Chapter 9

((Nothing too exciting happens in this chapter,  just a few moments between characters. But lotsa stuff is going to happen real soon :) ENJOY))

~~~~~~~Sean's POV~~~~~~~~~

I didn't sleep much after the dream... vision... whatever the hell it was. I don't think I closed my eyes for more than a few seconds. I let the darkness swallow any thoughts, positive or negative, and simply listen around for something to distract me.

At first, I listened to the steady breathing beside me, matching each rise and fall of his chest with my own.

In for three seconds, out for four. In. Out. In. Out.

Soon I find my mind wandering and focus my attention instead on the creak of the house around me. Footsteps on the ground level, making soft noises on the wooden floorboards. I can almost place each person after a time. Nate with his steps quick and dignified, if not a bit angry. Emma's slow and steady, almost silent on the ground, almost. And Thomas, pacing back and forth through the house, his feet loud against the flooring. Occasionally a fourth set of steps will catch my attention, I can only assume it's Dark moving from that chair he's claimed as his own.

I don't want to hurt you...

As the words play again through my mind, I again avert my focus this time allowing it to move to the ache in my hand. In the dark I can't quite tell; however, I can almost feel the purple-tinted bruises beginning to form. I must've twisted something when I fe- when he dropped me... That makes it hard to believe it was all a dream.

I'm almost happy when the clock strikes 1:30, and I can wake the man beside me. Forcing all other thoughts aside I shake him awake, nearly smiling at the small groan I get in response. It takes maybe five minutes to get him awake enough where I believe I can leave him to get ready. I grab the first items of clothing I find, thankful the angels went back to grab a few necessities, and make my way silently to the bathroom across the hall.

The light blinds me for only a second before my vision adjusts. Dropping the clothing to the tiled floor I let my eyes wander down to my wrist where the pain continues to distract me.

I was right about the bruising, yet for some reason I had expected something more noticeable. I breathe a sigh of relief. It's merely a tint of purple-green over the milky skin, wrapping softly around almost like a bracelet would. I test the range of motion, wincing, but managing to bite back a hiss, as pain shoots through my hand.

With a sigh I reach up, purposefully avoiding my reflection, and open the cupboard above the sink. Thankful when a roll of bandages catches my eye.

A part of my mind screams at me, demanding I tell someone about what had happened, or at least ask for help with the wrist, but... I can't. Some part of me desperately wishes to keep this quiet, maybe I'm afraid they'll panic and try to change the plan, or maybe it's something else... I really can't tell.

Again, numbing my mind into silence, I begin to wrap the stark bandages around my wrist, tightly as to act as a temporary splint. Maybe when this is all over I'll go to a doctor, or maybe I'll just keep quiet and hope for the best. Once that's done I almost beam at the improved range of motion. I can move it a bit without much pain, it'll have to do.

My reflection catches my eye this time as the mirrored cupboard closes with a soft click. I almost scare myself, it'd be funny if it weren't so sad.

I'd grown paler, I almost compare to the demon at this point, I look undead... My blue eyes no longer shine with anything really, dully staring back with silent contemplation. I almost fear they display my thoughts too clearly. A nest sits atop my head, pathetic bed-head I hadn't bothered to brush out for the past few days. I sigh and turn away, a hollow ache following me. Ignoring this I pull off the grimy shirt and pants I'd called pajamas and change into the clean ones.

Blue jeans that hug my hips snugly, and a form fitting blue sweatshirt, the sleeves hanging just below my hands, I keep them that way as to cover the white bandages around my hand. I allow my hands to run through the tangles atop my head, without a comb I do what I can, and force myself to turn back to the mirror once more.

Better. Not by much, but still.

The blue of the sweatshirt almost brings out the glow in my eyes I'd been lacking for so long, though it makes my skin seem even paler. My hair still sticks up in certain places, a few knots visible, but as I brush through those with my shaking fingers, it too begins to look better. I desperately need a haircut... and a shave... but currently I don't give a damn...

Knowing this is as good as it'll get I turn out again, thankful for the empty hallway as I make my way back to the bedroom, opening the door with a soft creak. Mark sits, as fully awake as he could be, on the edge of the bed. He'd changed into a pair of dark jeans and a snug purple tee, his raven hair had been smoothed to the side, the longer strands falling delicately over his unshaven jaw. I almost smile at how normal he looks, even when he looks up. I'm not sure if he's lying, or if the smile he shoots me is genuine, however I force myself to return it. He stands, hand brushing my own as he leads me from the room. I hesitate at the top of the stairs but feel a soft almost excitement tug at my gut as I descend.

Within the next five-ten minutes we had departed. The chilled early-morning air is almost a relief after being cooped up for four days. The darkened sky is quiet if not for the cricket's song around us, and the soft crunch of grass below our feet.

We travel in a line, Emma leads at the front, eyes straight ahead and dedicated. A duffle bag slung over her shoulder makes a soft noise of metal-on-metal with each step. Thomas is next, walking neck to neck with Mark, who shoots him questions in a soft tone. I can't make out the words, however I assume it's about the plan as I can almost see the stress of the brunette angel grow with each quiet word.

Dark is next, hands cuffed in front of his body once again. His eyes focus on anything but the group itself. Darting from the dark sky, to the dim grass below our feet, and into the dense trees around us. A quiet contemplation settles over his features, almost calm, oddly enough it makes me uneasy.

I follow more than two-feet behind him, cradling my injured wrist to my stomach quietly, using the ache to distract me from what could be imminent death for all we know... Nate walks behind me, I can hear his steps but don't bother turning to see his face, I can feel the anxiety coming off him very clearly.

We travel in silence for a while, the hushed tones towards the front of the group dying down. Despite the silence making it easy to listen, I sill startle when a voice pipes up beside me, gruff and quiet.

"You spoke to him."

I glance over to Dark who speaks in a hushed tone having moved back until he keeps in stride beside me. He avoids my eyes, still focusing on everything else, the sky, the trees, the rodents scurrying through the brush. I feel Nate's eyes fall on us for a moment before they too leave.

"I don't' know what you're talking about..."

It doesn't take a genius to detect that lie, my quiet tone and guilty eyes giving it away more than I'd like. He glances to me for a second, crimson eyes almost scolding, they dart down to my cradled wrist for a moment before away once more. To anyone around us the conversation would look unimportant, I only take a minute to realize this is his tactic.

"You may be able to lie to Mark, even to yourself at times... But not me, you reek of terror."

I chew my lip instead of responding, though he speaks up again so fast I don't need to.

"You only ever have that look when it comes to Anti..."

Look? I have a look about me. I feel my cheeks flush and force my eyes away, down to keep track of my feet below.

"It was just a dream..."

I mutter the words more to myself than him, regardless I feel his eyes settle on my form, a quiet curiousness lacing his next words.

"What did he say to you...?"

If I didn't know any better I'd almost take his tone as sympathetic, I almost want to, the stress feels like it's eating me from the inside out. I almost need that comfort. I pause, unsure if I should answer. Something draws it out of me.

"He knows... about the angels... about me... He knows we're coming..."

A small nod is my only response for a time. I glance up as he goes silent, wincing slightly as I meet his eyes. The red irises aren't filled with any type of mockery like I'd expect, instead they dance with a certain care, a careful empathetic warning.

"You haven't told them?"

I shake my head slightly, allowing a shiver to wrack through me. I couldn't bring myself to talk about it to Mark, let alone the angels... Why am I suddenly opening up to the enemy...?

"I couldn't... I'm not sure... I just couldn't."

He gives a small nod of understanding, I feel a relieved smile try to tug on my lips. I'm not sure what I expected from him, perhaps scolding, or maybe for him to run ahead to tell the angels of this... but I didn't expect the compassionate smile he shoots my way. I almost want to believe it... almost...

"Does he know about me...?"

I quickly shake my head, eyes moving ahead once more, sick of the kindness his face shows.

"No... He still thinks your dead... We can still do this..."

"We can..."

He speaks in a gruff whisper at hearing the unsureness dousing my words. I sigh and give only a curt nod. We fall into silence after that. The only noise being the soft footsteps around, and the occasional movement of bushes or trees around.

The sky tints with a soft purple indicating daybreak soon, for some reason that's of no comfort.

"A demon,  three Angels, and two humans walk into Hell..."

Dark murmurs the words, I feel my eyes narrow in confusion.

"Sounds like the start of a bad joke."

I pause for a second, and before I can help it a laugh escapes me, quiet though seeming loud against the silence of the night. I quickly bite my tongue. Dark looks at me quietly, a soft emotion I can't place shining in his unnaturally colored eyes, and smile curling over his pink lips. I shake my head, nudging him gently with my shoulder as I would an old friend. Oddly enough I don't feel strange doing it. Maybe the stress has finally driven me crazy, but strangely, I feel almost peaceful walking beside him.

For a second I almost feel like this is all normal...

That quickly changes as he tenses, eyes dart ahead. I follow his gaze, only to meet a pair of angry dirty-brown eyes, glaring at the demon himself with a hatred I'd never seen from Mark. Dark sighs, offering me a small look of apology before slowing his steps, just behind me and just ahead of Nate.

It doesn't take long for Mark to fall in line beside me, hand grabbing my own almost possessively. I allow him to, hiding a flinch as he jerks my injured hand mistakenly. I take notice of Dark's eyes narrowing on the interaction, a small scoff leaving his lips.

"What was that about...?"

Mark's gruff mutter of words pulls my thoughts away from the pain in my hand.

"We were just talking... It's nothing..."

My attempt at reassurance seems to do nothing, Mark looks, if anything, more pissed off. I sigh and move closer to him, allowing our shoulders to brush with each step. Hoping the look I give conveys some sort of comfort.

"Mark- "

"I don't' like the way he looks at you..."

I narrow my eyes, instinctually glancing at the demon behind us, who no doubt listens in despite his feigned nonchalance.

"Looks at me?"

What the hell does that mean? He was being kind... that's all. It's strange sure, but is it really such a big deal, I won't let myself fall for his act, I just needed that comfort, is that so wrong?

None of these words process over my tongue.

"Are you naïve? Sean he- "

He cuts off as the group ahead of us comes to a stop. Nate walks forward to stand near Thomas and Emma, Dark follows suit, standing just behind them and in front of Mark and I.

In front of us, a dark clearing. Nothing special except for the symbol spray painted into the grass, looking almost satanic to inexperienced eyes like mine. A few people stand around it, I hardly need to look to identify them as more angels. One walks forward on sure feet, arms clasping behind her back respectively. Dark hair falls in ringlets around her soft features, blue eyes moving over the group for only a second before landing on Emma.

"Everything is ready. The first checkpoint is right inside, some of our own are waiting for you with necessities."

Emma nods a small thank you, turning to us with the authority of a drill sergeant.

"Alright, once the door opens we must move quickly to get us all through. We'll allow a short rest at the first checkpoint, but we must get moving within the hour."

No one responds, but she takes it as acknowledgment, turning to nod to the group in the clearing. The female who'd approached turns towards the symbol in the grass, soft words carrying over the wind, though I don't' recognize the language she speaks, it sounds old that's about all I can decipher.

A minute passes of silence. Then another as she finishes. I almost jump as the ground splits through the center, a chilling reddish light seeping as it opens further. The ground rumbles below our feet and I almost feel the need to turn and run. My injured hand screams in pain as I squeeze Mark's to fight this urge.

Within a few minutes the ground stops shaking below our feet and a new cold settles over the air, one I wish didn't feel so familiar. A staircase sits in front of us now, rickety stairs covered haphazardly with a brown carpet. Emma walks forward with no hesitance, followed by the two angels. Dark hesitates, but soon follows as well, I can almost feel a panic coming off him.

Shooting a look to the man beside me, he stares at the entrance with certainty. I desperately wish to feel some of that, but I can only shake as he leads me forward.

I feel myself freeze at the top of the staircase, the icy chill settling over my bones once again, and the stench assaulting my senses. It takes only a small nudge from Mark to begin moving.

We'd hardly descended before the opening closes behind us with a loud boom, instinctually I jump as the world is thrust into darkness around us.

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