Chapter 20: the surgery.

(hey guys, this chapter will have a glimpse of a crossover that me and CadePrusch agreed to work on and i hope you like it)

after the battle against ross and uzi is brought to a drone hospital, we see uzi being operated on by human and drone doctors with aiden, his parents, Thad, Chad, Khan, J, V, and N seeing the surgery through an overhead window until a human doctor entered the overhead room

aiden: is she going to be ok, dr kuzniak?

he asked, hoping his 2nd girlfriend will be ok

dr. kuzkiak: due to her being crushed by all that equipment, no she won't be....but recently the engineers at jcjenson invented a way to save her life just in case something like this might happen.

khan: well, what is it?

he demanded as kuzniak removed his glasses and said

dr. kuzniak; we transfer her counciousness and programming into a new body the company calls a ''civilian drone'', it looks like a murder/military drone, but without the wings and weaponry.

aiden's mom: will it work?

dr. kuzniak: well, it's never been done before, so we don't kno-

he was cut off as aiden grabbed dr.kuzniak's coat and yelled at his face

aiden: JUST DO IT!!!!!!!!

dr. kuzniak: OK OK, I WILL....just don't try to kill me (shivers).

he shivered in fear as he left as khan pulled out a picture of him, baby uzi, and his dead wife

khan: i lost you, honey... and i won't lose our daughter too.

(2 hours later)

dr. kuzniak returned to the lobby and said

dr. kuzniak: follow me, aiden.

he said as aiden followed him and lead him to where uzi will be transferred into her new body, making aiden blush at looking at the civilain drone body next to her

dr. kuzniak: as you can see, we put some clothes on her body, colored her eyes and hair. we're ready when you are, aiden.

he said as aiden looked at uzi's new body and said

aiden: save her life.

he said as kuzniak nodded and said

dr. kuzniak: please exit the room and return to the lobby aiden, i'm sure J is waiting for you.

he said as aiden nodded and went back to the lobby and was greeted by J hugging him and then they see Thad, Chad, Khan, his parents, V and sees N holding something you might find adorable as aiden asked

aiden: N, is that supposed to be a puppy?

N: yes, it's a puppy drone.

he showed him said drone and when J saw it, her eyes went kawaii mode and squealed and said

J; awww, it's so cute!!!!

she cooed at the puppy drone as it gave her a lick on her metal cheek

J: (giggles) i'm pretty sure that uzi will love it, N.

V: well, i'm just here cuz she saved me from that virus ross put on my thigh.

she said as the group looked at her with ''WTF'' looking faces as J slapped V across her face


She yelled

J: for being rude.

she said angrily as she crossed her arms

V: Hmph.

she huffed as thad walked over to chad and whispered

thad: (whispers) hey chad, do you think uzi's body will have the same curves like J and V?

chad: i hope so for aiden's sake.

he said out loud as aiden looked at the two with a deadpan expression

aiden: Bruh.

(3 hours later)

after 3 hours of waiting, uzi walks out of the room in her new civilian drone body, which looks like a murder drone, but with out the wings and weapons as aiden looked at her shocked

aiden; uzi? is that you?

he said as he got up from his seat

uzi: it's, how do i look?

she said as she did a sexy pose, making aiden blush

aiden: (blush) you're equally hot as J here.

he said as J smiled as thad and chad's visors said ''blush'' on them

N: hey uzi, i got you a present.

he said as he showed her the puppy drone, making uzi smile as she took the puppy drone from N and said

uzi: thanks N.

N: don't mention it, i love doing anything.

he said with a smile, but aiden noticed something about uzi, making him worried

aiden; are you ok uzi, you seem.. distracted?

uzi: (sigh) during the procedure, i had a vision.

dr. kuzniak: it's true, she even told me that after she woke up in her new body.

he said

thad: what did you see in it?

he asked to uzi

uzi: i saw a man similar to you, aiden. he was fighting a bunch of murder drones on Copper 9. he had a very cool looking Colt Python revolver. but he was missing an eye and an arm, covered in blood head to toe, he even smiled at me, or at least a version of me or something. then some kind of portal opened up and sucked him in and that's where the vision stops.

she explained, making the group stunned

khan: that's....some vision you had uzi.

uzi: i know, dad. but i can't stop thinking about him, like ''who was he'' or ''why did he smile at me''?

she asked as aiden placed his hands on her and said

aiden; i don't know, but it sounds impossible. after copper 9's core blew up, no one was sent up there except the JCJenson rescue crew who brought the worker drones here and made them equal, but they never sent any murder drones there period.

he said as uzi sighed and said

uzi: ok, i'll just put a pin on those questions later.

she said as she and aiden smiled at each other and they hugged as J joined in as the screen went dark

(end of chapter, hope you likd it)

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