(O) UnOrdinary #2!

Title: None


I just wanted to say before this starts,I enjoy comments much more than votes,especially because there isn't a whole lot of people reading this story as is.
(Y/n) woke up to see John making some breakfast.
He quickly got up and started helping John.
They had a nice bro-like conversation and ate.

The two's relationship was quite wonderful in such a short amount of time.

The day went by normally until John and (Y/n) had two different places to go.

(Y/n):"I'll see you a little later!"

John:"Yeah,I'll talk you later!"

The two went their separate ways.

Not even 4 minutes later and a blonde guy walked past (Y/n).

He tried to trip (Y/n) but (Y/n) ran a simulation that prepared him for the situation.

(Y/n) didn't even look back as the Blonde guy talked to his Blue Haired friend.

Blonde:"What would you do if you were a new kid?"

Blue:"I would make sure I know who the king is,Why Arlo?"

Arlo:"Because He just acted as if he didnt care...not at all...."

Arlo turned directions and started to follow behind you.

There was nothing strange until there was the Magenta haired goddess came up to you.

Goddess:"Come with me."

Whispers started to spread like wildfire as soon as she started talking to you.

"Who is he?"

"I think he's the new kid?"

"Why would Seraphina be talking to him?"

"I heard he lied about having an elemental ability because he was scared."

"What a pansy."

"I wonder what kind of juice he drinks......."

You eventually just zoned out the comments because they were nothing you hadn't heard of before.

You walked with the Magenta haired goddess that you now know as Seraphina,to a place that seemed like a training ground of sorts.

Not even within a second,you felt like something was going to go extremely wrong.

You analysed the situation but the worst possibility that came to mind was that she decided to attack you for some reason.

You felt like every single cell in your body was telling you to be on guard.

(Y/n):"So what did we come out here-"

(Y/n) was going to ask what he and Seraphina came out here for but he was interrupted by an intense amount of force that was applied to his face in an instant.

(Y/n) looked up from the dirt that he was in to see Seraphina's right leg where his head used to be.

She seemed formal to (Y/n) at first but when he looked into her eyes all he saw was pure determination and disgust.

Seraphina:"Get up."

(Y/n) had to think how this situation happened.

(Y/n):She seems like she orchestrated this and-

(Y/n) was knocked out of his ideas by a heavy kick to his left side as he was trying to get up.

(Y/n) coughed hardly and looked up at Seraphina.

With John

John was barely listening to his teacher until she said something that caught his attention.

Teacher:"But now we're going to watch Seraphina with her plan with (Y/n)."

This brought a few people back to class.


"With the new kid?"

"Is she 'disciplining' him?"

"I heard that she wanted to test if he could be a high tier."

"Is the principal okay with this?"

"I heard he adviced it."

"Woah,no way!"

John:"Wait What?!"

"Oh,It's the cripple."

"Yeah,If your new friend is cool then he's gonna be Seraphina's new friend,because you wouldn't deserve him."

John clenched his hand and bit his tongue.

John:"Damn It (Y/n)......"

With (Y/n)

(Y/n):"Why are we doing this?"

Seraphina:"Why aren't you do anything?"

(Y/n) tried to get up but was kicked into a tree.

(Y/n):"Because of that."

He was already bleeding,he just needed to figure out the situation.

He looked up to see Seraphina's foot coming towards his head.


(Y/n) froze everything around him.
The air itself became colder in his presence.

(Y/n):"You wanted a fight,Well now you have one."

(Y/n) glared at Seraphina his right eye became white while he left stayed normal.

She started shivering slightly from the intensely cold air.

(Y/n) made sure there was ice under her so he could tell whenever she was going to move.

There was a momentary silence between the two.


(Y/n) instantly realized when one of her feet left the ice.

He looked to his left and saw her left launching at him in impossible speeds.

He quickly formed a sheiks out of ice and tries to block her attack.
She shattered the shield as soon as he foot touched it.
Any injuries that she got she easily reminded them to heal herself.

(Y/n):"You can heal too?!"

Seraphina just scoffed at you.

It seems as if she has just started to get serious.

(Y/n) tried to do his plan the same as before but as soon as Seraphina's foot touched the ground,She was already gone.

(Y/n):"Aw Shit."

He felt his ability start to fail him.
He had used to much ice and was starting to feel the backdraft of his own ability start to catch up to him.

Seraphina's POV


Most don't have this much skill.
Well,It doesn't matter his is nothing but a spec of dust compared to me.

(Y/n):"So why are we doing this again?"

Seraphina:"You act as if you have a choice."

(Y/n):"Well I know I don't but I might as well know why."

He's stalling why is he stalling?

Oh,He's getting weaker.

Seraphina:"I can see you shivering.Stalling won't help you."

(Y/n):"And I thought you were cute."


I'm glad that he doesn't think that anymore,As if he even has an important opinion.

(Y/n):"I guess I was wrong."

He's getting serious?

He's on the offensive?!

3rd Person POV

(Y/n) quickly started to scare on the ice and attack Seraphina.
He was still shaking out of his constantly lowering temperature but he knew he would be able to deal with it soon.
He may even have to deal with it while he was fighting.

(Y/n)'s POV

Seraphina seemed slightly confused about my change from defensive to offensive but I have a reason for it.

I know her ability.

It has to be time manipulation or incredible speeds.
She has gotten to me in record times and it seems as if she can heal herself too.
It seems more possible for time manipulation but I'm not sure yet.

Oh well,I don't have time to go through every possibility.

I make a bat and try to hit Seraphina and right as I was about to hit her,She froze me in time,causing me to start sliding on the ice.

Before I could even get far I was struck in my stomach with a hard kick.


I can't feel half my body.
I'm so cold.
Fuck it.

3rd Person POV

As Seraphina tried to follow up her first attack with an equally devastating attack,(Y/n) let out a huge flame out of his right side,causing his left eye to become red.

With John

"Woah! He can use fire?!"

"He was already doing well against Seraphina before,now how is he gonna do?!"

John:"I know she's strong but don't pull out your explosions...."

"What are you saying there Johnny boy?"

"Probably scared that his only friend will be taken away!"

Everyone's attention was brought back to the screen when they heard (Y/n) say something.

With (Y/n) and Seraphina

(Y/n):"I'm gonna end this real quick!"

(Y/n) knew that he could've beat Seraphina without his fire but he wanted people to know not to mess with him.

Seraphina showed visual distress as (Y/n) was confidently stating his plans.

(Y/n):"Are you ready for the failure you'll ever have?
Cause I got it!"

Seraphina started rushing towards (Y/n),trying her best to avoid all of the ice attacks coming her way.

She was starting to get tired from the overuse of her ability.
She would normally take out a person in 1 to 3 tries but (Y/n) was being far too stubborn.

She was starting and stopping time whenever there was a devastating attack that came her way.

(This may set the mood well for the rest of the chapter,so I dunno,Get a different device and just put this on loop?)

Seraphina's POV




I won't lose.......

3rd Person POV

(Y/n):Heh,It's good that I'm not trying to win.
She's too cute do hurt.

Seraphina launched a kick right under (Y/n)'s left ribs.

He took the full force of the attack but he froze his feet so that he wouldn't move.
Seraphina brought her leg back to the ground,She was undoubtibly tired but she was not going to lose.

(Y/n) melted his feet and started walking towards Seraphina.

She was on edge because of seeing how powerful he was.

He put his right hand under her delicate chin and raised her head to match his (E/c) eyes.

He bent down and whispered into her ear.

She blushed but she tried to cover it up.
He continued speaking to her and she seemed to have regained her calm nature.
He backed away and took a bow as he gestured towards the general direction of the school.

(Y/n):"Now shall we go?"

Seraphina pushed (Y/n) out of her way in an almost playful manner but then remembered that the school was watching the events that went down.

She quickly changed her posture and and started walking to the school without even looking back at him.

(Y/n) ran after her and started walking besides her with his hands in his pockets.

With John

"Well,It looks like you lost your only possible friend,Johnny boy!"

Several people laughed at this comment while John just clenched his hand.

John:"Why does this always happen?"

(Y/n) and Seraphina didn't have to go to class for the rest of the day and talked and learnt about each other.

(Y/n) didn't tell Seraphina what he told John but he did do a lot of flirting with her.
Seraphina started to develop butterflies that she would have to talk to somebody about.

(Y/n) walked out of the school to be swarmed by people but (Y/n) had seen John start walking to his home without him.

You answered the question quickly but when you say John about a block away you quickly ran away from the crowd.

You heard a few girls talking as you were running away.

"He's so dreamy..."

"Don't go getting a crush now Remi."

"I can't help it if he's dreamy!
And don't you even try to lie to me Elaine!"

"As if!"

You zoned out of their conversation after those first few comments.


John looked back at you with a surprised expression on his face.


(Y/n):"I saw you walking without me so I ran after you."

John smiled at (Y/n) and stuck a fist out,obviously signalling for a fist bump.

(Y/n) gave him the fist bump he offered.

The two walked home without a care in the world.

John told (Y/n) how he really enjoyed the fight but it was really stressful for him.

Before the two went to sleep (Y/n) and John agreed to live together.
The conversation went a little like this;



John:"Wanna live here,with me?"

(Y/n):"Sure,I don't want to deal with all of those guys at the dormitory. Especially after my 'Won't against Seraphina."

So (Y/n) officially started living with John.

The two's relationship grew an impossible amount after that.

The school had its eyes on (Y/n) a lot after his fight against Seraphina.

However a few specific people were looking a bit closer than the others.

(Y/n) was offered to be a "royal" in the school but he declined because he just wanted to enjoy school.

(Y/n) and Seraphina's relationship grew a lot after their original encounter.

They tried to stay as "professional" as possible but (Y/n) loved when Seraphina would blush and would run away.

You continually protected John whenever you could.

It was all pretty normal until a mystical chocolate cake came around.

Long story short,John got his ass beat over some cake.
You knew it wasn't over the cake but You knew that Seraphina had started to brake from her shackles.

You just didn't know that you would be helping her break all the way out of them.

Later on in the same day.......John,(Y/n),and Seraphina were put in a group together.

This was gonna be perfect.
If (Y/n) didn't have to leave town.

Because he had to leave town for a bit which just caused tons of fun for the two.

Teacher:"John,(Y/n),and Seraphina."

"What?! This is so unfair!"

"They have a royal and (Y/n)?"

Teach:"Get over it."

John and Seraphina looked at (Y/n),expecting him to deal with the obvious problems between the Queen and the school cripple.

(Y/n) was oblivious to this.

He was far too busy texting someone than paying attention to his partners.

They were both trying their hardest to signal to him that they needed him to be the middleman.

He was done texting and started gesturing the two to come to him.

They did and they were glaring daggers at each other.

(Y/n) was about to start speaking when he got a phone call.

He mouthed "sorry" to the now waiting partners.

He looked at his phone to see a contact named "Fay."

He answered the call and put his phone up to his ear,expecting a normal phone call.

Fay:"They are after you!"

(Y/n) didn't realize but many people in the class could hear his conversation.

He didn't care but he would.

(Y/n):"First,Imma need you to call down.Second,Stop playing the pronoun game."

Fay:"E-Ember!They're sending more people after you."

(Y/n) went from completely relaxed to completely serious in mere moments after this comment was exclaimed.

Many people suddenly felt their stomachs sink in utter fear.


After him?

(Y/n):"Hey Teach."


(Y/n):"Can I step out for a second?"

Teacher:"Oh sure."



The intensity in which he said her name brought most people in the class chills.
It was either that or that he was prepared to use his ability to stop Seraphina.

Seraphina returned to her desk and the class slowly turned into its previous environment.

Many people were still on edge because of Fay's comment about Ember but it quickly faded from most of the students conscience.

However,It stayed in Seraphina's mind.

With (Y/n)

Fay:"You got at least 6 strong agents coming after you."

(Y/n):"Oh so now you're calm?"

Fay:"What can I say? I like a good dramatic moment."

(Y/n):"Yeah but did you have to call be now?"

Fay:"That wasn't overexaggerating,You got 6 people that'll attack you on sight."

(Y/n):"Alright...What do I need to do?"

~~Small Timeskip~~

Teacher:"Isen,Can you go bring (Y/n) back into the class?"

Isen:"Yes Ma'am."

Isen looked out side the room but saw nobody.


Teacher:"What is it Isen?"

The teacher looked outside the room to see no (Y/n) but the walls and flood covered in Ice.

Teacher:"I don't get paid enough for this...."

Seraphina quickly ran out of the room.


Seraphina's POV

And just like that he was gone.

I waited for him,expecting him to come back the next day but he didn't.

John:"Whatever,He probably had family stuff.He'll be back soon."

Seraphina:"How can you be so calm about this?! He was talking about Ember."

John:"It's cool,Let's just do this project."

Seraphina:"As I said,you aren't doing any of this."

3rd Person POV

The two didn't work well at all together and they didn't correlate at all.

Long story short, Seraphina got the grade that was average,B-.

She tried to forget about him because she knew that he could take care of himself but he just wouldn't get out of her head.

She remembered both her and John getting A-'s and celebrating it.

They went out to get Boba.

They talked about (Y/n) but they didn't get anywhere with the conversation immediantly.

A Few Months Later

John was being awoken by a phone call.

He looked at his phone to see Seraphina calling him.

Seraphina:"Hey I need to make a trip to the mall today.Will you come with me?"

John:"Ah,Sh-shopping?Sorry but I'm kinda busy right now..."

Seraphina:"Oh really?"

She was walking to his door.

John sat up in his bed.

John:"Y-yeah,My place is a mess.It'll take all day to clean."

Seraphina:"If you'd just move in to the dorms like all the other guys,this wouldn't be a problem anymore."

John:"Then I'd have to worry about my life."

Seraphina:"True.Hm,That's really bad to..."

John:"Yeah and--!"

His doorbell rung twice.

John:Don't tell me...
"You're already outside?!"

John quickly got on some clothes and opened the door for Seraphina.
He looked at her with sleepy,annoyed eyes.

Seraphina:"Aw,Don't give me that look.Come on,I'll help you clean."

Seraphina looked inside the small home to see everything clean except two fingerless gloves on the floor.

She bent down,picked up the gloves,and put them on the table.

She also saw a (F/c) shirt laying on the ground.

Seraphina:"Is that-?"

John:"Yeah,It's (Y/n)'s."

Seraphina felt a flood of emotions just from hearing his name.

John:"Well If we're gonna go,let's go."

The two enjoyed their shopping day.

The shopping trip was relatively normal until a certain someone with (H/c) hair ,with tints of red and white,bumped into John.

(H/c):"Oh sorry bout that."

John:"Oh it's no problem."

The (H/c) teen went up to a booth that scales ability.

There was a woman with peach-tan hair that was in front of John and Sera.

She was threatening the booth owner because she got a lower score than she wanted.

Woman:"If you don't refund my money right now,I will blow your entire booth to bits! Do I make myself clear?"

John felt a familiar cold start to creep up.

Seraphina also felt it.

(H/c):"Excuse me miss?"

Woman:"Mind your own damn business!"

The (H/c) haired man showed his right hand,It was radiating a cold glacial aura.

(H/c):"We don't want this do we?"

The (H/c) man grabbed his wallet and gave the woman the amount of money equivalent to she gave the man at the booth.

(H/c):"Now everyone's happy.Right?"

The woman scoffed and walked off with the money.

Booth guy:"T-thanks for that."

(H/c):"Nah,It's cool."

Booth guy:"Anyways,Did you come to get your Ability read?"

(H/c):"Yeah,I haven't had one of these in a while."

The (H/c) haired man started to take out his wallet but the man at the booth interjected.

Booth guy:"No No no,This is free because of what you did."

He rested his hands on the (H/c) man's and felt nothing but everything simultaneously,It actually made the man kind of dizzy.

Booth guy:"I think that's a 9...."

(H/c):"I think?"

Booth guy:"I'm sorry sir,I'm just not used to seeing people with an extreme concentration of power."

(H/c):"Nah it's cool."

The man inside the booth brought out a teddy bear.

Booth guy:"And here's your prize!"

The (H/c) haired male chuckled and grabbed the bear.

He didn't walk off to far but he sat down on a bench and looked at his phone.

Seraphina stared at him in slight amounts of remembrance.

Seraphina:Is that (Y/n)?

Seraphina got her ability checked and got a prize but that didn't matter to her.

John noticed that she was kind of out of it and he brought it up.

John:"Sera,What's up?"

Seraphina:"That guy."

Seraphina pointed at the man that she suspected to be (Y/n).

Seraphina started walking over to him.

John:"Sera wait-!"

Seraphina just ignored him and continued walking up to the man.

She stopped right in front of him.
He looked up from his phone and then stood up.
He outstretched his arms in a hugging gesture.

(Y/n):"Miss me?"

Seraphina hugged (Y/n) with small tears in her eyes.

She punched his chest softly.

Seraphina:"Where have you been?!"

Her comment was muffled because of her head being in his chest.

(Y/n):"Here let's talk and walk."

(Y/n) looked over to John with squinted eyes.


John and (Y/n) initiated a fist bump because they couldn't have a hug with Seraphina attached to (Y/n)'s chest.

They talked some inside the mall but then decided to head back.

They looked outside the mall to see the bus stop packed.

(Y/n):"Ugh,This is gonna be fun..."

John:"Let's go to a different stop then.There's one nearby,across the park."

Seraphina just nodded.
She had been oddly quiet since you reintroduced yourself.

You,John,and Sera were walking on some grass when John looked back.

(Y/n):"What's up?"

Seraphina let out a giggle.

John:"What's so funny?"

Sera:"If (Y/n) wasn't there,you may have gotten hurt."

John:"That man,He would've had to give that money back.All because that woman was more powerful."

He looked down and sighed.

John:"It's just so frustrating!"

Sera:"Don't be so negative."

She gave him a playful push.

Sera:"Worry about yourself more,at least you didn't break your arm today."

(Y/n) let out a chuckle.

(Y/n):"By the way,When did you guys start becoming friends?"

John:"Oh it was actually soon after you-"

John looked behind him and grabbed (Y/n)'s and Sera's wrist and started running while pulling them along.

Sera:What are we running from?

John bent down and grabbed his shirt that he bought and threw it.

It landed in the air,this showed that there was someone invisible that they were being followed by.

John:"It's invisi-!"

John was interrupted by (Y/n) starting to send ice after the invisible figure and Seraphina stopping time and hitting the figure.

The figure slid across the road and the three continued to run to the nearest bus stop.

They hopped on the bus and quickly got to John's home.

They all looked at each other and then let out a sigh.

(Y/n):"The hell was that?"

John:"No clue,I think somebody was trying to mug us."

John:"Well that was enough excitement for one day!"


Seraphina looked at John with suspicious eyes.

Seraphina:"John,How did you know we were being followed?"

John:"Ah,I don't really know...! Just A gut feeling,I guess..?"

John:"Are you guys hungry? I can make some ramen."

(Y/n) was already in the kitchen.

(Y/n):"I'm one step ahead of you!"

Seraphina:"Nah,It's getting late.I'm gonna head back to the dorms."

(Y/n) quickly stopped what he was doing and ran out of the kitchen.

(Y/n):"Woah Woah Woah,It's not smart to go back out there!"

John:"Yeah,What if there are more of them?"

Seraphina:"Both of you know that I can handle myself."

John:"We both know that,Hell (Y/n) experienced it first hand."

(Y/n):"But we think it's safer this way."

Seraphina sighed and then sat on John's couch.

John went into the kitchen.

John:"(Y/n) I'll take care of the food."


Seraphina and John had a very short conversations about the book "UnOrdinary."

(Y/n) started to dose off until he heard Seraphina start talking to him.

Seraphina:"So (Y/n)...."

Her voice brought a shiver up (Y/n)'s back.

Seraphina:"Where have you been?"

John:"Good luck bro..."

(Y/n):"Well...I had to leave town."

Seraphina just nodded in response.

(Y/n):"You heard my conversation on the phone right?"

Seraphina:"Yeah,With Ember."

(Y/n):"I was getting away from the school."


(Y/n):"If they would've caught me while I was at school,It wouldn't of been pretty."

Seraphina:"Why didn't you say goodbye?"

(Y/n):"If they asked you were I went then you would've had some sort of clue.I couldn't take that risk."

(Y/n):"That all?"

Seraphina:"Why is Ember after you?"

(Y/n):"I....Can't say."

Seraphina:"Yeah,I think so."

(Y/n):"By the way-"

Seraphina looked up at (Y/n).

(Y/n):"I love your hair like this."

Seraphina's face was painted with a deep blush.


Because of the small space,Seraphina slept on top of (Y/n).

John woke up after a "nightmare" and took a picture of this.

(Y/n) awoke to see Seraphina leaving John's home.

Seraphina:"I'll see you tommorow,tell (Y/n) I'll see him later too."

She then closed the door and walked back to her dorm.

You got up and looked at John.

(Y/n):"What just happened?"

John:"I uh messed up."

(Y/n):"Well,It'll be alright."

John:"...Alright....Well I gotta go get some groceries."

(Y/n):"Imma just chill for the day,maybe play some games."

~TimeSkip to school of next day.~

John and (Y/n) walked in together to hear some people talking about (Y/n).

"Isn't that the Fire Ice guy?"

"I heard he went toe to toe with Seraphina."

"It was probably just a rumor..."

(Y/n) and John were both cramming for a quiz when John accidentally bumped into a Blonde guy.

His blue haired friend got peeved at such a simple thing.

John:"Look I said sorry,We have a test in 10 minutes, If that's all you wanted can I go?"

Bluey:"You just bumped into the King and that's all you have to say?!"

Bluey also grabbed John by the shoulder.

(Y/n) was going to take this guys hand off John because he knew this could evolve into John getting attacked.

King:"Calm down,It's nothing to fuss over.You both have a test right? Good luck."

(Y/n) went up to the top of the building to talk to Sera before he was going to go to his class.

(Y/n):"Hey Sera,You doing alright?"

Sera:"Yeah,Just thinking...."

I would love to see (Y/n) fight the King.
Wouldn't you Elaine?

There are distant sound of struggling then there is silence.

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