.
When our eyes met she smiled softly. And she mouthed something, but I didn't understand what it was she tried to say. Eventually she got up from her table and threw her trash away before leaving.
Ryuko:"Yo, (Y/n)?"
I snapped out of my thoughts and looked to see Ryuko snapping her fingers at me.
Ryuko:"You okay?"
I looked back at the now empty seat and felt a sharp sting in my chest.
"Yeah... Just thinking 'bout some stuff."
Classes had finally ended and me and my roommates all plopped down on our beds.
Issei:"Hell yeah! It's finally time to relax!"
Kiba:"Dude, the first week wasn't even that bad."
Issei:"Maybe not for you! I'm still trying to get the hang of my Sacred Gear."
Izuku:"Sacred Gear? Wait, I've heard of those before."
Kiba:"Yeah. Basically me and the rest of the occult research club have one. And Issei here has a powerful one."
Issei:"So you guys say. But hey, when I get the hang of it then everyone is gonna be sorry! Especially that chode Cardin from class 1-B!"
Izuku:"I know how you feel. I need to get my quirk figured out so I don't have to keep visiting the nurse after each attempt."
I got up and went to the restroom as they kept talking. That's when someone knocked at the door.
Issei:"I'll get it."
He opened the door and saw Yang standing on the other side. His eyes widened and he smirked before slicking his hair back.
Issei:"Hey Yang. Come here often?"
Issei:"So blunt, I like it. Don't worry, I'll get my roommates to skedaddle so you and I can-"
She grabbed his face and shoved him aside and ended up knocking him onto the floor.
Yang:"Whatever, hey, where's (Y/n)?"
Izuku:"The bathroom."
She nodded and sat on my bed.
Yang:"For a room of all guys I expected more dirt and garbage all over the place."
She looked around to see it was mostly spotless. Except for the area around Issei's bed. Used tissues completely filled up a waste basket and were scattered around the foot of his bed. She shivered in disgust and looked at Izuku's side to see his wall plastered with All Might posters.
Yang:"Wow Izuku, you're such a fan boy."
He blushed and laughed awkwardly.
Yang:"Don't even sweat it, everyone is a fan boy or girl for something. And being an All Might fan boy isn't that embarrassing. It's to be expected."
Izuku:"Thanks Yang."
She smiled and looked over at Kiba's side to see he had a bookshelf nearly filled up. Issei finally got up off the floor and looked at Yang.
Issei:"What do you need (Y/n) for?"
Yang:"When he gets out you'll find out. Gosh, you're so nosey."
Issei:"Hey! It's a genuine curiosity! When a hot girl rolls up to a boy's dorm room and asks if one of them in specific is there you know something is going down!"
Yang:"Whatever you say."
I stepped out the bathroom after having dried off my hands and I took off my tie and unbuttoned my shirt a bit.
"Man, did they have to make these uniforms so tight?"
I looked over and saw Yang sitting on my bed, still in her uniform.
Yang:"Hey (Y/n)."
She smiled and waved at me and I smiled back.
"Hey Yang. What brings you here?"
Yang:"I wanted to ask you something."
Yang:"Do you wanna hang out in Union City tomorrow?"
Issei:"Bruh, ain't no way."
Kiba:"Shh. Let the man speak his piece."
"Yeah, totally."
She exclaimed it so cheerfully before I quickly saw her face go red.
"Though, I don't know what we could so hopefully you have something in mind."
Yang:"Sure. I have a few ideas in mind. That's all so see ya."
She got off my bed and was headed for the door, but she stopped and walked over to me and held out her hand.
I gave her my scroll and she typed in her contact info and quickly sent a message off mine and hers went off.
Yang:"There we go. I'll tell you when to meet at the bullhead landing docks so we can head off to the city."
"Alright cool."
She smiled once again and walked out the room with a bounce in her step. Once she closed the door, Issei latched onto me.
Issei:"Bro! How?! How did you do it?!"
"Huh?! Do what?"
Issei:"Yang man she...she gave you her number..."
"Easy, Issei. I don't see what the big deal is."
Issei:"Bro! How can you be dense?!"
Kiba:"Look who's talking."
Issei:"Shut it pretty boy!"
He then went to the spot where Yang sat on where she had left an imprint on my comforter.
Issei:"And she sat on your bed specifically..."
"Alright man you're acting a lot more weird than usual. Could you tone it down?"
Issei:"Whatever. I'm getting my bathroom time. I'll be out in 30."
He grabbed a bottle of lotion and a box of tissues and quickly slammed the bathroom door shut.
Kiba:"For a second there I was afraid he was going to sniff the spot Yang sat on."
Yang: Alright, that went way better than I thought! Okay Yang, time to show (Y/n) a good time!
The next day
I had finished stepping out the shower and slipped into my casual clothes. I grabbed my wallet and slipped it into my back pocket and did a few stetches. I checked the time and it was 10:25. That's when I got a text from Yang. She was telling me to go ahead and wait for her at the landing pads.
I stood up and slipped on my shoes and saw that Kiba was heading to the bathroom and Izuku was writing some stuff down in a tattered journal. Issei was still laying in his bed probably asleep.
"Alright you guys, I'm off now."
Kiba:"Take care."
Izuku:"Have fun."
Issei:"Quit trying to flex on me!"
"But I'm not even..."
I let out a sigh and walked out the room and made my way to the landing pads. I saw students pouring into a few bullheads and I sat on a bench and waited for Yang. Out the corner of my eye I saw that purple haired girl from the cafeteria. She was peeking out from behind a tree and giggled. A student passed by my view and the girl disappeared.
"Just who was that...?"
I shook my head and tried to ignore it.
Yang:"Hey (Y/n)!"
I looked off to my side and saw Yang wearing her clothes I saw her in back during the initiation. I got up and smiled at her.
"Hey Yang."
Yang:"You excited to Yang out with me?"
She laughed to herself as I titled my head in confusion.
Yang:"Oh come on! It was a great pun!"
"Ohhhh. I get it now. Sorry."
She pouted softly and crossed her arms.
"But yeah. I'm super excited to Yang out with you. Heh."
She smiled happily before grabbing my arm.
Yang:"Great! Ooh! The next bullhead just arrived. Let's get some good seats."
She dragged me onto the ship and we got in some seats close to the door.
Yang:"Don't you worry, (Y/n)! I've planned out a day of fun."
"Sweet. Can't wait."
Yang:"So (Y/n), what made you want to come to Union Academy?"
"Well, tough to say. That's why I'm undecided, haha. I just heard Ryuko and Mako were going so I wanted to go with."
Yang:"Oh yeah. How do you know those two?"
"I live with them."
She screamed loudly and a few people looked at us. She cleared her throat and looked at me with confusion.
Yang:"Wait, are they your siblings?"
"Huh? Oh, no. Hahaha. Mako's family took me in."
Yang:"Took you in? Oh, I'm not bringing up anything bad am I?"
"Nah. I don't really remember anything apart from waking up alone in an alley. That's when Mako's dad found me."
Yang:"I see. They're good people. I'm glad they found you."
"Same here."
We smiled at each other and the bullhead landed and the doors opened. We walked out and Yang took in a deep breath then exhaled.
Yang:"Ah. You smell that? That's the smell of freedom!"
"You say that like we were in prison. We were at the biggest school in the world."
Yang:"Yeah, you're right. At least it's no public school."
"The restrooms being pristine beyond belief boggles my mind even now. A boy's restroom should have graffiti on the stalls. That's the circle of life."
Yang and I shared a laugh. She then slipped her arm into mine and dragged me all around the northern part of the city. We had breakfast at a cafe. Walked around and did some window shopping before Yang decided to buy a pair of shades. As we strolled around Yang and I talked about random things and laughed.
Yang:"And that is why you never and I mean ever try to prank Ruby with oatmeal raisin cookies."
"Hahaha! Good story, but those kinds of cookies aren't even that bad!"
Yang:"Ruby will have a heated political debate with you on why you're incorrect on that statement."
"What if I get a lawyer to speak on my behalf?"
Yang:"He better be a good one."
I smirked and grabbed a business card out my wallet.
Yang looked at it and her brows furrowed.
Yang:"He doesn't look trustworthy."
"That may be true..."
"That sentence was finished long ago."
She busted out laughing and hearing her laugh made me happy. I don't really know why but her laugh was like music to my ears. She continued to laugh when I noticed a faint green triangle. I wrapped my arms around Yang tightly and jumped in the air and did a roll as I saw a car being thrown and crash right where we stood. I landed and let go of her.
Yang:"Oh my Oum!"
She looked around and saw a villain down the street throwing cars around like a kid with Hot Wheels and Legos. She then looked at me and fixed her hair.
Yang:"Thank you... Seriously."
"Anytime Yang. But we should probably get out of here. We don't want to be caught in the crossfire."
Yang:"You're right."
We quickly ran away from the area as a few heroes rushed in. We got somewhere safe and found a diner to eat at for lunch. It was pleasant and we left to go to a nearby park. We sat down at a bench and relaxed.
"Today has been really fun. Thanks Yang."
Yang:"I should be thanking you for saying yes."
I smiled and we sat in silence for a bit.
Yang:"Hey (Y/n)..."
Yang:"You're a great guy, you know that?"
"What makes you say that all of a sudden?"
Yang:"Well, you're a good student for one thing. You're always positive and a good friend to Jaune and Izuku. Not to mention when you helped me out during the initiation and just now."
I blushed a little and rubbed the back of my neck.
"Thanks Yang. That means a lot to me."
Yang:"You're welcome. I'm excited to see what you're like once we graduate."
"Hopefully someone with a cool cape."
Yang:"A cape? Really?"
"Hey, All Might and Ruby wear one."
She laughed and nodded.
Yang:"Fair enough."
She smiled softly and looked directly at me.
Yang:"(Y/n), you don't have any memories of your past right?"
Yang:"Then I'll make sure you have some amazing new ones!"
"Sounds like a plan."
We returned back to the academy and I walked with her back to her dorm.
Yang:"Well, here we are. If you ever need me then just drop by. Or if you want to surprise me with a visit."
She winked at me and I laughed softly.
"Right. Anyway, thanks again for the good time."
Yang:"Stick around with me longer and I'll show you an even better time~"
She winked at me and I and I nodded.
"Alright cool!"
She then gained a surprised look before smiling.
Yang:"Bye (Y/n)."
She gave me a quick hug before entering her dorm. I walked away with a big smile plastered on my face.
To Be Continued...
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