Warriors: Shadow of the Night
Four Clans stand proudly.
AshClan, the fierce and brave, IceClan, the strong and cunning, MoonClan, the intelligent and bold and BreezeClan, the swift and sly.
Born into AshClan, Shadowkit doesn't see the point of the constant battles, making her an outcast.
Dovekit, in IceClan, hates to cause others pain but her brother Fangkit, who aspires to be leader, cannot understand why.
Each of these young cats face difficulties. Shadowkit is an orphan, Dovekit is unwanted and Fangkit struggles to be taken seriously.
How will these cats survive in a cruel, dark world?
Leader: Bearstar- broad-shouldered brown tabby tom with yellow eyes and a white belly
Deputy: Suntail- cream tabby she-cat with amber eyes
Lizardfang- brown tabby tom with a white muzzle and green eyes
Applefur- dilute tortoiseshell she-cat with white paws and amber eyes
Cloudfeather- white she-cat with grey patches and yellow eyes
Hareleaf- ginger tabby tom with a white patch on his chest and yellow eyes
Yarrowtail- grey she-cat with a white chest and yellow eyes
Barkfang- brown tom with black dapples and yellow eyes
Poppypad- tortoiseshell she-cat with yellow eyes and a torn ear
Dustwing- light brown tabby tom with yellow eyes and a darker brown paw
Willowcloud- dilute tortoiseshell she-cat with a white belly and blue eyes, Apprentice- Berrypaw
Kestrelflame- white tom with ginger patches and yellow eyes
Blackstripe- light grey tom with black stripes and yellow eyes, Apprentice- Daisypaw
Mothwhisker- ginger she-cat with a white ear and amber eyes
Shellfoot- white tom with grey paws and amber eyes
Nightflight- black she-cat with green eyes and a white tail tip
Thorntail- brown tabby tom with yellow eyes
Larchflower (Hunter)- tortoiseshell she-cat with a white belly, chest, paws, muzzle, throat and tail tip with blue eyes (mother to Dustwing's kits)
Mistynose (Silent)- grey she-cat with a white chest and belly with green eyes (mother to an unknown tom's kit, adopted mother to Shadowkit)
(Misty×unknown) Smokekit- grey tom with darker grey flecks and yellow eyes
(Dark×Swoop) Shadowkit- black she-cat with a small white patch on her chest and yellow eyes
(Larch×Dust) Maplekit- white she-cat with brown patches and blue eyes
(Larch×Dust) Antkit- brown tabby tom with yellow eyes
(Larch×Dust) Honeykit- light coloured tortoiseshell she-cat with a white belly and paws with yellow eyes
Berrypaw- cream tabby tom with green eyes, Guard
Daisypaw- tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes, Guard
Leader: Fernstar- dilute tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes
Deputy: Leafeye- black tom with a white tail tip and paws, one blue eye and one green eye
Spiderstrike- swift black tom with three white paws and green eyes
Pikeflight- grey tabby tom with amber eyes, Apprentice- Jaypaw
Marigoldstripe- cream tabby she-cat with yellow eyes
Grasseye- mottled grey tom with yellow eyes
Fallenfeather-white she-cat with russet patches and blue eyes
Blackclaw- black tom with a white chest and muzzle with amber eyes
Wolftail- thick-furred grey tabby tom with a nicked ear and yellow eyes, Apprentice- Lionpaw
Lightningblaze- ginger tabby tom with white paws and yellow eyes
Tigerfoot- brown tabby tom with green eyes
Rosefur- tortoiseshell she-cat with yellow eyes and a white paw
Hazelstripe- tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes, Apprentice- Duckpaw
Foxfang- ginger tabby tom with a white tail tip and green eyes
Volepelt- pale brown tabby tom with a white muzzle and yellow eyes
Feathersong- light grey she-cat with amber eyes
Toadfur- brown tabby tom with two black paws and green eyes
Blossompool- tortoiseshell she-cat with yellow eyes
Heatherstorm- white she-cat with dilute tortoiseshell patches and blue eyes
Shrewclaw (Guard)- grey tabby she-cat with green eyes and white ear tips (mother to Pikeflight's kits)
Silverwing (Hunter)- white she-cat with pale grey stripes and blue eyes (mother to Tigerfoot's kits)
(Shrew×Pike) Dovekit- pale grey tabby she-cat with green eyes and a white tipped tail
(Shrew×Pike) Fangkit- grey tom with amber eyes, a short, stubby tail and a black mark on his nose that stretches up to under his eye
(Silver×Tiger) Patchkit- white tom with a black patch on his right hind leg and a black tipped tail with amber eyes
(Silver×Tiger) Cinderkit- grey tabby she-cat with a white paw and amber eyes
(Silver×Tiger) Pinekit- brown tabby tom with a white belly and blue eyes
Jaypaw- blue tabby tom with amber eyes, Hunter
Duckpaw- dilute tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes and a white chest, Guard
Lionpaw- cream tabby tom with green eyes, Guard
Leader: Swiftstar- white tom with black patches and blue eyes
Deputy: Windfeather- fluffy grey tom with white markings and amber eyes
Leader: Pebblestar- grey tabby tom with a jagged scar across his side, a white paw and yellow eyes
Deputy: Foxsnout- bright ginger tom with green eyes
Whisperfoot- lithe white tom with grey markings on his paws and tail with amber eyes, Apprentice- Hazelpaw
Oakwing- dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes and two white paws, Apprentice- Cloverpaw
Stoneclaw- grey tabby tom with blue eyes, a torn ear and a white patch on chest
Cloverpaw- light brown she-cat with green eyes, white paws and a black-tipped ear, Guard
Hazelpaw- white she-cat with ginger patches and green eyes, Hunter
Chapter One
*Shadowkit's P.O.V*
Intertwining branches created safe, sturdy walls and a roof to the warm nursery. Tiny claw marks were scored across one large branch near the entrance where sunlight spilled in. The crowded den was full of noise from both kit and queen.
"Die you MoonClan scum!" screeched Maplekit as she leapt onto Antkit's tabby shoulders, thorn-sharp claws digging into his flesh. Antkit yowled, dropping onto the ground and rolling, claws flailing in an attempt to escape Maplekit. Honeykit pounced and bit onto Antkit's lashing tail. The tom-kit pulled himself away, yowling "I will destroy you both, you foxdung AshClanners! MoonClan will defeat you!"
"Be quiet!" Mistynose snapped irritably. The grey pelted queen lay on her side at the back of the nursery, panting and groaning in pain. She had eaten a piece of crowfood yesterday, giving her intense stomach pains. Shadowkit turned her head back to the younger kits and their game. All three were racing out of the nursery entrance, obviously going to continue outside.
"Do you wanna go play something?" Smokekit, Shadowkit's adopted brother and best friend, asked.
"Okay, let's play..."
Shadowkit never got the time to finish as Bearstar yowled loudly, summoning a Clan meeting. Larchflower looked worriedly at Mistynose.
"Go." she grunted. "And take my kits."
The tortoiseshell and white she-cat nodded her head and gestured for Shadowkit and Smokekit to follow her outside.
The camp was a hive of activity. Cats of all shapes, colours and sizes were pouring into the center of the camp where, upon the Speaking Stones, sat Bearstar, his powerful head raised proudly, his smooth, rippling brown tabby pelt gleaming in the sunlight. Bearstar's yellow eyes took in the clearing, searching to see if anyone was missing. Suntail, AshClan's deputy, sat at the base of the stones with Lizardfang, Poppypad and Shellfoot- the most experienced cat in each rank. Applefur, Hareleaf and Yarrowtail- all Hunters- were sitting side-by-side at the front of the assembled cats. Berrypaw and Daisypaw were at the back near Cloudfeather. Kestrelflame and Blackstripe were the closest to the nursery and politely shuffled sideways to allow Larchflower and all five kits to sit comfortably. Shadowkit craned her neck, seeking the other cats in Mistynose's rank. Practically behind the stones sat Nightflight and Thorntail, hidden but able to observe easily, being true Silents.
Bearstar started to speak, voice loud and commanding.
"A fox was sighted near the Hollow Oak. I need a patrol to go chase it out. Poppypad, Dustwing, Willowcloud, Mothwhisker and Berrypaw will go."
Shadowkit turned her yellow gaze towards the chosen Guards. These cats were specifically trained to fight all threats while the Hunters were responsible for feeding the Clan. All cats learnt basic skills in other ranks so every cat could hunt and fight. When there was a big battle, every cat, no matter their rank, was required to fight. Then there was the Silents. An elite group, trained in all skills, they were the spies in the Clan. They were fast, secretive, quiet and watchful. Nothing went on without them knowing. Poppypad stood, flicking her tortoiseshell tail to signal the other Guards. The patrol moved quickly out of camp.
"It's not fair, I wanna go fight a fox." whimpered Maplekit to her littermates.
Well that would be mouse-brained. You would be easily killed.
The meeting was called to a close and cats started to move freely, some going to Suntail to ask about jobs that needed to be done whilst others made their own plans.
"All of you are to stay out of the nursery." Larchflower informed the kits. "Behave yourselves and don't bother anyone." She had already turned her back to them, heading for the nursery.
Shadowkit looked around, wondering what to do.
"Let's play the Battle of Thunder!" Honeykit squeaked excitedly.
"We need at least four cats." Maplekit stated before turning to Shadowkit and Smokekit, eyes wide. "Please?"
Smokekit nodded eagerly, claws flexing. Not wanting to be alone, Shadowkit agreed as well.
"Great! I'll be Robinfoot." Maplekit chimed loudly. "And we should probably move away from the nursery."
"If you're Robinfoot them I'll be Heatherstar." Honeykit said somewhat reluctantly. "Shadowkit, the only other she-cat is Mouse-ear."
"Alright. I'll be her."
"I'm definitely Tigerpelt, so Smokekit should be Ashclaw."
"Let's start."
"How dare you accuse me! My Clan is strong and powerful! We have no need to steal from you!" Maplekit spat furiously, fur bristling.
"Your Clan is weak without a leader. Now that Goldenstar is dead you are without order. Only fox-hearted cats like those in ForestClan would steal so much." Honeykit said much more calmly.
"This is utter foxdung! ForestClan is not taking your prey! Why don't you accuse WaterClan? Maybe the reason you have nothing to eat is because your Hunters are too pathetic to catch anything?" snarled Maplekit.
"That is enough! Robinfoot, you just lead your Clan to war! Such insults and prey-stealing cannot and will not be tolerated!"
"ForestClan is leaving!" Maplekit cried and started to stride away from Honeykit with Antkit and Smokekit following.
The kits scuffled together in the grass, yowling insults at each other. 'Tigerpelt' pounced on 'Mouse-ear' and bit down with his tiny teeth into the soft tip of her ear. Shadowkit growled and butted Antkit's chin, knocking him away. Now the main part of the story would happen. After Mouse-ear pinned Tigerpelt, Heatherstar would declare the battle over with MoorClan winning. Then Robinfoot would call loudly and a new patrol of cats would attack and kill Heatherstar and Mouse-ear. Robinfoot would win and her deputy Ashclaw and Tigerpelt, a Guard, would become well-known for helping to lead the battle and killing several MoorClan cats. Robinfoot would be famous for her cunning that helped her win the battle and that made her leader.
"That was a great game!" Honeykit purred loudly.
"Yeah but I'm starving now." Antkit complained. "I'm gonna find Larchflower." Honeykit nodded her head and stood, heading for the nursery as Larchflower appeared in its entrance.
"All of you, it's time to sleep."
All five kits instantly began to argue but were quickly silenced as the fighting patrol stumbled into camp. Their pelts were torn and bleeding, and, being supported by Poppypad and Mothwhisker was Willowcloud. Her head was drooping and her tail was dragging on the ground behind her. Multiple scratches littered her bloody pelt.
"What happened?" gasped Suntail in horror.
"The fox." Dustwing answered grimly. "We chased it out but Willowcloud may die."
"Can't someone help her?" Shadowkit cried desperately to Larchflower.
"No. Cats can only hunt or fight, not heal."
"Mistynose told me there are some plants that can make you better."
"Stop asking questions, just go inside. If she dies it is just nature saying she was too weak to live."
"Shadowkit! Get inside now!" Larchflower said sternly. With a small start, Shadowkit realised that the others were already back inside the nursery. Nodding quickly, she scrambled away.
That night in the mossy nest she shared with Mistynose and Smokekit, who was already asleep, Shadowkit frowned to herself in the darkness.
Why would Larchflower say something like that? Willowcloud is her clanmate and clanmates are supposed to care for each other. Aren't they?
Chapter Two
*Dovekit's P.O.V*
Strong sunlight filled the crowded camp, warming the circular shaped clearing. Carefully woven brambles created a firm barrier that protected the camp. A fallen log rested on one side of the clearing that was dotted with small bushes and ferns. A ring had been created, marked with small stones, in the middle of camp. Inside it stood Fernstar, green eyes bright.
"Let all cats gather here for a meeting!" she yowled.
Cats began to pour around the circle, looking excited.
"Are you coming or are you going to sit there and be useless?" a voice growled irritably. I started at the sound of my mother speaking.
"Sorry." I mumbled quietly, "I'm coming."
I crouched beside my mother, Shrewclaw, green eyes wide with curiosity. In front of the Clan was Spiderstrike, one of the Hunters, and he was standing proudly, his long, curved claws unsheathed. His smooth black fur was gleaming in the sunlight. Facing him was a bright ginger she-cat with white markings and prideful green eyes, a cat I did not know. Her claws too were unsheathed.
Fernstar called out loudly, "Trespasser, state your name."
"It's Seed." the she-cat answered.
"Very well. Spiderstrike found this rouge in our territory. The two will now fight. If, by some miracle, the rouge wins, she will go free or join Iceclan. If she loses, she will die."
Despite being the head Hunter, Spiderstrike had previously trained as a Guard and therefore knew how to fight far better than your average Hunter. Pinekit flicked my ear with his black-tipped tail.
"Who do you think will win?" he asked softly.
I studied the two cats intently. Spiderstrike was slim and swift, not built for brute strength. Seed was stockier but she was smaller than Spiderstrike.
"It could go either way but I think Spiderstrike will win." I answered.
Pinekit nodded his tabby head, looking thoughtful.
Suddenly, Fernstar roared, "Begin!"
Spiderstrike lunged forward instantly and knocked Seed to the ground. She rolled, protecting her belly. Spiderstrike clawed her back and she, now up on her paws, responded by scratching his nose. Grasseye shifted in front of me, blocking my sight. I heard scuffling, snarling and hissing but I could not see what was happening.
"Spiderstrike's pinned!" Cinderkit gasped.
I heard a pain-filled squeal and Cinderkit gasped again.
"What happened?" I questioned instantly. Cinderkit didn't answer. I growled in annoyance and turned to face my brother. Fangkit's grey fur was fluffed up and his stubby tail was sticking out behind him.
"Fangkit, what's happening?"
"The rouge has won!" Fernstar yowled loudly, instantly grabbing my attention. I was shocked. Spiderstrike had lost?
"Rouge, will you join IceClan, the Clan of power and cunning, or stay as a stray?" Fernstar questioned.
Seed growled, "Why would I stay? Living in a group of bloodthirsty murderers is never a good idea. I am leaving." She turned away from Fernstar and pushed through the crowd, quickly reaching the entrance. Her ginger fur was stained red in several places and her ear was bleeding slightly. She didn't bother to glance back as she left.
Shrewclaw snarled and raked an unsheathed paw across the top of my head. I ducked, her claws only catching my ears. I hissed at the piercing pain. Fangkit shot me a sympathetic look from the shadow of the nursery.
"I told you to stay in the nursery! You completely disrespected and ignored me!" Shrewclaw snarled furiously. I kept quiet, hanging my head. All I wanted was to get some fresh-kill for me and Fangkit since you didn't bring us any. I stayed quiet.
"You're stuck in the nursery for the whole of tomorrow! Now get inside!"
"How's your ear?" Fangkit whispered as the two of us climbed into our mossy nest. Shrewclaw, as usual, wasn't here. Silverwing lay in her nest with her kits, all of which were sleeping soundly. Patchkit was sleeping on top of Cinderkit, his left leg on Pinekit's muzzle, Silverwing's tail curled protectively around her litter.
"It stings a bit but I'm fine." I told him.
"Let's get some sleep."
"Okay. Night Dovekit." he mumbled sleepily, eyes closed.
Dovekit blinked open her leaf green orbs, finding herself in a forest with sparse undergrowth. Tall trees stretched to the clear blue sky all around her and the sounds of prey, mice and squirrels and birds, filled the air. A patch of ferns rustled loudly, catching her attention. A tortoiseshell she-cat emerged from the ferns, a young brown tabby tom at her side. "Where am I?" Dovekit called out instantly. The cats stopped walking but otherwise completely ignored Dovekit. "Hello?" she said less certainly. "Can you tell me where I am?" she repeated her question. When she received no answer, Dovekit walked forward until she was nose-to-nose with the tom. He didn't even blink. Dovekit swatted the tom's muzzle with her paw and gasped as it moved through him like he was made of mist.
Why can't they see or hear me? What just happened with my paw?
"Bramblepaw, what can you scent?" asked the she-cat, turning her head to face him, amber eyes questioning. The tom tasted the air and let the scents of the forest flood his mouth.
"Vole, quite recent, Berryshadow and Marshtail, a squirrel..."
"How long ago since the squirrel was here?" she questioned.
"About a day."
"Very good! You'll be a warrior soon. Now, go see if you can find that vole."
Who are these cats? They seem to have Clan names but I've never heard of them before. And what's a 'warrior'?
The tom returned a short while later, a vole clamped firmly in his jaws.
"Nice work. Let's head back to camp." purred the tortoiseshell.
The two cats padded away through the ferns and disappeared from sight.
What just happened?
Chapter Three
*Fangkit's P.O.V*
I was trembling with excitement as Pikeflight groomed my grey fur. I could practically feel sparks of anticipation flying off of me and shining in my amber eyes. This was it, my apprentice ceremony! After today, I would be one step closer to my ultimate goal, becoming IceClan's leader. Dovekit sat opposite me, already neatly groomed.
"What rank have you chosen?" I asked her. In IceClan, cats could choose which rank they wanted to be in though Fernstar could move us around if she wasn't happy with our choice. Only IceClan worked like this. It was one of the many reasons why Iceclan was the best Clan in the territories.
"Hunter." she responded. "You?"
"A Guard." I told her proudly.
"Let all cats gather here beneath the Oakstump for a Clan meeting!" Fernstar's voice cut off all conversation and I sprang to my paws, my fur bushing out and my natural stub of a tail quivering with uncontrolled excitement. I turned my head to Pikeflight who nodded. I scampered out of the nursery with Dovekit at my side to find the entire camp around the tree stump, waiting for us. Shrewclaw and Pikeflight walked behind us and went to sit down. I sought out the other kits, finding Patchkit and Pinekit sitting together at Silverwing's paws, their eyes bright with excitement. Cinderkit was watching us enviously from next to Jaypaw and Duckpaw, but she gave a happy smile when she saw me looking at her. Fernstar smiled and beckoned us forward with her tail.
"These two kits have reached the age of six moons and are ready to become apprentices. Fangkit, from this moment onwards until you receive your ranked name you shall be known as Fangpaw. Which rank will you follow?"
"I wish to become a Guard." I answered.
"The Guards will welcome you with pride. Your mentor will be Rosefur."
The tortoiseshell she-cat walked forward and touched noses with me.
"I promise to work hard!" I told her quietly. Rosefur nodded and the two of us moved out of the way for Dovekit.
"Dovekit, from this moment onwards until you receive your ranked name you shall be known as Dovepaw. Which rank will you follow?"
"I wish to become a Hunter."
"The Hunters will welcome you with joy. Fallenfeather will be your mentor."
Dovepaw turned to face her new mentor, green eyes meeting blue. Fallenfeather bent her head to touch noses with Dovepaw and lead her away. The whole of IceClan began to chant our new names.
"Fangpaw! Dovepaw! Fangpaw! Dovepaw!"
Rosefur padded towards me, her yellow eyes bright.
"We're going to explore the territory today, tomorrow we can start battle training." she decided. I purred with excitement at the thought.
"Is Dovepaw coming too?" I asked.
"No. Fallenfeather is teaching her how to hunt."
"Okay, can we go now?" I asked rather impatiently.
Rosefur flicked her tail and started toward the camp entrance. I had been an obedient kit, too scared of punishment to try sneak out of camp like Jaypaw, Duckpaw and Lionpaw had meaning this would be my first time out of camp. Tall trees filled my vision and undergrowth fought for space on the ground. Light birdsong came from ahead while the sound of something small moving around could be heard to my right. Rosefur ignored both, gesturing for me to follow her as she trotted to the left.
After a while of walking, we came across a large rock with a small stream running through its middle. It was in an open area with less undergrowth than the rest of the forest.
"This is Streamstone, a place mostly used for hunting. Many moons ago, when Fernstar was still a warrior, a terrible battle was fought here. AshClan's deputy Hollowtail was found dead, claw marks in his throat and just inside AshClan's side of the border with IceClan. AshClan accused IceClan of his murder."
"What happened? Did an IceClan cat actually kill him?" I questioned the moment Rosefur stopped talking.
"Every IceClan cat swore they had nothing to do with his death but AshClan was unbelieving. They lead an attack in three patrols, one to the top of our territory, one to the middle and one here, at the bottom. The fight was bloody and vicious. Three IceClan cats died- Redfang, a Guard, Junipertail, a Hunter, and Fernstar's brother Quickfoot, who was a Guard."
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