Chapter 2: Aiden.
Uzi: mom, if you're watching down over us in worker drone heaven, then you know what has happened to us and I (sighs), even though i never met you, but i miss you.
she said as she went to sleep and shed a tear
- (time skip from one week, morning, Aiden POV)-
it was a pleasant morning in San Diego at the Jones house, the sun was shining, the birds were singing and Aiden was sleeping on his bed in his clean and tightly bedroom, not realizing he had school today. then suddenly his alarm on his smartphone went off saying it was 6:50 A.M. on it's screen.
Aiden: (groans) five more minutes.
he said as he turned it off, but woke up remembering that it's Monday
Aiden: CRAP, I'M GONNA BE LATE!!!!!!
(Now you can play the song)
he said as jumped out of his bed and grabbed his clothes, went to his bathroom to take a quick shower, got out, brushed his teeth, put on his clothes, and went downstairs to go to school, he didn't see his mom or dad Cuz they went to work so he grabbed his backpack and left. as he left, he grabbed his bike and got on, during his ride, he was greeted by many of his human & worker drone neighbors he knew and helped with the chores he had with them, he made it into town and also was greeted by humans and worker drones he knew and became friend with said drones like he was a celebrity, but not worldwide, just city wide.
he still had time to go to school, so he stopped by a McDonalds (the same one Uzi & her dad went to for lunch) and got himself a chicken biscuit and a Dr. Pepper, finished it and continued to go to school. as soon as he made it, someone called out his name. it was one of his worker drone friends, his name is Thad.
Aiden: Thad, what is up my Bro-Seth.
he said as they fist bump
Thad: doing good, what did you do for the weekend?
Aiden: oh you, the usual. FYI: i pre-ordered Halo Infinite.
Thad: that new Halo Game, i saw the trailers and they were awesome.
Aiden: (chuckles) yeah, they are awesome. A lot of people just LOVE those Games!!!!!
Thad: that is definitely true, my friend. oh, i almost forgot, I heard that a new student is coming today and she's like us worker drones. but i also heard that she doesn't trust humans that much.
Aiden: why?
That: that's the problem, I don't know.
Aiden: well, I hope we'll find out eventually, my friend.
he said as they walk inside and go to their classroom, which they both have.
- (Aiden's classroom, Aiden POV)-
in the classroom, everyone (human and worker drone) was talking to each other, on their phones doing what they usually do, drawing until class starts, finishing leftover classwork, etc... but Aiden had his work done since he finished his work, like always, then the classes teacher came in, his name is Riley, or to the class, Mr. Riley.
Mr. Riley: ok class settle down, and FYI we have a new student with us today.
Everyone was murmuring as soon as they heard their teacher said that they have a new student, and some of them, including Aiden, are hoping they want to be friends with him/her.
Mr. riley: ok (he checks the student's name), Uzi is it?
Uzi: yes, it is, sir.
they look and see a worker drone girl wearing a pair of purplish black boots, light and dark purple socks, a combination of a black short sleeve jacket and a skirt, and a black beanie over her purple hair.
Mr. Riley: would you like to introduce yourself to the class.
Uzi was a little nervous that there were humans in her class, but got up any way
Uzi: my name is Uzi, as you can see i used to live in Los Angeles and now i live here. i never had any friends back home, but my dad hopes that some of you will be friends.
she sits back down, while the students, Thad and Aiden were saddened that she never had friends back at her old home but hoped that they can make her happy no matter what.
Mr. Riley: ok now that's done, let's get to work shall we. first up, an algebra problem on watermelons.
everyone, including Uzi, groaned of hearing that word.
Thad: I hate algebra, even though were good at it.
Aiden: same, let's just get this done with.
- (3 classes later, Gym, Uzi POV)-
in Gym class, everyone is doing their daily exercises while Uzi is confused of what's going on.
Uzi: What's going on?
???: you mean you never had Gym class back at your old home.
she turns around and sees Aiden
Uzi: hey, are one of my classmates that I've introduced to back in 1st period?
Aiden: yeah, i am. My name's Aiden, Aiden Jones.
he said as he tries to shake her hand, but she didn't
Uzi: my names Uzi, but i don't trust humans.
Aiden was surprised, but didn't show it
Aiden: so, it's true.
Uzi: you knew?
Aiden: well, no. but my friend told me when he heard about you.
Uzi: oh. who is your friend?
Aiden: his name's Thad, and he's a worker drone like you. but i prefer to use the term ''best friend''. I hope we could be friends as well and I'm sorry you didn't have any like you said.
Uzi: (sighs) thanks, but I have to think about it.
Aiden: I Totally understand, you're just getting used to the place. now if you excuse me, I'm going to run some laps. but really hope we could be friends.
he said as he ran to do some laps, while Uzi sat down on one of the bleachers watching everyone at the Gym. she sees some humans playing basketball with some worker drone and they were having a good time, she then sees some female humans and worker drones talking to each other and squealing at some cat videos, then sees some humans playing games and listening to music on their phone so she decided to do the same. she picked a song that she found interesting to listen to....
after listening to it, she saw Aiden catching his breath after running those laps, so she walked up to him and tapped on his shoulder.
Uzi: you, ok?
Aiden: huh
he turned around and saw Uzi
Aiden: oh hey Uzi. what's up?
Uzi: nothing, just saw you out of breath wanted to check on you.
Aiden: i thought you didn't care about human?
Uzi: I do, I just don't trust them that much. it's just that, (sighs and whispers) after what your kind used to mistreat us, i kind of grew a little bit of a distrust towards you humans.
Aiden: oh, I see. well, even though we don't do that anymore, so there's nothing to worry about.
he said with a smile
Uzi: i know, but still. And just to let you know, i'm still thinking about that we should be friends or not.
Aiden: ok.
then everyone hears the bell ringing, and they, including Aiden, knew what that bell meant
Aiden: oh yeah, finally. Lunch
Uzi: right now?
Aiden: after Gym, we go to lunch, and it's already 11:30.
Uzi checks her phone and sees that Aiden is right that it is lunch time, so she went to get her lunch along with everyone else.
End of chapter 2, hope you enjoyed it.
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