Angel/Demon AU

Ed looked up at Roy with a smiling face, “And I won’t be bad anymore?” The golden angel asked excitedly.
        “Yes, all you have to do is hold it to your head and pull the trigger.” Ed’s smile lit up his face as he put the barrel of the gun to his head. It seemed to Roy, that the angel didn’t realize that this would kill him… But surely that wasn’t true.
        “And pull the trigger and I’ll be a good boy again? And we’ll play again?” Roy looked down at the winged boy and froze. His eyes, oh his eyes! They were a beautiful golden colour and they were filled with so much hope and trust, innocence and love, that Roy realized, Ed didn’t know that this would kill him. He didn’t realize that Roy was manipulating him. Nothing broke his unconditional love for Roy.
        “Edward no…” Edward looked up at the Raven Demon, confused.
        “No, don’t pull the trigger.”
        “No buts Edward! Don’t pull the damn trigger!” Roy yanked the gun away from the angel and fell to his knees hugging the blonde tightly. “Don’t let me ever do that to you again!”
        “”But… Good…?”
        “Yes,” Roy smiled, “You’re a good boy. You’re a good boy. You’ve always been a good boy.”
        “But… I didn’t pull the trigger.”
        “No Edward, you don’t need to pull the trigger. You’re a good boy.. You’re such a good boy.” Roy whispered softly in the golden angel’s ear while stroking his hair and holding him close. Ed leaned into the winged man’s embrace and sighed softly. Roy realized just how oblivious Pink Angels actually are. The amount of trust they put in their caretakers is unbelievably strong. Edward didn’t understand the concept of death and even if he did, he wouldn’t ever believe that Roy would actually think of killing him. All he knew was that if he had pulled that trigger and followed Roy’s orders then he would’ve pleased Roy. All that mattered to him was Roy and his happiness. If Roy had actually killed the golden angel he wouldn’t know what to do. The original plan that involved Edward was to capture him and use him as a hostage to lure out his former caretaker, Victor. But it turned out that Victor had never actually wanted Edward in the first place. He had no care for the Pink Angel at all. Though, as Roy had kept Edward for a longer and longer amount of time, the angel had started to form an attachment to Roy. If Roy wanted something, anything, from Edward, Ed would do anything to get it for the Raven Demon.
        Admittedly, Roy had become attached to the blonde angel as well. He thought, maybe killing the winged boy might quell the unwanted feelings he had for him. After a while of thinking it all over, his vicious side, the side that defines him as a demon, started to take over him. The anticipation of seeing death excited him. He thought to have the blonde kill himself. He’d let the boy feel betrayed and think that no one, not even “His Roy,” as the small angel sometimes called him, cared a single bit about him. It was so strange to Roy, how just a look into Edward’s eyes could stop him.
        Ed had begun to rub soothing circles on the small of Roy’s back.
        “Why… Cry,” The boy asked quietly, “Why… my Roy… Sad?”
        Roy smiled and pulled back, “I’m not sad, Edward,” He said and the Pink Angel adopted a confused look until Roy explained, “These are happy tears.”
        “Happy tears?” Edward repeated, “So Roy… Happy?” Ed asked.
        “Yes Edward, I’m happy.” Edward’s smile lit up Roy’s whole world. It was such a joyful smile, filled with no worries at all. To Ed, the world was perfect. But it wasn’t.
        Ed had been living in the cold, damp, concrete basement of Roy’s mansion. A single uncovered fluorescent light bulb was the only source of light for the entirety of the basement. What he slept on was an old, moth-eaten mattress, no pillow, and only a thin blanket ridden with holes. It was obvious that the angel was malnourished what with his gaunt face and the way his clothes, --once a beautiful dress, now rags— hung loose on his frame. He must not have been sleeping well either for the dark circles and bags under his eyes were horrifically noticeable. He just had to be cold, and tired, and hungry. But with the look on his face you might not even be able to tell that he was any of those unless you’d seen how he was living. Even with all of these imperfections, Roy thought he was still the most beautiful creature in the world. That must be what love does to people.
Ed probably assumed his living conditions were Roy’s wishes. But the Pink Angel wouldn’t hold it against the black-haired demon for having these wishes. He would only think that Roy knew what was best for him, and this was it. He would only be thankful for what Roy had given him. Never thinking, that Roy, his caretaker, could do anything to him or for him that he didn’t deserve. Roy knew though, that Edward’s very first and most important priority was Roy and his happiness.
Ed used his thumbs to wipe away Roy’s tears.
“Even if happy tears,” he started as he cleaned the Raven Demon’s face of tears, “Roy shouldn’t cry, “He paused for a moment, not remembering what word was appropriate when giving an explanation when he found it though he smile with triumph, “Roy shouldn’t cry because cry only for sad things.” After Ed was satisfied with his attempt at drying Roy’s tears, he began to pull away. Roy caught on of his wrists though, causing the blonde to gasp, but Roy only held the angel’s hand to cup his cheek, closing his dark eyes and sighing softly.
“Oh…” Edward said in a gentle tone, realizing that all Roy wanted was his touch. He smiled and let Roy continue to hold his hand against his cheek.
The blonde shifted his wings and Roy opened his eyes at the shuffling rustle of them moving. He could see where the tips of the angel’s wings had been clipped. That was one of the first things Roy had done to the winged boy once he had gotten his hands on the Pink Angel, clip his wings, taking away his ability to fly. His freedom. He looked down at the Ed’s feet, above the heel where the Achilles Tendon is located, there are two tiny little wings. They don’t move but they help an angel keep their balance when in the air. Roy had ripped Edward’s out. There was scarring where they used to be, and since Roy had ripped them out so forcefully, it wasn’t a clean rip, there were odd places where the skin raised up and down oddly. When he grazed his fingers gently over the scars on the golden angel’s left leg, Ed shied away from his touch, pulling his leg up against his body. Roy looked up to Edward’s face again and saw that the beautiful creature was now staring at the ground with guilt and sadness filling his face and tears filling his eyes.
“Hey,” Roy whispered gently to Ed, and the blonde looked up, “Don’t cry.” Ed nodded and wiped his face using his arm.
“S-Sorry,” He whispered in a wobbly voice. Roy pulled the Pink Angel against him again, rocking and shushing him gently.
“You don’t need to be sorry Edward.”
After Ed had finished wiping his face with his arm, he looked up to Roy and nodded. Roy sighed and rested his forehead against the winged boy’s shoulder, closing his eyes and letting himself relax. Ed smiled gently and threaded his fingers through the Raven Demon’s hair, combing it gently. The feeling was soothing and Roy let out a happy sigh at the feeling of Edward’s hands running through his hair. Edward smiled and chuckled a little before turning his head to slightly kiss the side of Roy’s head gently, inhaling the scent of the demon while he did. Roy smiled when he felt the angel’s gentle kiss, holding him even closer than before. Ed felt Roy’s breath against his skin when the raven demon let out a silent yawn. The blonde angel let out a quiet laugh.
“Roy is… Tired?” He asked and Roy pulled his head up from Edward’s shoulder and nodded.
“Yeah… I guess I am. Well I mean, it is kind of late.”
“Then Roy should go sleep,” He paused with a thoughtful expression etched on his face, “Sleep right…? When tired… Sleep, right?” he looked at Roy for a confirmation. Roy smiled and nodded.
“Yes, sleep is the right word Edward.” And Ed beamed at his verbal victory. Roy stood, stretching his back and wings before looking back down at Ed, but surprised to find that the angel wasn’t in the spot where Roy had left him. He looked up to see Edward crawling over to the old mattress, climbing onto it and settling himself down to sleep.
“Edward.” Ed looked up when Roy called his name.
“Come upstairs with me.” Ed looked shocked and almost scared for a quick moment. Roy could understand his uncertainty. All the boy had known while he was here was this basement.
“O-Okay…” He stuttered, quickly standing up and trotting over to Roy. It was almost comical, Roy noticed for the first time, how big the Pink Angel’s wings were in contrast to his small body. When Edward had reached Roy, the Raven Demon held out his hand which Ed tentatively took. Roy smiled and led the angel out of the basement and through the halls of his mansion. Roy chuckled when he saw how infatuated Edward was with the mansion’s furnishings. Roy could understand, the winged boy had been living in that God-awful basement for the whole 2 ½ years he had been with Roy. The Raven Demon led him all the way to his room, where Edward was even more amazed. The bed was huge with what must be a very warm and thick comforter. How Ed wished his blanket was like that too, it got so cold in the basement sometimes. The room’s walls were painted a cerium blue with white accents and Edward could see a glimpse of the en suite, which looked like it was mostly white marble. The closet, judging by the size of the door, must’ve been huge. Oh how Edward wished he could stay up here for a night with Roy, just one night. Maybe if he was really good Roy would let him stay up here with him for a night. He turned to Roy and, despite his sadness of leaving Roy and being alone again, he put a soft smile on his face.
“I… I think I know the,” A pause to find the right word, “The way… Back.” He told the Raven Demon. “Should… Should I go…Now?” He asked Roy who had a strange look on his face.
“What are you talking about?” The winged man asked, “You’re staying up here with me.” Ed looked up at Roy in surprise.
“Good boy…Reward?” He asked, and Roy smiled and shook his head.
“You’re a good boy Edward, but that’s not why you get to stay up here.” He kneeled down in front of Ed, “You don’t deserve to stay in that horrible basement,” The Raven Demon said, “So you’ll stay up here with me now.” Ed nodded his head thinking he understood.
“Sleep here with My Roy… Then go back in morning right?” He asked looking for a confirmation but Roy shook his head.
“No, You’ll stay up here during the day as well Ed.” Edward’s eyes lit up, he’d be able to stay up here all day too? He must’ve been super good if this was his reward! Now he just had to find out what he did exactly, so he could come upstairs more often!
He had seen a glimpse of the en suite and it left him with the want to take a bath. Apparently Roy thought he was in dire need of one anyway. He put a hand on Edward’s shoulder to guide him to the bathroom.
“You really need a bath.” He said as he led Edward to the bathroom and started filling the tub with hot water. Ed hesitantly undressed himself. When he saw himself in the mirror he almost flinched away from his reflection. His face was so gaunt and he had ugly dark circles and bags under his eyes from sleepless nights. His hair was a tangled mess and it stuck together in dirty clumps and unnatural locks. On his torso, his ribs stuck out so much you could count every single one. His hips were just bones with skin stretched over them. There was not an ounce of fat or muscle there. His legs and arms were skinny and bony. His skin was a sickly pale colour and he was covered in dirt that covered the floor of the basement. Bits of dried blood were mixed in with the dust from the beatings he would sometimes receive.
His wings weren’t white any more. They were stained dark grey from the dust in the basement. Tufts of feathers were sticking up in odd ways and there were even some missing. After filling the tub, Roy turned back to the Pink Angel, and smiled. Edward was confused, how could Roy smile like that at him when he looked like this? Why did he not run away in horror? Instead he stood there and smiled so kindly at him.
“The bath’s ready,” he said and Ed snapped out of his stupor and nodded. Roy helped him into the bathtub and he sighed, the water felt so nice! His eyes slid closed and his head fell back against the edge of the tub. Then he felt Roy gently lift his head and his eyes opened again. He felt Roy squirt something onto his head and start scrubbing his hair gently. Shampoo. Roy combed his fingers through Ed’s matted hair, slowly getting all the knots out of it until he could run his hands through it and not meet any resistance. Ed had stayed quiet through it all, purring quietly at the gentle feeling. Roy rinsed his hair and then washed Ed’s wings using a special soap the would help the wings regain their gloss.

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