Chapter 3

((Hey guys, I know I s as id I was going to keep up as n updating schedule, however things keep coming up and I have little to no inspiration. I'm really see orry but I promise to keep trying :) P.S. this is updated on my phone so sorry for any mistakes ))

~~~~~~~~~Sean's POV~~~~~~~~~

Emma smiles in a way I can only describe as smug, a smugness i find myself hating on a whole new level. It takes a mix of Mark's tight grip on my hand, and a sharp bite of my tongue to keep back a growl in my chest. I let the faint metallic taste that dances over my tastebuds ease me back and let her speak again.


She pauses, eyes clouding over with an apology I'd almost find sincere if not for her egotistically prideful stature.

"No hard feelings but we only really need Sean... he has the connection and all and well you have... nothing to offer."

I feel that rumble in my chest grow, moving up my throat and escaping from my lips almost breathily. Somehow that snarl forms words before Mark can defend himself.

"Mark comes or I'm out..."

Her eyes narrow as they move to me. I match her glare in a battle of wills she seems keen on winning. I however find myself unable to look away, refusing to allow another being to walk over me like so many had. The pride I feel when she finally looks away with a muttered 'fine' is exhilarating. I feel my chest swell but keep my face a neutral frown. A simple squeeze from Mark's hand and I can almost see his little smile without looking over, I feel my own lips quirk. Emma takes a mere second to right herself, back straightening in a forced show of power.

"Let me introduce you to my team."

~~~~~~~~~Mark's POV~~~~~~~~~~~

"Let me introduce you to my team."

I hardly process her words, focus still on the pale man beside me. I wish he'd hear the amount of bullshit I do from this plan of hers. How are we to defeat a creature none of us can begin to understand. But he can't seem to see passed this heroic streak of his, all because he blames himself. For all of it. I've known for the longest time, but I never know how to comfort him, how to deter from these thoughts. I let him wallow in nothing but self-pity, strangely clueless for the professional I'm supposed to be.


The question leaves me before I can think to stop it. Her eyes move to me condescendingly, almost as though scolding a child for it's ridiculous notions.

"You didn't think I planned this alone did you?"

She chides with a mere grin. I resist the urge to roll my eyes. I do however give some semblance of an argument when she steps between us ignored as it is. I glance to Sean as our hands come apart, he resorts to gripping the baggy t-shirt that hangs below his hips for some comfort.

I look away once her hand lands on my shoulder, free one on Sean's. She looks between us for a second before putting all her focus on the task at hand, whatever that may be. It takes a second before I feel it. A power similar to that if the previous demons though lighter this one is. Almost nicer if that were possible.

That feeling is quickly struck from my thoughts as my head swims almost unbearably. An overwhelming nausea clawing at my stomach and blackening the edges of my vision. All it takes is a groan from the Irish man to tell I'm not alone in the unpleasant feeling. My eyelids grow heavy, and only when my vision blurs completely in a mass of swimming colors do I give into the urge to close my eyes. The blackness is almost welcome, seeming to ease the pressure on my mind. It takes another second, though that may as well have been hours, for the nausea to also recede leaving a mere ache instead. I open my eyes after another moment, once I'm sure my legs wouldn't give out beneath me.

When I finally manage to clear my vision, a whole new confusion comes over me. The small apartment I'd grown to know, and frankly enjoy, has been replaced with a large living space. We stand in the center of a living room, the room almost larger than my previous apartment. To our left is a doorway leading to a hall and no doubt more rooms and in front of us is a simple entertainment set-up.

A large, red leather couch sits, contrasting nicely with the dark oak floors beneath our feet, facing a large television upon a stand decorated with random knick-knacks. To the left of that is a small cushioned chair in a matching red leather, though a slightly darker shade.

The TV looks to be playing a cartoon, one I recognize after a minute as Steven Universe. I almost smile at that until I look to the other occupants in the room, both watching the newly arrived group intently. One kind the other almost menacing.

I turn to the kinder of the two first. A man sits, legs stretched across the entirety of the sofa. Scruffy brown hair falls delicately over his almost child-like face, looking as if it had been recently dyed a now faded purple. An impish smile matches his almost ageless face, and pleasant brown eyes look between us invitingly. He wears a red shirt and blue Jean's, a yellow star in the middle of his shirt matching the cartoon he was previously watching. If I didn't know better I'd think him another human.

Finally I turn to the other eyes that had been on us, the ones that had glared at the group with a harsh dark brown that one could mistake for black, now return to a small screened phone in his lap. He sits cross legged in the armchair, knees pressing into the leather arms in what looked to be an uncomfortable manner. He certainly looks less like an angel and more like the demons we'd encountered. With scruffy black hair to contrast his pale skin and a soft frown decorating his pink lips. He wears a black t-shirt, matched almost perfectly with black skinny jeans and to set off the whole look black gauges stretch his ears. He looks menacing, almost punkish in nature, but not quite intimidating as he tries for.

I take a second to notice his gaze no longer on the cell phone nor the group itself but one person in particular. I follow his gaze to Sean who had quickly righted himself and now returns the clad-in-black man's glare with an equal intensity, an equal amount of sass. I almost smile at the childishness of the sort of pissing contest they'd fallen into. Two personalities far too similar for their own good.

The battle of wills is only broken when Emma speaks again. Her accented voice gaining more authority in front of the two new angels.

"Allow me to make introductions, Sean... Mark... this is-"

"Thomas! Nice to meet you!"

The brunette Male speaks up first, upbeat voice matched with a friendly wave of his hand. Emma glares at his interruption however he clearly ignores it, impish grin making it hard to tell if he enjoyed annoying her. She merely clears her throat and gestures to the other male whom had resorted to ignoring us once again, thumb moving quickly over the small screen in his lap.

"And that over there is Nate."

A small movement of his head, one that could be taken for some kind of greeting, is the only indication of listening. Emma takes it however and turns to us with a forced smile.

"Make yourselves comfortable... I have some preparations to make before we begin."

With those simple words she hurries away, disappearing behind the doorway to our sides. I only force my curiosity down when Sean grabs onto my hand leading us further into the living room. I allow Sean to pull me to the couch, now vacated by Thomas's legs. He gives a friendly smile as we sit, me in the middle seat next to him and Sean on the far end, putting as much distance between himself and the two while still holding onto my hand. Forcing all his focus onto the TV screen ahead of us.

"I hope Emma wasn't too harsh getting you here..."

Thomas's voice pulls my attention to him, words hardly above a mumble as if he worried Emma would hear from her spot in the house. I offer a small smile, partially forced as it is and shake my head lightly.

"Its no problem... this is all just a bit much..."

I speak honestly, matching his quiet voice as to not disturb the man sitting beside me and currently crushing the bones in my hand with his grip.

"Understandably. Well I'm willing to answer any questions you may have."

I nod at his kindness, feeling Sean's eyes dart to me for a mere second. I let the first question that comes to mind spill from my lips, stupid as it may be.

"So Angels. Do you have..."


He finishes my sentence knowingly, a small chuckle on that word.

"Sure do. However human eyes aren't strong enough to perceive them, they're still there."

I nod. Eyes moving to his back pressed against the back of the couch, though gently as if making way for the wings protruding from his shoulder blades, a small part of me wishes I could see them. My gaze darts to the brooding man in the armchair, Nate. I let the next question leave me an even softer mumble.

"What's his deal?"

I can feel the hatred radiating off him from over here, it's almost worrying considering we're supposed to be on the same side. Thomas follows my gaze, smile growing apologetic as he turns back to me.

"Nate is just... closed off..."

He sounds sincere, yet unwilling to delve into details regarding the other.

"He isn't too keen on bringing in outside help... he'll warm up to you, I promise."

I nod though unsure if that last part is true. The man beside me seems honest in all his answers, so i let one more question leave my lips.

"Do we actually have a chance here...?"

The mans smile falters, a certain darkness clouding his otherwise bright eyes. I feel my stomach drop.


That's the only word he lets slip out. I don't ask anymore questions.

~~~~~~~~~Jack's POV~~~~~~~

I hate the silence that befalls once Emma leaves. Save for the TV playing some stupid cartoon and the hushed conversing. I catch a few words here and there but nothing to take the edge off.

My hand grips Mark's tightly, I'm sure it'd leave some kind of bruising, however he thankfully doesn't make a move to pull away. I shoot glances around the room as often as possible. Mostly wondering where the fuck we are. Why the fuck do a group of Angels own a house? What is this some kind of sitcom?

I let a sigh past my lips, eyes moving over the place once more before focusing on the television though not really watching it. I simply let the flashing colors of the show distract me until the female returns, her shoes harsh on the hardwood floor, and her voice grating despite its gentleness.

"Alright, Sean, Mark..."

She only continues once all attention is turned towards her.

"Before we truly begin there is someone who you need see... and before I take you to them, promise to not freak out..."

That's not ominous at all, I share a look with Mark, both unsure, before he nods for the both of us. I promise nothing. She sighs realizing that's all shes going to get before gesturing for us to follow. We stand followed by the two angels. They follow behind us silently as Emma leads us from the living room, up a set of oak stairs which creak beneath our feet and to a far room upstairs.

She glances behind her as she stops at the door. Not looking to us but her own kind behind us. All of them give a downcast type of look. I feel my tension grow as she swings open the door.

All I hear from Mark is a small noise of what I can only call disbelief. I, however, feel my anger boil to the top for the hundredth time that day.

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