After the previous video everyone minding their own business chatting eating snacks and so on. Then odinhill appears on stage that got the attention of the audience.

Odinhill: all right people today we're going to watch if the emperor had a text to speech device again. So zip up your nuts and pack your f****** food cuz we're going to that dimension again.



Y/n: so. let me get this straight, has been ten thousand years since my angsty asshole of a son Horus made me a paraplegic and put on this throne.

Ruby: WHAT!!! His son Did this to him.

Odinhill: that what happens when you're in a monarchy.

Custody: that is correct, my Lord.

Y/n: how the fuck did you all survive for ten thousand years without me around.

Custody: well my Lord, the imperium has safely preserve your teaching and following it for all these years always submitting to your Superior will.

Lzuku: well that's good I suppose.

Odinhill: wait for it.

Y/n: that's a relief. For second I thought you guys would've turn into Giant megalomaniacal group of religious people running around killing each other in the name of some fictional deity or something like that.

(Angry Christian noises)

Custody: oh no, of course not my Lord, we would never stoop so low!
the only one we would ever worship as one true God of all is you, of course! Everything else is heresy.

(Angry Christian noises intensified)

Y/n: are you fucking serious.

Custody: what is upsetting you oh mighty God-emperor of mankind?

Ozpin: oh oum, it looks like there got him the title of it.

Y/n: I knew this would fucking happen.

Costody: oOoOOh, my Lord, you don't have to do worry about anything! The ecclesiarchy and the imperial Inquisition both make sure that the people of the imperium retain their faith in you and you alone. By making sure that no one knows about the corrupting powers of chaos.

Rias: chaos what is that?

Odinhill: they're demons but they are more f***** up than you ever seen in your life.

Custody: and if somehow figure it out we'll just exterminatus the planet and it's all safe again! Haha

Lzuku: did he just say exterminatus the planet!

Ruby: why would they do such a thing!

Odinhill: because Ruby is the most cruelest and bloody regime ever exist. besides better safe than sorry.

Y/n: the ecclesiarchy? The Inquisition? Are you serious.

A then the emperor's starting to have a rage meltdown hitting himself in the face. Which somehow still moves.

Ozpin: I know how that feels.

Y/n: okay remember the age of strife?

C: uuuum... Aren't you referring to the age of apostasy, sir?

The audience: the what?

Y/n: no. The age of strife. Let me tell you... It was when asshole psychers first starting appearing and all of asshole mankind started fighting over each other over asshole reasons that is where I first emerge. I destroyed all assholes religions that existed on terror you want to know why.

The audience: HE DID WHAT!?!?

Odinhill: oh boy.

Custody: because you're the one true God, my Lord.

Y/n: wrong. It is because religion is stupid superstitious brainwashing crap that makes you into an asshole. This is why I specifically said when designing the imperial truth that equality, science and Galaxy conquest is the way to go and religion needs to be thrown out a window.

The audience: FUCK YOU!!!

Y/n: fuck you too you bunch of stupid fucking degenerates Heroes want to be looking motherfuckrs.

The audience: ..... what?

Take two.

Custody: b-but, my Lord! What about the lectitio divinitatus telling us that you're were are one, true God!

Y/n: that was written by my whiny bitch of a son lorgar, who later decided to dress up in spikes, Scarlet Red armor, worship some dark gods, and become really fucking edgy. Stupid rebellious teenage phases.

tie: I know how that feels.

Sirzechs: yup.

Custody: ah. Well I see my Lord.

Y/n: now, where is my centurion?

then the imperial fist appears out of nowhere.

Y/n: yes, this is true happiness. So what is this age of apostasy that you mentioned?

Custody: uuuum...well.. how do I put this delicately...

Then the screen turn dark.


Hey it's me sorry it took so long just had a lot of stuff to deal with. So I hope you like it

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