drill instructor y/n

After the previous video everyone was busy chatting getting to know each other and such. then odinhill appear behind Issei he quickly kick him in a balls sending him flying across the theater.

Odinhill: all right everybody sit down and prepare for what will come.

Yang: and what video are we going to watch today. Are we going to see y/n as a police him being a criminal or even be a sex slave.

Odinhill quickly appear towards Yang and deliver a powerful bitch slap that's dislocated her jaw and knocking her flat unconscious.

Odinhill: anyways for what you'll be seeing is that y/n is your drill instructor. The reason for this because it in this universe Union is actually a military academy. Now let's watch it before something came by ruined us.


On screen

The scene open up to see a huge group of teenagers dressed in military uniform standing in formation. Then a top of the podium stood their drill instructor y/n today it will be teaching by him but unknown to them he is going to make sure their life is a living hell.

Y/n: I put an order to the empire to send me a shitload of badasses and pillage hunger murder machines and instead all I got was you cupcake cunt clowns and a side order of fuck nuggets.


Off screen

Everyone beside odinhill words was completely caught off guard by the sudden words of y/n in the first 10 second.

Qrow: God damn we're going up strong now ain't we!

Odinhill: oh trust me this is only the beginning.


On screen

Y/n: I can tell at a glance at least 50% of you of cocksuckers and the other 50% are cocksuckers who are never be told to believe in themselves. I'm going to shove my boot so far and fast up your assholes it'll trigger a geological event. you all week a poverty and animal abuse, every breath you take is a studying endorsement of abortion you shit stains are a collective masterpiece of failure. You cock goblins circle jerk each other to exhaustion every night.


Off screen

Everyone was stood there mouth at Gabe shock at the sudden insults that were thrown at them except for odinhill who was laughing his ass off.


On screen

Y/n: you all sign up to get pounded by Grimm's and probably cry like sissies when you realize they don't actually have dicks. Your sensitive pussy cried so many tears you can float away on a river of douche canoes. You glitter Town cat Franklin Berry tinkle bag whooping fuck nuggets are going to get your collective anal cavity stretch so far apart you'll think you're getting double fisted by the capivara Grimm itself. I will organize the failure that is all your lives, I will fuck start your soul! I'll make you mongoloid Rock chop and thunder cuffs scream harder than your mother's after a fourth failed coat hanger abortion. I'm going to chop off your shrivel balls put them with your eyes should be put a sombrero on your head and beat you like a pinata, hell I'll make you shit so many breaks you put the faunus out of business. But fear not because in 3 years I will turn you cunt monarchs into fuck Masters of galactic destruction.


Off screen

After the video was over people began to slowly shook out of their shock, after seeing that video and to see y/n insulting them heavily Non-Stop.

Odinhill: all right let's play part 2.

Ruby: wait there's more!

Odinhill: hell yeah! When there's one there's bound to be more. Now sit down.


On screen

The scene open up the show a Open sky then y/n come in full view

Y/n: you there who the fuck are you!

Jaune: jaune Ace sir!

Y/n: why the fuck are you here cadet.

Jaune: to contribute to mankind's victory sir!

Y/n: that's bullshit look at you I know you play with dolls!

Jaune: well yes but only for roleplay revenge fantasies.

Y/n: shut up fuck nugget 10 huh!

As he continuing to inspect every single cadet two officers were walking by

Glynda: what's the point of intimidating him like that.

Ozpin: it used to be a right of passage you know break them down building back up. Nowadays though I think it's progress into full blown syphilitic insanity


Off screen

Ozpin: it seems so. He says before taking the simplest coffee but then spit it out because he's just found out that his mug was was not feeling coffee but with piss then from the corner see odinhill chuckling evilly in a background.


On screen

Y/n: why the fuck are you so happy twinkle toes!

Ruby: I can't wait to become a soldier and serve the king.

Y/n: cadet do you know why my eyes are so sucking in.

Ruby: no?

Y/n: it's because I once ejaculated in the men's ass so hard and my internal body pressure actually caved. And the force of gravity shot my eyeballs way into the back of my head. Now knowing this do you have a problem with homosexuals.

The audience and Rudy: wha-what?!

Y/n: I said do you have a problem with homosexuals?

Ruby: no! No sir!

Y/n: well I do drop and get me 50, faggot!


Off screen

The audience ( beside odinhill): wow what an asshole.

Y/n on screen: oh piss off I know for a fact that some of you want to have sex with the same person who is the same gender as you even if they are FanFiction or not.

The audience: ...... what?

Take two


Y/n: how about you horse face!

Weiss: I wanted to live comfortably in the capital and serve the military police.

Y/n: head butt! He said head button Weiss.

Weiss: wha-what the fuck. She's said fallen down her knees holding onto her head.

Y/n: let me tell you cadet you might not know but the capital is home to a bunch of freaks and when it's 3:00 a.m. inside the inner city and you're drunk and being aggressively solicited by a gaggle of Latvian transsexuals hopped up on barbiturates and fuck thunder, you do not have time to think next time I yell headbutt you Haul ass!

Ozpin: you know he wants commanded the ace ops core right.

Glynda: no I had no idea.

Ozpin: it's too bad, he used to be a rising star before his famous scandal.

Glynda: wha-what happen?

Ozpin: well nobody's clear on specifics, but the official record states that he was caught engaged in an act so horrifyingly unique. Weakness could only describe it using the same two words.

Glynda: wha-what were they?

Ozpin: munchkin sodomy.


Off screen

Blake: did we just learn a bit of this particular y/n background?

Odinhill: yes you did now keep on watching.


On screen

Y/n: how the fuck are you going to be a grim when even I can lift your scrawny ass. He said holding minoru head in the air. You think they won't eat you because you're a midget HA! Look at you you're like the Napoleon of cock shame we don't even issue uniforms in Hobbit size. Go back to the Shire and play ass folic with wizards Bilbo dick breath.

Then the camera slowly turn to the right to see rise eating a potato then y/n saw it with his mouth open a little at what he just seen.

Y/n: holy sweet mother of God, cadet what is your major malfunction!

Rise: i-i was hungry.

Y/n: dear God I in sincerely hope you never had sex, the thought of you having kids makes me sick!

Rise: don't be silly everyone knows that you can't control babies the magical stork decide whether you'll get one or not. She said while the camera looks at y/n who is in disbelief of what the hell he has just heard.


Off screen

Ozpin: so miss rise is an idiot in this universe and somehow I find it oddly perfect for her in that position.

Rise: HAY!!!


On screen

Y/n: sweet mother of god you dumb bitch I do believe you are the stupidest sack of shit I've ever seen and I live Goddamn it! Cadet what is your name!

Rise: rise sir!

Y/n: rise? That sounds like a whore name are you a whore rise? Do you suck dick for money!

Rise: no sir!

Y/n: good now I ain't hate-he was then interrupted by rise who was eating the potato again. Stop eating the potato God damn it! Now I hate your fucking name almost as much I hate you. From now on your name is pile am I understood private pile.

Rise: sir yes sir!.... One question sir if I share this with you well you tell me where babies come from. She said handing him a piece of potato with the most innocent smile. But that would be her worst mistake because now she is running for six hours straight.


Off screen

Rise: I hate this so much.

Ruby: oh don't worry rise at least he ain't giving you a harder punishment.

Odinhill: all right everybody up to the next video!


On screen

Y/n: good morning you Muppets! Today we will begin with our first training trapeze! You cock sprinkles are going to love this, finally you get the chance to show how fucking gay you are by hanging gracely in the air. This will look like Riverdance perform by Broadway finest homosexual. I want to see you very sparkle and shit glitter dust while balancing, and if this doesn't like Peter f****** pam performed by the cast of cirque de Soleil on a homerotic ecstasy cruise ship. So help me God I will personally murder each and every single one of you!

Everyone was trying out the trapeze while the officers were examine them then from the back we see ozpin and Glynda examine them from far then I've been stopped and saw a woman balancing.

Ozpin: yes look at her, look at the way her body hangs there limp board uninterested. Everything I like in a woman.

The camera turn around to see Blake calmly balancing.

Off screen

The audience: what?

Yang: headmaster ozpin please don't tell me you are a pedophile. She said ready to pummel him along with anyone else.

Ozpin: never I never do anything of that! He said defending himself.

Then suddenly loud knocking was heard from the door.

Large police force of the FBI agents quickly stormed the theater room, they quickly find their subject and jump on top of him pumbling ozpin to the ground and quickly arrested him before leaving off in a hurry pace along with ozpin who is on three FBI agents shoulders.

The audience WHAT THE FUCK?!?!

Odinhill: * sigh* even in your own pocket dimension the FBI still managed to find their suspects.


On screen

Glynda: what about that one? she said to a random cadet.

Then the screen changed to show a upside down Issei on a trapeze.

Issei: no no no!

Y/n: Issei you elusive cock sprout! What are you doing! Get yourself back up this instant! He ordered while everyone around started to laugh at Issei situation.

Issei: no no no!

Then y/n decided to give Issei a second chance see if he did it again. The camera shows at y/n face while also hearing the sound of Issei growling like a dog.

Y/n: pull him up.

Issei: I can do this.

Then he's slowly ascendants up in the air balancing well just cut everyone by surprise.

Issei: yes I'm doing it I'm doing it's really happening.

Everyone begins to cheer besides y/n because he doesn't really give a damn. Then Issei suddenly fall down to the ground everyone gasp.

Issei: no I can do it don't send me on the Gorgon trail. He said afraid

Y/n: Issei your belt buckle is unfastened.

Issei: wait really?

Y/n: did you not know you need to fasten the buckle before wearing a belt.

Issei: ah, no but-

Y/n: Nora show Issei how to buckle his belt. He ordered.

Then the screen changed to show Issei floating fine without any trouble.

Issei: I can do it now.

Y/n: did you honestly not fucking know how to wear a belt before you came in here. Seriously look at this look you dumb motherfuckr! It's the easiest fucking thing to do, how the fuck do you not know how buckle a belt! He said incomplete frustration.

Yang: Issei a dumbass.

Ren: yeah he is!


Off screen

Izuku: Issei how on Earth you're not know how to buckle a belt?

Issei: hey! I know exactly how to buckle a belt!..... How am I supposed to do it again?


Odinhill thought: sometimes I wonder how the hell this guy is a MC.


On screen

Y/n: how could you be this fucking stupid, you're giving private pile a run for her money. Till today I could have sworn that is a task that no man could do. You have truly opened my eyes Issei to how fucking stupid and low down son of a bitch stupid like you could be! Isn't that right private pile!

Rise: sir yes sir!

Y/n: shut the fuck private pile!


Off screen

Rise body begin to cover itself in an aura of rage ready to kill someone while everyone around her begin to back away.



On screen

Y/n: Issei you are a failure of colossal magnitude and possibly the dumbest son of a bitch I have ever seen next to pile!*frustrated sigh* but you passed.

Issei: yes! yes fuck yes! look at that Blake look! Fuck you and your fat stupid face you bitch! Now nobody will know that my mom is a whore!

Everyone: wait what, what, what, wait what? Issei mother was a whore?

Issei: ...... SHAIT!!!


Off screen

Everyone was dying laughing after what Issei that's just said well except for black as she was beating the hell out of Issei. While odinhill is recording.


On screen

The screen open up the show a massive Forest then hard music begins to play, then a giant Target of a fake Titan was turned and a group of teenagers flying to attack the neck. then the camera turned to see y/n a tree branch writing down the reports of the cadets work of cutting down the Titans.

Then the camera zoom in on Weiss then freeze on her face.

Y/n: Weiss is a smarmy douchebag with a cock teasery of the highest defense, has obsession with lubricating her gear. Probably boring in some sort of situation involving sexual impotent in a nursery home. She have delusions of running the government, but she couldn't run a sweatshop if she had 30 Filipinos and a metric fuck ton of Adderall.


Off screen

Weiss: what the fuck was that is that my backstory or something!


On screen

And the camera on freeze itself then a new character shows up on the screen freezing it again.

Y/n: Ruby if Weiss was bad then here's Ruby the two go hand in hand like sobbing kids and alcohol abuse! This particular ass clown has delusions of being God himself. Fancy herself of a leader and end conflict with patty cake bullshit that made me pop a rage boner simply out of spite. Sometimes I  beat her just to listen to her cry where is your God now you freckle fuck where is your God now!


Off screen

Ruby is crying the background as her sister was comforting her.


On screen

Then the camera turned to show three other people then turn to the right.

Y/n: xenovia.... A quiet stupid bitch!


Off screen

The audience: damn!

Xenovia: I'm going to kill him once we get back.


On screen

Then the camera turned to rise

Y/n: rise a bumble fucking potato loving feral dipshit that can't follow a single order! Talks to trees I have tried multiple times to kill her leave her miles away in the woods, the wolves keep dragging her starve and broken body back to camp almost as if they don't want her.


Off screen

Ozpin: so he's trying to kill her I will not be surprised if he was caught in the act.

Ironwood: note to self check backgrounds.


On screen

Then the camera turns to minoru

Y/n: minoru a angry mean pissed off Little Chihuahua, watching him maneuver around corners is like watching a foul little rat running through a maze. Seriously look at him a mere side of him is enough to piss me off!


Off screen

Minoru is behind the corner with Ruby crying his eyes out.


On screen

And the camera shows two dummies have their necks being chopped off by Issei.

Y/n: Issei a complete and total fuckup but unique in his own personal brand of failure, if his sister was around to egg him on he'd be useless as it stands he's a hair above useless.


Off screen

Issei: what I am not useless I am the most strongest character here beside odinhill!



On screen

Then the camera turns to Blake

Y/n: Blake a tactical genius unlike our empire ever seen, in all of my years I have dripped of having a star people like her someone who could lead obey and destroyed with unparalleled superiority she is truly mankind's hero a savior.... But she's a woman bad form.


Off screen

The audience: woooow


On screen

Then the camera turns the show them running into the rainy night of the forest

Y/n: sun a retarded mongoloid fuck effort of proportions, I am 95% sure that he is crossed between a gorilla and pure concentrated plane of ignorance!


Off screen

Sun just flip the bird at the screen but then stop when he see y/n return the gesture at him.


On screen

The camera turns to jaune

Y/n: and last but not least jaune, this child is an ultimate combination of human sin! He is the most terrifying creature I have ever met. seriously this kid is fuck! Something is Horribly horribly wrong with him. How someone could have loved something so twisted so foul so utterly fuck up beyond repair is beyond me. on the plus side he is intelligent but seriously fuck that kid.


Off screen

Everyone was confused of what he just said him afraid of someone who falls on his own sword who is also a dumb idiot. But unknown to them jaune is in the background smiling evilly.


On screen

Then the camera turns to a night sky on a courtyard

Y/n: salute!

Everyone's elated

Y/n: you came to us as failures and degenerates after training for 3 years and sacrificing it all you are still failures and degenerates fuck every single one of you. Tomorrow you going to make a decision that you will regret for the rest of your lives, you have three choices do you join the Garrison protecting the town and reinforcing the walls just look at this badge. If you're like homoerotic and fan-fiction masonry consider this your new home. Next we have the survey corps when the residents of your very short lives compose a pants shitting terror sign on up and get eaten by a fucking Grimm. And finally we have the military police and I know each of one of you want to get in there not because it's the easy life cuz you're fairy fuck pixie dust cupcakes love the idea of a God damn unicorn being your mascot, seriously look at that that shit is gayer than a Christmas born and rainbow the horn symbolizes the raging hard on you'll be having when you realize that breakfast begins with a nice round of cock slap in the communal hot tub. You cock hungry Buffalo is going to love it in there but I get the last laugh because only the top 10 shit piles to get the privilege the rest of you has to consent of sucking your own dicks! And now we present the best s*** piles in a 104.

Weiss: I rate behind Issei

Issei: I rate behind Blake

Jaune: I rate behind everyone


Off screen

Everyone was sitting in a chair in other disbelief of what they just heard not sure what to do to process this.

Odinhill: all right everybody just one more left to go and then we'll take a break.

On screen

The screen open out to see Blue sky then y/n came walking in in full view

Y/n: wait hold up hold the fucking phone! Am I correct that has been a full year since the release of the last episode!

Jaune: actually almost two

Y/n: holy f***! holy sweet Jesus! holy mother sweet and sacred to men's moral hearts! Sweet double barrel jumpy Jiminy Christmas Christ on a cracker pot what the fuck took so long!

Jaune: the Creator wasn't doing very well

Y/n: oh what do he catch a little fever  did his little dick fall off ?

Jaune: he went to the hospital

Y/n: I go to the hospital all the time who gives a shit!

Jaune: but you never sick?

Y/n: I don't go cuz I'm sick you f****** spoon I just like laughing at children in wheelchairs.


Off screen

The audience: damn that is messed up


On screen

Y/n: but stay on subject jaune how fucking hard can it be to make it anime parody.

Jaune: do you know what it involved?

Y/n: I know exactly what it involved! It evolves having no friends it involved with having a collection of hentai fetish bullshit! it involves getting up your lazy ass and doing some work occasionally. Sweet holy pussy and ball Maria didn't there used to be one episode a week!

Jaune: those were dark times

Y/n: you shut your whore mouth those were great times! and what about me, why have I had any seen since episode 4 I am the single best fucking character in the show God damn it!

Jaune: well you see it's hard to compel certain assets into-

Y/n: horse shit! Here I am in space here I am in hell! And here I am describing the width of your mother's vagina! It's disgusting and inspiring on both creative and mathematical level!


Off screen

The audience:


On screen

Jaune: well play sir.

Y/n: shut up jaune Ace you're probably the stupidest sack of shit I ever seen and I've been around of shit sack's like pile!

Rise was about to say something but stop when y/n appeared in front of her face with a look of horrified.

Y/n: oh help me God you dumb bitch if I hear one more fucking word out of your whore mouth!

Jaune: wow sir what's that you just did?

Y/n: what verbally abusing women? I do that hourly.

Jaune: no way you're talking to the camera.

Y/n: oh that well you see jaune that's a writing technique called breaking the fourth wall. It was writers do when they can't write with a cancerous dick!


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