

   Austin and I walk back to the house in silence. I stop when I hear something move from behind me. I turn around to see nothing there's nothing there. "I could have sworn I heard something," I mumble to myself as I move my hand away from my sidearm. 

   Austin taps me on the shoulder. "You okay?"

   I turn back to him and smile. "Of coerce I'm okay." I don't drives me to do that. It's just second nature. People tend not to ask questions when they think you're happy.  

   I walk into the house and the first thing I see is Tyger his head in his hands.

   "What happened?" I ask confusion clearly evident in my voice.

   He looks up to me wearing a guilty expression. "He told the kid then left... I've never seen him so...broken."

   "Where's Michael?" I ask, my tone serious. 

   He gestures to the kitchen.

   I walk into the kitchen to see Michael shaking his head and covering his ears and Mev trying to comfort him.

   "Go comfort Michael I'll go get Xylo," Austin says as he starts to walk to the back door.

   I grab him by the arm. "You check up on Ryan, I got the rest."

   He nods and heads upstairs. 

   I walk over to Michael and sit next to him. "Come on Omega." I pull the six-year-old close to me. He starts sobbing softly. 

   I beckon to Mev. 

   He comes closer. 

   I lean over to him. "Go find my br-" I stop myself when I realize what it was that I was about to say. "Go find Xylo." 

   He nods and heads out the back door.

   I rub Michael's back comfortingly. "It's okay just let it out," I whisper to him. "It'll be okay... I'm here."

~POV Austin~

   I stand in the doorway just staring at him. "How did someone do this to you Ryan?" 

   He sits up startling me. "Why do you want to know?" He asks anger clearly evident in his voice. "So you can kill me with your new found information?"

   I look down remembering the blood covered walls of the tournament. "It was the tournament. I wouldn't try to do it outside of it."

   "What changed?" He asks as he stands up and glares at me. 

   I look up. "Everything. Have you seen the world outside?"

   "How do I know I can trust you?" He asks skeptically, pretending to consider my proposal while his hand slowly drifts to his sidearm.

   "Maby the fact that my hand is nowhere near one of my weapons..."

   He freezes.

   "Like yours," I finish.

   "You were the second shadow," he says as he moves his hands back to his sides. "They expected so much from you. Despite their best efforts you still have morals," he says.

   I turn around. "You need to stay here and watch Michael. The rest of us have a hospital to raid."

   "Austin," He says just as I was about to leave. "There's something you need to know... about V."

~POV Mev~

   I walk out the house and close the door behind me quietly.

   "Looking for me?" Xylo asks scaring me more than I'd like to admit. I pull out my gun out of instinct.

   He grabs the gun, twists it out of my grasp and turns it on me. "I thought I taught you not to get to close to someone with a gun."

   "W-what?" I ask confused. "What are you-"

   "Forget," He says as he lowers the gun and hands it over to me. "We have work to do." He pushes past me and walks to the door.

   Was he talking about before the apocalypse?

   "Come on Mev. We have work to do," He says as he walks inside.

~POV ???~

   I can't sit around and wait for the man who killed my brother just to show up. I suit up and grab my gear. 

   Someone knocks on the door to the hospital room. 

   "Come in," I say as I put the pistol in my belt.

  "You called?" One of the doctor's puppets asks as he steps into the room.

   "Where are they?" I ask as I check out one on the riffles. 

   "Pardon?" He asks sounding confused.

   "The people you've been watching," I say as I sling the rifle over my shoulder.

   "Uhhh" He responds.

   I pick up my knife and turn around. "I'm not going to ask again."

   "You know what he'll have V do to me!"

   I take a step closer and put the knife to his throat.

   He winces. "Please," he whispers. 

   "I make V look like he's being gentle. I tend to break peoples body as well as their mind." I apply more pressure making sure to draw blood. 

   "They're in The Lone Pine Area!" He says sobbing like a cowered.

   "Thanks," I say as I lower the knife and walk to the door but stop when he grabs my sleeve.

   "Please take me with you," he continues to sob. "They'll kill me."

   I smile and turn around. "Poor choice of words," I say as I run my knife through his throat. "I'm going to hell buddy." I pull my knife out and walk out the door ignoring the fact that I'm now covered in blood. The doctors men part ways as I walk to the cars.

   One guy leans over to another. "Wasn't he supposed to be on our side?"

    I get into the car and drive off.

~POV Tyger~

   I can't be here right now. The kids quiet sobs. Xylo's abnormal attitude. Panda-Austin's abnormal attitude. This new girl who everyone knows but me. 

   It's to much. I get up and walk out of the house. Richie and I always understood each other, but he's gone. I walk out of the suburbs and into a shop. I pull my focus back to  the here and now. I search the place and find a couple med kits and a can opener. I sigh. "Could be worse." I walk to the front door. I duck down into cover and pull out my pistol when I hear a truck. 

    He parks outside the shop. "If you tell me where your friends are I'll consider letting you live!"

   "What friends!?" I ask meaning it more than I care to admit.

   He fires off three shots through the window. "WHERE IS HE!?"

   I pull out a M48 stun grenade. "Think fast ass hole!" I throw pull the pin and throw it through  the hole in the window.

  I get up as it goes off and unload a mag into his abdomen and arm.

   He hides behind the open the car door. I reach for another mag and freeze. I only had one. I pull out my hatchet and charge at him.

   He pulls out his knife and uses my force to throw me off balance.  I catch myself before I fall and swing my hatchet at him. It hits him this time and I hit him again and again and again. I just kept hitting him. Till someone grabs my wrist. 

   I look over my shoulder to see Y/N with a serious expression and everyone else with looks of pure shock. 

   "Zach get in the car," Y/n says her voice calm. "We need you to save you're energy for the hospital raid."

   I nod dumbly and get into the passenger seat.


   "Everyone else get in the back," I say looking down at what I assume was a person.

   Xylo looks at me. "Y/N how are you so calm about this? Just look at-"

   I pull out my pistol and fire off a round into the air. "Get in the trunk!"

   They all get into the trunk without a word. Even Austin isn't saying anything.

   I get into the drivers seat and start the car. "Want to talk about it?" I ask sincerely. 

   He shakes his head slightly. 

   I nod and star the truck. "If you ever do let me know. I don't judge."

   "Out loud," he mumbles staring out the window.

   I pause for a moment and start driving toward the hospital. "Have you ever heard of the Sapphire Shards?"

   I gives me a fake laugh. "I don't think a person in this country hasn't heard of them."

   "My brother was the leader when people put it on the map," I say as I drive out of the town.

   He looks at me with absolute and utter disbelief.

   "Their first leader raped me and Bartholomew went in and unloaded a magazine into his chest. The members were all to drunk to shoot straight but the next day the right hand man invited him to be the new leader. I lived like a Queen. Never had to worry about falling behind on bills again. But I was alone..." I pause and meet his gaze for a moment. "Is that how you feel now that Ritchie's gone?"

   He bites his lip. "He's the reason I'm still alive. I was surrounded by a hoard. Ritchie saved me, but we couldn't do anything to save him."

   "So you feel guilty?" I say as I take a look in the review mirror.

   Tyger falls silent.

   The guys in the back are bickering. I temporarily and subtly link my mind with Austin.

   "Mabby it's best if we split," Mev says.

   "What?" Xylo asks sounding confused as hell.

   "He'd always run off. He never listens-"

   "Actions reflect leadership," Xylo says acting like his normal self.

   "What is that supposed to mean?" Mev asks defensively.

   "It means you did the same thing when I was leader."

   "Need I remind you you always threatened everyone you meet as though they're trying to kill your family."

   "Mev," Austin says in a warning tone.

   "You know what it's probably best if we do," Xylo says. "It's clear that Mev's stubbornness is going to get us all killed." 

   "My stubbornness!?" Mev says losing his patients. 

   I sever the link rather suddenly catching Austin's attention. "Hold on Zach." I suddenly bring the car to a full and complete stop. I role down my window. "If you two keep bickering both of your stubbornness will get us all killed!" I roll the window back up and keep driving.

   This isn't going to go down well.


Hey guys sorry for the late update
 I plan on updating more regularly.
Seeing as the book is coming to it's end
I've decided to make the chapters longer.
If you want something specific to happen DM me or leave a comment.
Have a great day! :D

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