Chapter 1: reincarnated in the game I hate
Leon awoke in a grassy field he just had the weirdest dream.
Leon: "What was that?"
Leon is a young boy with black hair and black eyes wearing hand me down clothes.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Leon: "Huh?"
Leon walks over to a nearby bush to see a fox caught in a snare struggling in vain Leon somehow knowing that the Fox is about to give up.
Leon: "Hey it's okay hold still. I know you're afraid I won't hurt you. Just please don't give up."
Leon gets to work undoing the snare and the moment he frees the fox the animal bolts away as fast as it can before briefly looking back at its savior.
???: "Leon Leon!"
A small sphere looking robot bounces through the field eventually finding his way to Leon.
Leon: "What's wrong Haro?"
Haro: "Zola is back! Zola is back!"
Leon: "Not again..."
???: "Leon where are you!?"
Leon: "Looks like dad is calling let's go Haro."
A few minutes later Leon returns to his father and older man in his thirties who has similar hair and eyes. Alongside him are Leon's brothers and sisters as well as Leon's mother a kind woman named Luce. And standing in front of them wearing a gaudy purple dress is the wife of Leon's father Zola.
Zola: "How disgraceful. While you continue to create bastard children I am left to maintain our family's dignity. If it weren't your father I wouldn't be allowing such disgrace."
Balcus: "Please don't bring the children into this. And please don't bring up my father lady Zola. I know my true identity causes you much strife."
Zola: "You should be grateful that I don't bring you before the Queen. I'm certain she wouldn't be forgiving to a Vist hiding in the countryside calling himself Bartfort."
Balcus:"Of course lady Zola."
Later that night Leon and his brother Nicks are sitting together in the storage shed eating dinner. While Leon starts having the strangest sense of Deja vu.
Leon: "Why don't we get to live in the main house?"
Nicks: "You know why we're half breeds and to make matters worse we were born out of wedlock. Lady Zola is the family matriarch meaning she has all the power."
It's then that some memories start to come back to Leon.
Leon: "Can you repeat that?"
Nicks: "Lady Zola has all the power. Women in general have all the power half breeds like us would be lucky to end up as paramours."
Leon goes over to one of the text books and takes note of a specific symbol. Now the memories start flooding back of an old life where he played a downright awful Otome game. Leon remembers how he played the game against his will for days and ultimately lost his life after 100%ing the game and falling down a flight of stairs. Most of all Leon remembered how little power men had in this world.
Leon: 'This is that shitty Otome game from before...'
Leon lets out a horrified scream frightening his older brother Nicks.
Meanwhile in the uncharted sky islands.
An airship flies towards a glowing spot on a lake as an old man looks forward with a serious expression on his face.
???: "That fortune teller said my grandson will come here in time. No doubt he'll seek the very thing I spent my life searching for. Laplace's box..."
The old man steps down into the cargo hold where a pure white mobile suit with a distinctive horn on its head sits idle.
???: "The principality will come for both of you. Both you and my grandson are the key to Laplace's box."
???: "This place will be his first test. Well you and the old Zeon AI hidden here."
A vortex opens as the airship vanishes into thin air.
10 years later
Leon has lived a mostly quiet and peaceful life in the last ten years at first after remembering his past life playing this Otome game he thought he could use his knowledge to completely dominate but over the years one might say Leon mellowed out and has resigned himself to a quiet life in the countryside. As Leon learned his family the Bartforts are never mentioned in the Otome game he played in his past life. In other words Leon is a background character.
Suddenly Haro bounces his way up to Leon.
Leon: "Haro please tell me you have good news."
Haro: "Zola is back! Zola is back!"
Leon: "That's the exact opposite of good news! Let's just go get this over with..."
A few minutes later at the Bartfort house
Zola: "She's the daughter of a Duke I owe a great deal to. You should be grateful for such an opportunity."
Leon: "I mean I want to get married but this lady is like 50 years old and had eight other husbands who all died in war! She's clearly after my survivor's pension!"
Zola: "Unfortunate accidents."
Leon: "This isn't how I'm supposed to get married I'm supposed to go to the academy and find a wife there!"
Zola: "Oh and you intend to go to this love academy with what money! You should feel lucky you're getting married at all no woman wants a man older than 20. So be a proper man and submit."
Zola has a sinister smile on her face clearly enjoying this fully counting on Leon's demise. But Leon isn't gonna take this lying down.
Leon: "I just need money right? Then I'll get the money and buy my freedom."
Zola: "Oh and why do you think I'd allow you to run off never to return?"
Leon: "Because you don't have anything to lose. If I die you'll just marry off someone else to her I'm completely disposable."
Zola thinks about it for a moment Leon is right he's not even Balcus' oldest son meaning he really doesn't have that much value not to mention it would mean yet another Vist bites it.
Zola: "Fine then I'll give you your chance at freedom not that you'll succeed. If you return with nothing you'll be married off and if you die it will be Nicks who gets married off instead."
Leon: "And when I bring back a whole airship full of treasure you'll be eating your words."
Leon and his father watch as Zola's airship flies off into the horizon.
Leon: "Why did you ever marry that woman?"
Balcus: "I'm just glad she would marry me. At least for your sake anyway."
Leon: "What do you mean by that?"
Balcus: "Let's just say our family especially your grandfather isn't exactly well liked."
Leon: "Dad I need to ask you a favor it's a small one I promise."
Meanwhile on Zola's airship
Zola fidgets nervously as she enters a room where a man in a red uniform with blonde hair wearing a mask is waiting for her.
???: "Ah lady Zola. It's always a pleasure. Judging by your expression and fidgeting I imagine the Bartfort boy didn't accept your charade of an arranged marriage proposal."
Zola: "No, Full Frontal. That boy is too stubborn for his own good if only he just fell in line like every other man in this country."
Full Frontal: "It will not be an issue. I have already told Miss Cruz of the situation. She will follow the Bartfort son and if necessary take him into custody so that he may become a part of our great cause. THE RESURRECTION OF NEO ZEON!"
Zola: "But why Balcus' second son anyway?"
Full Frontal: "I thought that was obvious to you given the boy's gifts. He will be a powerful weapon. And his glory in the coming war shall be all yours. That I promise."
Zola has a sinister smirk on her face as she performs a certain salute.
Zola: "SIEG ZEON!!!!"
Several days later in the sky
Leon is flying on his father's old airship scoping the surrounding islands for one specific place he remembers from the game.
Leon: "That premium item has got to be somewhere in the area. That thing saved my ass in this game. And by the looks of the date me and the main character should be in the same class. I feel bad taking this thing but I can probably figure out some way to pay her back for this."
It's then that Leon spots a creature he's quite familiar with a sky fish minding its own business.
Leon: "Ah looks like dinner and target practice I remember grinding these things with the prince and his friends to level up. And I still remember the trick to three shot them."
Leon pulls out an old rifle as he first takes aim at the sky fish's tail and then blows a golf ball sized hole in it immobilizing it then takes a second shot with his rifle at the dorsal fin further limiting its movement. Finally Leon puts a third bullet right between the giant flying fish's eyes taking it out.
Leon: "Leon wins, fatality!"
Meanwhile a few islands away
A ship flies through several sky islands searching for someone in particular. This ship flies the emblem of "Neo Zeon" one of the two factions of the Great War that long ago nearly destroyed the earth and ended the civilization of old humanity. There is one person on board in particular who holds a connection to the events of the forgotten past.
???: "Miss Zabi. May I come in?"
Miss Zabi: "You may Marida."
The door opens as a woman with red hair wearing a pilot's uniform enters the room.
Marida: "We will be returning to the fortress after we capture this Leon Bartfort character. You will be home soon lady Mineva."
Mineva: "Why are we even out here? What's so special about this Bartfort?"
Marida: "From what I know this Bartfort boy has abilities similar to Full Frontal's and what's more he's a half breed."
Mineva: "A half breed?"
Marida: "Half new and old human. A rare trait and a desirable one for Neo Zeon. I believe he's around your age as well."
Mineva: "Marida why do we need to do this? You heard the stories about the Great War. What if this war finally ends it all?"
Marida: "Lady know I don't have a say in the matter. And besides we all have reasons to fight."
A few hours later with Leon
Leon finds himself floating above a lake in his small dingy of an airship. His face carrying excitement on it.
Leon: "Finally I'm here! Oh I can't wait to see the look on Zola's stupid face when I come home with a boat load of treasure!"
Suddenly Haro jumps out of a small compartment in the airship.
Haro: "Leon! Leon!"
Leon shrieks like a little girl from being surprised by Haro.
Leon: "Haro!? What are you doing here!? I thought I lede you back home!"
Haro: "Someone's in danger! Someone's in danger!"
Leon: "What are you talking abou-?"
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Leon looks up to see a girl with orange hair close to his age wearing pink falling from the sky.
Leon: "HOLY FREAKING CRAP!!!! There's gotta be something in here I can use to break her fall!!!"
Leon desperately rummages through his supplies thankfully finding a fishing net. Thinking fast Leon uses what magic he has to telekinetically expand the net and position it beneath the falling girl praying that this works. And thankfully it does as the net catches the girl moments before she hits the water breaking her fall not a moment too soon.
Leon breathes a sigh of relief as he uses his magic to bring the girl and the net back onto his airship.
Leon: "Crap that was close. Way too close."
???: "You saved me? Why would you save me?"
Leon: "What kind of question is that?! You were falling out of the sky! But I do accept gold as payment if that's what you're asking."
Haro suddenly headbutts Leon.
Haro: "Not nice Leon. Not nice."
Leon: "In all seriousness you don't owe me anything I just saw you falling and saved you because I didn't want to see someone die."
???: "You just...didn't want to see me die?"
Leon: "Obviously!"
suddenly Leon hears something underneath the airship.
Leon: "What's that noise?"
Suddenly a whirlwind starts up sucking in Leon's airship with him and the girl in it.
Leon: "What the hell is this!?"
???: "A wind pool! It's sending us somewhere! Hold onto something!"
Haro quickly bounces into the girl's arms as she grabs onto the mast while Leon clings onto the steering wheel for dear life.
Leon: "Come on you son of a bitch hold together!!!"
???: "Don't pull too hard against the wind or else the ship will get-!"
Suddenly the whole bow of the airship is torn off by the raging winds.
???: "Ripped apart..."
Leon: "I can't die like this it's derivative!"
Leon and the girl are sucked further into the vortex while the airship is further ripped apart. Leon suddenly blacks out.
10 years ago
Young Leon is in his mother's arms staring at a mural.
Young Leon: "Mommy what's that horned horse thing?"
Luce Bartfort: "That's the symbol of our family. It's a symbol of hope. The beast of possibility. The Unicorn. Long ago your father told me that your ancestors were blessed by the Unicorn with good fortune."
Young Leon: "Are you sure I don't feel very lucky."
Luce Bartfort: "Maybe not at the moment but one day I promise you. Your fortune will turn around eventually. Because you're my boy you're my good fortune."
Present day
Leon wakes up bruised but otherwise fine. Leon picks himself up when Haro bounces over to him excitedly like a puppy.
Haro: "Leon's alive! Leon's alive!"
Leon: "Settle down Haro. What happened to the girl?"
As if on cue the girl walks out of the bushes.
???: "There you are. You had your robot worried."
Leon: "Well that's good it means he's functioning properly miss..."
???: "Audrey. Audrey Burne."
Leon: "Right. Well it was fun but I got places to be and-."
Leon: "Is that a floating ball?"
???: "Identify yourself immediately or be destroyed. My master doesn't care much for trespassers and has ordered me to eliminate all trespassers. Identify yourself now or be destroyed."
Audrey: "Did that floating ball just threaten us?"
Suddenly a black and grey giant robot arrives with the small orb like robot docking with it and pointing its heavy cannons at Leon.
???: "Final chance. Identify yourself or be destroyed."
Leon: "My name is Leon Fou Bartfort I'm here for treasure if you just let me go I promise I won't come back please don't kill me!!!"
???: "Did you just say Leon Fou Bartfort?"
Leon: "Yes?"
???: "Oh how splendid my master has been waiting for you for such a long time. Please come with me I shall escort you to him you filthy Newtype."
Leon: "New what now?"
???: "I shall give a detailed explanation later you filthy mutant."
Leon: "Getting a lot of mixed messages here."
Meanwhile elsewhere
Marida in a panic mounts up in her mobile suit "the quad wing". Several Neo Zeon soldiers are buzzing around the hangar in a panic as well. Marida then receives a call from the captain.
Ship Captain: "Marida your mission is to find lady Mineva at all costs. If she is lost the resurgence of Neo Zeon could be put in jeopardy."
Marida: "Understood captain Zinnerman. Quad wing launching!"
Marida's mobile suit blasts out of the ship's hangar in a hurry and soon after deploys its funnels to search the area for the young Zabi.
Back on the island
Leon and Audrey are taken into an old Zeon facility by the ball robot bringing them to a hanger bay where they see an old man on life support sitting in a wheelchair at the foot of a giant pure white mobile suit with a single horn protruding from it's head.
???: "Leon you certainly have grown. And by the looks of it you've made a friend."
Leon: "Acquaintance actually. Who are you?"
???: "Where are my manners. I am Cardeas Vist your grandfather my boy."
Leon: "Excuse me what!?"
Audrey: "A Vist!? I thought they were all wiped out."
Cardeas: "Not quite. We were hunted for treason against the Holfort kingdom in a suspected Neo Zeon coup. However we were innocent. But there is another crime our family is guilty of a crime that you must set right Leon."
Leon: "What crime I'm not a Vist I'm-!"
Cardeas: "A Bartfort because that is the name my son, your father chose for himself when he went into hiding. But what tell you now you must listen. The crime we committed was taking and keeping the secret of Laplace's box."
Leon: "Laplace's box?"
Audrey: "Legend says it is a secret long kept by the Vist family some say it's a treasure unlike anything else others say it's a curse that would tear the world apart if it was ever unleashed."
Leon: "Treasure you say now you're talking my language."
Audrey: "Did the part about it being a Pandora's box completely fly over your head? If it falls into the wrong hands it could destroy the world could also end a war."
The gears start turning in Audrey's head meanwhile Leon is having none of it.
Leon: "Cool story old man. Anyway got any treasure I can take with me? Because I have an old hag to pay off and this whole Laplace's box thing suddenly sounds like more trouble than it's worth."
Cardeas: "Leon it is your duty to seek out the box and open it!"
Leon: "If it keeps me from the peaceful life I want you can take the box and shove it up your-!"
Suddenly the group feels a rumbling.
Leon: "What was that?"
Cardeas: "Luxcion status report"
Luxcion: "Mobile suit flying the symbol of Neo Zeon approaching fast. Automatic defenses have been activated."
Meanwhile outside
Marida charges full speed at the island in her Mobil suit the Kshatriya. The automatic turrets open fire at her but the assault doesn't last long as Marida retaliates with the Kshatriya's beam funnels.
Marida: "Automatic defenses? And the vortex at the entrance. This must be a fortress of some kind. If they have Mineva in here I'll tear this whole base apart!"
Back inside
Cardeas: "Luxcion take miss Burne to the airship and get her to a safe room."
Luxcion: "What about you master?"
Cardeas: "Follow the inheritance program and register Leon as your new master."
Luxcion: "Affirmative master. I shall carry out both orders post haste. Warning: automatic turrets are being destroyed base security integrity is now at 67% efficiency. Activating areal mines."
Marida evades areal mines and defends against those that go off with her Mobile Suit's wings.
Marida: "What could they possibly be protecting!? Lady Mineva!!!"
Marida blasts away several mines with her beam funnels before gunning it for the hangar.
The hanger
Cardeas brings Leon up to the cockpit of the Pure white mobile suit Cardeas urging his grandson to sit in the cockpit and place his hand on a scanner.
Cardeas: "With this the Unicorn will respond to you and you alone. Should you choose to seek out Laplace's box it will lead you to it."
Leon: "Thanks but no thanks gramps only thing I want after this is the quiet life."
Cardeas: "Then I hope that you can achieve that..."
Suddenly an explosion goes off in the hanger Cardeas getting hit with a burst of flames.
Leon: "Gramps!!!!"
Cardeas: "I'm sorry I wanted so much more for you Leon..."
Cardeas is then incinerated as the Unicorn's cockpit shuts and locks.
Leon sits in silence for a moment before gripping the controls of the Unicorn and activating the Mobile suit.
Leon: "Let's go."
Marida in her Mobil suit enters the hanger seeing the Unicorn starting up.
Marida: "A mobile suit?"
Suddenly the Unicorn charges at her full throttle tackling her through several walls and causing the airbag in her mobile suit to inflate in her face to soften the impact on her.
Leon: "Get the hell out of my way!!!!"
The airbag in Marida's cockpit deflates as she telepathically controls her beam funnels to blast apart the wall behind her and the Unicorn to bring them outside.
The two mobile suits separate but the Unicorn seems vulnerable.
Marida: "This pilot must be a novice they're wide open!"
Marida opens fire with her beam funnels.
Leon braces himself for what he believes to be the end when something strange happens to the Unicorn.
NT-D activated
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
The Unicorn starts glowing a crimson red as the beam funnels fire and the beams all curve around the Unicorn.
Marida: "It has a Psycho frame!? And it looks like it's built throughout the whole body!"
Meanwhile inside the cockpit of the Unicorn the Pilot seat transforms and the controls seemingly disappear as a neural interface is initiated with Leon as he shouts from the physical strain.
Meanwhile inside the hidden airship
Audrey is watching the whole fight on a screen thanks to Luxcion's security cameras.
Audrey: "Gundam."
Meanwhile back outside
Marida can only look in shock as the Mobile suit transformed into a Gundam as it charges at her with blinding speed.
Marida: "That mobile a Gundam!?"
Marida quickly draws her own Mobile suit's beam saber to defend herself in close combat but she can barely push back the charging Unicorn Gundam. Marida then tries to blast the Gundam from behind with a beam funnel only for the beam to curve away from the Unicorn gundam and graze one of her Mobile suit's wings.
Marida: "Did it just anticipate my attack!?"
The Unicorn Gundam then proceeds to go after the beam funnels destroying each of them without any issue at all. In desperation Marida tries to rush the Unicorn Gundam but it then pulls out its beam magnum and opens fire at Marida's mobile suit.
Marida manages to just barely dodge enough to avoid her cockpit getting hit but her mobile suit's left arm and left leg get completely destroyed and two of its wings are completely blown off. Marida is face to face with an opponent who completely outclasses her.
Marida: "Gundam...!"
Marida realizing the seriousness of the situation retreats. Once she leaves the island the Unicorn Gundam's NT-D deactivates reverting back to Unicorn mode before flying back to the base. While Leon is panting heavily inside and on the brink of passing out from the toll the NT-D took on him he just barely manages to make it back to the hanger before passing out in the Unicorn's cockpit.
A few days later at the Bartfort house
Zola is currently pitching a fit to Leon's parents and his older brother Nicks because of Leon's disappearance having not heard anything about Leon's fate from Full Frontal she can only assume he either ran away or died (something she would actually be pleased with).
Zola: "Such a stupid boy! Not only did you allow him to run away Balcus but you went as far as to give him an airship! Now he's either run away or died and for your sake Balcus you better hope he died! Since Leon's death put a wrench in this arranged marriage Nicks will have to take his place to compensate."
Balcus: "I...understand lady Zola."
Zola: "Let this be a lesson to the men in this family where chasing freedom gets you."
Suddenly Leon's little brother Collin promptly runs into the room drawing the attention of his parents and Zola.
Collin: "Mom, Dad, Nicks! You won't believe what just happened!"
Luce: "Collin sweetie slow down what's happened?"
Collin: "It's Leon he's back!"
At that comment Zola's face changes from an expression of anger to one of shock and pure seething rage.
A few minutes outside
Leon and Audrey have returned to the Bartfort manor with a literal boat load of treasure Leon having the goofiest grin on his face especially after seeing Zola's expression.
Leon: "Hey everyone did ya miss me!?"
Zola looks like she's about to have a rage induced aneurysm while Leon just laughs at her like a hyena.
Leon: "Oh and allow me to introduce my new business partner Audrey Burne she's nobody special she's just helping me handle my funds and lord knows I need it because of all this money I got from adventuring. Oh and uh speaking of which Zola I will have to politely decline your offer for an arranged marriage. On account of how loaded I am now!"
Audrey: "I think she gets it Leon."
Haro: "We're home! We're home!"
A few weeks later
Leon is moving up in the world. Having found a previously undiscovered island and claiming multiple lost items. Leon was set to become a noble and asked to be granted the rank Baronette. Unfortunately life doesn't always work out that way. As Leon has received his new official rank and well...
Leon: "What!? I'm a Baron!?"
Audrey: "Shouldn't you be celebrating the fact that you got a higher rank than you asked for?"
Balcus: "I have to agree with Audrey here this could be an excellent opportunity for you."
Leon: "But being a Baron means I have to marry someone of my rank or higher..."
Audrey: "Oh, you mean like Zola."
Leon almost screams at the thought of that.
Audrey: "Regardless I've readied everything in preparation for our journey to the capital. Also your older sister has insisted that you take her there in your quote 'too rich for your blood airship' unquote."
Leon sighs.
Leon: "Just make sure she doesn't get any ideas about selling the Unicorn."
Audrey: "Of course Leon."
Leon groans in his newfound situation being frustrated in his failed attempt to live a modest life.
A week later at holfort academy
Leon stands at the front gate of the academy. He knows that this will be the place where he'll learn noble etiquette, study magic, and hopefully find a wife.
Leon also happens to spot a few characters he remembers from the game.
The Prince and his entourage and of course the villainous of the game.
Angelica Rapha Redgrave. Oh how she pissed Leon off in his previous life. However Leon's first day would largely be uneventful mainly just orientation and finding his room however during the events of the day Leon would stumble upon an oddly familiar scene.
Prince Julius: "You just hit me don't you know who I am?"
???: "No I know not who you are but I won't put up with such disrespect."
Prince Julius: "You're not like other girls are you?"
Normally Leon wouldn't bat an eye at something like this but there's one small problem.
The girl in this event is not the protagonist from the game.
(Wow this has probably been the longest chapter of anything I've ever done anyway let me know if you guys enjoy this and I'll see you all later.)
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