Chapter 5: Eventful School Festival
It was all over international news the death of Princess Hertrauda Fanoss at the hands of a Gundam the very same Gundam once piloted by Queen Myleen Rapha Holfort thought destroyed at the end of the third Neo Zeon war. Today the King and Queen were called to a meeting of the world nations to shed light on sudden terrorist attack.
Committee member: "Well, what do you have to say for yourself Queen Holfort? In regard to the terrorist attack on the Principality of Fanoss the Mobile suit used in the attack was no doubt the RX-178 Gundam MK 2 you piloted in your youth."
King Holfort: "I can say for certain that the Gundam MK 2 my wife piloted in her youth was destroyed during the third Neo-Zeon war. We have multiple eye witness accounts of this."
???: "LIAR!!!"
The one who had spoken up was the older sister of the now dead Hertrauda Fanoss, Hertrude Fanoss.
Hertrude: "That machine that killed my countrymen and sister was your Gundam! Admit it!"
Queen Mylene: "Even if it was that machine wasn't in our possession clearly it must've fallen into hands of a terrorist group like the Neo-Zeon remnants."
Commitee member: "There's no confirmation of Neo-Zeon's involvement. However we've done an in depth investigation into Holfort's military operations and they have proven quite cooperative. So far the only Gundam in the possession of the Holfort Kingdom is the Nu Gundam recovered by the crown prince during a dungeon expedition, however the machine is still largely frozen in crystal. The only other Gundam technically under Holfort's jurisdiction is the Unicorn Gundam owned by one Leon Fou Bartfort. Who recently humiliated the crown prince and his royal entourage with that very machine."
King Holfort: "Please don't remind us of our son's folly. It was his mistake burning bridges with the Redgrave girl and his mistake for challenging a Gundam pilot to a duel."
Hertrude: "So you do have Gundams in your possession!"
Committee member: "We've already established that the specific Gundam that committed the attack on your nation wasn't under Holfort's jurisdiction. If you're going to keep making accusations without tangible evidence as to who perpetrated the attack then you can just leave. And please remember to stay in your lane princess. At this point attacking the kingdom of Holfort will be seen as an unprovoked act of aggression that shall earn the retribution of the WN."
Hertrude scoffs in annoyance and leaves the council room in a huff. The committee member in particular who called off Hertrude is a rotund man from the Altzer republic a nation which proclaimed itself the successor to the Earth Federation. His name is Rohan Marcenas the current chairman of the republic. He sighs in relief before turning to Queen Mylene and her husband Roland.
Rohan Marcenas: "If I'm being honest given how easily your son was swayed by this Lefan girl I dread what would've happened had he been allowed into politics."
King Roland: "What exactly are you trying to imply chairman?"
Rohan Marcenas: "I didn't mean any offense. I merely meant to say that your son's defeat at the hands of that Bartfort fellow may have been a blessing in disguise. Incompetent leadership often causes conflict and while the Republic has its issues with bureaucracy and corruption to an extent I like think we're keeping it together. The leading causes of war are incompetent leadership, disillusionment with the status quo, and ideological division. Two of those issues can be remedied but the third is a more complicated affair. But in the end incompetence within the highest positions of power is a large factor to the issue of war. And I fear if your son were here in your place he'd start a war with the Principality out of anger at Hertrude's audacity to accuse you of an act of terror."
Queen Mylene: "As much as I wish I could deny such a claim my Julius' actions have made his foolishness apparent. Though I don't approve of Baron Bartfort's conduct I must admit his actions may have been justified."
King Roland: "It's Julius' fault he's being ousted from his position as crown prince. Due to this my darling daughter Erica will be named crown princess. To be honest I couldn't be more proud of my baby girl."
Rohan Marcenas: "I...I see. I sincerely hope that this won't be the last I hear of this Bartfort fellow."
Queen Mylene: "Far from it. Normally he would've been punished and stripped of his rank for his actions but due to the Redgrave family's testimony I can assure you that won't be the case."
Meanwhile at the Bartfort manor
An envoy from the Redgrave family has arrived at the Bartfort estate tension is running high as the Bartfort family awaits the result of Leon's work hoping that Leon won't be harshly punished for his actions and that their family will be spared.
Balcus: "Well give it to us straight, will my family be safe?"
Envoy: "Of course. It helped that the Atlee family also decided to come to your family's aid. Although their assistance wasn't necessary it was much appreciated. Your son however..."
Leon: "I don't care what happens to me as long as my family is safe! Lay it on me! How am I going to be punished!?"
Balcus promptly knocks his son upside the head.
Balcus: "Don't speak like that! Though I appreciate that you want to take responsibility for your actions think about what you'd be doing to your brothers, sister, or even your mother by throwing your life away!"
Envoy: "Thankfully you won't have to worry about that."
Leon and his father look at the envoy with confused expressions.
Envoy: "In fact allow me to personally congratulate your son."
The envoy pulls out a document and presents it to the Bartforts. Balcus seems shocked while Leon seems almost mortified.
Envoy: "You are to be officially knighted by the King and Queen of Holfort kingdom by recommendation of the Redgrave family."
Leon: "WHAAAAAAT!!!!????"
Luce practically faints.
Nicks: "Leon do you know what this means!?"
Jenna: "How can this idiot end up higher ranked than me!"
Leon: "Out of the frying pan and into the fire..."
Some time later
Leon had been officially knighted as an upper rank Baron by the King and Queen of Holfort. Safe to say it was rather awkward for the king and Queen to be knighting their son's destroyer but in light of the recommendation by the Atlee and Redgrave families. On top of all that Leon's promotion means he no longer needs to leave the academy. The only odd condition of Leon's promotion was that the Atlee family insisted on maintaining and providing upgrades to Leon's Unicorn Gundam. Leon could think of a few reasons why such a request was made.
Meanwhile inside the Unicorn's hanger
Clarice: "My don't you look sexy after all this time away from me and those beam gatlings mounted on your shield look fantastic~."
The Unicorn's outward appearance hasn't changed much however its shield has a notable upgrade with the two state of the art beam gatlings mounted under the shield.
Clarice: "Oh please darling tell me your secrets~."
Back with Leon
Leon finds himself sitting on a bench on the academy grounds notably he appears depressed if somewhat relieved.
Leon: "Well on the bright side I get to keep learning from master."
Luxion appears next to Leon.
Luxion: "Master I have information for you."
Leon: "Lay it on me Hal-9000."
Luxion: "Following their humiliating defeat, the prince had his title as crown prince revoked. The current heir of Holfort Kingdom is now one Princess Erica Rapha Holfort. Also it seems the Prince and his friends have chosen to stay together with Marie."
Leon: "Big shocker there. Also who the hell is Erica? I don't think she was in the game or if she was she was way too obscure."
Luxion: "Information regarding the current crown princess is rather plentiful. She is the younger sister of Prince Julius and among the children of the royal family she is favored by her father the most. Despite her lack of public appearances she has already shown herself to be a capable and shrewd politician. A policy she intends to put forward would forbid families from wedding young men off to brides who are twenty years older or more than them."
Leon: "Damn. Well she's got my support. Anyway what's Prince douchebag and his dude bros up to?"
Luxion: "In light of their defeat they have gone adventuring for the purposes of searching for lost items as well as gaining money and strength. They are looking to catch up to you."
Leon: "Well, let em try."
Luxion: "I have also noted that they all seem to be enjoying themselves. All except Marie."
Leon: "My what wonderful news you bring me!"
Luxion then quickly disappears as Olivia and Angelica approach Leon.
Angelica: "There you are. I was wondering where you were off hiding."
Leon: "It's not hiding if I'm in plain sight."
Angelica: "Come on you're going to be late to class. It's bad luck to be late for the first day of a new semester."
Angelica forces Leon on his feet and proceeds to drag him off to class.
The next couple weeks Leon fell back into his routine of classes and avoiding the Prince and his cronies but now with the added routine of hanging out with Angie and Livia as well as doing more tests with the Unicorn, Clarice wanting to see the powerful machine's full capabilities and even going as far as having combat drills. Safe to say Clarice was a very happy girl and Angie and Livia being weirded out by her seeming attraction to Leon's Mobile Suit. However this week Leon would suspend test flights to focus on Holfort academy's school festival.
With Leon
Leon and Luxion are hard at work making what appear to be small models of Mobile Suits namely Gundams.
Luxion: "May I ask what exactly these are for? I assumed you and the two "Untouchables" were going to do a maid cafe."
Leon: "Oh, we are. I just figured a second source of income would be nice. I know for a fact Clarice-senpai will probably eat these up like candy. Good thing you had these designs in your database."
Luxion: "Before the Great War ended Zeon was looking to create their own Gundam to fight against the Earth Federation. Unfortunately such a thing never made it out of the planning stage."
Leon: "A Zeon Gundam? What would that look like, a cyclops Gundam?"
Luxion: "I would not know by the time I had been activated the project had been abandoned. But given the current activities of Neo Zeon it is entirely possible that the project may have been restarted."
Leon: "Well it's not like that'll be my problem if it rears its head."
Luxion: "Actually given that the Unicorn Gundam is the key to Leplace's box it is very likely that it will be your problem if it comes to fruition. Your possession of the Unicorn has painted a massive target on your back."
Leon: "Jeez way to encourage me."
Later in class
Angie and Livia are dressed in very form fitting maid outfits as Leon, Daniel, and Raymond set up for the school festival.
Angie: "I feel like this emphasizes my bust a bit too much."
Livia: "I think you look great. Honestly a plain girl like me couldn't compare."
Angie: "Oh nonsense Livia you look adorable. I'm fairly certain if Leon wasn't to keep up appearances he'd be drooling over you right now."
Leon: "No I wouldn't! It's not like I'm a creep!"
Angie giggles a bit.
Angie: "Clarice was right, you are easy to tease."
Livia: "Angie that seems kind of mean. It's not nice to pick on someone."
Angie: "It's all in good fun Livia. Besides I practically owe Leon my life."
Daniel and Raymond practically glare at Leon.
Leon: "What?"
Daniel: "Don't "what" us! You gotta tell us your secret!"
Leon: "What secret?"
Raymond: "How you managed to get both Angelica Rapha Redgrave and the cute scholarship student to be into you."
Leon: "Listen guys it's not like that we're just friends. We bonded over the whole incident with the Prince."
Daniel: "So what you're saying is we should pick fights with rich dudebros?"
Leon: "No! Not even close to that! The fact I haven't been put to the guillotine is a miracle. If you want dating advice try wooing upperclassmen you might have a better chance."
Raymond: "Ah, I'm so glad women like this actually exist."
Suddenly Jenna bursts into the room.
Jenna: "Leon! I need you right now!"
Daniel and Raymond then enter back into a depressed slump.
Daniel: "Oh yeah that's what girls at this academy are like..."
Raymond: "Game over man, game over..."
Leon: "Ah, Jenna my beloved sister what do you want from me now...? You still haven't paid me back yet."
Jenna: "Leon I'm serious here I need your help!"
Leon sighs as he pulls out a chair and sits down.
Leon: "Alright what happened? Where's the fire?"
Jenna: "Well you see there was this guy me and a friend were interested in and-."
Leon: "Let me guess she stole him from you."
Jenna: " was me. Look he was prime real estate alright! I didn't think I'd actually have a chance so I figured I'd just flirt with him a little bit and before I knew it I sort of stole him out from under my friend despite her telling me she was interested in him."
Leon: "Then you're the one at fault here!"
Jenna: "I mean you're officially a Baron now and you're higher ranked than her, can't you just threaten her a little bit?"
Leon: "Hell no. Sorry Jenna you've dug this grave by yourself and you can dig yourself out."
Jenna: "Come on you're my brother aren't you!? Aren't you obligated to do what you can for the family!?"
Leon: "Short answer: yes. Long answer: I can't involve myself with something so petty as relationship drama. It would reflect poorly on the family. So what you're going to do is go to your friend, apologize, and possibly break up with this guy."
Jenna: "Ugh you're making me break up with such a fine piece of nobility!?"
Leon: "Yes because that's the responsible thing to do!"
Jenna storms out of the room in a huff.
Leon: "Sorry you all had to see that. You shouldn't be in the middle of my family drama."
Angie: "I don't mind. My own family is involved in politics directly with the Royal family. Apparently the Kingdom is embroiled in some controversy after a terrorist attack in the neighboring Principality of Fanoss."
Livia: "A terrorist attack? Oh no, what happened?"
Angie: "I don't know much but apparently there was a Mobile Suit attack in the middle of a military parade it killed a lot of people the second Princess among the casualties."
Livia: "That's awful..."
Angie: "Indeed. And according to some rumors the attack was perpetrated by the very Gundam used by the Queen in the last Neo Zeon war."
Leon: "Wait I thought the Queen's Gundam was lost during the climatic battle of that war."
Angie: "It was...that's what's so worrying about this situation."
Livia meanwhile looks next door and suddenly has a worried expression on her face.
Livia: "Uh, guys we may have a problem..."
A few minutes later in the halls
Leon, Angie, and Livia stare at the cafe next door to find it being run by none other than the Prince and his entourage.
Prince Julius: "Welcome to cafe princess!"
The inside of the cafe looks more like a bar or a host club than anything with a fancy and elegant atmosphere.
Leon: "It's a freakin' host club!!!"
Angie: "This hardly seems appropriate for a school festival."
Prince Julius: "Ah, Angelica..."
Angie: "Your majesty..."
The tension between the two former fiancées is so thick you could cut it with a knife.
Leon: "This feels really awkward..."
???: "Then why don't you get out of our hair."
Marie makes her presence known as she's dressed in a gaudy outfit like something a spoiled rich kid would wear to play pretty princess.
Leon: "Ah great it's you...should've figured you were the one begun this scheme. Let me guess you're the supposed "Princess" of this establishment."
Marie: "You guessed correct! See this was all my idea we're charging premium prices for premium products."
Livia looks at the prices and safe to say she can almost feel her soul leaving her body.
Livia: "A hundred Dia for Tea and snacks!?"
Leon: "That's highway robbery!"
Jilk: "According to Marie these prices are fair."
Leon: "Fair my ass!"
Marie: "It's perfectly reasonable given that the ones serving tea are heirs to such prestigious bloodlines."
Leon then puts on a trolling grin.
Leon: "I think you mean former heirs."
Marie as well as the Prince and his entourage start glaring at Leon safe to say the boy had struck a nerve.
Leon: "Besides I'd be more worried if I were you because I've got two aces in the whole to earn way more money than you this school festival."
Marie: "Oh yeah!"
Leon: "Yeah!"
Marie: "I'm gonna make you eat those words!"
Leon: "Then how about a wager! When I win you and your little harem have to do anything I say for the next week!"
Marie: "Fat chance that's gonna happen! Because when I win you gotta give the Prince your Gundam!"
Leon: "I'll accept that not like tweedle dumb could use it anyway."
Prince Julius: "Are you referring to me? Because I don't understand what reference you're making."
The next day
Daniel: "You did what!?"
Raymond: "You made a bet with Marie Lefan and put your Gundam on the line!?"
Leon: "Relax it's not that big a deal I've got a foolproof plan to beat them."
Livia: "Still I'm not a fan of you gambling like this especially since you put Uni on the line."
Leon: "Uni?"
Livia: "You know your Gundam. I can tell they'd be really sad if they were separated from you."
Leon: "How can a machine be sad?"
Livia shakes her head and sighs.
Leon: 'Truth is I don't want to lose the Unicorn either. I don't really understand it but I can tell it's alive to some extent. So could it feel sad if we separated.'
While Leon and Livia are discussing the possible implications of the Unicorn being alive and being able to feel emotions Raymond notices something.
Raymond: "Has anyone seen Angelica? She should've been here an hour ago."
Leon: "Now that you mention it I haven't seen her all day. Livia have you seen her anywhere?"
Livia shakes her head causing Leon to have a slightly worried expression on his face.
Meanwhile with Angelica
Angie had been asked by someone very special to bring her around Holfort academy during the school festival. Who is that you may ask why none other than the Queen herself, Queen Mylene Rapha Holfort.
Queen Mylene: "My Angie it's been so long since I've seen you in a maid uniform."
Angie: "That I was studying etiquette at the time your majesty-."
Mylene shushes Angie.
Queen Mylene: "Please call me Mylene I'd rather not be noticed while I'm here. Since I came of age in another country I never got to experience a school festival. Also that Bartfort boy deserves a firm scolding for his conduct against my little Julius!"
Angie: "You do know I'm helping him with his cafe for the festival right?"
Queen Mylene: "Relax I'll just toy with him a bit maybe complain about the tea being lukewarm and make him remake it a few times."
Angelica sighs a bit. Well as long as it's harmless it should be fine. As Angie and Queen Mylene make their way to the classroom however they're greeted by a girl throwing a cup of tea at Leon.
Mean girl: "This tea is lukewarm make it again!"
Livia: "Leon I'll-!"
Leon gives a small gesture telling her to leave this to him. Livia, Daniel, and Raymond can't help but feel awful seeing Leon just taking this abuse instead of fighting back like he always does.
Leon: "Of course milady...I'll get right on that."
Leon walks over to the table to pick up the kettle only for the girl to stand up on stomp down on Leon's head.
Mean girl: "Now that I think about it I don't need to pay for that disgusting gruel you called tea in fact I think you should be paying me for bothering to give you the time of day!"
Leon: "...I expect you to pay for your tea."
Mean girl: "After what you did back in the duel!? Do you have any idea how much money we lost because you bet on yourself and your secret Gundam!? Some of us even had to sell our slaves you bastard!"
Livia: "H-hey that's enough! Please stop doing this to Mr Le-!"
Mean girl: "Stay out of this peasant girl! You even dare try to help him I could get you executed or banished! It was a mistake even allowing a filthy commoner in this school!"
Leon grits his teeth hard at those statements. It's blatantly obvious how much he wants to fight back against this girl, how much he wanted to beat the crap out of her servants, and most importantly wipe that smug look right off her face. If only he just had a good enough reason. And as if god were answering his prayers that reason decided to speak up.
Mylene: "Alright now I believe this has gone far enough."
Mean girl: "Who told you to butt in old hag?"
Mylene: "M-me a hag?!"
Mylene quickly composes herself however neither of them seem the growing Cheshire grin on Leon's face.
Leon Sicko mode activated
Leon starts to giggle, then cackle, and finally breaks into a full on supervillain laugh (think Light laughing at L's funeral) as he immediately gets up and proceeds to spin kick one of the mean girl's servants.
Leon: "Now you've done it! Now it's your time to die!!!"
Leon decks another one of the mean girl's servants while Daniel and Raymond look on in horror.
Daniel and Raymond: "Leon nooooo!"
Leon: "Leon YES!!!!!!!"
Leon then proceeds to drop kick the last of the mean girl's servants leaving her in absolute shock.
Mean girl: "H-how dare you!? Nobody abuses my slaves but me!"
Leon starts approaching her menacingly. The mean girl pulls out an actual whip but Leon catches it in his hand.
Leon: "Normally I'd never imagine hitting a girl but bratty little bimbos like you make these hands of mine unisex!"
Mean girl: "D-don't you know who I am!? I'm the Offrey family's daughter! I can have you banished or executed for this!"
Leon: "See I'm not the one in trouble it's you because you don't know just who you insulted!"
Leon gestures towards Mylene as he bows to introduce her.
Leon: "Presenting the matriarch of Holfort kingdom and hero of the last Neo Zeon War, Queen Mylene!"
Mylene just awkwardly smiles at Leon's introduction while the Offrey girl now has an expression of horror on her face realizing she just called the queen "a hag".
Leon: "Your majesty please allow me to punish them for you. Whether it be humiliation or annihilation I'm your man!"
Mylene: "W-wait please you don't need to go that far really!"
Angie: "Damn it there's only one man who can stop this madness...Livia please keep him from executing lady Offrey while I fetch Him."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
The one Angie went off to fetch was none other than Leon's beloved master.
Master: "Now now Leon you know it's ungentlemanly to raise a hand against a woman."
Leon's anger has long since fizzled out and is now replaced with embarrassment for his actions.
Leon: "I'm sorry master..."
Master: "Come now. I understand losing one's temper from time to time but one must exercise a bit more restraint. Now then how about some of my best tea to settle down."
At that Leon practically lights up at the prospect of tea time with his beloved master.
Leon: 'Tea time with master such elegant tea time!'
Mylene clears her throat. Leon turns his attention to her majesty.
Mylene: "You should know your actions have given me quite the headache. On top of possessing an unregistered Gundam you used said Gundam to humiliate the heirs of several notable families. You've made a lot of enemies in the Royal court."
Leon immediately bows and assumes a submissive position.
Leon: "I apologize just please don't hurt my family!"
Mylene becomes flustered at Leon's show of repentance.
Mylene: "N-no no I'm not going to do anything like that-!"
Angie: "Uh, your majesty he's messing with you."
Leon has a mischievous smile on his face seeing Mylene get all flustered.
Mylene: "You scoundrel!!!"
Leon: "So I've been told. And you don't need to be looking out for me I'm well aware of my actions. And that said actions have painted a big target on my back. I'm not going to apologize or anything like that, those rich dude bros got what they deserved especially his majesty. But I and I alone will accept responsibility for my actions."
Mylene sighs, slightly annoyed by Leon's stubbornness to show any remorse for his conduct but at least he's taking responsibility for his actions.
Mylene: "There was one other thing I'd like to ask you. See since I spent my youth fighting in the third Neo Zeon war I came of age in another country so while I'm at the academy I was hoping I could make some memories."
Mylene is practically radiating as Leon gazes upon her in awe and admiration.
Leon: 'In my previous life I would've told this mature Goddess to do it herself, but I'm a refined man.'
Leon clears his throat with as he stands up and walks towards Mylene.
Leon: "Very well. Let's make those memories at the academy together."
Leon then gets down on one knee in front of Mylene and does the last thing anyone in that room expected.
Leon: "Mylene my Queen will you accept my hand in marriage!"
Mylene needs a moment to process what Leon just did before her face suddenly turns beat red. Livia and Angie both being shocked at Leon's sudden proposal.
Livia: "Mr Leon, did you just ask what I think you asked!?"
Angie: "You know she's the Queen right!?"
Leon: 'I know oh you bet I know a gorgeous civilized woman in her thirties is the dream especially compared to the obnoxious feral teens that stalk this academy. I wanna marry a human ya know.'
Suddenly the door opens to the room and Leon swears he can almost feel a murderous intent enter the room thanks to his Newtype senses but chalks it up to probably just being Jenna.
Leon: "I love you, I adore you."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Now from Mylene's perspective Leon practically sparkles (hey look sparkles are real) he's the first man to take notice of her in years, even her own husband the king never gave her this kind of affection.
Mylene: "But you know I'm married, I have a husband and a loving family. Besides I'm an old woman..."
Leon: "None of that matters now you're incredibly beautiful and even though you have a family it could work if we-!"
Suddenly Leon is hit in the back of his head as the romantic music playing in his mind comes to a screeching halt.
Leon: "Ouch, what the heck!? Who freakin' did that!?"
Leon turns around to see a rather miffed Prince Julius.
Leon: "Oh your highness..."
Julius: "You've got a lot of nerve! It's one thing to pick a fight with a prince, but to go off and woo his mother!?"
Mylene is quite close to Leon looking at Julius with an awkward smile.
Mylene: "Julius this isn't what it looks like I swear."
Julius: "Mother, I demand that you separate yourself from this unlawful miscreant, and you let go of her this instant!"
Leon moans in annoyance.
Leon: "Aw man, I don't wanna!"
Leon is then falcon punched by Julius so hard he splits a coffee table in half.
Mylene: "Leon nooooo!"
Julius then takes Mylene and promptly leaves with her.
Julius: "Please I implore you to ignore him."
Daniel, Raymond, Livia, and Angie then gather around the beat up Leon.
Daniel: "So bet you're feeling real stupid about hitting on the Queen right now huh?"
Raymond: "What were you thinking!? Are you trying to speed run your way to being the most hated lord in the kingdom!?"
Angie: "Guess you got what you deserved."
Livia: "I'd have to agree."
Meanwhile in cafe "princess"
Marie is currently hiding, why you may ask because Prince Julius decided to bring his mother here of all places. Currently she's talking to Julius about Marie's biggest headache and the cause of all her troubles. Leon Fou Bartfort. And it's not just him talking with the Queen but the entirety of Marie's harem of pretty boys.
Julius: "Mother I must ask that you stay away from that low life Bartfort. He's an incredibly rude, greedy, and desperate coward."
Mylene looks around the room looking not very pleased at what she's seeing.
Mylene: "Correct me if I'm wrong but you're supposed to be running a cafe, not a club."
Julius: "Well, Marie thought the cafe could be spruced up a bit. Isn't it marvelous?"
At the mention of her name Mylene becomes even more visibly annoyed, all the while Marie is desperately looking for a broom closet to hide in until the Queen goes away. Mylene stands up out of her chair as she takes an authoritative tone with Julius.
Mylene: "I've had enough of this. Bring her to me now."
Marie: 'Oh, holy shit she's pissed I wonder what she'd do to me if she finds out I've been making her son the prince serve tea to adoring fangirls.'
In Marie's mind she pictures herself being put to the guillotine the Queen looking down at her with a dispassionate expression on her face as she orders the executioner to be off with her head.
Julius: "I truly hoped you wouldn't be like the others. If you're already this upset there's no way I can allow you to see Marie."
Marie breathes a sigh of relief. However that is quickly brought to an end when Mylene puts her fist on the table clearly mad.
Mylene: "Isn't this interesting, moments ago you referred to Leon as the greedy one. Then what do you call these prices? You're charging 100 dia for low quality sweets and tea plus a service fee on top of that. And you all what are former prominent heirs doing strutting around dressed like that!?"
Chris and Brad try not to make eye contact with her majesty knowing full well from the stories and their own experiences what she's like when she's on a war path. Jilk and Greg meanwhile are looking for any possible way they can get out of this situation before it gets messy.
Julius: "I-I but we-."
Mylene: "And then there's you Julius, you agreed to stay away from Marie Fou Lefan yet here you are galavanting around with her and breaking your oath! I think I know who the real promise breaking coward is!"
Julius: "I-just happen to be helping Brad and the others who just so happen to be helping Marie with this cafe."
Mylene: "Quit making disgraceful excuses and make no further delays! Bring me the girl...."
Marie at this point is about to have a full on panic attack as she can see the guillotine approaching and the grim reaper waving at her holding a sign that says "see you soon".
Marie: "I need to get the hell out of here."
(Alright sorry it took so long but here's chapter 5 I know it's not as action heavy or anything but hey I figured there needs to be a bit of breathing room after how chapter 4 ended so hope you guys liked this. Peace.)
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