12 | The Cat Distribution System: How PuppyCat Chose Bee
Bee and PuppyCat is a whimsical fantasy animated series that is available to watch on Netflix. The show starts when an unemployed woman in her early twenties receives the cat distribution system experience. She stumbles upon PuppyCat, a cat creature with space-traveling capabilities. The bell on PuppyCat's collar acts as a mailbox, allowing them to teleport to temp jobs. He can also use the ability at will. Together, they form an instant bond, taking on odd temp jobs across space and different dimensions, encountering or fighting off strange entities along the way. Each temp job assignment requires Bee and PuppyCat to wear a uniform that best suits the job on a particular planet. These temp jobs include but are not limited to babysitting a giant baby, baking donuts topped with blue crystals, and retrieving sugar cherries to feed animals.
Bee works as a server at a Cat Cafe alongside her co-workers Deckard and Howell. Deckard is a chef who specializes only in cooking. A small old man challenges him to bake something, leading to burning down the kitchen when he fails. Bee rushes to his aid and helps with putting the fire out. After the small old man apologizes and leaves, Howell decides to fire Bee instead of Deckard. Initially, Howell believes Bee started the fire due to her burnt hands and glass shards on her boots. However, in episode four, it's revealed she was fired for sleeping on the job.
Bee doesn't have the heart to tell his friend and leaves early. With just her luck, the rain pours in; and the thought of unemployment plagues her mind while she walks home.
She wishes she could be a cat but quickly changes her wish. "I wish I had a cat. It'd be nice to take care of something." (quote is from Bee and PuppyCat E01 "Again for the First Time")
A pink light illuminates the sky as a cat-dog hybrid descends into earth. From there, it hits Bee's umbrella, bouncing off to land on the concrete and making him unconscious.
After her wish comes true, she takes him home. Despite losing her job and lack financial resources, she knows that she still has her life. What matters now is to care for the cat-like creature she just found.
The next day, Bee rushes through the door and goes to apply for temp jobs. Every entry-level job she applied to rejected her. When she comes home, she finds the hybrid awake and feeds him some 'snert' (no one knew what it was). He is curious as to why she's not eating but hears her grumbling stomach.
She then reassures him she doesn't need to eat. She is willing to sacrifice herself and commits to look after him. Her wish to own and care for a cat is indeed a dream come true.
"You're the pet that I wished for. I'm here to take care of you."
"What's a pet?" He asks, curious.
"It's like a roommate, but you let them eat whatever they want. They can sleep all day if they like it and they poop anywhere they... and the best part is they don't pay for anything." (quotes are from Bee and PuppyCat E01 "Again for the First Time")
He asks who is paying for everything and Bee tells him about their living situation. Since she's taking care of him now, the hybrid takes matters into his own hands. He gives her a letter that he needs to report to Temp Space. Bee finds out his name is PuppyCat. They transport into a portal called Temp Space, where job assignments start. TempBot is the one who assigns where they go and what kind of task they need to get done.
Their first adventure starts here. It will not be the last job they are going to accept. Hand in hand, they make the best team to fight off evil and help out creatures from different dimensions. Besides fighting off evil, they get paid, keep the house, and get to eat whatever they want.
The term 'cat distribution system' has been around TikTok for a while. It started when a Tiktoker, named 'hermes.the.cynic', posted about it in November 2022. Since then, other creators have used the term to caption heartwarming videos of feral cats or strays willingly approaching them. The cats would be friendly and just be cute little balls of fur, resulting in getting help easier. Usually, the cats would get fed with canned cat food and water. There was also a high chance, depending on the case, to do a vet visit to see if they were chipped, then a general check-up of their health. If they're lucky, they immediately get adopted by the person who made the content.
With typical main cat energy behavior, we are just mere mortals in their realm. They choose us to be their sidekick, and we let them control us. Yet, cat lovers or owners, we don't mind them bossing us around to get their attention.
In a rare occurrence, a cat like PuppyCat manages to find its way into a person's life or family, creating a sense of comfort and belonging. Cats comfort people in surprising ways when they are in tune with their feelings. They stay beside you when they know you're sad, sick, or dying. Instead of the usual dynamic where people adopt cats. This kind of relationship is a beautiful and unexpected bond created between humans and cats.
Fun Facts:
Natasha Allegri, creator of Bee and PuppyCat, revises storyboards for Cartoon Network's Adventure Time. She is also the creator of the gender-bending roles of Finn and Jake as Fionna and Cake
Ten years ago, Bee and PuppyCat aired as a two-part pilot on Cartoon Hangover's YouTube Channel.
Puppet's voice was created through a singing voice synthesizer software called Vocaloid.
What kind of adventures have you made together?
What do you think would be PuppyCat's cat breed in real life?
Would you rather work at a cat cafe or do temp jobs in space?
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