After we left off we see people in the movie theater sitting there. then odinhill come to stage.

Odinhill: all right, today we're going to react to the emperor of mankind.

The audience is confused about what he just said

rias: what's that mean

Odinhill: it means that in this multiverse, y/n is the emperor of mankind.

Issie: since when this weakling become the emperor of mankind.

Odinhill shoot a rubber bullet at issie balls.

Odinhill: keep talking like that and you will be walking out here with a very sore nut.

Ozpin: so can you tell us what this multiverse is about.

Odinhill: ok. To sum it up, humanity has reached the a era of colonization and is spanned across the Stars.

As he saying that the background shows the image of humans went to space planets being colonized and massive ships and cities are being seen.

The audience is impressed and the others are amazed of what they are seeing.

Odinhill: Humanity has reached a golden age but like any other Nation from the past. it's ain't going to last forever.

Some of the audience is confused well some knows what he means by that

Odinhill: a storm appears wrecking the entire galaxy and any planet that caught in it are cut off from the other planets. And because of this without the help of the other planets Earth is Left to die. And Earth has been turning to a massive desert wasteland a shadow of it's former self.

When the image appears the audience were shocked and scared of what they're just seen.

lzuku: where are the heroes when all this has happened.

Odinhill: I'm getting to that shut up. Anyways as the entire galaxy is in a panic attack. The planet Earth inhabitators are at war with each other for resources. And those are in the war are: EU. NATO. Russia. China. Atlas. And UA.

Sirzechs: why are we in this war. We are heroes not soldiers.

Odinhill: boy you used children as soldiers you fucking twat!!!

The audience is scared and shock of a sudden outburst

Odinhill: you use the kids to do your dirty work while you could just do it yourself but no instead of let someone else die!!!

Ozpin: hold on now let's not get things out of-

Odinhill: shut the fuck up ozdick!!!


Odinhill: and let's not forget the bull move you guys just did in the past.

Ironwood: you have no idea what we did.

Odinhill: oh really let's fucking see

Odinhill snap his finger then a folder appears it he grabs it and begin to read some of the documents

Odinhill: here's one. During initiation you send the students into a force that is just filled with monsters. to the grimm all the way down to a damn demon.

Ozpin: we need to show them the capability of battle and they strength and power.

Odinhill: you could have just teach them and train them about what the hell they're going to be up against. but no you decide to send them off to a fucking death zone. And I'm pretty fucking surprised of how you guys are not disbanded.

Ozpin: again to show their capability strength and power.

Odinhill: you're a fucking disappointment and a failure of a headmaster. You know what I'm starting to wonder how many students have died that are in your school. And How many of them have not make it back to see their families and loved ones and not to forget the abused neglected and bullied student that is y/n.

Ozpin: that is not yours to concern about

Odinhill appears in front of Ozpin grab his mug smash him over he's head with it. then break two of his fingers he screamed in pain. Then he busted his nose.

Odinhill: listen here you old fuck, I don't know what the hell you trying to be. But you have no right to do that no right and when we are done with this I'm going to make sure that your school is fucking wrecked do you get me.

Ozpin: groans in pain

Odinhill: so anyways before I was rudely interrupted the reason why you are in the war it's cuz you bastards are too greedy and selfish so you tried to take over the world

Lzuku: but we are supposed to be heroes a shiny beacon against the darkness not warmongers.


lzuku: yes

Odinhill: well tough shit because in this one you guys are so greedy bastards that you willing to sacrifice half of the population.

The UA is shock about what they just hear while the villains are enrage

Odinhill: anyways, UA have just conquered most of the world and remaining Nations on there last legs so they decided that if they can't have the world then no one will.

Odinhill: before you have a chance to annihilate the remains of the Nations everyone sees lines of cloud streaking up from the sky then all has left before there death is a bright light.

The entire audience is shock and crying while some are mad.

All for one: this is the exact reason why we fight against UA.

Bakugou: wait a minute where the hell is y/n during all this

Issie: yeah where the hell was he doing I bet he was high in a cave like a coward

Odinhill hit him in the balls 70 times and then jab him to the rib cage

Odinhill: anyways the reason why he is not in any of this because he ran to the Himalayan mountains. Because he knew that was going to happen. And now after all that. the world is now a burning wasteland a deserts.

Odinhill: now the year is the 31st millennium and the remaining survivors are left are nothing more than tribes now. And one of the most dangerous fear tribes are the techno barbarians. Things have turned in the worst after that

Yang: like what?

Odinhill: well let's start with this. The tribes are starting to massacre any remaining power users because of what they just did in the past. And not to mention they are warring amongst themselves was absolutely chaos and trust me you'll won't believe how popular the murder culture are. Anyways that thing looks Grimm that when he first emerge.

Ruby: who???

(Time skip brought to you by a lazy writer and he don't even know why he should have just used to skip)

Ruby: oh my God

Odinhill: exactly so anyways let's begin with the show

He walk off stage then pick a seat and crack open a can of Dr pepper.

Odinhill: good intro as always.

This scene opens and we see a room that just with an open area in the background. then we see a golden armor person standing there.

Lzuku: who's that?

Odinhill: you'll see later on.

As the screen focus on the custody a mechanicus walks into the room

Custody: I really do hope this works... Is everything prepared

Tech priest: the tech to speech device has been implanted, custodian. It appear to be functioning properly
Unlike your feeble flash.

Yang: wow that's offensive and what is that.

Odinhill: that is a tech priest a of religion with a machine God.
As I say again shut up and watch.

Custody: most excellent! Our glorious emperor will be capable of conversiong with his loyal subject once more. And I shall be the one to speak with him...hhhooo... I could just take off my armo-NO! no calm down I restrain myself for millennia. I will not let this legendary moment be ruined.

Rias: that must be a tense and hard to hold on for that long.

Tech priest: where are The toasters you promised us.

Salem: why would they want toasters?

Odinhill: let's just say they have a mmmmmm interest in the toasters hehehe. He said as he sweating

Custody: quiet, you.

In the screen settings cut through to see a room that is filtered to bring my bones appended and a helmet till right which I have no idea what is purpose there and the room was made out of gold.

Sirzechs: this emperor really like gold.


Custody: well, my Divine Lord. We have managed to implant a speech device into your glorious Golden throne. Please Lord... Speak to us!

Then the screen move up to that corpse on the throne

(I can feel the presents of a exterminatus when I said that)

the audience is shocked to see y/n as a corpse being hooked up to different chords.

Ruby: what happened to him!?!?

Odinhill: ladies and gentlemen I presents to you the emperor of mankind or as you know him bye the name of y/n.

The audience was shock and stun well others they have cared for him was crying to see him in that state. While the others just smile.

Lzuku: what happened to him?

Odinhill: questions will the answer later on after this.

Y/n: i.i.ig.jg.... about fucking time.

Weiss: well that's sudden and unexpected.

Custody: at last! Our glorious Lord can command us once again!

Y/n: I have so many things to complain about. First of all-why do I have only have fucking glass-eye on one of my eyes. Is that really necessary? And what is with these ultraSmurfs -that I keep hearing about.

Rias: the ultra what now?

Custody: o-oh. Um. W- wait,a-are you referring to the ultramarines? M-my Lord. They some of your greatest warriors!

Y/n: well that's certainly a fucking explains it. It seems like their baby blue Heraldry have earned them-a most righteous nickname. For that matter-I always thought they look terrible.

Salem: is he disgracing his own warriors?

Y/n: bo they still have that fucking toilet seat as they're insignia?

custody: well, yes they do my Lord. They keep it to honor their Primarch, roboute Guilliman.

Y/n: oh, well all right then. I always thought he was the greatest of my 20 Primarch sons.

Ruby: aw that's nice.

Odinhill: wait for it. The audience look at him confusing

Custody: well- that's excellent, my Lord.

Y/n: the greatest little beriv ative pile of blueBarry pudding Pop fuckery-haha that ever glaze the surface of this shitty little Galaxy.

The audience: what the hell!!!

Odinhill: there it is.

Custody: oh.

Y/n: is he's still alive?

custody: barely. He was almost killed. He is currently in stasis back on electroving home world of macragge.

Y/n: cut his life support and tell that stupid fucking Smurf village to fuck right off. They're constant, uninterrupted chanting is drilling into my skull as if there were immensely sanctimonious love child of tinnitus and a jackhammer.

A then the screen changed to a room that is filled with ultra me doing unpleasant things that deserve a exterminators.

Rias: well that sounds painful and unpleasant too at the same time.

Y/n: the pain of a million ripped out nose hair are but a tender massage compared to this inexpressible ultratorture.

Custody: ouuu...well... I'll see what I But at least we still have our mighty gray nights.

Y/n: I never create a thing called gray nights.

Custody: b-b-b-b-but-my Lord. They are the greatest of Purging demons in the imperium! They're all psychers-and they come up with the most glorious way of killing the enemies of man!

Y/n: what the fuuuuuuuuck.

Custody: bring in the dreadnight!

Then the dreadnight walks into the throne room

Ironwood: interesting technology he said while he's draws the damn thing.

Issie: it was like a baby carrier more than anything.

Gray night: oh greetings, my glorious empire. It is an honor!

Y/n: oh my self what the fucking fuck is that stupid ass thing.

Custody: it is the mighty dreadnight

Y/n: that is the worst thing that I have ever fucking seeing ever-if I still have eyes I would require someone to be posteit promethium fused floor cleaner into them. What terrible terrible person designed this.

Custody: the arcane technology of this marvelous machine was discovered by the gray knights and is held secret from all inferior astartes chapters.

Dreadnight: we are the hammer!

Ozpin: well at least they have faith and stuff.

Custody: the exterior design I believe to be personally designed by the gray master of the great knights himself kaldor Drago. He's the mightiest of the great knights he is currently stuck in the war killing demons daily. Pillaging demonic villages advantage the chaos gods property like some kind of glorious rascal. He has even written a name on a demon primarcm's heart.

Sirzechs: sounds like an interesting fellow I'm sure he'll make a Great hero but the downside is that I'm not sure he'll be able to take kindly the follower from demons and such.

Y/n: for the Love of All stop signs in the galaxy cease and fucking desist.

then an imperial fist walks into the room.

Y/n: what in the fuck. That is actually very cute. Look at it's little legs in oversized body. Adorable. Come to Papa you.

dreadnight: what no don't ueeergh.

The audience hold their heads down in silence

Y/n: yes. This is funny to me.

Custody: well, my Lord. I don't know about you but I feel this is the sort of something absolutely glorious!

Y/n: shut your face you fucking banana.

Custody: yes my Lord.

Then the screen turns to black


Hey sorry about the long wait and just had a lot of stuff to deal with anyways I hope you like what I did here I did my best so I'll do something on the next one have a nice day or whatever.

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