2. New School And New Faces

A week had went by and we received our acceptance letters through the mail. Mako managed to get in by raking in some rescue points. How she did this was by pulling people out from rubble and giving them some of her lunch. In total she got an even 100 rescue points. More than anyone else. In the letters it said that we would also stay in dorms on campus so we had to pack our stuff.

And today was the day we left for school. Mako's mom was crying tears of joy and hugged us all tightly as Mako shared tears as well. Ryuko and I were just there trying our best to calm them down. With that over with, we went to the bullhead station and this time it was filled with less people than before.

This time around the parents of the new students were seeing them off with tears in their eyes and hugged them tightly. The bullhead showed up and we entered then flew to the academy. We got there pretty quickly and stepped out the ship.

Mako:"Okay! So those letters also came with a paper showing off what our locker numbers are and what classes we have. Our homeroom class is Class 1-A!"

"Then we should drop off our clothes in our lockers."


We walked inside the main building and saw the bustling school life. Countless students loitered around with their friends as others actually tried to get where they needed to be. Mako was staring at everything with wide eyes and with good reason too. Even the inside of the school looked huge with ceilings too high to even reach. And the building itself just looked so pristine and elegant. Not something I would expect from a high school. But to be fair, it's a pretty rich school to afford it's own plot of land away from the main city.

Mako:"Aha! We found our lockers. I'm 124. Ryuko, what's yours?"

Ryuko:"125. And you, (Y/n)?"


Mako:"Yippee! We're together!"

We chuckled at her cheerful nature and put away our stuff but held onto our bags.

"Should we grab some breakfast?"

Mako:"Duh! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day after all."


We walked together to the cafeteria which took some time, but there were a few signs here and there that helped us get to where we needed to be. The place was pretty packed and the line was long.

"Crap. This may take a while."

Ryuko:"Forget this. I'm going to wait around in the classroom. I'll catch you later."

Mako:"Aww man. Oh well! I brought some sweet bread for us to munch on anyway. Wait up Ryuko!"

The two of them left me alone in the cafeteria as I looked all around. For some reason something inside me was just feeling nostalgic. Even though I've never been here before. I shook my head and got out the lunch line to go walk around the school for a bit.

As I did I was going nowhere in particular, but for some reason I just knew exactly where I was and where other places were. I stopped when I came upon several displays housing trophies and awards. I looked at some and saw that they were academic awards and a few from certain teams reaching first place in the Vytal Festival Tournament. And there were group photos of some huntsmen and of several pro heroes. However, there was one glass case that had a large curtain draped over it.

I stared at it for what felt like eternity before I felt a hand on my shoulder.


I jumped and turned around to see Prof. Ozpin.

"Oh! Prof. Ozpin, sorry. You startled me."

Ozpin:"Apologies. So, what brings you here?"

"I sorta just wandered around."

Ozpin:"Fair enough. That's what most newcomers do once they arrive to this school. But a lot of them get lost in either the library or the upper floors. You're the first to stumble upon the trophy hall."

"Huh. Say, what's under that curtain?"

Ozpin:"That one... Is empty. We figured covering it up would be a better alternative than having it stay empty."

"I guess. I should probably head to class before the bell rings."

Ozpin:"Very well. Do take care."

"Thank you sir."

I quickly hurried to my class as I saw other students entering classes and I eventually made it right before the bell rang. I saw Mako out the corner if my eye waving and I walked over and sat beside her. She was in between Ryuko and I. I looked around the class and saw many unfamiliar faces before I spotted Yang and the others. She was at the very front of the class and she managed to see my from over her shoulder. She waved at me and I waved back.

Ryuko:"Who's that?"

"A friend I made during the initiation. Her name is Yang. She's pretty cool."

Ryuko growled lightly and I raised my brow in confusion before the door opened. We looked over and saw a plain looking boy with green hair and people began to murmur.

"Who's that?"

Ryuko:"Some guy who punched the crap out of a giant robot during the initiation exam."


Ryuko:"Yeah. It was crazy especially since he also broke his arm in the process."

"That sounds painful."

The kid looked around nervously before finding an empty spot in front of us. He was shaking a bit and muttered to himself.

"Hey man, you okay?"

He turned and looked at me.

?:"Oh. Yeah. It's just I'm a little embarrassed. I'm not used to having this many people staring at me."

"That's fair. Anyway, nice to meet you. I'm (Y/n)."

Izuku:"I'm Izuku Midoriya. Nice to meet you too. So what path are you taking?"

"I'm a little unsure at this moment. I'm undecided. You?"

Izuku:"Heading towards a hero path."

"Oh cool."

We were suddenly told to sit up and shut up by a random voice. The voice revealed themselves to be our homeroom teacher Shota Aizawa.

Also known by his hero name, Eraser Head.

Aizawa:"Listen up, a lot of you here don't even know what your maximum capabilities are. Your previous schools kept holding you back from overdoing it with your powers and whatnot. But at this school we let you use that power to its max. Now you may think to yourself that this is great, but our program will make you wish you didn't have a power to abuse at all. Bones will break, blood will drip, and tears will fall. Prepare yourselves."

A few classmates were gulping in fear as others held a determined look on their faces.

Aizawa:"Now, those of you who are training to be heroes put on your gym uniforms and meet the rest of us outside."

* * *

Aizawa made my classmates do a quirk assessment test and it looked like Izuku was having a hard time keeping up. But he clutched it out at the end when he used his quirk in only his fingers to minimize the recoil damage done to his body. Still though, he had to miss out on the next few classes. Next one was Grimm Studies with Prof. Port.

As the title of his class implied, he was there to help us learn the anatomy of different types of Grimm.

Port:"Now listen up children, Grimm are vicious and diabolical. Much like villains and oftentimes even more so. Huntsmen and huntresses take up arms to rid the world of this darkness. But! Even heroes may come face to face with such creatures. In recent years, villains have been spotted teaming up with a pack of Grimm. This makes a deadly combo and so heroes and huntsmen will join forces to bring down these foes!"

Everyone was paying close attention as he paced back and forth in front of the class.

Port:"The alliance of such creatures is strange, but not unreasonable. Grimm are attracted to negative emotions such as hate, sorrow, and dread. Villains carry these emotions on their sleeves and very well deliver it to poor civilians. It seems the Grimm have picked up on this and allied with those ne'er-do-wells! As the years progress I will explain the different types of Grimm. Each year showing off Grimm stronger than the last, but even the ones in the first year curriculum are no pushover. Any questions so far?"

Mako instantly raised her hand.

Port:"Yes, you."

Mako:"Ooh! Have you ever teamed up with any hero?"

Port:"I most certainly did! In fact, I partnered up with All Might back during his silver age. Haha! That man reminds me of when I was younger."

Everyone murmured excitedly and said that they hoped to fight alongside some awesome pro like All Might. Port then went on to discuss the qualities in a huntsman and asked if any of us had those qualities. Weiss raised her hand and so she was asked to battle a Grimm. She left to change out of her uniform and into her combat outfit and fought a boartusk.

I could hear Ruby cheering Weiss on, but it seemed to be more of a nuisance than a boost in confidence. She eventually managed to beat it and left to change back to her uniform. When she came back there was a sense of tension between her and Ruby. After the class was over with, there was a small 5 minute break where Weiss and Ruby left in opposite directions.

The next class was English which was boring even with Present Mic as the teacher. And right after was history with Doctor Oobleck.

Oobleck:"Hello students! I hope you all are ready to learn about the origin of our world. It's very interesting! And over time I will go over topics such as wars that took place and how different cultures shaped what we know today."

He spoke rather quickly and darted around the room with equal speed as he occasionally took sips of his coffee.

Oobleck:"Our beginning is quite tricky so I will do my best to ease you into it."

He took a big sip of his coffee and loudly exhaled in delight before putting on the desk.

Oobleck:"Our world was merely nothing but a tiny asteroid floating in the emptiness of space... When all of a sudden three separate planets collided with the asteroid at the epicenter of the supernovae. The amount of energy created from the explosion and the culmination of the minerals of each planet gave birth to something new. Our current Earth."

Most students were writing down notes as others simply followed along. I was paying close attention. I felt like I should've known what lied in the past but certain things are foggy and tucked away deep within my mind. So Oobleck's class would be a wonderful refresher.

Oobleck:"And during the early years of Earth's life there were two elder gods walking among the land. The God of Light and the God of Darkness. The two were brothers and often fought each other with their creations. But they weren't the only beings there as subsidiaries of their creations created newer beings with great power, but it was still not up to par with theirs. Eventually, the brothers grew weary of their endless battle and let their creations roam without their supervision or intervention."

He took another swig of coffee and smacked his lips.

Oobleck:"The creations being humans, Faunus, animals, Grimm, and other beings that most consider as supernatural. Angels, devils, and other gods."

Wait. Angels? Devils? That's insane...

Oobleck:"And because of this many people have different views on who they choose to pray to. Though most scholars choose to dismiss the idea of the supernatural entities but I do not. I am no fool! Take heed students! Be wary of what lies in the shadows."

The bell rang and he nodded at us all.

Oobleck:"Well class, that will be all for today. Now make your way to lunch and enjoy yourselves."

Everyone got up and left to go to the cafeteria. Mako was one of the first few to rush out the class and sped down the halls like a bullet. Ryuko and I tried our best to catch up to her but she was dead set on being ahead of the line. Which turned out in our favor as she helped us cut in line to get our food. We found a random spot to sit at and Yang and her friends came over to sit with us.

Yang:"Phew! Finally, we can finally relax."

"At least first period was interesting."

Yang:"True. Anyway, (Y/n), who are your friends?"

"Yang, meet Ryuko and Mako. Mako and Ryuko meet Yang."

Mako:"Hi! I love your hair."

Yang:"Thank you!"



"So what class is next?"

Nora:"The best one! Combat class!"

?:"Hey, can we sit with you guys?"


She smiled and sat down as I saw Izuku with her and sit next to me.

"Izuku, feeling any better?"

Izuku:"Yeah. Just a little tired because Recovery Girl's quirk makes me use my energy to speed up with the healing."

"Ah gotcha."

Mako:"Do you not have any control over your quirk?"

Izuku:"I unfortunately don't."

Ruby:"Don't sweat it! You'll get the hang of it!"

Izuku:"Thank you."

Uraraka:"So, you guys are training to be huntsmen right?"

Yang and the others all nodded in agreement.

Uraraka:"Nice! When we graduate we should team up from time to time!"

Nora:"I'm down!"


Yang:"You betcha!"

Uraraka:"What about you three?"

Ryuko:"Undecided. I've got other goals in mind and being at this school will help me."

Izuku:"I see. So combat class is next then?"

"Yeah. I guess you're gonna have to sit this one out, huh?"

Izuku:"Yeah. For the best at least."

Mako:"Come to think of it, I haven't actually seen you fight, (Y/n). You should volunteer for a fight!"

Izuku:"What is it that you're capable of?"

"Well, I summon different weapons to my side plus using magic spells."

Izuku:"Whoa! Really?!"

Jaune:"Wait! Like actual magic?"

"Yeah. I'm not sure on how or why, but it's all natural to me."

Pyrrha:"I'm quite interested seeing you in action. Perhaps we could spar? Your display during our initiation was simply amazing."

"If you really want to then sure."

Ryuko:"Heh, have fun facing (Y/n). He knows how to handle himself."

Yang:"Agreed. He helped me fight some Grimm and of course he rescued me. Which is something I'll forever be grateful for."

She giggled and gave me a playful wink and I felt my face heat up.

Izuku:"Now I'm even more curious on seeing you fight."

"Heh. Hope I can meet your expectations."

We shared a laugh before I started eating my food and listened in to the random conversations going on at my table. My newfound friends were trying to get to know one another as Jaune and Izuku discussed some heroes they found awesome.

* * *

Glynda:"Now that you've all filled yourselves with nutrients, it's time to show me and the rest of the class what you are capable of."

We were in a different class as it had an arena up in the front and normal school desks off to the side.

Glynda:"Who would like to volunteer for the first exhibition match of the year?"

I felt my friends eying me and I let out a sigh before raising my hand.

Glynda:"(Y/n). Very well, get changed into your combat outfit and step into the arena."

"Yes ma'am."

I got up and left through a door by the arena that took me to some locker rooms. I took off my uniform and put on my casual clothes and stepped back into the arena.

Glynda:"This is your battle attire?"

"Yes ma'am. I don't really need much."

She raised a brow before sighing.

Glynda:"Very well. Now, who would like to be his opponent?"

A few hands went up with Pyrrha being one of them. Glynda looked around before settling on someone.

Glyna:"Ah yes, Mr. Kiba. You shall be (Y/n)'s opponent."

Kiba:"Thank you ma'am. And I'll be fighting in my uniform. I don't have any battle attire."

Glynda:"Very well then. Should your uniform tear up in any way be sure to visit the student council for a quick repair."

He nodded before jumping into the arena.

Glynda:"Now students, pay attention, the screen above their heads display their aura gauge. And you can also monitor this by using your scroll. For this match the loser is the one whose aura is completely depleted. Understood?"

Both:"Yes ma'am!"

Glynda:"Good! Now...Begin!"

No One's POV

Kiba:"Sword birth!"

He held his hand over the ground and several swords instantly sprouted around him. One sprouted right in front of his palm and he grabbed that one.

Ruby:"Ooh! Look at all those swords! They're so shiny!"

Blake:"That's a nifty power."

Weiss:"He's like some sort of knight. I like it."

Jaune let out a sad sigh and slumped over as Pyrrha rubbed his back for him.

Yang:"Eh. He's a 6 at best."

(Y/n) held out his hand and Oathkeeper appeared.

Mako:"That's a funny looking sword."

Ryuko:"I know right, but that shit works."

Kiba:"Let's both do our best, agreed?"

(Y/n):"Of course, man."

Kiba began dashing around the arena with incredible speed and a few people had trouble keeping up with him. (Y/n) stayed still before he quickly turned to his right and blocked an oncoming attack. Kiba gained a look of shock before (Y/n) attacked with a retaliating slash. Kiba was knocked away and bounced off the arena wall. His aura dropped down some as Ryuko smirked.

Mako:"Yeah! Go (Y/n)! Woohoo!"

A few classmates near the middle of the class eyed (Y/n) carefully and (Y/n) noticed as he saw a girl with crimson red hair eying him.

She waved gently at him before looking at Kiba.

?:"Come on Kiba. Show him your skills."

He got up and nodded.

Kiba:"Yes ma'am!"

(Y/n):"Is that your friend or something?"

Kiba:"Something like that. She's my club president."

(Y/n):"Oh. Got it."

Kiba backflipped away and tossed aside his sword and grabbed two new ones. He dashed straight at (Y/n) and began swinging his blades with great speed. (Y/n) rolled out the way and ran away. Kiba chased after him and jumped into the air. (Y/n) turned and aimed his weapon at Kiba. Time slowed down as he focused completely on Kiba before shooting out some small beams of light that swirled around and crashed directly into his chest.

It did some decent damage and knocked Kiba out the air. He was beginning to fall as he was stunned from the attack and this was (Y/n)'s chance. He jumped at Kiba and dashed through the air, surprising everyone, and began comboing Kiba in the air. His aura was steadily depleting before (Y/n) used one last hit to knock him straight into the ground and a loud buzzer went off.

Glynda:"That's the match!"

He landed back on the ground and put his weapon away as his friends clapped for him. He smiled and waved at them before walking over to Kiba.

(Y/n):"Nice fight."

He held out his hand and Kiba took it as he was helped up to his feet.

Kiba:"Right back at you. Looks like my swordplay could use some work."

(Y/n):"Anytime you're up for a rematch let me know."

He nodded as they shook hands and (Y/n) left to change into his uniform.

Mako:"(Y/n)'s got skill!"

Izuku was jotting something down in his journal as others looked at him with curiosity. He passed by Yang who extended her fist to him. He smiled and bumped her fist before doing the same to Mako. And so the rest of the day was pretty normal. The teachers explained their class rules and what they would be going over for the year and whatnot. But during their last period, the teacher gave the kids their dorm numbers and access to them via their scrolls.

So all the first years went to their lockers to grab their clothes and belongings before heading to their dorms. (Y/n) looked at his dorm number once and immediately walked around the massive school to reach the dormitories. He found his room and used his scroll to unlock the door and step in. He wasn't the first one there as Kiba was setting his bag down on a bed.

Kiba:"Well color me surprised. Didn't think we'd be roomies."

(Y/n):"Same here."

They bumped fists as (Y/n) found a bed near the door and began unpacking. The door opened again and this time Izuku stepped in.

Izuku:"Oh! Hi guys!"


He smiled and got the bed right across from (Y/n) and set his stuff down. One last person entered and it was someone (Y/n) didn't know.

Kiba:"Issei, where were you man?"

Issei:"I got lost alright."

Izuku:"That's fair. This place is pretty confusing."

Issei:"Nah man. Not cause the layout of the damn school! I got distracted because I saw this 3rd year with the fattest ass! Like holy shit-"

He suddenly grabbed his head in pain and yelled out in anger.

Issei:"Damnit! That shouldn't even count! Whatever, I call the bed farthest from the door!"

Kiba:"That's the only bed left dude."

Issei rolled his eyes and walked over to the bed and plopped down on it.

Kiba:"Sorry about him. This is Issei. A member of the club I'm in. He's a pervert."

Issei:"No! I'm a man with taste and a man of culture!"

Kiba:"You're just a porn addict."

Issei:"Tch. You wouldn't get it."

Izuku:"Right... Nice to meet you?"

Issei:"Right back at you."

Kiba:"Oh yeah, Issei, the president says we have a meeting later at 5."


(Y/n):"Your president is that red haired girl, right? Who is she?"

Kiba:"Rias Gremory."

Izuku:"Gremory? Wait, like Sirzechs Gremory?!"

Kiba:"Yep. That's her brother."

(Y/n):"Who's that?"

Izuku:"The third headmaster of this academy. There's Ozpin, Nezu, and Sirzechs."

(Y/n):"Okay got it."


Kiba and Issei were in the club room sitting on a couch when they heard footsteps. Rias walked in and sat in a couch opposite of them.

Rias:"Hello, you two. Are you two doing alright?"

They both nodded and she smiled.

Rias:"Kiba, when you fought (Y/n), how did it feel?"

Kiba:"Well, he looked like a rookie, but I got the feeling that deep down he's actually a master with that weapon. Plus there was some other powers resting in him."

Issei:"What was that thing he used anyway?"

Rias:"A weapon most consider to be a legend. The Keyblade."

Issei:"The Keyblade?"

Rias:"Yes. It's a powerful weapon capable of opening and locking doors."


Rias:"That's the thing Issei, it may sound silly, but there are doors that lead to dangerous worlds that no one would hope of visiting. Those worlds are blocked off by special doors that can only be opened with the Keyblade."

Issei:"Okay that's actually scary."

Rias:"It is. Only certain people can hope to wield a Keyblade and we're lucky it's (Y/n). There are those who would dare to take advantage of that power he holds."

Issei:"What do you think they could make him do?"

Rias:"For one, open the door to the dark world. A place so cruel even the high ranking devils and gods themselves refuse to visit."

Issei:"No freaking way!"

Kiba:"Yeah. Some say that stronger versions of Grimm live there. And some unknown creatures that could possibly outrank Grimm in terms of ferocity as well."

Issei:"If he's that important why not invite him to your peerage?"

Rias:"He's not a devil. Plus, I'd rather not have him die. But I will ask you two and the others to watch over him. As friends of course."

She smiled at them and they nodded.

To Be Continued...

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