Chapter 2: something doesn't seem right
We find Leon in his room studying as Luxcion pops in the check in on him.
Luxcion: "I have just finished scouting out the capital. I find their technology lackluster at best. Even their mobile suit technology seems lacking."
Leon: "Uh huh. Well I guess compared to the Unicorn that goes without saying."
Luxcion: "I was not comparing their mobile suits to the Unicorn. I will admit I found their usage of magic interesting."
Leon: "So you did find something interesting at least."
Luxcion: "I am surprised to see you studying master."
Leon: "It's for a tea party. From what I gather this is the best way for a guy like me to find a decent wife. By the way what's Audrey up to?"
Luxcion: "Audrey is currently helping me direct the renovation plans for your new island. She believes that if handled properly you could turn your backwater island into a popular tourist destination. You made the right call having her as your financial advisor. Especially given your less than stellar tendencies when it comes to money."
Leon: "Gee tell me how you really feel why don't you."
Later that day on campus
Leon meets up with his friends two fellow low ranking boys.
Leon: "Daniel, Raymond any good leads on girls in the same social circle as us."
Daniel: "Unfortunately no. Don't you have that Audrey girl?"
Leon: "Me and Audrey? Now there's a joke. She's as flat as can be and I'm not just talking about her chest. She has about as much personality as a dead fish...she's right behind me isn't she."
Daniel and Raymond nod in unison as Audrey is indeed behind Leon and isn't pleased about his comments. She promptly kicks him in the shins.
Leon: "Oh god my shins!"
Audrey: "Dead fish can't have a personality. They're dead."
Audrey then walks off.
Raymond: "Well you asked for it. At this rate you'll be single forever."
Leon: "Well if that's the case you know for a fact I won't be alone in that."
Daniel: "Unfortunately we do. And competition is stiff this year thanks to the Prince and his friends."
The three friends look towards a crowd of girls all gathering around Prince Julius and his entourage.
Leon: "Most of those girls give us the cold shoulder but as soon as Prince pretty boy and his friends show up they go Gaga! Pretty boys are the worst!!!"
Daniel: "You said it."
Angelica the Prince's fiancée walks through the crowd to get to the Prince.
Angelica: "Your highness."
Angelica: "I must speak with you regarding your tea party. I'm invited of course aren't I?"
The Prince sighs.
Prince Julius: "Please Angelica don't do this here. Not while we're at the academy."
Angelica: "I know exactly where we are. And yet it's rather difficult to cut through all the noise in your vicinity."
Angelica shoots a glare at a few of the girls in the crowd.
Leon, Daniel, and Raymond are way the whole thing play out.
Daniel: "Man she's coming in hot. If only she wasn't engaged to that tool of a prince."
Leon: "You know who that is right? That's Angelica Redgrave you'd be lucky if she bothered to remember your name. Just don't stare and act normal. Do your best impression of a cardboard cutout."
It's then that someone Leon finds strangely familiar comes out of the crowd a petite girl with blonde hair and blue eyes.
???: "Uh, excuse me."
Prince Julius: "Ah Marie there you are at last."
Marie: "I heard you called for me your highness?"
Angelica stares daggers at Marie. If looks could kill the whole crowd would drop dead.
Prince Julius: "I'll be holding a tea party of my own soon. And I'd very much like you to come."
Marie: "Huh?"
Angelica: "What are you thinking!? She doesn't even belong with us!"
Prince Julius: "I am at the academy as a student and betrothed though we may be it doesn't give you the right to meddle in my affairs."
This catches Angelica off guard but she quickly backs down.
Angelica. "Sorry. Forgive me your highness."
Leon thinks to himself remembering how in the game the main protagonist Olivia was defended by the Prince in this event but Marie didn't exist in the game. And for that matter a lot of things that didn't happen in the game are happening namely his acquisition of the Unicorn Gundam.
Later that day in etiquette class
Etiquette teacher: "It is vital that you make your tea party inviting to women and it's not about expensive tea or snacks but it's about atmosphere and presentation. One can tell a lot about a man's character by how he conducts himself in his tea parties."
All while Leon's teacher is giving his lesson Leon can barely be bothered to pay much attention figuring he'll just hire someone to set up his tea party for him so he can vege out for a bit.
Etiquette teacher: "Mr Bartfort I get the distinct impression you're not paying attention to what I'm saying."
Leon: "Oh what no I've been paying attention..."
Etiquette teacher: "Then can you explain to me some of the philosophies of tea parties I've talked about."
Leon: "Aw crap..."
Etiquette teacher: "How about you come up here so I can teach you more personally."
Leon rolls his eyes as he stands up from his desk and walks over.
Leon: 'ugh this is so lame how could something as stupid as tea parties be interesting at-'
One enlightened lecture later
Leon: "I'M SO SORRY!!! Forgive my ignorance you truly are a genius, no a true visionary! I am not worthy to be in your presence."
Etiquette teacher: "Please there's no need for you to be so apologetic ignorance is the first step to learning and if I'm being honest I still have much to learn myself. I would be honored if we could walk together on our tea party journey."
Leon: "I would be honored as well master!"
Later that day
Leon is hard at work going into even the smallest details of his tea party appearing to truly be striving for excellence while Luxcion watches him perplexed.
Luxcion: "I am surprised you are putting so much effort into something you claimed to be stupid not long ago. You said you would simply hire someone to do all the work so you could quote 'take a load off'."
Leon: "I have been enlightened by my master he showed me the wonders of making a truly exceptional tea party."
Luxcion: "I'm almost impressed it's a shame nobody will appreciate it. Given your adeptness at guarding your virginity."
Leon: "For the record I did invite an actual girl who isn't Audrey. And she's even a Baron like me."
Luxcion: "I detect a growing level of pride."
Leon: "As you should."
Luxcion: "Also smugness and desperation."
Leon: "Too much info Luxcion now disappear before you freak someone out."
Luxcion disappears as Leon hears a knock at the door.
Leon: "Right on time. Remember what Master told you. Project confidence and elegance."
Leon opens the door putting on as much confidence and elegance as he can only for it to all come crashing down when he sees his date brought company.
Baroness: "Hey~! So me and my friends were on our way to Greg's tea party and figured we'd stop by to see yours to see what a backwater Baron like you puts on."
Leon: 'Oh god Audrey is gonna be lording this over me for the rest of my days.'
One of the girl's friends takes a bite of Leon's snacks.
Fat student: "What's with these cheap snacks it this tastes like commoner food."
Leon: "I made that myself..."
Skinny girl: "Where's my tea already!?"
After several minutes of trying and failing to court the girl he invited she and her friends leave and leave in their wake Leon's hopes and dreams.
Leon: "Such disregard for so much hard work...the world of tea parties is truly unforgiving. But even so I can't give up even if everything feels hopeless and I'll probably be a virgin forever and die alone..."
An awkward silence settles in for a few minutes until Leon hears a commotion in the hallway as he sees two girls bullying another girl with dirty brown hair and blue eyes.
Leon: 'I know her she's the original protagonist from the game. I think her name was Olivia? I should just let things play out but at the same time something is wrong and somehow she's been replaced. This isn't me joining the plot I'm just making sure the game's plot gets back on track."
Bully 1: "You don't belong in this school you filthy commoner!"
Bully 2: "You should go back to your nowhere town."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Olivia gasps as Leon arrives on the scene.
Leon: "I think you two should go. Now."
Bully 1: "And just who the hell are you?"
Bully 2: "I think he's that nobody Baron who supposedly claimed a whole island for himself."
Leon: "Yeah that's right. But what's more I'm a true believer in gender equality or in a layman's terms...I'm not afraid to punch a woman."
This is enough to scare off the bullies.
Bully 1: "You brute!!!"
Leon then looks to Olivia and reaches his hand out to her.
Leon: "They didn't hurt you did they?"
Olivia: "N-no..."
Olivia blushes as she takes Leon's hand but the moment she takes his hand.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Olivia stops for a moment and stares at Leon.
Olivia: "You're like me?"
Leon: "Wait you feel that thing too?"
Not long after that Leon brought Olivia to his tea party or well what was left of it as they just talked about their shared experience.
Leon: "According to someone who's sort of an expert on this we're apparently called Newtypes. And from personal experience I've learned I have telepathy and some empath abilities. When I was little I used to save animals from old traps."
Olivia: "Aw that's so sweet. And these snacks are incredible!"
Olivia is practically shining a blinding light at Leon from her purity.
Leon: 'Now that I can see her in person she's actually really cu-. No! Don't even think about it you're not one of her love interests you're a mob character practically a glorified cardboard cutout. You gotta keep your head in the game. But at the same time it's now that I'm talking to her I used to think of her as this devious girl but now there's no way. She wouldn't hurt a fly.'
Olivia: "Uh, I don't think I caught your name yet."
Leon: "Oh, uh it's Leon. Leon Fou Bartfort. I'm a Baron in the countryside."
Olivia: "Actually hold out your hand I want to show you something."
Leon: "Uh, okay?"
Leon holds out his hand as Olivia takes his.
Leon: "What are you-?"
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Olivia: "You feel confused and you're in denial. But I can feel how good of a person you are."
Leon: "What did you just-?! Did you just read my mind?!"
Olivia: "Not exactly. I read your emotions and looked at your soul but I can't read your thoughts."
Leon: "Hold on this is something we can just do!? How did you learn to do that?"
Olivia: "It was by accident honestly. Because of this power everyone in the orphanage I grew up in thought I was a this point I'm used to being bullied like that. How do you do it? How come you aren't picked on?"
Leon: "If you want the honest answer it's because I don't stand out much and I don't really explore my Newtype powers that much. But growing up I learned that the only person whose opinion of me I should care about is me."
Olivia: "So you just don't care what people say."
Leon: "Not at all. I wouldn't care if they started calling me a demon in fact I almost hope they do. But listen if you really want to stop getting bullied so much try approaching someone like Angelica and try making peace I guess."
Olivia: "But how would I-."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Olivia and Leon's attention is suddenly caught by an intense feeling of sadness and rejection emanating from someone.
Olivia: "You felt that right?"
Leon: "Yep and it feels like it's not my problem."
Olivia: "What!? How can you leave someone in a state like that! It's cruel!"
Leon: "But what reason do I have to help someone I don't know?"
Olivia: "Once I met someone who told me that you don't need a reason to help someone. So please Mr Leon let's go help them."
Leon wants to turn her down but those eyes it's like staring into a puppy's he just can't bring himself to say no.
Leon: "Fine..."
A few minutes later outside
Leon and Olivia find a distraught looking upperclassman pacing around and crying.
???: "Jilk why!? What does she have that I don't!"
Olivia: "We have to help her."
Leon: "Do we really?"
All Olivia needs to get Leon to back down is a mean look which honestly looks adorable.
Leon: "Fine."
Olivia is the first person to approach.
Olivia: "Excuse me is everything alright?"
???: "No! Nothing is alright my fiancé just called off our engagement! Because he met some other girl!"
Leon: "Sounds like a real ass if you ask me."
???: "I did everything for him! I sponsored his air bike racing career, I had his mobile suit developed, I even dyed my hair green once so it would match his!!!!"
Leon: "Why don't you come with me and Olivia. I don't have much but I have some snacks and some leftover tea. I'm Leon by the way."
???: "Clarice."
Several minutes later back in Leon's tea party
Clarice is currently drowning her sorrows in homemade pastries and tea.
Olivia: "So you were engaged to a member of the Prince's entourage?"
Clarice: "Yep. Jilk Fia Marmoria. He and I were engaged up until today. And you want to know the worst part! That asshole didn't even have the courage to tell me himself! He broke up with me through a goddamn letter! I hate him so much for that!"
Leon: "Well senpai if you want my honest opinion I think you should get revenge."
Olivia: "Revenge!? Mr Leon what are you talking about?"
Clarice: "I'm listening..."
Leon: "The best way to get revenge is to move on and be happy without them. Show that asshat you never needed him he needed you and he blew it."
Clarice: "That's surprisingly...wise."
Suddenly Audrey enters the room.
Audrey: "Leon we need to run a test flight on the Uni-? Who are they?"
Leon: "Just some new friends. Actually would you two like to come along Audrey could use an extra pair of hands while running tests."
Clarice: "Are you two-?"
Leon: "No we're not Audrey is just my business partner."
Audrey: "Both of you get away while you still can unfortunately I'm stuck with him for the time being."
Leon: "You're making me sound like bum!!!"
One hour later in the hanger
Leon mounts up in the Unicorn's cockpit now dressed in a pilot suit.
Leon: "I know the colors are supposed to match the Unicorn's but honestly I'm not sure if white is my color. Also what's the purpose of this suit anyway Audrey?"
Audrey: "It's to increase your life expectancy when piloting. Last time the NT-D system activated you passed out in the cockpit. This suit is meant to stop that from happening."
Leon: "Oh, I see."
Leon grips the controls of the Unicorn as he prepares to launch.
Clarice: "Where did you get that mobile suit?"
Audrey; "We found it on an uncharted island. That's no ordinary mobile suit it's a lost item a Gundam."
Olivia: "Gundam?"
Clarice: "You mean like the legendary mobile suit that fought against Neo Zeon in the Great War?"
Audrey: "Indeed. Alright Leon take it easy. Don't accelerate past Mach 1 we're still in capital airspace after all."
Olivia can't help but be mesmerized by the Unicorn. As she looks at it she can't help but feel some strange presence from the Unicorn almost as if it's alive.
Leon: "RX-0 Unicorn Gundam launching!"
The Unicorn blasts out of the hangar at insane speed. The white mobile suit almost appearing to be a blur. Audrey taps into the Unicorn's communications system to speak with Leon.
Audrey: "Okay this is just a simple test flight. Do a lap around the capital and come back. How's the suit holding up?"
Leon: "It feels fine it's taking the G-forces well. But the hands feel a bit stiff."
Clarice: "Hold on what material did you use for the gloves?"
Audrey: "Farossian leather. Why do you ask?"
Clarice: "Try replacing those with sky whale leather. It's more durable and flexible."
Audrey: "How did you-?"
Clarice: "I helped Jilk with his pilot suit before he left me..."
Audrey: "I see..."
The Unicorn flies above the capital at incredible speeds when suddenly two other Mobile suits pull up to it.
Holfort soldier: "Attention unknown mobile suit identify yourself and state your purpose."
Leon opens up a comms channel.
Leon: "This is Leon Fou Bartfort. This is nothing to be concerned about I'm doing a test flight on my mobile suit."
Holfort soldier: "Understood sir. Please follow regulations and stay at Mach 1 or below."
The two soldiers' mobile suits pull away from Leon.
Meanwhile back at the academy
Prince Julius is currently contemplating his feelings for Marie. She's unlike any girl he's met before someone who seemingly doesn't care about him being a Prince.
Prince Julius: "Oh Marie what should I do?"
Suddenly his train of thought is interrupted by a pure white mobile suit breaking the sound barrier.
Prince Julius: "What in the world is that!?"
Back with Leon
Leon lands the Unicorn in the hangar bay. Meanwhile Clarice and Olivia talk.
Clarice: "You want to have a meeting with lady Angelica?"
Olivia: "Yes Leon said I should talk to her."
Clarice: "Normally I wouldn't be doing something like this but you did help comfort me when I was in a rough spot so I'll see what I can do. Just be warned Angelica isn't really the biggest fan of commoners."
Leon: "Alright Audrey how's the Unicorn's performance looking?"
Audrey: "Fuel efficiency is up by 20% thanks to the modifications and it looks like there has been no decrease in mobility either. But we can't get accurate readings here in the capital because of the flight speed limit. We'll have to run tests back on at your domain if we want a more accurate reading. As for the psycho frame its activity appears to be on the low end. We need to figure out how the NT-D activation works."
Leon: "And how I could use it at will."
Clarice: "I gotta thank you. Today started off awful but thanks to your little pep talk earlier Bartfort I think I'll manage fine without Jilk. Just promise me that you'll make him cry for me if you ever end up in a duel."
Leon: "Oh trust me senpai I'd love nothing more than to make that pretty boy cry."
The next day
Leon is sleeping soundly in his room when suddenly his door bursts open and his sister Jenna barges in.
Jenna: "Wake up idiot!!!"
Leon wakes up with a yawn and a stretch.
Leon: "Ah, Jenna to what do I owe the sudden surprise visit from my sister?"
Jenna: "Is it true you spoke to Clarice Atlee?"
Leon: "Yeah what about it?"
Jenna: "What about it!? What about it!? Her family is one of the most influential ones in the empire they're the largest producers of air bikes in Holfort! I swear if you embarrassed us to her I'll kill you myself."
Leon: "Love you too sis."
Meanwhile with Olivia
Olivia had gotten an audience with Angelica thanks to Clarice safe to say she was nervous but Clarice being a stand up gal she is decided to help Olivia make a good first impression by buying some expensive sweets for her to give to the Redgrave girl. Angelica herself sitting opposite of Olivia with her two followers flanking her.
Angelica: "You're the honor student correct?"
Olivia: "Yes Mr Leon told me that I should talk to you about my situation with you here."
Angelica: "Look the fact of the matter is I don't have any problem with you as long as you stay away from the Prince. The only reason I agreed to this meeting was because of Atlee's insistence."
Olivia: "So does that mean I can stay at the academy?"
Angelica silently tells her followers to leave the room causing Olivia to become worried.
Olivia: "Am I in trouble?"
Angelica: "No. But why did you have to make this situation so complicated. I have no problem with you at the academy the person of my ire is that Marie girl as of late."
Olivia: "Oh, her? I heard she's been bullied worse than even I have. I tried to talk to her not long ago but when I did she told me that 'she hates girls like me the most' I didn't know what it meant but it scared me."
This information catches Angelica's attention if what Olivia says about Marie is true there might be something suspicious at play.
Angelica: "Can you tell me anything else about her?"
Olivia: "Well I heard she's from a disgraced noble family. I think I heard she's a daughter of the Lefan family."
Angelica: "Lefan? They were involved in the Vist conspiracy against the throne. They claimed innocence but still ended up reduced in god what if she's trying to regain her family's status by getting close to the Prince. Or worse what if she's a member of those terrorists Neo Zeon? I have to thank you for bringing this to my attention if the situation is as dire as I fear you may find yourself a hero of the kingdom."
Olivia: "Oh, please I'm no hero I'm just a student and a commoner at that. Besides it should be Mr Leon you should be thanking for sending me your way."
Angelica: "Who is this Leon character you speak of?"
Olivia: "He said his family name was Bartfort."
Angelica: "Is that right? Well then if everything goes right I may owe him a favor for all this."
A week later in a dungeon
Leon is dressed in his pilot suit carrying a rife and sidearm as currently he's doing a dungeon spelunking class. And unfortunately Daniel and Raymond are nowhere to be seen as it's just Leon and Olivia standing together.
Leon: "Damn it where are Daniel and Raymond at? Looks like they decided to skip exploration class. And if it wasn't bad enough my classmates are those jerkoffs."
Leon gestures to the Prince and his entourage dressed up in their dungeoneering gear. That's when Greg takes notice of him.
Greg: "Hey guys look at this tool he's dressed up as a space man in a dungeon what an idiot!"
Leon starts glaring at Greg as if trying to set him on fire with his mind. Leon imagines beating the absolute shit out of Greg in the Unicorn not like that would ever happen of course (or does it).
Olivia: "Nobody wanted to partner up with me either if that helps."
Leon: "Not really haven't you noticed what everyone else is chatting about?"
Student 1: "It's that Baron Bartfort and the honor student."
Student 2: "They'll go first and deal with the traps like good meat shields."
Student 3: "They'll do all the hard work while we get all the glory."
Leon: "They're treating us no differently than hired guards. Everyone is just counting on us running ahead and springing all the traps. Typical."
Olivia recoils at the thought that her classmates were all counting on her death.
Leon: "Look just stick with me and keep your head down unlike these guys I've actually been in combat."
Olivia: "You have?"
Leon: "Yep I took on a Neo Zeon mobile suit during my first time flying the Unicorn. Scared them off too."
Olivia: "Oh, wow that sounds incredible and also scary."
Exploration teacher: "Alright class today we'll be exploring the school dungeon this will be a good opportunity to put those magic lessons to use. Also beware of Zero Gravity Zones or ZGZs as experienced adventurers call them."
As the class is about to set off Angelica decides to confront Marie as she's clinging onto Prince Julius.
Angelica: "Get away from him you beggar! You're only getting close to the Prince for his status!"
Marie: "What!? No I would never do such a thing. Please I just want to be close to the Prince!"
Angelica: "I know who you are!!! Your family were Neo Zeon sympathizers maybe they still are and you're plotting a coup!"
Prince Julius: "That's enough Angelica! I will not tolerate you making such unjust accusations!"
Angelica: "Your highness please listen to me! That girl's family are Neo Zeon sympathizers! They were involved in the Vist conspiracy!"
Prince Julius: "You think I don't know that! Marie has explained everything and has proven she's completely against her family's support of Neo Zeon. She's a brave girl for standing against them."
Angelica: "Wha-what?"
Leon: "Did she say Marie's family was involved in Neo Zeon?"
Olivia: "Yes I told Angelica when I met her. Why do you ask?"
Leon: "Well Audrey has probably already told you the story about how I fought a Neo Zeon mobile suit. I can't help but feel like that won't be the last time I deal with Neo Zeon."
Prince Julius: "I've had enough!"
Suddenly the green haired pretty boy Jilk steps in.
Jilk: "Come Angelica why are you giving the Prince such a hard time about something so trivial."
The red headed meat head of the group Greg also steps in.
Greg: "Quit bringing your relationship problems into the academy like this it's seriously annoying."
Angelica: "That's not what this is I'm just trying to do what's best for him!"
Prince Julius: "Come on Marie."
Marie: "Oh, okay."
Angelica is left with just her followers causing her to grit her teeth in frustration.
Later in the dungeon
Leon and Olivia are mining crystals Olivia just mining a big one. It's clear to see she's excited.
Olivia: "Look Leon I mined this one all by myself! And it's so big too!"
Leon: "Ah nicely done that's at least a hundred Dia in the bag."
Olivia: "Oh I didn't think I'd be able to pay you back for helping me this quickly."
Leon: "Ah you don't owe me anything."
Olivia: "Aren't there also a bunch of treasure chests in dungeons like these which means someone left them behind. I think I heard somewhere that in the final days of the Great War Neo Zeon and the Earth Federation used the Dungeons as fortresses and stored weapons and supplies in them as well."
Leon: 'That explanation wasn't in the game.'
Leon: "I don't think I've heard that before I never questioned things like that before."
Olivia: "You never once questioned where those chests came from?"
Leon: "Not once."
Olivia: "Sometimes you can be so cold..."
Leon: 'Why bother questioning anything this was supposed to be a dungeon thrown in last minute to some crap Otome game but then again as of late something really weird has been happening. For starters Neo Zeon and this Earth federation were never in the game and neither was the Unicorn. I need to keep my distance from Olivia she's the protagonist after all and that means sooner or later she'll get involved with the Prince and his roving gang of idiots and I want to stay as far away from them as possible.'
Leon and Olivia eventually enter a large chamber of the Dungeon filled with crystals. However the most notable feature is one Leon never saw in the Otome game.
Leon: "Is that a-?"
Olivia: "Gundam."
Encased in crystal it slumbered for a thousand years a massive black and white mobile suit with what appears to be a single large wing on its back. In its hand it carries a red sphere of some kind.
Leon: "What the hell is that thing doing down here!?"
Olivia: "It must be a relic of the Great War and looking at it...this Gundam fits the description of the one Neo Zeon dubbed 'the White Devil'."
Leon: "Still doesn't explain what it's doing here!"
Suddenly a swarm of giant insects start approaching causing Leon to respond by opening fire with his rifle.
Olivia: "It must be the Psycho frame that's attracting them!"
Leon: "How!? That thing is encased in crystal! Shouldn't it be long dead by now!?"
Olivia: "That's a mana crystal! It has a preservative properties meaning that machine very well may still be fully functional."
Leon: "You know this how!?"
Olivia: "I read about it."
Leon is suddenly bitten on the arm by a giant ant breaking through his suit's outer layers and causing liquids to leak out.
Leon: "Gah!!!!"
Olivia: "Mr Leon!"
High on adrenaline Leon pistol whips the ant until it lets go and shoots apart more of the incoming insects.
Leon: "This isn't good I'm bleeding and leaking stimulant fluid! Olivia get ready to run I'll hold them off!"
Olivia: "No I won't leave you!"
Leon then chucks a thermite grenade at the ants incinerating them.
Leon: "I'm not making a last stand here Olivia I'm gonna cave in this part of the dungeon and leave with you!"
???: "That won't be necessary."
Suddenly the Prince and his entourage arrive and start killing all the ants. Julius swinging his sword and blasting them with magic, Chris using his master swordsmanship to dice several ants to pieces, Greg tearing into them with his lance, Jilk scoring head shots with his guns, and finally Brad who pelts the hoard from the back with magic.
Prince Julius: "You looked like you could use a hand."
Greg: "Ha! His arm got chomped on by an ant."
Brad: "What's that fluid leaking out of his suit?"
Chris remains silent.
Jilk; "Your highness I believe we found something of great significance."
Jilk points upwards to the Gundam encased in crystal.
Prince Julius: "Could that be a Gundam? It would seem our dear Marie has lead us right."
Speaking of Marie she catches up to the group and looks up in surprise at the preserved war machine from the Great War.
Marie: "What is that thing?"
Suddenly a single ant rushes the Prince and spits acid on his arm causing him to grunt in pain but the insect is quickly killed by Leon scoring a headshot right between the antenna.
Leon: "Now we're even."
Marie: "Your highness let me see your arm."
Prince Julius: "What are you-?"
Suddenly Marie goes over to Julius and casts a healing spell on his arm sowing burnt muscle back together and regrowing skin.
Prince Julius: "Marie how did you-?"
She holds her finger to her mouth in a shushing motion.
Angelica then arrives at the scene and notices Marie close to the Prince.
Angelica: "Your highness!"
Angelica quickly shoves Marie to the side Marie playing it up like she badly hurt her.
Angelica: "Are you injured!? Are you okay!?"
Prince Julius: "What have you done to Marie!?"
Julius quickly helps Marie up in a panic checking her over to make sure she's not hurt.
Prince Julius: "Marie are you okay?"
Marie: "I'm fine as long as I'm with you."
Leon: "I think I just threw up a little in my mouth."
Angelica: "She was clearly playing it up! Your highness please that girl is dangerous!"
Chris: "We will not allow you to slander miss Marie like that."
Greg: "Yeah take your relationship drama somewhere else. Or we could always settle this in a duel."
Jilk: "Greg there are more civilized ways of handling things than just hitting your problems with your mobile suit."
Brad: "It's as Jilk said so please leave Marie alone."
Angelica: "She's playing you all for fools can't you see!"
Meanwhile Olivia and Leon start walking away when Olivia looks at the nasty wound on Leon's arm.
Olivia: "Mr Leon you got hurt so bad..."
Leon: "Don't worry about it the stimulant fluid is doing its job I can barely feel it because of the adrenaline."
Olivia: "Hold still let me help."
Just like Marie did to Julius, Olivia casts a healing spell on Leon's arm putting the broken bones, torn muscles, and skin back to normal.
Leon: "Whoa, that is a weird feeling."
Olivia: "Good as new."
Leon: "Didn't know you could do healing magic."
Olivia: "It's why I got the scholarship to come to the academy. The professor who found me said it was really rare."
Leon then takes one final glance back at Marie and he swears he can see a fiendish smirk on her face.
(And done hope you guys enjoy this chapter I'm looking forward to the next chapter for sure because it's robot fight time next chapter. See you all later.)
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